32y.o.ttc#1 with irregular cycles after stopping BCP, let's be friends!

Looks like I'm back on the TTC journey again. All my tests are now coming back negative--digitals, non-digitals and ICs. I don't have my blood results back yet but I'm sure they'll show the same thing. I wish I knew what was causing this. This is so frustrating. I haven't started bleeding yet...just wish it would start so I can begin to move on.

I am so sorry...how incredibly disappointing. When do you get your blood results? I highly recommend you start charting so you can determine the length of your leutal phase and exact ovulation date. Charting can really help some women know what their issues are. Some women have short luteal phases which makes it nearly impossible for fertilized eggs to implant so they pass, there are supplements that can be taken to strengthen the leutal phase. Also, read up on low dose asprin and ttc/ early pregnancy.

Hugs and take care of yourself this weekend!:hugs:

Thank you. I got a BBT thermometer to start temping. I think it will be interesting and looking forward to knowing exactly when I O.

I got my HCG results back and it was only 23 as of 1/15. When I went in for blood work, I asked them to also check my progesterone but I was told no—not sure why. In emailing back and forth with the doctor’s office, they said there was some confusion as to why I was having blood work done so that’s why they didn’t check the progesterone. I told them that when I booked the appointment, I told her I had just had a CP the previous month and wanted to make sure everything looked ok, but apparently that never got passed on to them. After sorting that out, they were able to check my progesterone and it was only 7.4. The dr said it was normal but on the low side and wrote an Rx for Prometrium to increase my progesterone.

I went back and looked at my results from my first CP and my progesterone was only .6 and HCG was only 13. Obviously that is VERY VERY low! I’m pretty upset b/c I feel like this second CP could have possibly been prevented if she had put me on the progesterone for my next cycle. I just don’t feel like their office or the dr did their due diligence in trying to help me out so I’m going to look for a new one.

I really really hope the progesterone is what has been causing the CPs since that’s easily treatable. I’m planning to start the Prometrium when I O next time we TTC. I’m not sure yet if we’ll try again right away or wait a cycle. I’m leaning towards right away since we’re supposedly more fertile after a MC.
Ugh I am so sorry that your doctors office was not listening to you or validating you. I think its a good idea to shop for a new doc. There is a silver lining in this whole thing for you; you know that you are ovulating, your eggs are being fertilized, and your husband has good swimmers. Hopefully the prometrium does the trick and the next BFP will stick.Question, do you know what normal progesterone is when pregnant?

As for me, no movement. I am on CD 49 and NOTHNG. No positive lh, no ferning on my saliva microscope, minimal EWCM, no period, no temp changes. I can't wait for my OBGYN follow up in 3.5 weeks.

I also invited a couple other ladies to join our buddy group. Looks like no one has taken me up on it but hopefully they will join!
Ugh I am so sorry that your doctors office was not listening to you or validating you. I think its a good idea to shop for a new doc. There is a silver lining in this whole thing for you; you know that you are ovulating, your eggs are being fertilized, and your husband has good swimmers. Hopefully the prometrium does the trick and the next BFP will stick.Question, do you know what normal progesterone is when pregnant?

As for me, no movement. I am on CD 49 and NOTHNG. No positive lh, no ferning on my saliva microscope, minimal EWCM, no period, no temp changes. I can't wait for my OBGYN follow up in 3.5 weeks.

I also invited a couple other ladies to join our buddy group. Looks like no one has taken me up on it but hopefully they will join!

Yes, I'm thrilled that we've been able to get pregnant so quickly but I'm terrified that I will be one of those people that just can hold on to a pregnancy. Though I have to say, DH and I were pretty surprised about the 2 pregnancies given his poor sperm analysis results and my age (I'll be 34 in March). His SA was a little over a year ago and I'm curious if things have changed since he's been taking strong Rx-strength vitamins and maca.

My dr said that the expected values vary by different labs and doctors, but here are the values that my lab uses. My .6 level with the first CP is very scary...still can't believe she didn't prescribe progesterone after seeing that.

MALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NG/ML 0.15 - 1.15
1ST TRIMESTER . . . . . . NG/ML 11.6 - 64.5
LUTEAL PHASE . . . . . . . NG/ML 1.84 - 30.2

Oh my gosh, CD49! I wish your appointment was sooner! They may need to give you something to jump start your cycle. There are some herbs to help with that and also regulate your cycle...there's some info about this here if you're interested, https://natural-fertility-info.com/how-to-get-your-period-back.html.

