32 and TTC #1

Just stopping by to say I HATE SNOW.

Oh yeah, decided to use an OPK this morning with my FMU just to see what it looked like and it was almost positive. I'll take another later and see what happens. I've never had a true positive on an OPK so I'm skeptical.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Good luck crystlmcd, I hope you get your positive! Lol, I hate snow too!

No football watching here fluer, although probably all I'd watch it for is the commercials and half time show ;). We've got to travel this evening for the stepson's hockey game.

Haven't seen my rise in tempature yet like I'd hoped :(, FX it's not an anovulatory cycle. I haven't been using opks, they stress me out too much. I'm giving it one more go at BDing before taking a couple days off.
Hi ladies! Sorry for the absence...I've been reading along, just haven't felt up to responding, honestly. But now I'm back! I had my AMH draw done on Thursday, now I'm just anxiously awaiting the results. I think part of my downward spiral is that while I knew that needing assistance might be in the cards, I had figured it would start with meds, then move to IUI if needed, then IVF as a last resort if needed. Everything I'm finding on high FSH is about how it's the hardest form of infertility to treat (as you can't produce more eggs) and just seems to talk about IVF being the only route; I just wasn't mentally prepared for that yet. But I don't even know yet that that's what we're looking at, so I'm trying to stay positive and see what the Dr says once my results come back next week. FX that those levels are at least okay and that there's something else that can be done; it looks like they put more emphasis on the AMH levels than the FSH levels, so if those are okay maybe there's other options out there. Not that I'm against IVF by any means, I just wasn't mentally ready for that to be the next option (and I hope that I'm wrong!)

How have you ladies been? I want to also throw my hat in the ring for Walking Dead (which I don't think is nearly as good as it used to be but I still really like it!), Weeds and OF COURSE, Breaking Bad! I think Breaking Bad might be one of (if not THE) best show ever made. I love it so much! House of Cards on Netflix is also excellent, as is Downton Abbey (although we're really behind on that one). I know there's other ones that would have my vote that I'm drawing a blank on right now!

Cyrstl, I hope your +opk is for real, I have my FX for you!!! Good luck catching that eggie! :)

2b4us, I really hope you get your temp rise soon! How frustrating, to say the least! I know I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again, but I so wish our bodies would just do what they're supposed to/what we want them to! :wacko:
Hang in there Turtle! Let's hope for some positive results! :thumbup:

Sorry Fleur, I spelled your name wrong earlier... you're a flower not a fever and running nose :winkwink:

Woot, woot... temp went up!
I'm back! We had the blizzard, and then another storm Friday, and then another storm yesterday. And another on the way Thursday.

I, sadly, do not have any TV recommendations. We mostly watch nerdy documentary shows and BBC. Or "reality cooking". I am LOVING the British Bake-Off show right now, and it's partly because we seem to bake in oddly different ways (like, who KNEW that a British pie and an American pie would be so different?) but also because one of the hosts was also the host of another BBC series I loved: "Supersizers go..." which had her and a co-host living and eating within a particular time period for a week at a time, and then testing their overall health after to see how it affected them. They were totally hilarious, the food was often gross, and if you put a British person in period attire, it's almost guaranteed I'm going to watch it. :haha:

But I hear Breaking Bad is really good. :blush:

I'm CD 14, and smack dab in the middle of what should be my fertile days. And you know what that means. :sex: Poor DH isn't feeling good, but he's taking one for the team and putting forth his best efforts. The fact that his preferred football team won the Superbowl helped give him a bit of a boost I think. If we end up conceiving this cycle, I am fairly certain he's going to want to name the baby Tom Brady.
Hi, ladies! 2b, so glad to hear your temp went up! Wahoo!!! :thumbup: I have my FX that you caught that eggie!!! :)

Katie, hi! I hope you guys are doing well with all that snow! Oh, I love reality cooking shows!!! They're so fun to watch! I've heard good things about that British Bake-Off show, I'll have to check it out! And I do love to bake, so seeing the differences between American and British will be fun!

