Cutie, that's awesome that baby is due the day after your birthday! Maybe (s)he will come a couple of days early and you'll be a 33 year old mama after all...not that it matters at all!

Yay for your first scan next week! How exciting! I can't wait to see pics.
Crystl, so glad to hear you had a nice vacation! I hope you're adjusting well to life back in the normal world. I always feel like I need a vacation from a vacation! That's really weird and frustrating on your temp being so low this morning! I wonder what's up with that? I hope it was just a dip today and doesn't mean you haven't O'd!
Fleur, I must say, I'm pretty jealous of your weather right now too! It's unbearably cold here as well, it sucks! Brrr!!! Oh, and I just throw away my used opk's. I'd never really thought about saving them to compare! So wait, your opk's have been super, glaringly positive for the last 4 days?! Wow!!! I don't know why they would be positive for so long, but I don't think it's anything to be concerned about. They do say to stop testing once you get your first positive but I just can't do that! (when I'm using them that is) So I don't blame you for continuing to test! Are you getting in plenty of bd'ing, so should you be covered regardless of which day it actually ends up being? Good luck!!!
2b4us, hi and welcome!

These boards really are wonderful, they've helped me so much while ttc! Both with useful information and (most of all), support! Glad to have you with us. I also have a January testing thread going if you'd like to join, seeing as how you're almost to that point! I can post the link for you if so!

Oh, I have a terrible time holding my pee long enough for an opk so I don't blame you there. Of course, I do have to pee every 5 minutes so that's to be expected from me!

I'm a pretty restless sleeper too (and a mouth breather at that!) so I was pretty worried about temping as well. Somehow though, it seemed to work out just fine for me. I've given it up for the most part tends to contribute to my craziness!