33 yrs young ttc#1...need buddies:)

Ultrasound gives you not enough info to evaluate your uterus. Have you had HSG or hysteroscopy?
Yes, both, last year. I really don't think that's my problem though, the testing on my third baby came back that it was normal (so no reason to lose it) and I'm pretty sure that my first would've been normal too. So I guess that testing this baby will be useful as part of the overall picture.

I hope they'll let me try the steroids next time, to see if it does the trick. I'd rather not take them, but I guess I'm willing to try anything now!
Hey Squig, dov, and anyone who is still checking in or lurking to find out what's going on . . . I just had my tests at CCRM. What a great place! I feel like I have hope again!

The most frustrating thing is that the Dr looked at my HSG and said I DO HAVE A HUGE HYDROSALPINX on my left side only. He has no idea why my RE said it wasn't a problem and then did 3 IVFS without fixing it. He is recommending an Essure coil to close it since surgery or lap would be too risky for me due to scar tissue.

The crazy thing is, my right tube looks fine so this could be the main thing causing my infertility and I've now pretty much wasted a year - almost 2 years! at the other clinic because they did not treat it.

It's very upsetting, but I'm trying to be positive and look forward. Hoping I get some good embies this time and that fixing this will help.

Hoping for no complications from it as I know there is a risk.

The plan is to start the pre-meds for IVF#4 next month (August) and then he is going to try to do the Essure at retrieval. I will have to freeze embies and wait 3 months for it to heal though before I can do the transfer. That will be hard.
Squig, did they ever do a doppler to check the blood flow to your uterus? They did that at CCRM and said I was borderline and should get acupuncture to help the blood flow better. They are the first ones to check that for me.
What is a hydrosalpinx, Panda? Great that you had such a helpful consultation with CCRM - how disappointing that your previous RE did nothing about the hydrosalpinx - even if they thought it didn't matter, you'd think that after the first IVF didn't work, they might have considered addressing that issue, just in case. Good luck for the treatment and making your embies - I get you with the waiting though, it's always hard, especially when we've already had so much waiting! I'm currently waiting also, can't try again til after AF in September, it seems so looooong!

No, I've never had that Doppler test. I mean, they've looked on two occasions after I've lost a baby, to confirm that there's no blood flow to the embryo, but no-one has ever mentioned that it may not be good enough. I'll ask about that. How long do you have to be doing the acupuncture to improve things, do you know? I'm not at all a fan of needles so I've never liked the thought of acupuncture, but it could be worth giving it a go!
Hi girls, I’m still here silently stalking! :wave:

dov - I can’t believe where you are in your pregnancy right now after all your struggle. I’m so so happy for you I can’t even tell you how much. :hugs:

Squig – you hang in there sweetie…it will be your turn soon! I think testing this latest baby would be a good idea just so you know…peace of mind.

Panda – I’m SO happy you have found a place like that. I’m angry for you though that the other place didn’t find that problem with your HSG. That’s just insane. I’m so excited for your next IVF though and truly feel this will be your lucky one. You’ve been through enough! Waiting for the transfer will be hard but you are strong and will get through it. We will help you pass the time. 

AFM - I've realized I'm not dealing as well with all of this like I thought I was. I can run and exercise until the cows come home but the sadness never goes away. I have come to the conclusion I'm pretty depressed. I still function just fine and will continue to do so but am having way too many breakdowns over things lately (new pregnancies in very close core group) and just an overall truly sad feeling that I decided to get some help. I called my doc today to get info on "infertility counseling" where it ONLY focuses on that and I called and made my first appointment. It is July 28 after work so hopefully it helps! They are also going to call in a script for me I think to help get me "balanced" before September rolls around and we are back on medicated cycles, etc. So...that's the scoop on me. I'm still happy Danielle...with a side of infertility depression. :-/ My docs office was so nice and sweet. She told me this was very normal especially after 3 years of dealing with this and 3 losses under our belts and NOTHING to show for it. So at least that made me feel better. So I'm doing something about it and I hope it works. I'm tired of feeling this way every time I see a baby belly or hear a baby story or see a baby post. It sucks. I don't want to feel jealous anymore. I do, however, don't think that will go away until I'm posting about my own miracle. Love you girls and thanks for listening. :hugs:
:hug:Panda, You have had HSGs before each IVF. Didn't they see increasing, inlarging one of your tubes? I can't beleave they didn't get concerned about it. I am so sorry to hear your diagnosis. The good news it is treatable. You have a great plan and a huge hope this summer. Hope and pray for you and your hubby.
Before my IVF I requested diagnostic hysteroscopy, cos I have had vey heavy bleeding and long menses in the past and I wanted our IVF to succeed. I always asked to look for hydrosalpinx on U/S. dr. told me everything is ok, on the other hand they couldn't see much. The final hydro free tubes were confirmed after 6 IVFs and 3 embryo transfers

