Turtle, yeah, nothing will ever live up to French vacations lol. I'm working for myself now so I haven't really had a holiday for the past 18 months but my hours are flexible and I work from home, so I can't complain.
So is that a rule in the States? Those who's worked longer get more days off? In France (and where I live now), after 1 year you're entitled to the full amount, same as anyone who's worked for 20 years.
It's nice not to be stressing about TTC! EWCM is a good sign.
I don't temp so I don't have any advice.
cutie and crystlmcd, looks like you might be ovulate at around the same time?
Using OPKs for the first time this month, CD17 today. Been getting a faint line everyday but it doesn't look like I'm any closer to ovulating, no CM either. Probably an anovulatory cycle, just what I need
Come on, we need a Christmas BFP over here, good luck to all of you!