32 and TTC #1

Turtle - I usually spot anywhere from 3-5 days before AF every month. I've been taking vitamin B6 plus a bunch of other supplements (zinc, vitamin D, B complex and folic acid) because I read this helps regulate your hormones, and I only spotted for 1 1/2 days last cycle so I think it's helping, but we'll see this month. My spotting is also brown and sometimes wiith a little pink.

Everyone is different though so please don't let my spotting story worry you! For some women spotting is due to implantation bleeding and they get their BFP :happydance:. I have done a lot of google searches about this because the spotting is driving me crazy and there are a lot of women who spot every month before AF and still get pregnant pretty easily...and many of them still spot the month they get their BFP!

The whole TTC process is very consuming and can be very stressful, but you are still early in the process so try not to let it overwhelm you. You may be one of those lucky women who get their BFP on the first try. :thumbup: FX for you!
Turtle - I usually spot anywhere from 3-5 days before AF every month. I've been taking vitamin B6 plus a bunch of other supplements (zinc, vitamin D, B complex and folic acid) because I read this helps regulate your hormones, and I only spotted for 1 1/2 days last cycle so I think it's helping, but we'll see this month. My spotting is also brown and sometimes wiith a little pink.

Everyone is different though so please don't let my spotting story worry you! For some women spotting is due to implantation bleeding and they get their BFP :happydance:. I have done a lot of google searches about this because the spotting is driving me crazy and there are a lot of women who spot every month before AF and still get pregnant pretty easily...and many of them still spot the month they get their BFP!

The whole TTC process is very consuming and can be very stressful, but you are still early in the process so try not to let it overwhelm you. You may be one of those lucky women who get their BFP on the first try. :thumbup: FX for you!

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! It actually makes me feel a lot better as opposed to worrying me. I honestly would be pretty shocked if I did get a BFP this month; even though I keep symptom checking (because I get obsessive), I really honestly never expected to get a BFP on the first try! So I'm sure it's just pre-AF spotting. I just couldn't find much about it online for some reason so I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one!

The part of me that just gets obsessive easily over things is totally reading any and everything I can right now about the whole process. But the rational part of me also knows that it's ok if it takes a little while for it to happen, and that's the part that never really expected it this cycle anyways. I think I have an inward battle going on over being obsessed vs calm about the whole thing! ;)

Thanks again for your advice, and FX for you too! I know I'm new to this whole thing but I'm really loving this site so far! Everyone is so friendly and helpful! It's nice to have other people to talk to about it. :)
Turtle - I usually spot anywhere from 3-5 days before AF every month. I've been taking vitamin B6 plus a bunch of other supplements (zinc, vitamin D, B complex and folic acid) because I read this helps regulate your hormones, and I only spotted for 1 1/2 days last cycle so I think it's helping, but we'll see this month. My spotting is also brown and sometimes wiith a little pink.

Everyone is different though so please don't let my spotting story worry you! For some women spotting is due to implantation bleeding and they get their BFP :happydance:. I have done a lot of google searches about this because the spotting is driving me crazy and there are a lot of women who spot every month before AF and still get pregnant pretty easily...and many of them still spot the month they get their BFP!

The whole TTC process is very consuming and can be very stressful, but you are still early in the process so try not to let it overwhelm you. You may be one of those lucky women who get their BFP on the first try. :thumbup: FX for you!

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! It actually makes me feel a lot better as opposed to worrying me. I honestly would be pretty shocked if I did get a BFP this month; even though I keep symptom checking (because I get obsessive), I really honestly never expected to get a BFP on the first try! So I'm sure it's just pre-AF spotting. I just couldn't find much about it online for some reason so I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one!

The part of me that just gets obsessive easily over things is totally reading any and everything I can right now about the whole process. But the rational part of me also knows that it's ok if it takes a little while for it to happen, and that's the part that never really expected it this cycle anyways. I think I have an inward battle going on over being obsessed vs calm about the whole thing! ;)

Thanks again for your advice, and FX for you too! I know I'm new to this whole thing but I'm really loving this site so far! Everyone is so friendly and helpful! It's nice to have other people to talk to about it. :)

I understand how you feel! Every time something new comes up, I'm trying to find info on whether it's good or bad, what it means, etc. I had some cramping today and so right away I'm googling and, while it drives me crazy at times, it's also nice to learn so that I know when I should be worried/contact my doctor and when I shouldn't. FX for you that this is your month!
Crystlmcd, yes exactly! It drives me crazy, but it's also very helpful sometimes at lessening my worries! And it's also pretty cool how much more I've learned about my body and the whole process, just in the short time we've been trying. FX for you as well that this is your month, and if it's not that you'll at least get your AF soon! The waiting game sucks!
5th day of blinking smiley - this can't be normal! And I have been spotting (a little bright red blood but not enough to even wear a panty liner) for roughly 4 days now

