32 and TTC #1

Glad to hear you had a good chat with your Dr. Turtle. Do you have an idea of the sorts of meds they prescribe for this type of situation?

Fleur, I like your laid back approach, but you've got me stumped on how you're staying so calm. I'd be wound so tight if I were in your shoes right now, ha! My OH isn't overly observant as well, but I intend to remove all of the other coffee mugs out of the cupboard and leave that one out in front ;).

Great news cutieq! :) It's crazy how quick things progress!

Perhaps tomorrow you might see your cross hairs crystlmcd? Are you keeping yourself preoccupied in the meantime?

A name already for your little peanut Twinsie? Baby Rio...sounds mischievous and exotic!

Great to hear your feeling good Katie! You certainly haven't lost your sense of humour....keep it coming! When I tried opks for the short while that I did, I'd have to pee in a small cup first as I couldn't pee in a steady stream on the stick...ha!


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Thanks, ladies! I appreciate the support! :flower:

Katie, that's so funny on the opk's! I felt the same way, it's ridiculous how excited I'll get for a +opk! I can't even imagine how excited I'll be when it's actually a hpt! :haha: I agree on the different trimesters and the worrying. I guess it's the motherly instinct kicking in already!

Crystl, that's frustrating that FF hasn't confirmed O yet. I'm glad you feel confident that you did already though! :thumbup:

Twinsie, I love your positive attitude and outlook on everything! Yay for empowerment! ;)

Cutie, I agree with Katie! We definitely want you to continue sticking around here, please don't feel weird about posting just because we're still trying! We care about you and what's going on with you! :)

2b, I think she just meant Femera or Clomid as the meds they prescribe. I know I'm ovulating each month but they would help ensure that I have a good (and good sized) egg each month, plus have more control over when I release it (if we're going the IUI route). I think anyways. ;) We'll see what the RE says!
Glad to hear you had a good chat with your Dr. Turtle. Do you have an idea of the sorts of meds they prescribe for this type of situation?

Fleur, I like your laid back approach, but you've got me stumped on how you're staying so calm. I'd be wound so tight if I were in your shoes right now, ha! My OH isn't overly observant as well, but I intend to remove all of the other coffee mugs out of the cupboard and leave that one out in front ;).

Great news cutieq! :) It's crazy how quick things progress!

Perhaps tomorrow you might see your cross hairs crystlmcd? Are you keeping yourself preoccupied in the meantime?

A name already for your little peanut Twinsie? Baby Rio...sounds mischievous and exotic!

Great to hear your feeling good Katie! You certainly haven't lost your sense of humour....keep it coming! When I tried opks for the short while that I did, I'd have to pee in a small cup first as I couldn't pee in a steady stream on the stick...ha!

Lol my DH is 100% ecuadorian (Latino) and I am a mutt but basically white so our babies will hopefully have a beautiful tan skin tone! We can't agree on any names yet!! I want a pretty feminine girl name. And DH wants a strong "professional" name lol for when our daughter ( if we have a girl ) is older and career established! He actually thinks about that stuff ! And for a boys name we sort of picked one but I'm not sold yet !
Still no crosshairs. Wah wah. I go to school part time and we only have 2 weeks left in the term so luckily that's keeping me busy.

It's supposed to be 60 here this weekend. Finally! I can't wait to BBQ!!
Oh crystl, I LOOOOOVE BBQ! I can't wait until it gets warm enough here!
60!!! I'm jealous! We should betting high 40s next week and I'm excited about that haha
Oh that makes sense now...good brief explanation Dr. Turtle. :thumbup:

Lol...a mutt Twinsie?! Let's say Heinz 57, sounds less "dogish"...:haha:. How'd you meet your husband? I'm sure in the next bit you'll find a good handful of names you'll both like and then there will be the hard part of narrowing it down to just one.

Crystlmcd, FX for crosshairs tomorrow! Next thing you'll know, your 2ww will be near over :winkwink:.

Question for all...what's your favorite BBQ food?
Twinsie - it was in the 20s yesterday and 30s today so 60 is going to feel like paradise!!

2b - I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to BBQs. My husband makes excellent burgers (he brushes them with sweet baby rays while they're cooking) and I love brats, especially ones with cheese inside. Delish! Now I'm starving!!!
2b- I love BBQ brisket!

Crystl- I hope the 60 degree weather heads my way after visiting you !!!!
I will not even tell you what the temperature is here. You're welcome.

