30 yo and TTC #1

Congrats lsd! I thought about entering but figured someone who was actually ovulating at the moment would get a lot more use out of it, lol. Glad it's you :)

Sorry to hear you're still sick Reggie but great to hear that you're complications free!
Hooray for free monitors! I bet it's a lot more fun than dipping wondfos in cups!

No news here. No symptoms that aren't really obviously attributable to very extremely definite non-pregnancy things. No random aches and pains. I don't know, I'm really not stressed about it this month. I've actually thought about things other than babies during this TWW. I don't even know how many dpo I am without looking at my signature. Wish they were all this peaceful! I'll probably start testing around 9dpo, despite my newfound Zen ;)
Yes, Miskas!

Congrats, lsd! That's pretty awesome. I'd like one of those, but I'd never be able to live with the price. I guess it's cheaper than buying the digi OPK's every month once you start adding it up month after month. But I think the fear is always that once you buy it, you'll get pregnant in 2 seconds and didn't even need the thing. Lol. However - if I got one for free, I'd use the crap out of that sucker! Here's hoping it's just the boost you need.

MrsK, I'm glad you're feeling zen. Those cycles where you somehow turn off the concern and alertness are so nice.

So I had just an AWFUL day yesterday...nothing to do with TTC at all. Just a bad day at school. There were an usual number of mouthy teenagers I had to deal with, and a few were severe cases. I left school in a near anxiety attack. I have a 30 minute drive home and I called my husband and just griped and cried hoping he could calm me down. He talked to me the whole way home. It was kinda too late though, because it ended up triggering a migraine (I only get a few migraines a year, and they're usually stress-induced). It was a rough one...I couldn't even see anything for 2 hours. Anyways...I'm trying so hard to stay relaxed because I just keep thinking that my stress level is why I can't get pregnant. I'm so scared now that because of yesterday, if I was going to get pregnant this time, I'm not now. Is that crazy? I just can't stop thinking that.
Dos, I'm sorry you had an awful day and ended up with a horrible migraine! You're not crazy! You're just concerned but I am sure everything is fine!! :) Don't worry too much and try to relax !! :)
I don't think one day of stress will prevent pregnancy. I think for it to have any effect, it needs to be serious, prolonged, acute stress. Like war zone stress. And even then, it's not a guarantee, just a chance. I'm sorry you had such a bad day, teenagers can be so frustrating sometimes.
Don't think that way Dos. Like MrsK said, women do get pregnant in war zones and times of extreme stress so it's not your fault and it definitely wouldn't stop you this cycle. Fingers crossed for you and Miskas and MrsK!

Alright, so I went to the doctor this morning. First off my doctor is moving away, which makes me super sad. I really like her and I wanted her to be my Ob. But she's giving me to another doctor in the practice who she thinks will be a good fit so that's something. Anyhow, I had an transvaginal ultrasound. I guess I have a couple of small cysts on my left ovary but the ultrasound tech says that's super common. My doctor said she doesn't think I have PCOS, I don't have any of the symptoms. She said that the numbers saying that 50% of women who want to get pregnant after the pill do so within 3 months are old and not really applicable today when many women are older coming off birth control and our ovaries aren't as responsive. She said she sees this problem a lot. She prescribed me Provera to induce a period and gave me several refills. I guess hopefully having a period would remind my body what to do and start me Oing on my own. She said that if I don't start AF on it's own after 30 days I should take it again but that seems a little quick for me. I know lots of women who O regularly have cycles longer than 30 days. I would probably give it more time. In any case, if that doesn't jump start my body to O in a couple of months the plan is to talk Clomid. I already have a referral for an HSG to do beforehand or if I do start ovulating and we haven't conceived in a few months.

Now my question is, look at my chart. Ignoring the crazy days from when I was sick, do you think I could have possibly O'd CD59? CD57 and 59 my OPKs were super light but CD58 it was significantly darker. Not positive dark but maybe I had a short surge and since I only tested once maybe I missed it? I know I need to wait and see on my chart but I'm flying out to CA tonight and so they'll be too high the next few days. I'll adjust them but still, not super accurate. I just don't want to start Provera if I O'd. I guess I'm going to have to see what my chart does. Maybe I'll post this on the main TTC board too, see what people think.
I'm glad your doctor has a good plan of action. I hope it works for you.