Too funny on the naming if you conceive this month! :haha: Good luck, I really hope you catch it! That's awesome that DH is being such a trooper, even though he doesn't feel well! :)
:rofl: Tom Brady! I'm sure some kids were named for things like that! At least it has a story lol
The boards have been really quiet these past few days. Still waiting on FF to possibly confirm O. My temps aren't as high as they usually are post-O so not sure if I have already or not. I had a potentially positive OPK on the morning of CD14 (I'm horrible at comparing the test and control lines) and then that night had pain in my left side for a few hours (I don't normally get O pains though). The pain was gone when I got up yesterday (CD15) so maybe I O'd overnight. I'll just have to wait it out and see. We BD'd the last 2 days just in case.

It's supposed to snow again tomorrow! This makes me so sad. Hope you all are doing wonderful.
Hopefully ff confirms O for you soon! I live in nc and I dream of snow! Mainly because everything shuts down for days lol.
Crystl, I also hope your temps confirm O soon! Sounds like your timing is great, FX for you! Boo for more snow though! :(
Cutie, I have family in NC and they won't leave the house if it snows. Makes me laugh.
Our roads not street crews are equipped or prepared for it. It literally cripples the area every time.
Ladies, I just got the call with my AMH levels, and they are normal!!! I couldn't be happier!!! Normal is 1.5-4, and mine were 1.82! I am soooo happy!!! I still don't really understand what a high FSH level and normal AMH level means, other than the fact that they put more stock into what your AMH levels are than your FSH. I think it's a more in-depth look at your reserve. Either way, I'm so happy! So she wants me to go ahead and schedule the HSG (which I'll do for next cycle) and the SA for DH (which is already scheduled for the 17th), and we'll go from there! <3 :happydance:
Ladies, I just got the call with my AMH levels, and they are normal!!! I couldn't be happier!!! Normal is 1.5-4, and mine were 1.82! I am soooo happy!!! I still don't really understand what a high FSH level and normal AMH level means, other than the fact that they put more stock into what your AMH levels are than your FSH. I think it's a more in-depth look at your reserve. Either way, I'm so happy! So she wants me to go ahead and schedule the HSG (which I'll do for next cycle) and the SA for DH (which is already scheduled for the 17th), and we'll go from there! <3 :happydance:

:happydance::thumbup: hooray!
Great to hear Turtle!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee:

Sounds suspiciously like O to me crystlmcd, FX! I'm also waiting on FF to confirm O.

More snow??? You have my sympathy ladies :sad1:. I'm thankful we haven't had much snow, but it was darn chilly today. I'm laying in bed here with my fuzzy socks on and I can't seem to get warm :cold:

DH loves watching reality cooking shows. I get so nervous watching them... sometimes I get so antsy I want to leave the room, ha!
No crosshairs yet. It might be because I discarded my temp from when I was sick earlier this cycle. My temp finally jumped up to my normal post-o range. I'm just going to call this month an O range of CD14 - 16 due to my off temps when I was sick.
Hi all ! Been trying to keep up on my phone but it takes too long to type so I didn&#8217;t even try. I love baking shows, here we get the French ones.

Turtle, so happy your AMH levels are normal! I&#8217;ve also heard that they&#8217;re a better gauge than FSH levels. You must be so relieved!

2b4us, lol yes, I&#8217;m a flower. Yay for temp rise!

Katie, your DH is a trooper to BD when he isn&#8217;t feeling well. Fingers crossed for a baby Tom Brady then.

crystlmcd, hope you managed to BD on the right dates and caught the egg! Some women never get positive OPKs apparently, even if ovulation is confirmed. I had a look at your chart, it&#8217;s SO different from mine! My temps just go up and down like crazy.

cutie, how are you feeling? Already 9 weeks, it seems to be going so fast! When is your next scan? Where I lived in France everything (including transport) came to a standstill when it snowed, because it happens so rarely and they probably don&#8217;t have the proper equipment to deal with it.

AFM : CD 13 today and I think I got a positive OPK but somehow I am not very motivated to TTC this month. I&#8217;m thinking I might as well relax and avoid the disappointment. DH got really mad when I said that and he&#8217;s taken over TTC this month lol. Anyway I think I probably missed ovulation because I wasn&#8217;t expecting a positive OPK till CD 16 or 17, and we haven&#8217;t been very active.
Fleur, my chart is this month is actually a little different than most months since I was sick for a few days. Also I temp vaginally and I think that helps stabilize my temps some too. I think you're chart is looking good!
Also on my phone right now so it's hard to update. Had an ultrasound and met the midwife today. Both went great! Baby and heartbeat were there!

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