33 yrs young ttc#1...need buddies:)

I had my appointment on Thursday with the RM Consultant. It was very positive and I now (finally) have a treatment and care plan in place for the next time I'm pregnant. I'm hopeful that it will do the trick! We have to skip trying this cycle though, as he wants me to have one clear cycle between the miscarriage and a possible pregnancy - something to do with the lining. So hopefully next time we will catch again! I'm now on high dose folic acid and aspirin, then adding progesterone supplements and Clexane injections from BFP, as well as scans every two weeks from six weeks until booking. So relieved to finally have a plan!

That's such great news, Squig! Sounds like a good solid plan. Have a nice relaxing month off. Good things to come!

No test for me yet. I don't have any in the house and my AF is due tomorrow so I'd only test if it doesn't get here by the end of the week. Don't have any symptoms, pregnancy or AF. Boobs are the least sore they've ever been. No spotting yet.

I really think my cycle is just off, which means waiting a whole other cycle to schedule my tests, but having time off right now from overthinking things is going well for me mentally :)
Well AF is due today and there was the faintest bit of pink on the tissue this morning, but nothing since. Hubby couldn't take it and went out and bought me some FRER tests. BFN. So now I just have to wait and see how late I am. Had some crazy pains this morning on the left side though. Thought "maybe I'm ovulating very late" so I'm waiting for hubby's friend to leave so we can BD cause why not?!

Have to wait to see what happens with the cycle so I can plan out the tests and trip to Colorado. It's nice to have the break of not thinking about it even though I did get my hopes up a bit that AF was late so glad I did POAS before I got hopes up too much.

The strangest part is the no spotting because I always have at least 5 days of spotting before AF and nothing yet so AF must be really late.
sorry for BFN:hugs: We are here for you.
I hope and pray you are just steps away from your dream.

Squig34, what was that positive test about? Blood clot?
I am so happy with your plan for next time!!! Clexane also aids your immunity that it doesn't kill your embryo. Yay, Progesterone!

I am talking with the girls who had IVF and BFP. Many of them are unexplained. They took aspirin.
They think it's circulation problem. Symptoms: cold hand and feet, pale and blue rings under the eyes, blood pressure on the lower side. BINGO I have all those symptoms including high resting heart rate 80-90bpm. My iron and thryroid levels are always great. High cholesterol runs in my family. I have a problem too, manage with a diet.
I think aspirin is a life maker. Maybe we would be preggo months ago if we took it.
Sorry AF is messing your around, Panda, it's hard enough TTC when our bodies are regular and we know what we expect them to do.

Dovkav - thanks! I'm very happy too and hopeful that this is what I needed. Just need to get pregnant quickly now from the next cycle :) no idea regarding the test - I actually think that it was a failed implantation, my body tried to implant and managed it initially but just couldn't hold on to the embryo. I think I have an implantation problem as all my losses have been on the early side of early, 8 weeks or before. That's interesting about the Clexane, I didn't know that, so thanks! I just maybe it helps if your body has elevated levels of NK cells. I've heard great things too about aspirin, so hopefully that's it - I see that your betas are fantastic! When will you get your first scan?
Thank you, dov, and YAY! NICE BETA NUMBERS!

They think it's circulation problem. Symptoms: cold hand and feet, pale and blue rings under the eyes, blood pressure on the lower side. BINGO I have all those symptoms including high resting heart rate 80-90bpm. My iron and thryroid levels are always great. High cholesterol runs in my family. I have a problem too, manage with a diet.
I think aspirin is a life maker. Maybe we would be preggo months ago if we took it.

I have all those symptoms!! I'm going to do some reading on this. No one has even mentioned this as a possibility.
A bit of a rough day. Was day 3 past AF due and decide to use the other test in the 2 pack. BFN of course. Was feeling better and more calm, coping well last week but this week tired from work and coping not so great.

Then today the only other female coworker at the job I'm working on right now comes in to my office cause she's upset the internet is running slow and tells me she's sorry if she gets cranky lately because she's pregnant. I did the whole "yay! no problem! Congratulations!" But then I went to the bathroom and had my first spotting this month and had to wait there and meditate for a moment before I could go back to work.

