Good morning, ladies! I hope everyone had a nice weekend! I agree, we really do need some good news in this thread!
Fleur, I'm so glad to hear that AF has finally arrived for you! I wish I had some good advice on what you should do regarding waiting that month or not. Unfortunately, I don't, and unfortunately you and DH of course have to be the ones to decide what is best for you to do. At least the Dr did say that there's no medical reason that you'd have to wait, so if you did decide to go ahead and start trying again right away it doesn't seem to me like there would be issues because of it. Then again, I don't know why she said to wait in the first place, and I'm certainly not a Dr! Good luck, I really hope you guys can make an easy decision on what to do! And I really, really hope it doesn't take long for you to get that sticky bean once you do start trying!

(for what it's worth, a lot of people have said that you tend to be more fertile right after a miscarriage so...?)
Cutie, I'm sorry about your temp drop.

I really hope that it goes back up tomorrow! It still looks like you're well above the cover line so don't lose all hope yet!
Crystl, how are you doing?
Afm, I am anywhere from 5-11dpo...that's a huge range, I know!

I'm actually pretty sure that I'm 11dpo, since it was that Thursday when I had the stomach flu that I thought I felt the O pains, and I never felt them again afterwards. I know for sure I'm at least 5dpo because this last Thursday I went ahead and temped in the morning and it was 97.9. I know it's not individual temps you're looking for and rather a pattern, but when I was temping before my cover line was usually around 97.5. So I'd say I had O'd by then. I really hope it is more like 11dpo as we dtd 3 days prior to that, so I would at least have a SMALL chance if so! I'm not really hopeful, but fingers crossed anyways!