Joy - you were talking about supplements and hormones which reminded me of something I learned this month and wanted to pass on in case others hadn't read this yet. Apparently when you are TTC you are supposed to drink full fat milk, not low fat or slim. I looked up why and it said that when they make skim, they basically kind of spin out the fat, and the female hormones (estrogen, etc) live in the fat, so only the male hormones (testosterone, etc) is left in the skim milk. Apparently skim milk can contribute to infertility! I have switched to full fat this month and am also focusing on eating fertility-friendly foods everyday ( so far, avocados and pumpkin seeds every day and also try to eat kale/spinach most days). We shall see how that works!
5th day of blinking smiley - this can't be normal! And I have been spotting (a little bright red blood but not enough to even wear a panty liner) for roughly 4 days now

Joy - you were talking about supplements and hormones which reminded me of something I learned this month and wanted to pass on in case others hadn't read this yet. Apparently when you are TTC you are supposed to drink full fat milk, not low fat or slim. I looked up why and it said that when they make skim, they basically kind of spin out the fat, and the female hormones (estrogen, etc) live in the fat, so only the male hormones (testosterone, etc) is left in the skim milk. Apparently skim milk can contribute to infertility! I have switched to full fat this month and am also focusing on eating fertility-friendly foods everyday ( so far, avocados and pumpkin seeds every day and also try to eat kale/spinach most days). We shall see how that works!

Thanks for the info MamaBear! I'm not much of a milk drinker but I'm willing to try anything right now. My DH said I would probay eat dog poop if someone said it would help me get pregnant LOL! This month I drank grapefruit juice during pre-O because it's supposed to help make your CM more "sperm-friendly" and I'm eating fresh pineapple post-O because it's supposed to help with implantation. Oh the things we do to TTC!
Good morning, ladies! Well AF came in the night so I'm on to a new month. I'm honestly actually kind of relieved that it did come. This gives me a better idea of my cycles (or I can at least try to base it off this one for starters) since this was my first cycle off BCP. Of course if I had gotten a BFP this month I wouldn't have had to worry about what my cycles are like, but the idea of already being pregnant was starting to honestly kind of freak me out a little bit. I think a little bit more time to prepare for it mentally wouldn't hurt for me. :) Good to know about eating fresh pineapple though, Joy, I love the stuff and have been eating more of it lately anyways! I'll try to make sure to eat some after O this next cycle. Hope you ladies are having a fabulous weekend so far!
Sorry about AF, Turtle. But at least you know everything is working okay after coming off birth control. Best of luck in your next cycle! :)

AFM, my BBT took a huge dip this morning below my cover line and I'm only 4dpo. My cover line is at 96.9 (which is very low...it's usually 97.4) and my first temp this morning was 96.33. I re-temped right away and it was 96.8, then I used my second thermometer to try vaginal temping and it was 98.2! I can see why people stop temping because it can be very stressful and confusing. I hope this isn't an anovulatory cycle for me. We'll see if my temps go back up tomorrow.
Hey Joy, my BBT took a dip below cover line 2 DPO and I was really confused and thought I hadn't ovulated after all. It went back up the next day and though it was a little up and down it stayed above cover line after that. I was reading up on it and it's not unusual to have a temp or two seem off - it's not about individual temps, it's about the overall trend! Also, you can't compare oral and vaginal temps. You have to pick one and use it the entire cycle to see a trend.

I totally get that it's stressful and confusing, though! I agree, but it also helped me know that I O'd, which was helpful information since I had just come off the pill. I hope it's back up tomorrow!

GL, Fx, and baby dust to everyone still in the TWW!
Hey Joy, my BBT took a dip below cover line 2 DPO and I was really confused and thought I hadn't ovulated after all. It went back up the next day and though it was a little up and down it stayed above cover line after that. I was reading up on it and it's not unusual to have a temp or two seem off - it's not about individual temps, it's about the overall trend! Also, you can't compare oral and vaginal temps. You have to pick one and use it the entire cycle to see a trend.

I totally get that it's stressful and confusing, though! I agree, but it also helped me know that I O'd, which was helpful information since I had just come off the pill. I hope it's back up tomorrow!

GL, Fx, and baby dust to everyone still in the TWW!

Thank you, Sekhmet! That makes me feel a little better. It's just that the temp dip was so huge (almost a full degree) it really caught me off guard. I'll just wait and see what my temps bring tomorrow. :)

How are you feeling after getting your BFP? Do you have your first dr appt scheduled yet? Please keep us posted about your pregnancy. You give me hope that I will be there someday too! :flower:
Thank you, Sekhmet! That makes me feel a little better. It's just that the temp dip was so huge (almost a full degree) it really caught me off guard. I'll just wait and see what my temps bring tomorrow. :)

How are you feeling after getting your BFP? Do you have your first dr appt scheduled yet? Please keep us posted about your pregnancy. You give me hope that I will be there someday too! :flower:

Hey Joy, how are you today? Did you temp this morning?