It'd be great to have some other peeps here! Hope they join in.
Today is CD50! Arrrgh! I met with the OBGYN for the first time in November of 2015. Since I responded well to the progesterone withdrawal challenge my PCP had me do in October she wanted to wait 3 months to see what happened in that time. In the meantime I started temping, charting and using OPKs so I could get data on my cycles. I am taking some of the herbs listed in that article (thanks for the article btw), if I still don't have a period by the time I have my GYN apt in 3 weeks I am going to stop taking all herbs.

I bet the maca and vitamins are really helping sperm count for your husband, especially if he is consistent with taking it. High doses of vitamin c are also really good for sperm, I think its good for sperm motility. There was an actualy study done to back this up. My OH hasn't had an SA but I still feed him daily vitamins (multi, zinc, 1000mg vit c) and maca to help support healthy sperm development. Also, look into low dose asprin for yourself. I have heard that it helps with very early pregnancy/ implantation.
Today is CD50! Arrrgh! I met with the OBGYN for the first time in November of 2015. Since I responded well to the progesterone withdrawal challenge my PCP had me do in October she wanted to wait 3 months to see what happened in that time. In the meantime I started temping, charting and using OPKs so I could get data on my cycles. I am taking some of the herbs listed in that article (thanks for the article btw), if I still don't have a period by the time I have my GYN apt in 3 weeks I am going to stop taking all herbs.

I bet the maca and vitamins are really helping sperm count for your husband, especially if he is consistent with taking it. High doses of vitamin c are also really good for sperm, I think its good for sperm motility. There was an actualy study done to back this up. My OH hasn't had an SA but I still feed him daily vitamins (multi, zinc, 1000mg vit c) and maca to help support healthy sperm development. Also, look into low dose asprin for yourself. I have heard that it helps with very early pregnancy/ implantation.

What is a progesterone withdrawal challenge and why were you doing it? I think it's great that you started doing all of that--I'm sure knowing more about your body will come in very handy once you get your dang period! WTF?!

I kinda want DH to get another SA just to see what has changed in the past year. He had poor results on all counts--amount, motility, morphology, etc. so I'm curious if there's been an overall improvement or just on some things. He's open to it as long as he can do the sample at home this time. He was not a fan of providing the same in the sterile little office bathroom! lol! I'm just glad that didn't scare him off completely. He's been really great and supportive--said he'll do whatever it takes to make this happen.

I picked up my Prometrium Rx today and there aren't any instructions on when to take it. I need to do some research on if it's better to take it at O or with a BFP as I've read both. I did ask her via the portal but she's only responded to some of my questions. Really annoying. Oh, and don't have my followup HCG results from Wednesday. They normally get them back really fast so not sure what the deal is this time. I tried emailing and calling but haven't heard back yet...shocker.
Provera/progesterone is what docs will usually give to help jump start periods. They give you 10 days of progesterone which makes your body think you ovulated because it the lp your progesterone levels are higher. You take 10 days of pills and then when you stop your body will hopefully have a withdrawal bleed. It is not technically a real menstrual cycle because you did not ovulate to create it, but for many women it "jump starts" their cycles into being regular. The doctor talked about putting me on 3 months of BCP again hoping that will regulate things. That is obviously a last resort for me because why the hell would I want to go back on the pill since it screwed up my body to begin with!

The pharmacist should be able to tell you about your prescription. Let me know what your latest labs are.
Provera/progesterone is what docs will usually give to help jump start periods. They give you 10 days of progesterone which makes your body think you ovulated because it the lp your progesterone levels are higher. You take 10 days of pills and then when you stop your body will hopefully have a withdrawal bleed. It is not technically a real menstrual cycle because you did not ovulate to create it, but for many women it "jump starts" their cycles into being regular. The doctor talked about putting me on 3 months of BCP again hoping that will regulate things. That is obviously a last resort for me because why the hell would I want to go back on the pill since it screwed up my body to begin with!

The pharmacist should be able to tell you about your prescription. Let me know what your latest labs are.