I was planning to test at 9dpo, and I made last minute plans to spend the weekend with a friend in the next state. So I can either test Saturday and then not see DH til the next day if it's positive, or be patient (I'm not patient) and actually wait til 10dpo. Decisions decisions...
Owl, I am so glad you got some answers! At least you know you can jump start your periods instead of having to wait another 50 something odd days! :) As far as ovulating on day 57 or 59 I think it's possible you might have on day 59. I guess depends on if you stay in higher temperatures or not. Hope it all works out for you soon! OVULATE!! :) Have fun in Cali! Very jealous of you!

I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me everything I've been experiencing is normal and light periods does not mean that I am infertile or anything. He said give it a few more months before coming back and we'll do some tests to make sure nothing is wrong.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
Gah, so frustrated! My temp was 97.7 when I took it but last time I flew out here my temps were abnormally high for 2 days. So I adjusted it but I just have no way of knowing if either are accurate. I guess I have to give it a few more days but I just want to take the Provera if I didn't O. But maybe the Vitex kicked my body into shape? I started it CD55. I know it's supposed to work slowly but maybe??? ...TTC is turning me into a crazy person.
Do you have a fair shot at pregnancy if you did O when you think you might have? If not, I'd just start taking the Provera, just so you know what's going on and that you're getting things on track. At some point you'll just have to cross your fingers and start taking it and hope you aren't throwing yourself off further. Good luck.
I don't know, owl, that's tough. I agree that if you didn't bd at the right time assuming you did O, then it couldn't hurt to start taking it. To be on the safe side, though this would be frustrating, waiting might not be a bad idea. It would probably only take a couple of days after you get back to look at your temps and decide if you O'd. Sorry - I don't know if that helps but that's a tough decision. Not sure what I'd do.

Soooooo, meanwhile in Arkansas, I'm freaking out a little bit ladies. Spotting. Juuuuust a little...like literally, just when I check inside, the tissue is just kinda pink. I'm 5dpo - definitely not early enough to be starting AF - and I've literally never ever ever spotted randomly before AF. My body has never done it. I ovulate and 11-13 days later, I spot a little for 1-2 days (plus it looks different than this) and then start fully. This cycle...5dpo. Very very very light. You know what I'm thinking right?? Could it be IB?! Opinions needed because I'm beside myself with a mixture of....restrained excitement and fear of disappointment.
I hope this is it Dos! Different is always good in my opinion :)

Thanks for the thoughts you guys. I'm so torn. My temp dropped this morning but I know that's not unusual for 4dpo. If I O'd CD59 there is 0 chance of me being knocked up, it's more just I'm terrified of screwing up things even more by taking Provera after I O'd. I'm currently not where I can get a prescription filled anyhow so I have a couple more days to see what happens with my chart. I think I want to be pretty sure that I didn't O before I start it. I'm desperate to start a new cycle where I might actually have a chance but hormones have already messed me up so much. The many things no one ever told me about the pill!
im excited to be apart of this journey im 30 and this is cycle 1 ttc for me I expect to ovulate on Monday :sex: all week and will continue every other day til Wednesday hopefully we get a :bfp::dust::dust::dust::dust: to all
Dos, I sure hope that is IB! :) Fx for you! :) Wahooo!!!

Welcome curvy! So glad to have more people on board! Good luck this cycle!
Hi curvy, welcome.

lsd, realized I never mentioned that I was glad your doctor didn't think your light periods were concerning :)
I think this is the longest I've gone without testing. Kind of going a bit nuts :P
Dos, that sounds promising!!

we are leaving for washington DC in 12 days... right in time to test or for AF to show up... just who i want to come on vacation with me!!

not much to report here... bbs are a bit sore, and my temp is staying up.. thats hopeful right?

and Welcome Curvy!

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