Hi, ladies! I was just coming back on here to say hello, and then I saw your post, Fleur! Funny timing!
I took a break from the boards this weekend, it was actually quite nice and relaxing! But of course I missed my friends on here and wanted to come back and say hi.
I'm glad to hear everyone had a nice weekend! Lots of fun stuff going on it sounds like!
Crystl, so sorry about being sick and your fever!

I do hope you get to feeling better soon!!!
Fleur, your message about waking up constantly and temping had me laughing.

I'm the same way...when I have something I know I need to do/I'm excited for, I wake up constantly through the night checking the clock. That's one reason that temping was so annoying to me, every single night it seemed like I was waking up all the time to check and see if it was time yet! I would even dream about it!
Cutie, I'm also really glad that you've stuck around on this thread, even after getting your bfp! It makes me sad when friends disappear.

I get it, but it still makes me sad!
And yes to the young people ttc sentiments! I mean they're obviously allowed to try and there's no right or wrong age for it...but being older, I can't help but feel like saying "Give it time! Grow up and live a little first!" Then again, most of my friends have long ago finished having kids and are now starting to get their freedom back as they're getting older, and here we are trying for our first. So what do I know? :shrugg: