Hi, ladies! How is everyone doing today?
Fleur, sorry! I'm sure you were clear on that and I just read it wrong.

Well I'm glad you eventually got a "real" positive, and that your days were good for bd'ing! I'm keeping my FX for you!!!

Sounds like you had a lovely trip away this weekend! I'm glad to hear you had a good time.
Crystl, I'm with you...I live really far from beach (I'm in Kansas, smack dab in the middle of the country!) so I'm super jealous of a beach day! I do hope your temps go back up and stay up!
2b4us, I sure hope your spotting stops and that AF stays away! Are you having any symptoms?
Cutie, how's everything going with you?
Afm, I had my "haven't conceived after 6 months of trying" dr's appointment this morning. She said we're really doing everything "right", that our timing sounds good and everything. She suggested we go ahead and do the HSG for me and SA for hubby. She's also going to do an US since I have fibroids to make sure they're not getting any bigger/causing any problems, and wants me to do cd3 blood work. I have no idea what that's for, but I guess that's why I'm not the dr! She said it's all at our own pace, of course. I want to wait until I know for sure on this cycle before I do anything. Then once AF arrives, I'll go ahead and do the cd3 blood work and have DH do the SA, and I'll probably the US as well. I think I might wait a month of the HSG though...I have a procedure scheduled for 2/9 where I'll have to be put under and that will be after O but before I could get a pos on an HPT. She suggested I either reschedule the appointment or not try that cycle. I really don't want to reschedule it again, and I would rather wait until after that to do the HSG. If we're not going to try that cycle, I don't want to miss the opportunity to have the HSG help us get pregnant like it does for a lot of people. So, that's where I am! FX that I just am already pregnant this cycle and don't have to worry about any of that, but I seriously doubt that's the case. I guess we'll see!