I like brisket too! Mmmmm. And pulled pork. Which I suppose isn't grilled, but BBQ places always serve it, so I'm going with it. We have a really really good BBQ spot here (in Maine!) and they make a bunch of different sauces that they spread out around the restaurant. I always wander around the tables collecting them so I can try them all. Condiments are the best.
Wow, you ladies can talk :haha:

Twinsie, when are you having your first scan? Don’t worry if the Clearblue doesn’t say 3+ weeks, I’ve heard it can be a bit random. I love how excited and happy you sound, enjoy every second! I need to call the ob/gyn’s secretary and schedule an appointment. Despite that I’ve ended up waiting almost 2 hours a few times, because he’s sometimes held up if someone’s giving birth. DH is white and I’m Indian so I’m curious to see what a combination of us will be like. Don’t even talk about names… The few times we’ve tried looking at lists we just ended up irritated with each other. I’d like an Indian or “exotic” name since they’ll have DH’s surname. He’s French so there are about 15 letters of the alphabet he can’t pronounce (in other languages), he doesn’t “like” 5 other letters and he hates some combinations of letters that he CAN pronounce. If we have kids we’ll probably call them Child 1, Child 2 etc.

cutie, glad the baby is growing well! You aren’t being selfish when you talk about yourself! We’ve been through TTC together and we want to know everything about your pregnancy, even if you want to moan! On a couple of the other threads I’m one, some ladies disappear the day they get their BFP, so I’m pleased you’re still sticking around.

Turtle, bummer about the diminished ovarian reserves but good to hear you sounding so positive after your appointment. Have they given you a tentative date for starting the fertility meds if you’re not pregnant by then?

Katie, I’m so glad you joined this thread, I swear you always make me smile! I was hugely excited when I got my first positive OPK. Have you thought about doing the SMEP plan? Your theory about the different stages of TTC/pregnancy is spot on.

crystlmcd, to be honest, I’m not really looking forward to the scan, just doing it because it has to be done at some point. What do you study at school? So funny that you’re planning a BBQ when it’s 60 degrees outside! I’d be holed up inside under 3 duvets. Today it was 93 degrees here (34 degrees in Celsius). But it’s been too hot and raining a lot so no need to envy us! I believe a cyclone is on its way.

2b4us, trust me, I am NOT calm! After almost a month of not sleeping properly because of temping, now I’m sleeping very restlessly because I can’t stop stressing about the pregnancy! How are you feeling about this month? I don’t eat red meat so I’m not sure what my favourite BBQ food is… Potatoes?? Spicy chicken? Oh actually, although I hate most cheeses, I do like camembert which has been melted in the BBQ embers :drool:

So I’m 6 weeks today and still have literally no symptoms. I’ve been googling “no symptoms” and lots of women say “I’m not having any symptoms except for sore boobs/nausea/fatigue/constipation/cravings/mood swings/increased urination…” (pick any combination of 2 or 3). So yeah, not very helpful. I’m holding off till 7 weeks for a scan but I just can’t shake off this bad feeling, exactly like last time :nope:
Sooooo, difficult situation this morning... (not for me!)

My cousin, who is 50, has a daughter who is 24. My cousin has led a difficult life. She is bipolar, has been married 6 times, has not been able to form any sort of real career, and pretty much lives off of the generosity of my aunt. She has attempted to take her own life more than once, and the saddest part of that is it was her daughter who discovered her each time, being a young child at the time. Her daughter now lives with her, and also largely survives from the support my aunt (her grandmother) provides to her. She has also had a rough life, and made many poor decisions, but she has seemed to really be figuring things out this year, and we're all so hopeful that she will break the cycle that seems to plague her family.


Yesterday, the 24 year old daughter went to the ER because her legs had inexplicably swelled to double their normal size, and discovered that she is pregnant. Like, PREGNANT. 6 months. I have no idea how you wouldn't have some inkling after that amount of time (especially because she is sooooo thin!), but that aside, she is. My aunt spoke with her, and the poor thing is obviously scared and shocked. She does not want the baby. Apparently, they discussed adoption, and she was going to start contacting organizations today. THis morning, however, my cousin posted on FB "Yay! I'm going to be a grandma!!" There has been no announcement of any sort from her daughter, the mom, so I don't know what's going on. I imagine, however, that there are so many feelings going on, and that she's conflicted. It would be just like my cousin to pressure her into keeping the baby, so I wouldn't be shocked if that's what she's trying to do. And I wouldn't be surprised if, in the end, she DID keep the baby.

I want to be supportive of her, but I'm a little confused about what to do right now. I thought I'd send a "mom pampering" kit (like, vitamins, and body scrub and stretch mark cream, etc) since no matter what, she'll be carrying the baby. I thought I should also send a book? Because she's going to DELIVER this baby, and she needs to take care of herself now. I thought I SHOULDN'T send any baby things, since it's unclear what her ultimate decision will be. What do you guys think? ALSO: LONGEST POST EVER. Sorry. :wacko:
Wow Katie, what a complicated situation. What a shock it must have been for her. I'm not sure what to advise. Are you close to the daughter? Could you meet her and have a chat with her, see how she's doing and what kind of support she needs, especially if her mother is likely to pressure her into keeping the baby? (How rude of her to post that on Facebook!) I suppose the baby's father isn't in the picture? At the moment what she most needs is probably a listening ear / sounding board from someone who won't be judgmental or try to influence her one way or the other.