Well, Mother's Day is coming up and I'll be thinking of all of you and our angels and our journey's happy endings to come. You are all already great moms because of everything you've done for those angels and everything you are doing for those children you'll soon have.
:hugs: panda. Mother's day here is in March, so it's already past this year and hopefully by next year I and you will have our little ones in our arms :)
Sending you hugs and kisses, panda :hugs:
I agree with squig34 I hope and pray for all the best for you all!
You need a ticker Dovkav, so we can keep an eye on how far along you are! :)
Quiet in this thread!

Just popping in to say that I surprisingly got a BFP at the weekend! Good thing I had my treatment protocol in place. I'm a bit nervous that I didn't start the aspirin until a few days after o (and conception) thinking there was no rush cos it surely wouldn't happen this month, but hopefully it'll be fine. I don't have as strong of symptoms as I would like, and then I worry that it's the progesterone making some of them, but underneath I'm hopeful that things will work out this time; the treatment plan I'm on has an excellent success rate. (It better be ok, cos I don't want to think I've been sticking needles in myself these past 4 days for no good purpose!)
Squig34, I am so excited for you! You are doing a great job and each needle worth of it! I hope and pray this treatment will do a trick. Take care of yourself.

I had my first transabdominal scan and we saw our baby! He was 16mm, perfectly growing in my uterus. My dr. saw a heartbeat. On Wednesday he was measured 8w2d.
Now I can relax just a little bit and proceed with my life. Little cramp or uncomfort will be only a sighn of the baby growing, only positive thoughts. I can start to enjoy being pregnant.

panda, babymine, ttcbaby how are you doing?
Aw, how lovely to see your baby, Dovkav! Glad he or she is doing well :)
How long will you stay on aspirin?
Do you have a blood clot disorder?
After an embryo transfer My RE told me to stop at 12 weeks but she wants me to stop it now at 8 weeks. I am confused.
I'll be on aspirin and Clexane and progesterone for my whole pregnancy. I don't have a clotting disorder that's been identified, but the doctor told me that with all my early losses, I have all the signs of antiphospholipid (Hughes) syndrome, a blood clotting disorder where the blood starts to clot from the moment of conception, instead of only closer to labour and delivery (to stop the mother bleeding too much during delivery). So my spare room is like a medicine cabinet at the moment! Just need to keep remembering to renew my prescriptions!

Why did your RE change her mind?
Quiet in this thread!

Just popping in to say that I surprisingly got a BFP at the weekend! Good thing I had my treatment protocol in place. I'm a bit nervous that I didn't start the aspirin until a few days after o (and conception) thinking there was no rush cos it surely wouldn't happen this month, but hopefully it'll be fine. I don't have as strong of symptoms as I would like, and then I worry that it's the progesterone making some of them, but underneath I'm hopeful that things will work out this time; the treatment plan I'm on has an excellent success rate. (It better be ok, cos I don't want to think I've been sticking needles in myself these past 4 days for no good purpose!)

That's so great! Congratulations! :happydance:
Well things seem to be going ok - I had my hCG levels tested last Monday afternoon (16 DPO) - they were 341. This morning, 24 DPO, they were 5092 so they're doubling pretty much every 48 hours, which is normal. Quite relieved. I also managed to book an early scan next Tuesday, I'll be 6+3. Hoping of course that all is well then too. So far, then, it seems like my protocol is working but I don't want to get too excited yet.
Well although all was ok at the scan I referred to above and I saw a HB, a scan just under 2 weeks later showed the baby had died just after that scan. 5th loss. I'm going to go and get tested for Natural Killer Cells now to see if that's causing a problem.
I am so so sorry. :hugs:I am shocked, brokehearted for you and your hubby.:cry:
I am hoping and praying you'll find the reason very soon.
Have you ever checked your uterus? Sometimes the shape of the uterus restrict the fetal growth.
Thanks Dovkav. Yes I've had my uterus checked. It's tilted backwards and slightly heart shaped (arcuate or something like that!) but not enough for the doc to think there was a problem (no septum). And the tilting makes no different at all, apparently.

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