Squig, Hydrosalpinx tube is a tube filled with liquid and on HSG it looks inlarged. The liquid may contain toxic chemicals that may arrest an embryo.

thank you! I am feeling great! Finally it becomes reality cos my belly is growing and I am feeling 5oz, 5 inch little miracle in there...
I am emotional and cry often...
you are my inspiration, you are my hero, you are so strong and wonderful. You are such a good person and your wishes will come true soon. I am so proud of you that you ask for help. My hubby has emotional problems, OCD and depression and he doesn't seek help. He wants help from me. He doesn't understand that I help him everyday, he just blames me for his problems....
Have a wonderful weekend, ladies. I know you'll join me very soon.
Thanks for the info, Dov :)

Dani - glad you are going to be able to see someone to talk this all through. I hope it really helps you to get back in a good frame of mind - but it's no wonder after all you've been through that you're just worn down. Big hugs :hugs:
:hug:Panda, You have had HSGs before each IVF. Didn't they see increasing, inlarging one of your tubes? I can't beleave they didn't get concerned about it. I am so sorry to hear your diagnosis. The good news it is treatable. You have a great plan and a huge hope this summer. Hope and pray for you and your hubby.
Before my IVF I requested diagnostic hysteroscopy, cos I have had vey heavy bleeding and long menses in the past and I wanted our IVF to succeed. I always asked to look for hydrosalpinx on U/S. dr. told me everything is ok, on the other hand they couldn't see much. The final hydro free tubes were confirmed after 6 IVFs and 3 embryo transfers

Squig, Hydrosalpinx tube is a tube filled with liquid and on HSG it looks inlarged. The liquid may contain toxic chemicals that may arrest an embryo.

thank you! I am feeling great! Finally it becomes reality cos my belly is growing and I am feeling 5oz, 5 inch little miracle in there...
I am emotional and cry often...
you are my inspiration, you are my hero, you are so strong and wonderful. You are such a good person and your wishes will come true soon. I am so proud of you that you ask for help. My hubby has emotional problems, OCD and depression and he doesn't seek help. He wants help from me. He doesn't understand that I help him everyday, he just blames me for his problems....
Have a wonderful weekend, ladies. I know you'll join me very soon.

Awe, you poor thing...you hang in there!
And don't let DH drag you down too much...he needs to get help elsewhere because you don't need that stress while you're preggers. :hugs:
And thank you for those kind words to me. You are SO sweet! I'm trying...
Hello ladies!

I hope you don't mind me joining this group, though sadly I see there has not been a lot of activity lately ...but still, I hope you do read this because you all have been a HUGE inspiration for me this past week! First time I read (and join!) a forum, and I already see the difference it's made in me. I realise now that I must be patient and specially that I'm not alone!

To tell you a bit about my own story...DH and I are both 33 and we've been TTC since Jan 2014. I know it sounds like a joke compared to other ladies, BUT in the 8 years that we've been together we've never missed a period. I seem to be ok ( though lots of spotting pre-AF) but DH hasn't got the best sperm in the world unfortunately. We are now seriously considering IVF, but we live in Asia and it's ridiculously expensive to do the procedure here. So...we will probably have to make a decision and go to Europe in December for a month or so...Sigh :(

Anyway...ladies please keep posting (pregnant and non-pregnant!), I can't really share much with my friends here bc non of them are planning on getting pregnant anytime soon and they think I'm exaggerating ...I know you understand me very well :winkwink:

Btw I'm using OPK and my lucky day should be around Sept 27... Anyone?
Hi, and welcome!
I am sorry you end up here. You are not alone and you made a good decision to talk about your feeling here.:hugs:
I think it's too early for you to start IVF. You should TTC for a year at least. I am sorry to hear that your hubby's sperm is not great. I am glad you did some testing. What other diagnostic testing have you done?
After 1 year of TTC. you should check your open tubes, check your progesterone levels, prolactin, thyroid levels, AMH. If you didn't have any abdominal surgeries, and your tubes are open you should try clomid. This way your ovaries will produce more eggs and you have greater chance. IUI will increase your chances too.
IVF should be your last resort.
WE started IVFs after almost 2 years of TTC. Our blood tests were great, sperm was great, my hysteroscopy was clear. I ovulated on time, my periods were on time. The only problem we had that an egg never met a sperm. I have had a very complicated abdominal surgery. I had ruptered appendix. All my abdominal cavity was filled with pus and I had infection, it had to be drained and I had to be on antibiotics. This event ruined my tubes. They are open but they are not functioning.
Hope and pray end of September will be your best day ever!