About a gift, I wouldn't give any baby items either unless she decides to keep the baby. Is she likely to appreciate "mom" stuff or books? No idea what to suggest otherwise!
Fleur - I study web programming at school. So far my classes haven't been too difficult but I'm beginning to get into the more advanced classes starting next term so I'm sure that will change. And, yes, we start BBQ'ing the first time we get weather over 50 degrees. After it's been in the teens and 20s, 50s feel like summer!

Katie - what a scary situation for that poor girl to be in. I agree with your idea of giving her a mom pampering gift but no baby items. Hopefully she makes the choice that's best for her and not what her mom wants.
I will not even tell you what the temperature is here. You're welcome.

I like brisket too! Mmmmm. And pulled pork. Which I suppose isn't grilled, but BBQ places always serve it, so I'm going with it. We have a really really good BBQ spot here (in Maine!) and they make a bunch of different sauces that they spread out around the restaurant. I always wander around the tables collecting them so I can try them all. Condiments are the best.

Haha condiments are THE best!!! Food is 100x more fun if it can be dipped!
Crystl, we're getting nice weather here this weekend too, I'm so very excited for it! It's been downright cold here lately so it's definitely a welcome site. I see your temp jumped up more this morning, I hope you get your crosshairs soon!

2b, well here in KC we have the BEST BBQ...it's what we're known for! As far as what we consider BBQ to be in a restaurant around here (smoked meats, etc), I would say my favorite is brisket. I love a BBQ beef brisket sandwich with some good fries! When we BBQ by just cooking out on the grill, I love it all...burgers, brats, steak, chicken...whatever! DH has gotten really good at smoking up some ribs in our smoker as well, and I LOVE those!!! Yum! Now you guys have me hungry. :haha:

Fleur, I don't really know on timelines (or if they'll even do meds by themselves, honestly). We have our first RE appointment on 4/28 so not for a little while. I'm happy to have a few cycles to try on our own though between the HSG and the RE appt...give that HSG a chance to work it's magic! ;) I'm so sorry that you're having a bad feeling towards this pregnancy, and that you're feeling like it's like last time. :( I hope it's really more just that your scared as you've been hurt before, rather than it being a premonition. :hugs:

Katie, wow! What a crazy situation!!! I think a gift basket of pregnancy related items, without baby stuff, would be super sweet of you and much appreciated by her! I think it's a great idea. I do hope she's able to make whatever decision is best for her, and isn't pressured into anything. :(

Twinsie and Cutie, how are you ladies doing? :)
Wow, you ladies can talk :haha:

Twinsie, when are you having your first scan? Don’t worry if the Clearblue doesn’t say 3+ weeks, I’ve heard it can be a bit random. I love how excited and happy you sound, enjoy every second! I need to call the ob/gyn’s secretary and schedule an appointment. Despite that I’ve ended up waiting almost 2 hours a few times, because he’s sometimes held up if someone’s giving birth. DH is white and I’m Indian so I’m curious to see what a combination of us will be like. Don’t even talk about names… The few times we’ve tried looking at lists we just ended up irritated with each other. I’d like an Indian or “exotic” name since they’ll have DH’s surname. He’s French so there are about 15 letters of the alphabet he can’t pronounce (in other languages), he doesn’t “like” 5 other letters and he hates some combinations of letters that he CAN pronounce. If we have kids we’ll probably call them Child 1, Child 2 etc.

cutie, glad the baby is growing well! You aren’t being selfish when you talk about yourself! We’ve been through TTC together and we want to know everything about your pregnancy, even if you want to moan! On a couple of the other threads I’m one, some ladies disappear the day they get their BFP, so I’m pleased you’re still sticking around.

Turtle, bummer about the diminished ovarian reserves but good to hear you sounding so positive after your appointment. Have they given you a tentative date for starting the fertility meds if you’re not pregnant by then?

Katie, I’m so glad you joined this thread, I swear you always make me smile! I was hugely excited when I got my first positive OPK. Have you thought about doing the SMEP plan? Your theory about the different stages of TTC/pregnancy is spot on.

crystlmcd, to be honest, I’m not really looking forward to the scan, just doing it because it has to be done at some point. What do you study at school? So funny that you’re planning a BBQ when it’s 60 degrees outside! I’d be holed up inside under 3 duvets. Today it was 93 degrees here (34 degrees in Celsius). But it’s been too hot and raining a lot so no need to envy us! I believe a cyclone is on its way.

