Turtle, that must have been a shock to hear

I hope your AMH levels are good. I know you’re upset at the moment, but if you need to go down the assistance route, it will only improve your chances, so don’t give up. You WILL have a baby.
Katie, what you said about your DH is so beautiful. I also wish I’d started earlier but it wouldn’t have been with DH, so no regrets there. He’s 6 years younger than me so I wanted us to be properly settled first. Actually he was ready to TTC well before I was!
crystlmcd, I usually don’t get up at all during the night till my alarm goes off so the temping must be stressing me subconsciously. Had set the alarm for 8 am today but woke up at 6 am today (and temped then). Was surprised to see a big dip in temp, I was expecting it to go up because I got my braces tightened yesterday (so sore!) and was feeling a bit feverish. I’m still enjoying watching the line go up and down though
cutie, how do I add a link to my chart?
I’m planning to catch up on lots of shows while I’m on maternity leave some day (before the baby’s born lol), have heard that Dexter is fab.
A friend who’s my age (born the same day!) fell pregnant “by accident” and is due in April, 2 months after her 33rd birthday. We have a group on Facebook, and were chatting about babies etc. This friend said “Oh, I’m only starting at 33, my chances for a second baby will be really low”. I wanted to slap her (virtually), not just for me, but she’s the only the second one out of a group of 10 friends who’s having a baby. One friend hasn’t even been in a serious relationship for years, and I know she gets really depressed when she thinks about all this. I wish people were a bit more sensitive.