Hi there, got my labs back and I'm down below 5. That's interesting about the progesterone withdrawal. I hope they don't put you back on BCP! Have you talked to the doctor about Clomid? I don't know much about it but maybe that would help?
i was invited by 2ducks, thanks for the invite. i am approaching 25 and i just got married last december, me n DH have decided to ttc right away. for two month before our wedding i was not preventing and i believe to be having sex when i thought i was ovulating. but it did not happen and so as the third cycle. Going back to my periods,i have had a short time period of 21 to 24 days until two years ago when i experienced a 35 days period which i went to see a doc before it happened he gave me some contraceptives which gave me nausea and i was vomiting immediately after eating and gained weight quickly. so i stopped but when i did my period came back again around 23-26 days. Then last year i had the same episode but this time around i didn't see my AF for three months. I went to see another doctor who found out i had a right ovarian cyst but it wasn't too big to be worried so he did put me in contraceptives again for three months.
first to third month i did get my period after 28 days and when those three months were finished i went to check and the cyst was gone but i was told that i have PCOS. so after reading about it i came to know that its difficult to get pregnant but not impossible it can happen and its a common thing.
i love to research and get to know my body so i came across with clomid treatment and when last month didn't happen as we tried naturally i decided to do some few things to boost it and make it happen this month. Am taking some vitamins to get myself ready for pregnancy but am also taking folic acid, i started clomid through day 3-7 and started having sex on day 7 and every other. i also added OPK this month and i started checking on day 9 and got negative up until today morning which is a day 12 still get a negative. I will keep on checking until day 16. But am hoping for the best and i hope to get my BFP this month.
I know i haven't tried so much but still the process is frustrating and i guess i have fear and its driving me crazy.
Am really sorry my intro was long but i was hoping for you guys to understand me more. And i hope it wasn't TMI
Hi miracleworker! Welcome to our little group! I'm sorry you've had so many issues with your cycle, but it sounds like you're doing everything you can to help your chances of getting a BFP. I've read that OPKs don't work for people with PCOS, so just something to be aware of. As long as your BD'ing EOD, you should have your bases covered. I wish I had the energy to BD that much! lol!
Hey Miracleworker! I'm glad you took me up on the invite. You got married last December, was that December of 2015 or 2014.

I don't know a lot about Clomid, most of what I have learned is from reading posts on this board. How are you being monitored while you are on it? Is your OB prescribing it or are you going to an RE? Do you have any noticeable side effects? I am curious because I am not ovulating and I wonder if that will be a step I have to take eventually...

MrsRose- you said your labs were below 5, what does that mean exactly????
i got married on 4th December 2015, well my OB prescribed it for and am not being monitored for the first cycle am just using opk. if this cycle does not work then i will be monitored in the next cycle. what they will do (as per my OB) is after 10 days they will check my ovaries if they have eggs that are ready to be released.
about side effect...i haven't noticed any since am taking them when i sleep so i will sleep through them but one thing that i noticed when i was using them was few pimples in one area and they dried up after finishing five days
Hey Miracleworker! I'm glad you took me up on the invite. You got married last December, was that December of 2015 or 2014.

I don't know a lot about Clomid, most of what I have learned is from reading posts on this board. How are you being monitored while you are on it? Is your OB prescribing it or are you going to an RE? Do you have any noticeable side effects? I am curious because I am not ovulating and I wonder if that will be a step I have to take eventually...

MrsRose- you said your labs were below 5, what does that mean exactly????

HCG below 5 means that you've completed the MC and you're back to normal essentially. Basically, your cycle should start up again. I think I should O in the next 7-10 days if my cycle is anything like it was last month.
i got married on 4th December 2015, well my OB prescribed it for and am not being monitored for the first cycle am just using opk. if this cycle does not work then i will be monitored in the next cycle. what they will do (as per my OB) is after 10 days they will check my ovaries if they have eggs that are ready to be released.
about side effect...i haven't noticed any since am taking them when i sleep so i will sleep through them but one thing that i noticed when i was using them was few pimples in one area and they dried up after finishing five days

I was just curious because you had said you started right when you got married and most women on this board report not being prescribed clomid until after trying a year. Did your doctor do this because you have PCOS? I am just curious what their rational is. I have an OBGYN apt in a week and a half and I want to go prepared with questions. Please keep us updated on this process, I am very interested to read how it goes.
I made a mistake and my OBGYN apt is actually in 8 days! I have never been so excited for someone to potentially look up my crotch with a speculum!

How are you gals doing? Any news?
I made a mistake and my OBGYN apt is actually in 8 days! I have never been so excited for someone to potentially look up my crotch with a speculum!

How are you gals doing? Any news?

Yay! Even I'm anxious for you to have your doctor appointment! Feels like you've been waiting forever.

I actually have a followup with my OBGYN tomorrow morning to discuss next steps, what testing we should have done, etc. I'm curious her thoughts on the causes of my CPs...though I doubt she'll have much insight since we didn't get any tissue tested.

