Hi, ladies! Sorry that AF got you, crystl!
I'm doing ok over here, just sitting around 7dpo now. I keep pretty much convincing myself that I actually am pregnant this cycle, only to realize that my "symptoms" aren't really much different than other months.
My boobs are pretty sore but apparently that's now a pre-AF thing for me so that doesn't mean anything. And I've been having more light cramping and twinges and...I guess you could say pressure in my abdomen, but I seem to get those a lot. In fact, I've been having them somewhat for about 2 months now! I had some really weird leg pain last night too but I don't see how that could be related. I also am feeling super sensitive and bitchy but that could just be PMS I would guess. Poor DH. I hope that I do get my bfp so at the very least, I can have an excuse for being so mean! Ha! I got some bad news about my grandma yesterday and had a really hard time with it, then took it out on him last night.
So I wouldn't say I feel out exactly, but I don't really know why these symptoms would be anything other than AF since it's what it's been every month so far anyways. :/