31, CD5 Need a buddy

Native- You just cracked me up!!! And I'm glad your BB's are hurting :)
Let us know how the scan goes!!!

Mrs. B-So exciting how close you are to O time :)

Gx-I don't O until CD19 as well. We tried BD'ing everyday and did not get our BFP that month. We did the SMEP plan though last month as well as preseed and got our BFP!! Maybe give the SMEP plan a try??
Als- What is SMEP? Glad to hear your blood results are looking good!!!!!

Native- I would probably worry about the same stuff!!! lol Glad your boobs are hurting again! ha...I swear, this is probably the only time we are thrilled about stuff like that.

Mrs. B- That is okay, glad to hear you are enjoying your niece!!! My DH and I did not BD at all this cycle until last night! We have also been exhausted.

Gx- Glad you have a good feeling this month, eventually it has to be our month, right?? :)

My cycles are so short that we usually start bding around cd 10, and then have a marathon between cd 12-14. By then we are exhausted, so we take a break. lol Our energy is not that high!!!

Well, I am currently baking cookies and trying to relax. Hope everyone had a good Thursday......TGTIF!!!!! (Thank God Tomorrow is Friday)
SMEP- Sperm meets egg plan...
starting at CD8 or 10, you BD every other day until you get a positive opk. When you get your first positive opk, you BD for that day and 2 days following, skip a day and then BD again one more time for good luck. Worked for us!
EX: BD on CD 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, Pos opk on CD 19, BD on CD 19, 20, 21, 23
Okay....that was close to what DH and I have been doing (only we started CD 10, wondering if CD 8 would be better since I ovulated CD 13 or 14). However, we usually do not BD after ovulation....maybe we will once for luck. lol
MrsB that is a lovely name! I'm glad your sister and your niece are doing well.

Sounds like so far everyone's test results have been really positive, excellent!

Als, I didn't know you did SMEP, I have heard tons of women have success with it. We basically are doing the same thing, though sometimes we get carried away...we squeezed in some bding this morning to hopefully bump up our game this month! Fx'd that my temp does rise tomorrow.

Native, I'm glad the bb pain came back before you started panicking too much.

I was thinking, this month I am not going to check my CM or CP after I have confirmed ov. I think checking every day has been making me a little more anxious than necessary.
Hi ladies how are you all today?

Fooshy - wow what a massive temp rise today :) let's hope it stays up then and you can begin the count..

Als - SMEP plan sound like somethis I may try this cycle. It's not far off what DH and I do only some time we bed like 4 days in a row before ov.

For me CD 6 and temp has stayed the same for past 3days, weird?
I so hope I ov early this cycle my LP last month was 15dpo before AF on the 16day.

Hope everyone is well :dust:

G x
Happy Friday ladies!!
Foosh- YAHOO!!!! Awesome temp rise and chart :) I think not checking CP and CM is an excellent idea because it varies so much from woman to woman and day to day that it's not worth it!

Gx- I don't think the temp's are weird at all. If it continues like that for another few days, then maybe have your DH take his temp and see if it's the same to know if the therm is broken??

As for me, I woke up at 4 am today because....my high school was chosen to be on NBC 5 news this morning as the high school of the week. Since I'm the cheerleading coach, I had to be here with my girls at 5 am because they performed all morning. I am exhausted needless to say. I am going in 40 minutes to get my blood drawn again and then have to wait until Mon for the results (hate the wait)...
Happy Friday everyone!
Sounds like everyone is doing well over the last couple of days!
Native - You made me laugh too with your post....thank you!
Mrs.B - What a beautiful name for a baby girl. So happy that baby and mommy are doing well and are home now.
Lysh and Als - I am very happy with your blood test results!

After reading the posts about BD - I admit that DH and I go at it like rabbits, lol. We don't stop though after ovulation.....we just keep on going, lol.

This last week I have been quite exhausted as I have not had a day off from work since Oct 15th and we have had very early morning starts. Currently on CD 10 and I usually have a CM change on or around the 13th. Getting closer to ovulation :).
Oh my days Foosh! That temp rise is massive!!

Thankyou all for your kind words and wishes for my sister and niece :)

No peak on my monitor yet but finally got some bd'ing in. :)

Clandara - I wish we BD'd like rabbits lol, I have a fairly low drive I reckon, But I make the effort when I need too, and it has defo picked up since coming off the pill, I'm sure that works just by suppressing any urge you may have :rofl:

Haha, yes thanks ladies, it was definitely a good feeling this morning seeing that high! I hope it stays up.

Oh, Als, I hope the weekend goes by quickly and you are able to get some rest.

I'm glad this cycle seems to be going well for everyone so far! I'm seriously hoping we get at *least* 2 bfps this time around!

Woolls, are you still about? How is it going?

Oliv & Amz, have you decided whether to stick around with the "new" BnB?

It was my brother's bday this week, so we are going out for dinner tomorrow night, and we have people coming over on Sunday, so I think this weekend will fly by again... I also have to finish Jacob's costume for Monday! Hoo boy it's going to be a busy weekend!

I hope everyone had a great Friday and has a wonderful weekend!
I do not have a lot of time to respond to everyone (but glad everyone seems to be doing well), about to run out for 'game night'. We have a winter storm warning for up to 12 inches of snow!!!!!! In October!!!! We are so not prepared. lol We have a lot of work to do tomorrow morning before the storm hits! Hope everyone has a great night!
Hi ladies!!

