32y.o.ttc#1 with irregular cycles after stopping BCP, let's be friends!


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Hello! I am 32 years old. I work as a children and family therapist at a non profit mental health agency. After 12 years together my domestic partner and I are trying to have our first baby. I stopped the pill 6 months ago and I finally had a 3 day period (or so I think) that started 12 days ago. I was so excited and I hope this means my body is starting to regulate itself after 13 years on the pill. I have never been pregnant and since I was on the pill from age 17-31 I have no idea if I have ever ovulated.

No ovulation yet this cycle but i am temping, using OPKs, fertility microscope, and charting CM. I would love someone who is around my age, also ttc#1 and who may be experiencing some similar challenges to be a ttc buddy!
Hi 2ducks! I'm 33 years old and TTC #1. I'd love to be your buddy! Your situation sounds similar to mine. Been with DH for 10 years but married for 6 and a half and we're finally ready to start a family!

I got off BCP about a year and a half ago after being on it for almost 19 years. My periods were irregular right off the bat so my OBGYN put me on the pill when I was only 13. I got off for about 3-4 months after college when I didn't have insurance and AF didn't come back that whole time, so I was really nervous that something was wrong with me. Surprisingly AF started back up about a month after stopping in July 2014 and has been fairly regular since.

This will be our 3rd month TTC. I got pregnant last month but unfortunately had a chemical pregnancy about 3 weeks ago - I was about 5 weeks along. DH has low sperm count, and I've heard that you're very fertile after a MC so we decided to try again before AF in hopes of getting a sticky bean this time around.

I don't temp, just use OPKs for now. I got my peak LH surge yesterday so I think I'm due to O today or tomorrow. The TWW will begin shortly! Where are you in your cycle? Any lines showing up on the OPKs yet??
OMG! I never thought I would get a buddy! I am very excited to finally have one. I am so sorry about your chemical, hopefully this is your cycle to conceive. I have never heard anything about women being more fertile after a miscarriage so I am very interested to find out through you if this is true.

So I am currently on CD 27 with no O confirmed. I did have an odd experience I would love your opinion on. I got a positive OPK with wondfo this morning, I was thrilled. I confirmed with my clear blue digital but that was negative, I did two more wondfos and they were also both negative. These were all from the same urine sample. I am not sure what to think and it was definitely a huge disappointment. I would love to know your thoughts...


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Once you get your positive OPK do you stop testing or keep going for a few more?
Another thing....does your man take any supplements to boost sperm count and quality?
Yay!! I wasn't sure if you'd respond since your original post was a couple weeks ago.

So regarding your OPKs, that is so bizarre! I don't know how that could happen from the same sample. Some OPKs recommend using FMU while others recommend testing later in the day. Have you checked again this afternoon? I've heard that LH surges tend to happen in the afternoon. Have you guys been BDing at all? I'd say go for it tonight just to be on the safe side!

I use the Clear Blue Advanced digital OPKs along with ICs. I like CBs b/c they show you high fertility days (based on increased estrogen) as well as peak days (based on LH surge)...most tests just show LH so this gives you a few more days to get busy! I use the ICs to just verify what I'm seeing on the CB. Once the CB shows the peak fertility smiley face you stop testing b/c that result will stay on the test for 2 days even if you test the next day and your surge is over. However I tested with the ICs yesterday and today just for funsies to see if the lines would fade slowly and they definitely did.

Have you seen any other lines show up on your OPKs before now?

DH is taking maca but he only started a couple weeks ago and a multivitamin that has some good stuff for fertility. Wish I would've had him start the maca earlier though. It can take up to 6 weeks to notice any difference.

Keep me posted on your OPKs! I'm dying to know how an afternoon/evening test looks!
Yay!! I wasn't sure if you'd respond since your original post was a couple weeks ago.

So regarding your OPKs, that is so bizarre! I don't know how that could happen from the same sample. Some OPKs recommend using FMU while others recommend testing later in the day. Have you checked again this afternoon? I've heard that LH surges tend to happen in the afternoon. Have you guys been BDing at all? I'd say go for it tonight just to be on the safe side!

