Fleur, he finally got a hold of them to make the appointment and they said they never got the referral from the clinic. So he called the clinic back, and they just kept insisting that they sent it. He finally got them to agree to send it again. Regardless of whether they sent it or not, the office doesn't have it, so send it again!

How is your DH feeling today? Haha, that's kinda funny that he kept trying to go in and kept getting sent right back home! I do hope he's feeling better now! Good luck with figuring out your scan for Friday. I'm sorry that you're not able to enjoy this just yet!

Oh, and I saw that thing on the 8.5 month pregnant woman with the abs...crazy!
Cutie, loving your bump pic! You look fabulous! Do you feel like you're much bigger than that now, since it's been a couple of weeks? I'd love to see your 14 week bump photo once you take it!
Twinsie, I think you have a good excuse for getting tired after just cleaning!

How are you feeling today? Running 4 miles a day is super impressive! No matter how hard I try, I'm just not a runner. I can't run more than about a minute at a time, and that's with pushing myself. And I even did 2 triathlons! Well, they were only sprint distance tri's, but I walked a good chunk of the run portion. I ran what I could and walked the rest. I'm just not made to be a runner I guess!
2b, I'm just ignoring the TWW honestly. I do much better when I do that!

AF should be arriving by Friday I think, but I'm guessing could even be as late as Saturday if I didn't O until Saturday instead of Friday like FF thinks. If she's not here by Sunday I'll test, but I'm sure she will be! I so hope your spotting stays away!!! When are you planning to test? How is the TWW treating you?
Cyrstl, I'm so sorry that AF arrived.

I think that's a great idea to talk to your doctor about possible testing or thoughts at your appointment this month. There's no reason not to after all! I do hope everything comes back normal though, and that you get your bean soon!