Aww cutie, your DH must be worried about hurting the baby but he’s well cushioned in there. Have fun seducing him this weekend!
2b4us, we don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, we’re invited to a family friend’s for dinner that day, with the rest of my family. I’ve got everything crossed you’ll be able to present your DH with a Valentine’s BFP, how perfect would that be!
crystlmcd, till when can you get crosshairs on the chart? Still got a lot to learn!
My OPKs are getting fainter again so that “maybe positive” 2 days ago was probably positive after all. I wasn’t expecting it that early so we’ve missed most of my fertile window despite DH’s good intentions. Before the miscarriage I used to be able to predict ovulation just by watching out for watery CM/ EWCM, now I hardly get any CM. This morning I had sticky CM.
Last night DH watched TV till really late and then went straight to sleep so we didn’t BD. Although I’d told him I want a break this month, I was really annoyed at him for saying he’s taking over TTC but not going through with it, especially since last night was the end of my fertile window. Had a cry fest this morning, he didn’t know what hit him! I told him that I don’t share all my feelings with him because he just says I’m obsessed, impatient etc, and that “it will happen when it happens”. He said he didn’t realize I was still hurting about the miscarriage (umm ok) and as from next month he’s going to be more involved in every aspect. Soooo he’s apparently going to set his alarm for 5 am and wake up with me to temp (I never manage to sleep till my alarm goes off and my temps are very rocky), and he’s going to note down my fertile window on his calendar so he knows exactly when we must BD. We’ll see how that goes!