I use the Clear Blue Advanced digital OPKs along with ICs. I like CBs b/c they show you high fertility days (based on increased estrogen) as well as peak days (based on LH surge)...most tests just show LH so this gives you a few more days to get busy! I use the ICs to just verify what I'm seeing on the CB. Once the CB shows the peak fertility smiley face you stop testing b/c that result will stay on the test for 2 days even if you test the next day and your surge is over. However I tested with the ICs yesterday and today just for funsies to see if the lines would fade slowly and they definitely did.

Have you seen any other lines show up on your OPKs before now?

DH is taking maca but he only started a couple weeks ago and a multivitamin that has some good stuff for fertility. Wish I would've had him start the maca earlier though. It can take up to 6 weeks to notice any difference.

Keep me posted on your OPKs! I'm dying to know how an afternoon/evening test looks!

I did test this afternoon and it was negative. I always get faint lines on my opks but have not had a positive yet this cycle, I try to test with FMU and when I get home from work. What brand is IC? I want to look into it. I am also curious about the CB digital advanced. That sounds like it may be more helpful since it also tests estrogen.

Also your man may want to take 1000mg of vitamin c. There was a study done on men with low sperm quality, I think it was motility. But anyway the vitamin c helped drastically improve sperm quality. My partner takes a multi, 1000mg of vitamin c, and folic acid. He was also on Maca but he was having insomnia and thought it may be related so he stopped that. I am hoping to get him back on Maca soon.

We had sex yesterday and the previous two days. He left this morning on a trip out of state to visit his dad so unfortunately we will miss two days of BDing, but we did the best we could. Normally we try for every other night. :happydance:
Yay!! I wasn't sure if you'd respond since your original post was a couple weeks ago.

So regarding your OPKs, that is so bizarre! I don't know how that could happen from the same sample. Some OPKs recommend using FMU while others recommend testing later in the day. Have you checked again this afternoon? I've heard that LH surges tend to happen in the afternoon. Have you guys been BDing at all? I'd say go for it tonight just to be on the safe side!

I use the Clear Blue Advanced digital OPKs along with ICs. I like CBs b/c they show you high fertility days (based on increased estrogen) as well as peak days (based on LH surge)...most tests just show LH so this gives you a few more days to get busy! I use the ICs to just verify what I'm seeing on the CB. Once the CB shows the peak fertility smiley face you stop testing b/c that result will stay on the test for 2 days even if you test the next day and your surge is over. However I tested with the ICs yesterday and today just for funsies to see if the lines would fade slowly and they definitely did.

Have you seen any other lines show up on your OPKs before now?

DH is taking maca but he only started a couple weeks ago and a multivitamin that has some good stuff for fertility. Wish I would've had him start the maca earlier though. It can take up to 6 weeks to notice any difference.

Keep me posted on your OPKs! I'm dying to know how an afternoon/evening test looks!

I did test this afternoon and it was negative. I always get faint lines on my opks but have not had a positive yet this cycle, I try to test with FMU and when I get home from work. What brand is IC? I want to look into it. I am also curious about the CB digital advanced. That sounds like it may be more helpful since it also tests estrogen.

Also your man may want to take 1000mg of vitamin c. There was a study done on men with low sperm quality, I think it was motility. But anyway the vitamin c helped drastically improve sperm quality. My partner takes a multi, 1000mg of vitamin c, and folic acid. He was also on Maca but he was having insomnia and thought it may be related so he stopped that. I am hoping to get him back on Maca soon.

We had sex yesterday and the previous two days. He left this morning on a trip out of state to visit his dad so unfortunately we will miss two days of BDing, but we did the best we could. Normally we try for every other night. :happydance:

Well, that is strange - not quite sure what to make of the positive. I'd highly recommend the CBs if this month doesn't result in a BFP.

Good to know about the Vitamin C! I'll check his multivitamin to see how much is in there.

I just got these ICs off Amazon called ChoiceMmed and they also came with some preggo tests. I have to say, those things were pretty darn accurate! Here's the Amazon link if you're interested, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00UYC8XV2?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00.

When are you planning on doing an HPT? I'm not sure when I should do it since I don't know what to count as CD1. I've read different things, e.g. first day of bleeding vs. day the sac passed vs. first day HCG was < 5. All of the above are within 4 days but that makes a big difference during the TWW!
Geez, that's a lot to consider for you deciding when to test. Maybe you should go with the first day of bleeding and do once a day???