babymine, panda pan, TTC baby, Squig, anybody else? how is everybody doing?
Thanks so much for your encouraging words! You are right, maybe it's too soon for IVF, but the docs in Singapore really scared the heck out of us (although a doc friend of ours looked at the results and said my DH's guys weren't that bad at all). So we'll repeat his SA in a couple of weeks and after that make a decision. He is now in a rush (understandable) and also I think that me being 'supposedly' ok will probably mean higher chances of getting pregnant quickly...clock is ticking :-(

If his :spermy: are really at fault we may actually need ICSI, but I think that makes no difference procedure-wise, right? Tbh im a bit scared of the whole thing...Dov, I salute you for going through ER without anestesia!! WOW :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

I've heard a lot about clomid etc, might discuss that with the docs here...I just don't know what to believe anymore! I do have hypothyroidism since age 12 but I am very well controlled, so that should not be a problem. No other special tests apart from several U/S and a blood test in December ...but now you got me thinking. I started taking progesterone ovules (vaginal) after OD last month to stop the spotting situation, and now it delays my period which drives me nuts!

Anyway ladies, I am really confident we will make this happen!! at least you wont need to travel to the other side of the world to get whatever treatment needs to be done...this no-baby is going to cost a fortune, but totally worth it, im sure! :winkwink:
Hi Nectarine! Welcome!

I've been away from the forums lately. Going through a lot or pre-cycle testing and busy with work.

Nectarine, I think preparing to go see a doctor and setting up IVF in December is a good idea. 9 months of trying is long enough to start thinking about it. I wish I had got the ball rolling sooner and definitely only stay at a clinic that you feel strongly is covering ALL the bases and investigating all the possibilities. I think my first clinic was way too lax about things and was more concerned about trying the easy ways first and I wasted 2 years being too passive and trusting that they were doing enough when they clearly weren't.

dov? How are things?! I'm so excited for you!

ttcbabyisom, I hope you are doing okay. I let myself get distracted for a while and was so crazy busy I wasn't able to think much about things and that did help. I needed a break from thinking about it as I, too, was getting very depressed. I hope you got some relief and are feeling renewed soon.

Squig, any further news from your doctors about what's going on or what the next steps are?

AFM (sorry about this long post) I'm finally starting my cycle with CCRM and it's been just crazy. First I had a very sore left breast from a cyst I've had forever that seemed to have gotten more painful so I had my first mammogram and they made me come back because they saw some calcifications in my RIGHT breast that looked suspicious. Painful biopsy on the right and they aspirated cysts on left. Thankfully, tests came back benign but that was a very stressful few days wondering if I had cancer and if they'd have to cancel my IVF.

Then they had me monitor my cycle and it had been very regular 28 days, ovulating around day 13 or 14 . . . well, as soon I started monitoring for O, things went haywire and I ovulated very early at 9 or 10 days and then was supposed to take my priming meds for several days til i got my period, but that also came 5 days early! So I barely got any of the priming meds (only 2 days of estradiol and one day of cetrotide) but they said not to worry about it, yet they scrambled and had me get ultrasound and bloodwork and then switched my stims to start much earlier than originally planned (on this new "day 3") so suddenly I'm heading to Colorado THIS SUNDAY to get my first ultrasound on the stims.

They are giving me human growth hormone which sounds controversial and I have to pay a lot for it out of pocket . . . (that's why I've been working so many hours) . . . but the studies on it actually look pretty promising for better sticky eggs. I'm hoping it helps.

Anyway . . . off to CCRM soon. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm trying to think of this as a test run for the new clinic and not worry if it doesn't go perfectly since maybe they have to learn more about me and I'm prepared to have to do this again with them even though the doctor seemed so confident . . . but I know if they don't get a good egg retrieval this time, it's going to be a very bad sign so I'm praying that I'm in as good hands as I think I am and that they will be able to help me.
Welcome, Nectarine! Dovkav has given you some good information about tests to get done. It makes sense to get those things checked out first before the IVF so that if you have any other issues, you can get those resolved if necessary. Sorry to hear that it's so expensive in Singapore and going to be such a hassle for you to get IVF. One tip I heard though from a GP friend - there are quite a few couples who are having trouble falling pregnant and it's because they don't have enough sex. So maybe you could think about upping the frequency if you aren't getting a lot in around ovulation. Good luck!

Panda - sorry to hear what a rough time you've been having! Keeping everything crossed for you though that this new protocol will do the trick - good luck with your travel - and I'm glad that you are more confident about this clinic. Keep us posted on how you get on tomorrow!

