crystlmcd, how was the party? I'm also the shy one like cutie so I love it when DH accompanies me, he's really gregarious!
cutie, that is just SO sweet of you to offer to ship preseed to me

Unfortunately the shipping costs would be more than the actual product, so I'll order it from the UK and my cousin will bring it over. Thanks so much !
Turtle, your weekend sounds busy and fun. I'm a big reader but have never been to a book club. My ex knows I'm TTC and I ordered my prenatal vitamins etc from him (my sis was picking up other stuff from his pharmacy), so I suppose nothing surprises him anymore! I've known him since I was 14 (my first love hehe) and we still text sometimes although we don't meet up.
2b4us, somehow I can't imagine having an outside roast while the snow is still lying around. Is it melting already?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets crazy notions! When I started spotting, I actually told my doctor to test my levels because I was going through perimenopause (and that was before TTC). I also found something online which says your body needs to get used to your DH's sperm before, otherwise it treats it as a hostile element or something. We were using condoms prior to TTC so I convinced myself that is why I miscarried.
Well ladies, I temped for the first time and I don't think it's going to work out for me! Before I went to bed I psyched myself up about how I have to do it as soon as I'm awake... So I go to bed around midnight, wake up and pop the thermometer straight into my mouth, THEN I check the time : 1.50 a.m! Temp was 36.75 degrees Celsius / 98.15 Farenheit. Went back to sleep, woke up again and same thing, popped the thermometer into my mouth without even opening my eyes and checked the time after that : 5.19 a.m! Temp 36.05 degrees Celsius / 96.89 Farenheit. Isn't that low? I sleep with my mouth open. I didn't temp again when I woke up for real at around 9 a.m. Does it have to be at the same time every day?