Cyrstl, it's 45 here today! And tomorrow through the weekend it's supposed to be around 50. I didn't realize it would be warming up so soon, I'm so happy!
Fleur, sounds like you're not living in the ideal place for you if you're not a beach person!

Trade you?

It's so weird to me to think of it being summer in January!

Oh no, nothing serious on the procedure and no big deal if I'm pregnant and have to cancel it. Or at least, I say Dr might disagree.

Seriously though, it's just a colonoscopy because of my Crohn's Disease. I'm supposed to have one every 3 years and that time has come around again. Wow, I agree on your bd'ing schedule...impressive for sure!!! I think your chances are sounding great this month! FX!!!
2b4us, how are you doing? Any more signs of AF yet? I sure hope she's staying away!
xokitty, hi and welcome! Impressive that you read the thread!

I'm glad to hear you've gotten your health issues sorted out. I agree that 25-28 day cycles really aren't too irregular, that's great! Good luck!
Also, hi and welcome to you too, Katie! Haha, you cracked me up with the symptom spotting! Like Crystl said, I think we've ALL been there. I know I certainly have! Every single little thing can have me convinced. I try SO.HARD not to symptom spot anymore (which is why I stopped temping and using opk's, they make it worse for me), but the smallest thing can get me. Such as I have a cold right now; apparently women often get sick when first pregnant as your immune system weakens so as not to fight off the baby. So I keep thinking "Oh! I have a cold, I MUST be pregnant!" Totally disregarding the fact that it's the MIDDLE OF WINTER and it's been freezing here, or the fact that my whole family has the same cold.
Cutie, I second Fleur, good luck on your scan! Be sure to let us know how it goes!