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31, CD5 Need a buddy

Additional LFF lived and learned tidbits:

Calcium supplements for leg cramps.

Don't turn the light on when you get up to use the washroom in the middle of the night, if you turn it on your body wakes up more than necessary and it is hard to get back to sleep.

Make sure DH leaves the ring down but the lid up, otherwise you may make a mess during a middle of the night run to the loo.

Take pictures of yourself (or get them done professionally). You will love seeing them afterwards and your LO will love seeing the pics when they get older. You may feel like you look like crap but you don't, you look absolutely stunning!
Clandara- Like lilfoosh said, either way you are at the 2 week wait!!!

Lilfoosh- I am only 15 1/2 weeks so my belly is very small right now. Half the time I think it is still bloating, even though I have had stretching feelings. I have not started a registry yet, maybe in about a month we will start thinking about that. We do not even have names....nothing seems right to us!!! lol

Thank you for your advice- I will try not turning the light on to use the bathroom. I woke up to pee at 2:30ish in the morning and could not fall back asleep. And of course as the hours go on my anxieties go up because I know my alarm is looming which makes sleep even harder!! Vicious cycle!!! Needless to say I am tired today.

How are you feeling today Mrs. B?
I'm good thanks lysh, how are you? I'm finding that I run out of breath really easily. and keep getting one random hiccup, have you had that? Xx
Yes I am in the TWW with another chart change. Lilfoosh was right.....FF adjusted my chart. I would love love love for this to be the cycle!

Currently CD 20 with chart showing 3 dpo. :D
Yes, fingers definitely crossed for you! It would be great to have several BFPs this month, since we had a few months with none! We could all be due in Oct. =)
That would be so exciting! They say that Oct has the highest amount of births.....I guess it has to do with these long winters....LOL
Mrs. B- I would always get random hiccups here and there, so it was not anything new for me. Now I am just battling heartburn (thankfully mild at the moment).

Clandara and Lilfoosh- That would be great if you both got BFPs this month. I am excited for everyone in our little group to get that double pink line!
Lysh- I had heartburn late in the first and early in the 2nd tri. I just carried tums with me everywhere. Fortunately, that has gotten better, but I'm ready for it to come back full force once she's bigger.

Foosh- I love your advice. I will have to try the calcium for my legs. They hurt so bad at night. I can't even sit on our couch for very long because I get so uncomfortable.

Mrs. B- I have been short of breath since about day one...seems that way at least. Some days are better than others, but I have bad allergies that can trigger very mild asthma, so it really depends on the pollen down here. I also have the hiccups, a random one or two. That hasn't stopped for me.

Clandara- I have a good feeling about this month! Not sure that's worth anything, lol, but I'm very positive for you!

Has anyone heard from Als?
Native, I used to have to sit on an exercise ball, you know the big ones for sit ups and stuff... It was the only way that I could sit comfortably for more than a couple of minutes.
Thank you Native! I am very hopeful that this is the month too!

I was also wondering about Als the last few days.

How are you doing Foosh?
CD 24. I don't seem to be having the same symptoms as normal when AF is arriving. I almost feel like there are no symptoms. So strange.....keeping my fingers crossed.

How was everyone's weekend?
Yay getting close to finding out if this was the lucky month Clandara!

I actually had a really nice weekend. I went for a nice walk with a friend outside, DH and I had a date night (Cheesecake Factory---YUMMM) ad then I got a bunch of little things accomplished that I have been putting off. I had such a nice weekend that it made Monday more difficult!!! lol

How about you?

How is everyone else?
Sorry, I have been MIA! I had my Aunt's viewing and funeral this weekend and a 1 year olds bday part, and then Sunday I spent all day grocery shopping and cleaning the house! Yesterday at work was quite busy because I took last Friday off (for funeral stuff), so I had some catch up to do AND I got an email from my girlfriends to go to dinner last night, so I had a long day but it ended well.

I am on cd9 I believe. So we are in the ov zone, I usually ov between cd12 & 15. I have OPKs to try again this month, I am taking the first one later today. I have really high hopes for this month. We are going to try a bunch of stuff and hope something sticks!

Your temp going up is promising Clandara! Thinking of you =)

Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend Lysh! I'm so jealous of date night! Dh has been going in to work early and staying late since we got back from vacation, so no chance of a date night for us right now. He has a projuect that he is really behind on so he is trying to catch up without having to go in on a weekend.... sucks.

MrsB, anymore exciting news your way? I am gonna pop over and read your journal!
Hi All! Sorry I've not bee commenting, thanks for visiting my journal foosh!

So I am extremely tired! absolutely exhausted! I'd say this is my main 'symptom' then there are sore boobies and the odd cramping feeling.

To be honest Its not really sunk in yet, I think its because I keep telling myself its very early and can still go either way so I'm staying grounded. I just want to be excited and confident but I can't yet...

I took another IC hpt 2 days ago and it was mega dark! nice progression :haha:

Hope all you ladies are well!!

Lysh I love cheesecake! So jealous!!

Lysh and Native, How far are you now?? I've lost all sense of time!
lilfoosh- Yay for OV time!!!!! I am glad you are feeling positive this month- I am feeling positive for you too! It certainly sounds like you have had a busy past few days! My dh has been really busy too, that is why we squeezed in a date night. I felt like I barely saw him for a few weeks! Plus, now that my appetite is back I just wanted to enjoy an indulgent dinner!!!

Mrs. B- I am about 6 1/2 weeks. I got to hear the heartbeat today! 143bmp! We have our 20 week sonogram scheduled for March 6th. It will be exciting to see the little one again, but we do not want to know the sex so that will be a secret!

I was exhausted at first too. I actually just started getting my energy back within the last few weeks. I hope you luck out and do not get terrible m/s!
Hey everyone!

WooHoo Lilfoosh for Ov.....Get busy and have fun! :)

Lysh - So glad that your appetite is back. That is awesome that you were able to hear the heartbeat.

Mrs. B - How are you holding up with the fatigue? I would probably do the same as you and grab another hpt just to see.... Hang in there! When is your next Dr's appt?

I am on CD 26. My FF chart says I should make a test on Valentines day. Wouldn't that just be the best news! Keeping my fingers crossed!
Wow, how exciting to hear the heartbeat and to have the 20w scan really quite soon :happydance:

The fatigues a killer to be honest, really wiping me out, but I am telling myself it means 'pip' is growing :haha:

I have my booking in appt with the MW on 1st March! I can't wait, will feel a bit more real then I think.

This morning I think I experienced the beginings of morning sickness, a lot of gagging went on when i opened the fridge, think I smelt DHs pasties! :haha:

Valentines :bfp: would be amazing!!
The fatigue really eases up in second tri MrsB! Sorry it has hit you so hard, I hope it gets better soon. Take naps when you can and make DH do the majority of stuff for now. Hopefully MS stays away. Certain smells really do make you gag, raw beef is something to stay away from. Trying to make chili or tacos was not possible for me, DH had to cook the meat while I was in a different room then I could take over.

I am definitely excited for this cycle, in a very dark place in my mind I am super scared that I will be devasted in about 17 days though. We are trying to give ourselves the best chance we can but it's mostly just luck, so I hope it's on our side this month.

Fingers still crossed for you Clandara

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