I'm pretty excited because EWCM started yesterday and I got a flashing smiley on my Advanced Digital. We BD'd this morning and will hopefully do it again tomorrow AM before DH goes out of town. Unfortunately he'll be gone until Wednesday, so I'm hoping my solid smiley holds off until he gets back.
I was just curious because you had said you started right when you got married and most women on this board report not being prescribed clomid until after trying a year. Did your doctor do this because you have PCOS? I am just curious what their rational is. I have an OBGYN apt in a week and a half and I want to go prepared with questions. Please keep us updated on this process, I am very interested to read how it goes.

sorry for late reply this weekend we had our dad's memorial so i was somehow occupied......
yes my doctor prescribed that due to my history i had ovarian cyst which was not so big to cause damage so i went into meds and it just disappeared and now with pcos he thought i should take 50mg clomid for two cycle only and see if it can boost my chances. been married in december but have been trying for four month. that doesn't sound like a long time but can really mess you up especially with that kinda of history.
MrsRose, how did your appointment go? Hopefully your timing will be right this month!

Miracleworker- good luck with the clomid, keep us posted on how it works for you.

As for me....my OBGYN appointment got moved up to this Wednesday! I am very excited, any ideas on questions I should ask or tests I should ask to have performed?
MrsRose, how did your appointment go? Hopefully your timing will be right this month!

Miracleworker- good luck with the clomid, keep us posted on how it works for you.

As for me....my OBGYN appointment got moved up to this Wednesday! I am very excited, any ideas on questions I should ask or tests I should ask to have performed?

Hi there! Here's a recap of my dr appoinment. Maybe some of it will be helpful for your appt tomorrow.

-She doesn't think low progesterone is what caused the MCs because they happened so early. She thinks they were more likely due to a chromosomal abnormality or clotting issue. Another possibility is a polyp or some type of obstruction preventing implantation.

-She thinks the issue is most likely with me, not DH, since I've been able to conceive. She said we can have another sperm analysis done if we want but doesn't think it's necessary at this point.

-My cycles have ranged from 25-39 days so she may have me try Clomid at some point to help regulate cycles, have stronger ovulation, etc. I’m not so sure I want to do that since I’m ovulating on my own. I’ve read some horror stories about how it messes up some people’s cycles and does other kinds of damage. I plan to research it more.

-I told her I’d had some mild cramp-like pains in my pelvic area since the latest MC and asked if it could be retained tissue. She said there shouldn’t be any tissue to retain since I MC’d so early. But that seemed a bit contradictory for her reasoning on why I should wait a cycle before TTC. She said my body needs to rebuild the uterine lining and regulate itself. However if there wasn’t much tissue in the first place, then I would think that I would shed about the same amount of lining as with AF. Plus, many people don’t even know they had a CP and continue with their TTC journey. Obviously I’m not a doctor, but I just found that a bit odd.

-Must wait 6 weeks after MC to have genetic testing and blood clotting testing done. DH will also have the genetic testing done.

-Between Cycle Days 4-6, I should have ultrasound done to check for polyps or anything unusual.

Now I'm back to worrying that this isn't a progesterone issue after all. We've already started trying again this month so if I get pregnant, I guess we'll just have to wait and see if the progesterone and baby aspirin help. If I MC again, we'll have to wait another 6 weeks to have all the bloodwork done. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't get a BFP this month so we could have the testing done.

I'm now debating whether or not to BD when DH gets home tomorrow, as FF thinks I'll O then. So far we just BD'd once on Sun during my "high" fertility window and my peak will probably be tomorrow. Any thoughts or advice?
Heey Mrs Rose...i really am glad you made it with your doctor because it somehow oens you up to new possibilities. I have seen people getting kids with clomid so you never know it could be helpful..but hey no pressure am sure you know what is best for you...
I have been meaning to ask you,do you take folic acid? They say when you are ttc you should take folic acid atleast three months before to strengthen your womb.
Heey Mrs Rose...i really am glad you made it with your doctor because it somehow oens you up to new possibilities. I have seen people getting kids with clomid so you never know it could be helpful..but hey no pressure am sure you know what is best for you...
I have been meaning to ask you,do you take folic acid? They say when you are ttc you should take folic acid atleast three months before to strengthen your womb.

Yes, I take folic acid, a prenatal, maca and bee pollen. I should be around the 3 month mark for folic acid now, so hopefully that will help!

I guess I'm concerned about Clomid since I ovulate on my own already. I've heard that it has stopped ovulation in some people and that is obviously the LAST thing I want! I ordered a natural fertility supplement last night that I'll start taking if I get a BFN this cycle. It's supposed to help do some of the things that Clomid does without the negative side effects.

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