32 and TTC #1

Fleur - I don't know much about hcg levels but I think that number is good, right? I hope things continue to move along smoothly for you!
Twinsie, congrats on the house! Looks like it's all coming together in time for the baby :happydance:

cutie, will you be getting a scan done at tomorrow's appointment? The baby must have changed so much.

Well, I did my first lot of blood tests this morning. hcG is 25507 mIU/mL and progesterone 3270 ng/dL (so I suppose 32.7 ng/mL?). I’ve just read that you’re not supposed to eat before the progesterone test, duh! Going back for repeat tests in 2 days. There was a baby getting bloods drawn at the lab, it was heartbreaking to hear her sobs. I heard her mom telling the receptionist that it’s her first birthday today, poor little lamb, I hope she’s OK.

Thanks fleur :hugs: it feels really good and quite a relief to think we could be in the house and with our baby before Halloween!!! Crazy!!!!:happydance:

Yayyyyyyyyy your blood hcg is a GREAT!!!! How can you just get blood tests done without lab order from your doctor? Does it cost more? I wish we were allowed that here! Now you can take a clear blue without being nervous! You must be so happy!!:)

I hate seeing/hearing babies getting blood work! They look so sad!
Fleur, that's fantastic news!!! I'm excited to see what your levels do in 2 days, but I would say you're already looking to be on a great track with those numbers! Yay!!! NOW can I do my happy, excited emoticons?? :haha: I'm waiting until you give us the word! :winkwink:

Cutie, I'm sorry that the other ladies were insensitive to you before about not being pregnant yet. It's so amazing how much I've learned about courtesy regarding that stuff since we've started ttc. I never in a million years would have guessed that I've been rude/insensitive about it before...but now that I know better, I look back and wonder how many times I inadvertently said something that I shouldn't have. :(

Twinsie, that's great news on the house! What wonderful timing, I'm so happy for you guys!!! And I love your parents reactions to the onesies, how cute! <3

How is everyone else doing? :)
Based on my temp this morning I believe I O'd yesterday. We didn't BD as much as I would have liked this cycle but we did manage to get a BD session in yesterday. I'm really hoping this is our cycle. Next cycle will mark 1 year of trying for us.

How have you been, turtle?
Good luck, Crystl! I hate it when we don't get as much bd in as we had hoped, but sometimes those are the cycles that surprise people with their bfp! I really hope that's the case for you this cycle, and that you don't have to reach that official 1 year of trying mark. :hugs:

I'm doing pretty good, thanks! I think I possibly O'd on Friday but I'm not really sure. I've always had O pains but the last couple of cycles they had gotten pretty strong. This cycle, I felt a few twinges on both Thursday, Friday and Saturday but nothing like it had progressed to being. I think the HSG helped with that and now I'm not really sure what's what! FF thinks I should have O'd on Friday based on my positive opk on Thursday, so I'll just assume that it's right. We dtd on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday so I suppose we have a chance! :) I'm not being too hopeful with the SA results but at the same time somewhat hopeful after the HSG. I think being less sure though is making me more relaxed, and I'm a-ok with that! :)
Hello! :hi:

Sounds like everyone had a pretty great weekend! Lots of "definitely pregnant", and "there's a chance I got pregnant!" going on! Fx for you both Crystl and Turtle!

I think I'm probably still a week away from O, but I'm going to start my OPK tonight. I'm not really feeling quite the thing today, so hopefully it won't be like OMG YOU'RE SURPRISE O-ING RIGHT NOW, because I'm not really feeling up to :sex:, ya know? In fact, I'm supposed to be going to a drag show (yes, seriously) with a friend of mine tonight, so I can't imagine going to that, THEN going home, POAS, and jumping DH. I guess I'm already an SMEP failure! :haha:

Katie, I love drag shows!!! I hope you have a blast!!! :thumbup: And, I hope that you don't get that positive opk tonight since you're not feeling it. I totally have those days, trust me! I think you'll be okay if your SMEP ends up shifting a day, I wouldn't worry about it. :)
Yey!!! Things are sounding real good Fleur, I'm so happy for you!

Congrats on the house Twinsie! That'll be a great relief to be settled in before baby arrives :)

FX to all in the 2ww! And good luck to you Katie, let's hope you're not surprised by O.
crystlmcd, I hope you’ll get your BFP before your 1 year of trying is here. I didn’t BD as much as usual when I fell pregnant. Depending on which website I’m looking at, my numbers are in the normal range or VERY high (of course I immediately convinced myself I’m having a molar pregnancy). My lab report says I’m in the normal range though.

Twinsie, admit it, you’ve thought about buying a little Halloween outfit just in case the baby is born before the 31st :haha: So nice that this year you’ll be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas in your new house with your new baby! Here you don’t need a prescription for the blood test, I just said the doctor ordered it and they didn’t check. I don’t know if my insurance will refund me but it cost me about $40 (the progesterone test was more expensive, just over $25).