2b4us, trust me, I am NOT calm! After almost a month of not sleeping properly because of temping, now I’m sleeping very restlessly because I can’t stop stressing about the pregnancy! How are you feeling about this month? I don’t eat red meat so I’m not sure what my favourite BBQ food is… Potatoes?? Spicy chicken? Oh actually, although I hate most cheeses, I do like camembert which has been melted in the BBQ embers :drool:

So I’m 6 weeks today and still have literally no symptoms. I’ve been googling “no symptoms” and lots of women say “I’m not having any symptoms except for sore boobs/nausea/fatigue/constipation/cravings/mood swings/increased urination…” (pick any combination of 2 or 3). So yeah, not very helpful. I’m holding off till 7 weeks for a scan but I just can’t shake off this bad feeling, exactly like last time :nope:

My first scan is scheduled for Monday the 16th and I'll be 7.5 weeks by then so I'm hoping that the dr can reassure us that baby is here to stay by telling us he/she is measuring exactly 7.5 weeks along!! Thanks for the heads up on the clear blue, I'm debating not even taking it. I don't know if I want to be disappointed! I think I'll just wait another 10 days till my appt!?

I'm sorry you feel like this pregnancy isn't going to last but I don't have any symptoms either! So you're not alone.. This morning I thought I felt soreness on the sides of my boobs but it went away so :shrug: still zero symptoms! So are you going for a scan next week then? 7 weeks is next Friday! :). I love the idea of Indian names. I want to have Latino names because of DH. I think it's unique and personal to your background to have names as such! Sounds like a good compromise for you guys.

Katie- that is very sad about your cousins daughters situation. I too find it hard to believe someone can be that far along and have no clue they are pregnant!!! But it happens! Crazy. Anyways, I think it's a sweet gesture to send a gift basket. I would steer clear of any cute baby type stuff incase she is dead set on giving the baby up. Unless you do talk to her beforehand and she isn't sure..

Afm: 6 weeks today and tired! Other than that I don't feel pregnant!! Really wish I had more symptoms but the ms only happened one day. I guess that's good?! But Id rather have it and know baby is growing stronger. T - 10 days till our first scan!! DH is excited. Praying for good news that day.
Mmmmm...I'll have to try brisket sometime! We're not too adventurous here...steak, ribs and beer can chicken. Would love to have a smoker...ah, I'm salivating!

What Fleur?!!! Not like cheese??? Oh boy, if cheese didn't exist in my life, I wouldn't have a reason to live! I adore cheese! Sorry to hear, you're still not sleeping well. I really hope you can feel at ease soon. Is there anything that helps you de-stress? Do you speak fluent French as well? Too funny about the names! Child 1 would definitely be a unique name ;)

That's really awful that your cousin put her daughter in that position Katie. And crazy that the daughter didnt know she didn't know she was pregnant! I think you're spot on with the type of gift though. Any promising opks yet?

Hey, you got your cross hairs crystlmcd! :D You've got my respect on the choice of schooling... I'm a computer dummy! Are you working as well? Yikes, that'd be overload!

Sounds like things are progressing along nicely Twinsie :). I suppose you're anxious for your scan?

How's everyone else doing?

ASM, enjoying the warmer weather! You ladies inspired me with the talk of happy pounds shedding...I've been more active and making healthier food choices, even trying to cut back on my cheese intake, ha! The scale really hasn't moved much, but I definitely feel more upbeat :). 9 dpo, temp jumped a little today, so of course I start getting hopeful. Staying busy though so the brain won't run...started on some renos in our half bath. Seems to be doing the trick :thumbup:
I had to put my puppy to sleep friday night and I don't know if it's grief or hormones but I have spent the entire weekend in bed :( DH has been pretty fussy with me about eating and drinking my water but I have no appetite really. All this has made me even more afraid of losing my baby boy now that I know what this loss feels like. In happier news, I'm 14 weeks now and the chance of loss should be way lower now.
I had to put my puppy to sleep friday night and I don't know if it's grief or hormones but I have spent the entire weekend in bed :( DH has been pretty fussy with me about eating and drinking my water but I have no appetite really. All this has made me even more afraid of losing my baby boy now that I know what this loss feels like. In happier news, I'm 14 weeks now and the chance of loss should be way lower now.

Oh noooo :( that is so so sad I feel like crying too. I have a 3 year old morkie and I can't imagine having to make the decision to put her down if the need arose. I'm so sorry. It's the hardest thing to love your pet so much and to have to make that decision for them to not suffer. My heart goes out to you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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