I'm okay, still not fully believing it, heh. I'm convinced for some reason that it must've been a false positive or that I'm going to MC. I really really hope this little one sticks!! I'll be choosing a doctor and calling to make an appointment tomorrow. :)
7th day of blinking smiley today. Not sure if im going to ovulate this month. Im going to call the helpline tomorrow to see if this is normal. I think lasf cycle i O'ed 2 days later than expected, but i should have gotten the solid smiley by today i think?

Ive thought about getting my hormones checked since i have always had issues with being too hot and gettin nauseous randomly. How would the doc check my hormones to make sure they are not off balance since they change throughout the month?
Sorry about AF, Turtle. But at least you know everything is working okay after coming off birth control. Best of luck in your next cycle! :)

AFM, my BBT took a huge dip this morning below my cover line and I'm only 4dpo. My cover line is at 96.9 (which is very low...it's usually 97.4) and my first temp this morning was 96.33. I re-temped right away and it was 96.8, then I used my second thermometer to try vaginal temping and it was 98.2! I can see why people stop temping because it can be very stressful and confusing. I hope this isn't an anovulatory cycle for me. We'll see if my temps go back up tomorrow.

The temps are so confusing! I don't even know if i had my spike yet cause i think my temps are always higher on the weekends from sleeping longer and going to bed later.:sleep:
Sekhmet - my temp went back up to 97.6 this morning so hopefully it stays up! I can imagine how surreal a pregnancy must be in the beginning. Please stay positive and don't stress yourself out by fearing the worst...you need to stay healthy and happy for your baby! I'm sure it will all sink in once you see that little hearbeat on the monitor. :)

MamaBear - that's strange that you're still getting the blinking smiley face after seven days but no confirmed O yet. Usually the LH surge only lasts one or two days before ovulation. What day in your cycle do you usually O on?

In regards to hormone testing, I had mine tested on CD3 for thyroid, FSH, estradiol and progesterone. I've read that you're also supposed to have a progesterone test on CD 21 to confirm ovulation, but my RE doesn't do a 21 day test because said it fluctuates so much that you would need to test twice a day for several days in order to get an accurate reading.
Sekhmet - my temp went back up to 97.6 this morning so hopefully it stays up! I can imagine how surreal a pregnancy must be in the beginning. Please stay positive and don't stress yourself out by fearing the worst...you need to stay healthy and happy for your baby! I'm sure it will all sink in once you see that little hearbeat on the monitor. :)

Thanks, Joy. It's definitely surreal and I'm trying to stay positive! I can't wait to have my first actual doctor appointment, I'm sure that will help :) And glad to hear your temp went back up!! Fx for you! :flower:

MamaBear: Unfortunately, temps aren't reliable unless they're taken at the same time every day before you get out of bed. I had to set an alarm for 5:30am on the weekends to temp because that's when I wake up during the week. I would wake up, temp, record, and go back to sleep. Otherwise, sleeping in will cause your temp to be falsely elevated and it will be hard to rely on your chart for a real spike or trend.

Can you tell I spent entirely too much time worrying over temps, haha? I may have been a little obsessive... that doesn't work for some people, but it did for me!
Well, my boobs were sore for the past 5 days and then today almost no soreness at all so I'm guessing AF is just around the corner. How's everyone else doing?
CD1 for me ladies. FINALLY!! I knew I was out this cycle and wanted to get started on August. August is my last cycle as a 32 year old woman lol. Here's hoping I can have a birthday BFP! Birthday is (Sept.5)
Crystlmcd - don't give up until af arrives! Sekhmet and Enigma thought they were out and they both ended up with a BFP!

Happy early birthday Cutieq. I hope this is your lucky month and you get a very special birthday surprise! My 33rd bday is next Thursday and a BFP would be the most wonderful birthday present ever!

I'm currently 6 dpo & patiently waiting for the next week to go by. This is our 7th cycle trying so hopefully it's a lucky one for us! :)
Hi Ladies. Congrats to all BFP this month:) I wrote earlier in July, this is my 4th cycle of tempting and OPK but NTNP since around a year. I will test this weekend, anybody testing these days?
Hi Ladies. Congrats to all BFP this month:) I wrote earlier in July, this is my 4th cycle of tempting and OPK but NTNP since around a year. I will test this weekend, anybody testing these days?

I plan on testing this weekend (sunday) if I don't have any of my usual pre-AF spotting by then! AF should start Monday!

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