Thanks for the tip on your IC lh testers. I may get them next month. I also think when my CB digital runs out I will invest in the CB advanced.

I have had some changes in my chart and temps. Initially fertility friend thought I ovulated last Monday. But I have had three days of low temps so that may change things. Regardless I am going to start testing this weekend. I have like 10 of the IC HCG pee sticks, I am going to have my partner hide them on me because I have a habit of testing multiple times a day!

We are also still trying to BD every other day in case I have not ovulated. Irregular cycles are SO frustrating!
Geez, that's a lot to consider for you deciding when to test. Maybe you should go with the first day of bleeding and do once a day???

Thanks for the tip on your IC lh testers. I may get them next month. I also think when my CB digital runs out I will invest in the CB advanced.

I have had some changes in my chart and temps. Initially fertility friend thought I ovulated last Monday. But I have had three days of low temps so that may change things. Regardless I am going to start testing this weekend. I have like 10 of the IC HCG pee sticks, I am going to have my partner hide them on me because I have a habit of testing multiple times a day!

We are also still trying to BD every other day in case I have not ovulated. Irregular cycles are SO frustrating!

Yeah, I'm going off the first day of bleeding as CD1 for my starting off point. On 4dpo I started symptom spotting--really early! I had cramps all day, constipation, runny nose and gas. The cramps and most of the other symptoms have subsided the past couple days so it could be nothing.

I'm the same as you with testing! I have a whole arsenal of ICs so that I can test as much as I want. In fact, I've already started testing just for funsies. I know it's waaaay too early but it gives me something to look forward to! I kinda miss doing my OPKs...it's so satisfying to see a positive symbol! I'm crazy, what can I say?!? :shrug:

So what do the low temps indicate? (I don't know much about temping)
How is your testing going?

After you ovulate the progesterone in your body increases and raises your basal body temperature slightly. If you did in fact ovulate your temps should remain high until you start your period or if you are pregnant they remain high. I actually did not ovulate last week, even though I had three days of high temps, my temps have been low ever since. I was taking a break from my OPKs when I thought I ovulated but I will be back on them tomorrow morn. I have decided to only test with FMU. I hate holding my pee later in the day and I always feel thirsty.
How is your testing going?

After you ovulate the progesterone in your body increases and raises your basal body temperature slightly. If you did in fact ovulate your temps should remain high until you start your period or if you are pregnant they remain high. I actually did not ovulate last week, even though I had three days of high temps, my temps have been low ever since. I was taking a break from my OPKs when I thought I ovulated but I will be back on them tomorrow morn. I have decided to only test with FMU. I hate holding my pee later in the day and I always feel thirsty.

Been getting BFNs everyday...as expected! I'm really anxious to find out. I would be really bummed if I didn't get a BFP, however there would be one upside to that this month. We're taking a work trip next week and there's usually a lot cocktail parties during this specific trip, so at least I could partake. We leave on Tuesday so I *should* have a definitive answer by then as I would be 14dpo then.

I've read some interesting things on the forum about O'ing, e.g. it's possible for it to appear that you're about to O but then you don't and then you actually O a couple days later. I also read that it's normal not to O 1-2 times a year. I'd never heard that before! Hopefully your in the former category this month! Are you guys still BD'ing EOD?
We are doing pretty good at EOD and if not every third day. I also use pre-seed every time just to be safe. four weeks till my OBGYN follow up, I really need to have a game plan. I like to control everything that happens in my life and this is driving me insane! I also am new to temping, there is a small percentage of women who don't have BBT shifts but are still ovulating, I could be in this category but since I am not turning OPKs positive and have no EWCM I highly doubt that.

I am looking forward to my tropical vacation in 6 weeks! I am not temping or OPKing during my vacation. If I am not pregnant at least I can enjoy drinks and zip lining!

Keep me posted on your testing!
We are doing pretty good at EOD and if not every third day. I also use pre-seed every time just to be safe. four weeks till my OBGYN follow up, I really need to have a game plan. I like to control everything that happens in my life and this is driving me insane! I also am new to temping, there is a small percentage of women who don't have BBT shifts but are still ovulating, I could be in this category but since I am not turning OPKs positive and have no EWCM I highly doubt that.