Lysh- SNOW?? WHAT?!?! I hope you guys got everything prepped and ready for this impending storm so you can enjoy the pretty snow :)

Foosh...looks like your temps stayed up and you may be in the TWW officially...here comes the waiting...FX'ed for you :)

Mrs.B- Looks like your temp went up, any other good signs?

I am spending the whole weekend with my family for my dad's 60th birthday. Last night at dinner he said on his bucket list he wants a grandkid and looks right at me. My and DH and I kept it together, but oh my goodness was that hard....can not wait to tell my fam (even though I'm sure they'll pick up on it this weekend)
Als- Your dad will be so excited when you are ready to share the news!!!!
Yes, we are almost prepared. My DH is blowing leaves off our driveway (it is kind of ironic that we have to blow leaves away because of impending snow) and getting the snow-blower ready. It is ruining our Saturday night plans though! lol I had a Halloween gathering to go to this evening, but oh well.

I believe I have officially ovulated! My temps went up a little bit the past two days. TWW, here I come!

Mrs. B- We do not have a high drive either...I mean, we enjoy ourselves but we can only do so much BDing! I think we are just so busy all of the time that we wear ourselves out! lol This cycle we honestly only BDed twice...right at ovulation. Hopefully we can squeeze one in today for good luck, but that is about it.

For everyone else- hope you have a wonderful Saturday!!!!
Hiya :)

Als - Yes temp jumped up a bit today, no peak on monitor tho so not sure if maybe I wont ever get a peak without using soy, as last cycle I tried soy and saw my first ever peak! Suppose I will see if it stays up tomorrow. :shrug:
I don't know as for other signs, TBH I don't notice EWCM ever, I get differing amounts but I tend to vary between creamy and watery. No sore boobs, very slight cramps, thats about it! Although Ive had a bit of a spot breakout! :shrug:

Lysh - Storms! Wow do you normally get bad storms?

Foosh - Temp came down a bit today? But open circle... was that a different time?

As for me, I have been over to visit Isla today, jeeze she is beautiful lol, I am so smitten. If my babies are that beautiful I will be so happy hehe!

Night in with Hubby tonight, feel like I haven't been here all week and as I have been out with family and friends on different nights lol. Think he feels a little left out... Take away and Tv for us tonight :) xx
Yes MrsB, that temp was at 8 instead of 6. I was expecting it to come down from 37, I'm just really glad it stayed over 36! As long as tomorrow is above 36 too it will put up my crosshairs, but just in case, DH and I are going to bd some more. =)

Als, your dad will be soooo excited! We told 2 people prior to 12 weeks, I picked my mum and DH picked his best friend. That helped us make it through the 12 weeks without exploding from holding in the secret!

Lysh- Boo for storm! Yay for ov!
Hi ladies feel like I've not been on in ages, just be so busy this weekend,

lysh - can not beleive use are about to have a winter wonderland storm and it's nit even November yet .. Gosh! I must be honiest I totaly hate snow it's far to cold..

Fooshy - glad to see your temp still stayed above 36 your chart it looking realy good still hope yougot lots of :sex: in. 2ww know hope it goes quickly for you.

Mrs b - I'm sure you and DH babies will be just as beautiful as your baby neice, I know how you feel my best friend just had a baby boy makes me go all gooie when I see him,could just have him as my own..

Als - oh that's so lovely that your dad had said that and you'll be able to give him a beautiful wish.. It must be so hard to not tell espesially at your dads birthday will all your family around. I this that's the only part of pregnancy I'm dreaming I'll be wanting to scream i have a BFP from the roof tops..

I have been so rushed this weekend DH had a singing gig on Friday then Halloween party Saturday and Sunday night. Not had the greatest amount of time to bed.
I'm a little worried tho ladies? I started checking my CM/CP after AF CD 6 so expected spotting but had the same CD 7&8 tbh it's not spotting but quite thick brown? I've never experiance this before other than when I got first AF after depo? My CP is totaly unreachable. Do you think it could be down to the fact I thought lSt cycle was first time ov? So AF was a real period? I'm a bit worried :(.. So sorry for the TMI..

G x
Good morning ladies!

Gx, I responded to you in the other thread since I checked that one first. I don't think you need to be worried about it though.

I'm a little upset with my thermometer at the moment! The past two mornings I have woken up and taken my temp at 6 am like I normally would. I have been going back to sleep, because it is the weekend and I can, and so I haven't been checking to see what the actual temps are until I wake up later. When I take them it is too dark in the room to be able to read it, but since it has the memory feature, I can just pull it up later. It only stores 1 temp at a time. These past 2 mornings when I go to read the temp it isn't there...? WTF, I go through the trouble of waking up and doing it like I'm supposed to and then the thermom doesn't do it's job! AND these were important temps, which is why I made the effort to wake up at 6 on the weekend!!!! :growlmad: I always check before I move around at all just in case, so I was still able to check my temp, but I have no idea if it is at all accurate! So pissed at the stupid thermometer! :gun:
Hi ladies, just a quick update on the brown CM.. It seems to be away know on CD8 just checked and I have slight EWCM, DH did bed the smorning but I did the finger under water test was defo EWCM. Nothing that I'm getting excited about yet it's far to early fir me to be ovulating surely. Will be keeping my eye on it tho.

How use all had a fab Halloween weekend..

G x

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