Turtle, being more relaxed can only help. You still have your chances, it only takes one little solider!

Katie, at what time do you do your OPKs? How was the drag show?

2b4us, how are you doing?

cutie, how did your appointment go?

Ladies, you are all so sweet, thank you for your support but you don’t have permission to get excited yet, sorry! I’m wondering whether to go in for repeat blood tests tomorrow, because after a certain level they don’t double every 48 hours. I’m well above this level so I’ll freak out if they haven’t doubled, but I don’t know what the doubling time is supposed to be. Need to do some more research! Sometimes I tell myself my doctor does know what he’s talking about and that’s why he didn’t order blood tests :blush:
Well, I skipped the OPK last night since I got home at 1am! Started up today, so I'm going to plan to take them just before lunch time from here on out. Turns out POAS at work is pretty awkward, but whatever. Hopefully I only have to do it for one cycle!

You guys. Drag shows are CRAZY. It was the RuPaul Drag Race TOUR, so the audience were all super fans. I have never seen the show, although after watching the ladies last night, I really want to! The amount of glitter, fake hair, and CORSETS... WHEW! My favorite act featured a queen on stilts dressed like a butterfly. Although, honestly, the crowd was just as entertaining to watch as the performers.

I think I'm coming down with an actual illness, though, and staying out late probably didn't help much. I'm hoping that a really good night's sleep tonight will solve all my problems, because I don't think SMEP with a cold would be much fun.
I'm so jealous Katie!!! I've always wanted to go to a drag show!!! I told my girls that that was my dream bachelorette party lol some of them weren't as into it.

Fleur- we are secretly jumping for joy for you!! And yes the wheels are turning in my head already on what onesie newborn costume I could get haha! Ideas welcomed!!! :)

Ps. Got really nauseous this morning!!! First sign of ms has begun?!?
Get well Katie! You're gonna need your energy! :winkwink:

And, congratulations on the nausea as well Twinsie???...ha!
I always thought those skeleton onesies were cool :coolio:.

4 dpo, going to try my darnedest to stay calm, cool and collected the next 9 days. I'm getting a little discouraged as DH will be away for work probably by the end of next month. Once he goes we won't be able to follow our typical BDing schedule. 4 days off a month is hardly conducive for baby production. Hoping I can send a little message with his morning coffee sometime before he leaves...


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Katie, looks like you had a blast at the show. Hope you haven’t come down with a cold! At what time do you get home from work? If I’m not mistaken you can do the OPKs between 10 am and 8 pm, the best time being around 2-3 pm (but I’m sure that’s not the case for everyone).

Twinsie, hope you won’t get bad nausea/morning sickness. There are soooo many cute ideas for baby costumes!

2b4us, love the cup idea! Fingers crossed you’ll get to use it before your DH goes away for work. My DH wouldn’t notice unless I pointed it out to him though, he is NOT the most observant of guys.

crystlmcd, how are you feeling? Has FF confirmed ovulation?

cutie, Turtle, where are you?

I decided not to go in for a second blood test because it won't really tell me how the pregnancy's evolving (progesterone level seems OK), and if there's something wrong I won't be able to do anything about it. I might go in for a scan in 9 days though, I'll be 7 weeks and just want to know...
2b4us- cute mug! I love fun mugs!

Skeleton onesies is cool lol. I'll have to do some research!

Fleur- I totally understand not wanting to go back for more blood work. The potential for bad news doesn't seem worth it when we have hope still! Why ruin that?! I'm hesitant to poas again. I did on sat and the line got darker and clear blue said 2-3 wks so I was confident in telling my parents. But I'm nervous to test again and not get a darker line or as dark of a line. I will probably hold off until sat and since that will be a week later and hopefully will say 3+ weeks by then! I'll feel better once I see that. Then my u/s will only be 8 days away so I can get excited for that!!
I'm here! Haven't been on the computer at night to catch up on everyone and I don't want to be selfish and just post about myself. Im always reading and will be on tonight though!

Afm: had a great appointment yesterday. We saw the baby and he's growing well and we saw his heartbeat. I have an anterior placenta which means my placenta is in front of the uterus so we can't hear the heartbeat yet but we saw it. Amazing! Unfortunately didn't get a picture but I go back on the 31st.
I'm here too! Fleur, I so want to get excited for you! (well, I secretly am but don't tell anyone :winkwink:) but I will respect your wishes and not show my excitement on here until you give us the go-ahead. :haha: I think it's probably good that you decided to skip the 2nd round of labs. If it's past the doubling time, I think that could potentially cause more anxiety for you if they don't double. I think it's a great idea to go in for a scan though! :thumbup:

Katie, I'm glad you had fun at the drag show! I'm telling you, I love them! They're so fun! My friend's dad performs at one so I've been a couple of times to the bar here that he performs at to watch him. It's a blast! I hope you aren't getting sick though, take care of yourself! :hugs:

Twinsie, that's awesome that you wanted to do that for your bachelorette party! I had wanted to at first too, but then realized if they figured out there was a party of that sort in the crowd they would have probably pulled me up on stage and totally embarrassed me and I would NOT have been okay with that! (I've seen them do it). So instead, we went to a place called Hamburger Mary's for dinner that has drag bingo on Saturday nights, it was awesome! :D I'm not sure if I should be hoping for the m/s for you (so you are feeling symptoms) or not! :haha:

2b, I love the mug! Too cute! I hope DH going away doesn't interfere with TTC too much! Or better yet, I hope you're able to use the mug before he even has to leave! :)

Cyrstl, how are you feeling on your end? Any "fun" symptoms to speak of? :haha:

Cute, so glad your appt went well yesterday! Can't wait to see new scan pics after your appt on the 31st!

Afm, I had an appt yesterday with the OBGYN for my normal pap. I told her I'll ask the RE this too when I see her, but asked what a combination of high FSH with normal AMH means, since I can't seem to find anything on that anywhere. She said they really only use AMH as an indicator of how well you'll respond to ovulation stimulating hormones. So I do still have a diminished ovarian reserve (based on my high FSH numbers), but I am likely to respond well to meds based on my normal AMH levels. I suppose that's good in a sense, but I had been hoping the normal AMH had meant my numbers weren't really diminished after all! :wacko: I did mention to her though that if it came down to IVF we might not go that route and might look into adoption instead. I'm glad I did, as that made her open up to me about her personal life some that she adopted her daughter 2 1/2 years ago. We had a really good conversation about it, and we ended the appt with her telling me if we do go that route, to feel free to call her with any questions or advice needed and she'd be happy to help. That made me happy! :)
So good news! I slept! And I feel fine! Bad news! I slept! And did not :sex: But I've gotten open circles on two days of OPKs, so I'm giving myself permission to prioritize sleep right now. I honestly think I've got a solid week left before O comes, but we'll see! This whole peeing on a stick thing is really scratching an itch though! It'll be fun to get a +OPK, since I haven't managed to get a +HPT. I don't know why, but peeing on these things makes me feel the same way as taking a test in school did! Like, "I studied hard, and I didn't pass! How can that be??" It will be nice to get an A+. :haha:

Team Turtle is getting bigger! It makes me happy that you've found so much support. Some of the posts I read on here make me so sad... I swear some people can't catch a break with doctors, or family, or partners. I'm 100% certain your little bean will come along for you, no matter which way it happens!

Fleur, sometimes I go through the "pregnancy" forums to peek at coming attractions... and I really think there's a theme to people's concerns based on the baby making stage they're at. Here's my theory:

TTC: How do I get my body to cooperate & symptom spotting
1st Tri: Will this pregnancy last (seems to be alleviated after 1st scan)/ & How do I tell the world I'm pregnant?
2nd Tri: I need to buy all the things & I hate my husband/mother/co workers/sister

So, I think your feelings are perfectly normal 1st Tri feelings! I am looking forward to your scan, so we can all plan how you start telling people. :happydance:

I hope you all keep posting on this thread no matter what happens (I'm looking at you, Cutie!). I'm not discouraged that I'm TTC, and you're pregnant, and I'm perfectly happy to hear you talk all about yourself! It'll save me from eavesdropping on the other boards so much. :winkwink: Plus, I'd MUCH rather plan how to tell your friends you're pregnant, or buy all the things, or freak out about labor than symptom spot!

....not that it will stop the symptom spotting.:wacko:
FF still hasn't confirmed O for me but I have slightly sore boobs which is a normal post-o thing for me. I'm guessing it's taking longer to confirm since my pre-O temps were higher this cycle than they are normally. Love the waiting game!

Turtle, I'm so glad you had such a great conversation with your dr.

Cutie, how exciting seeing the heartbeat!

Fleur, I can't wait to hear about the results of your scan. The wait is killing me, I can't imagine what it's doing to you!
Fleur- do you have to schedule the scan or just show up? When will you go?

Katie I totally agree with your breakdown of each trimester lol. It never gets easier! It's just a different worry with each stage. And we want this??? Haha. We must be insane!! I think I am going to really enjoy being pregnant. I don't mind the thought of getting bigger or gaining weight. I'm sure being uncomfortable will suck but it's such a miracle what our female bodies are doing! I can't get over the actual idea of creating a living human being made up of just my husband and i's unique characteristics. I can't wait to find out the gender and pick names and design the nursery etc etc etc. I plan to be a stay at home mom too once baby rio comes so life is surely going to change! But I can't wait :) Bring it all on I say!! Ok I don't know what just happened but I feel empowered all of a sudden lol.

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