Dov and Panda - thanks for asking about me. I had natural killer cell testing last month. The results show that my levels are normal and my womb lining was developing normally. I really thought that was going to turn out to be the problem so I'm a little stunned that it's not. However, I'll know more after Tuesday as I have a telephone consultation with the consultant then to discuss results and outline the next treatment options. I think it's going to be progesterone from 7DPO and then Clexane/Heparin from around 6 weeks, both until 13 weeks. I'll pop back to update when I know. AF is due in the next couple of days but we weren't in with a great shot this month as we only BD once well before o so I'm not too disappointed.
Hi ladies!

Yep, indeed we made the "mistake" of abstaining from sex during ovulation week till the OPK gave us the go, thinking that a bigger amount of sperm would increase our chances...but in the last few months we are changing strategy ;)
Still doing OPK bc DH travels quite a lot, so I need to make sure we BD when we absolutely must!! Good news is...we will never need to buy condoms again haha (that will compensate for every clear blue OPK I'm buying every month, Singapore price!!!)
Girls, I really want you to know that this forum has helped me SO MUCH in the last few weeks! we went through difficult times and being able to vent, read about other couples stories, etc has been great to help me be more patient with myself and with my body. Tomorrow I start my fertile week again...we shall see :-)
I wish you all best of luck TTC and never give up!
Good luck this cycle Nectarine! Glad you have found such support on the forum.

Well, I had my consultation re the NK cell results. Not much to say, it was pretty quick. I've basically got 3 cycles in which to get pg and I've to contact them if it doesn't happen by then. I'm on progesterone from days 21-28, unless I get pregnant in which case I stay on it til week 13. Clexane 20mg from about 6 weeks (when I need to get a scan to confirm the pregnancy. I'd be doing that anyway with my history!) until 13 weeks. DON'T take aspirin. Steroids not needed. So I just need to get pregnant now!
Hi ladies,

Nectarine - good luck with the new method. I hope more BD days does the trick.

Squig - are you feeling frustrated that you still don't have an exact answer of what is going on or do you think they have it covered now with the new med protocol. It seems like they feel good about it if they are giving you 3 months to try this way. Fingers and toes crossed!

I finished my egg retrieval at CCRM. I got 19 retrieved, 15 mature, 11 fertilized normally and 1 maybe that they didn't think was going to make it but were holding on to. My best has been 8 mature and 6 fertilized so far so this is good. I'm very anxious to get my day 6 numbers on Wed though to see what is going to make it to freeze and genetic testing. I keep having that terrible thought that there won't be anything to transfer, but my hubby tells me I'm just being crazy and probably I am.
panda, I am so over the moon for you!:wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

You had a great number of egg retrieved and I hope and pray embryos will develop nicely
Are you doing PGD testing? I beleave you need to freeze them.
Was your hydro tubes fixed? Are you waiting for it?

AFM, I am doing great. Reality is soaking in cos we preparing for a baby's arrival and arranged a birthing center which is located in the hospital.
Pelvic gridle pain is my problem in the second tri but I am happy the pain is not increasing, managable with exercises.
Panda, that's an AWESOME result! Fingers tightly crossed for you on Wednesday though I'm sure you're bound to have good results with all those little fertilised eggs. Are you planning to have some embryos transferred this time too or will you freeze them all to get them genetically tested? Keep us posted! I don't know if it's frustrating or not. If it works, then I guess not - I just think it's a lot of pressure to get pregnant within 3 months, even though it's been taking me less and less time as the months go by. But after three months, taking the progesterone if not pregnant (ie from days 21-28) can have a detrimental effect on your lining and start to hinder implantation, which is why only 3 months. FX though!

Less than 3 months to go for you Dovkav, I'm just realising you're due a little Christmas/New Year baby, right?
Hi ladies,

Nectarine - good luck with the new method. I hope more BD days does the trick.

Squig - are you feeling frustrated that you still don't have an exact answer of what is going on or do you think they have it covered now with the new med protocol. It seems like they feel good about it if they are giving you 3 months to try this way. Fingers and toes crossed!

I finished my egg retrieval at CCRM. I got 19 retrieved, 15 mature, 11 fertilized normally and 1 maybe that they didn't think was going to make it but were holding on to. My best has been 8 mature and 6 fertilized so far so this is good. I'm very anxious to get my day 6 numbers on Wed though to see what is going to make it to freeze and genetic testing. I keep having that terrible thought that there won't be anything to transfer, but my hubby tells me I'm just being crazy and probably I am.

Wow Panda, this is amazing news!!! What's CCRM though? IVF lingo...i'm not familiar...

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