I am looking forward to my tropical vacation in 6 weeks! I am not temping or OPKing during my vacation. If I am not pregnant at least I can enjoy drinks and zip lining!

Keep me posted on your testing!

I'm very Type A myself, so I totally understand the whole not being in control thing. It's really frustrating to do everything right and still not get a BFP! Not to mention all the waiting for positive OPKs and then HPTs...it can be maddening!

Please keep me posted on what your doctor says. The vacay will be a great way to get your mind off the whole TTC process!

AFM, I think I'm 12dpo today (though could be 11-13dpo) and still getting BFNs. I'm not sure when to expect AF as my cycles were a little different each month, averaging 32 days. Going off a 32-day cycle, I should get AF by tomorrow, Jan 11th. We'll see!
Any updates???

I had a small amount of EWCM yesterday and this morning. It wasn't a lot but is was the first time things felt different down there so I am really excited that something has changed. I am back up and running with OPKs so hopefully I will get an LH surge or my temps will start looking like I have ovulated.
Any updates???

I had a small amount of EWCM yesterday and this morning. It wasn't a lot but is was the first time things felt different down there so I am really excited that something has changed. I am back up and running with OPKs so hopefully I will get an LH surge or my temps will start looking like I have ovulated.

Got more BFNs today and no AF. I noticed a small amount of VERY light brown, more like tan spotting when I wiped this AM so I put a tampon in thinking AF was going to start. But nothing since then. Not sure what to think. I'm pretty convinced I'm not preggo but just wish AF would show up so I can move on!

So random question that is a bit TMI...when you get EWCM, does it come out all them time or just when you wipe? I've been pretty dry all month except for a couple days of EWCM but only when I wiped. Wasn't sure if that was 'normal'!

Good luck--hopefully you get that positive OPK soon!
Hi 2ducks, how's everything going?

While I was on my business trip, I got very faint lines on ICs and confirmed last night when I got home with 2 different types of digitals! I got my bloodwork done today so I'm praying for good HCG levels. I should find out tomorrow or Monday. The lines on the non-digitals, including a FRER this morning, are still pretty faint so I'm nervous that I'll have another CP.
Looks like I'm back on the TTC journey again. All my tests are now coming back negative--digitals, non-digitals and ICs. I don't have my blood results back yet but I'm sure they'll show the same thing. I wish I knew what was causing this. This is so frustrating. I haven't started bleeding yet...just wish it would start so I can begin to move on.
Looks like I'm back on the TTC journey again. All my tests are now coming back negative--digitals, non-digitals and ICs. I don't have my blood results back yet but I'm sure they'll show the same thing. I wish I knew what was causing this. This is so frustrating. I haven't started bleeding yet...just wish it would start so I can begin to move on.

I am so sorry...how incredibly disappointing. When do you get your blood results? I highly recommend you start charting so you can determine the length of your leutal phase and exact ovulation date. Charting can really help some women know what their issues are. Some women have short luteal phases which makes it nearly impossible for fertilized eggs to implant so they pass, there are supplements that can be taken to strengthen the leutal phase. Also, read up on low dose asprin and ttc/ early pregnancy.

Hugs and take care of yourself this weekend!:hugs:
Any updates???

I had a small amount of EWCM yesterday and this morning. It wasn't a lot but is was the first time things felt different down there so I am really excited that something has changed. I am back up and running with OPKs so hopefully I will get an LH surge or my temps will start looking like I have ovulated.

Got more BFNs today and no AF. I noticed a small amount of VERY light brown, more like tan spotting when I wiped this AM so I put a tampon in thinking AF was going to start. But nothing since then. Not sure what to think. I'm pretty convinced I'm not preggo but just wish AF would show up so I can move on!

So random question that is a bit TMI...when you get EWCM, does it come out all them time or just when you wipe? I've been pretty dry all month except for a couple days of EWCM but only when I wiped. Wasn't sure if that was 'normal'!

Good luck--hopefully you get that positive OPK soon!

As for EWCM. I had to go looking for it, and only had small amounts. I have never had large amounts like some women do. I always use pre-seed just to be on the safe side.

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