Thank you, Kim and Citrus. I'm 99.9% sure Fertility Friend is incorrect on this occasion. It isn't usually, but there's this doubt in my mind I can't shove, and when I take into account everything it all points to CD10, possibly CD11. Especially when I compare this chart to my previous charts, I always ov on the day of the dip or the day after and usually when I have a positive OPK. I know as we get older we tend to ov closer to the lh surge and sometimes the OPKs detect the surge after ov. So it's completely possible I would see a positive OPK the day after ov as well as on the day.
I think implantation this early is unusual but it isn't impossible. I didn't have any signs of ov CD12. In fact, my body seem quite sensitive to the change in hormones and I have already started seeing changes which I would usually see after ov and this usually happens fairly quickly which is why a couple of previous cycles have confused me when I haven't seen those symptoms for longer after ov.
I will have to keep in mind I guess that I could be a couple of days behind what I think, but for the time being I'm assuming FF was wrong. If the pink cm isn't due to early implantation then I will visit my GP I think, to be on the safe side since this is unusual for me.
So I used an IC a few days ago, immediately after ov because they arrived then and I kept seeing faint lines on the ICs I had before so I wanted to see what they would do knowing it wasn't possible to detect any hCG and they were completely, 100% blank. I looked within the time frame and after it and hours after as well, and there wasn't even an evap. I then used an IC from the same pack with my fmu today because I can't help myself, and I can see a line there. I highly doubt it's actually a genuine line because it's so early, so I'm wondering what could be in my pee after ov that can cause this? It's barely there, so difficult to see the colour but in some lights it looks vaguely pink. Does anyone know of anything which isn't related to PCOS that could do this? The only meds I use are diazepam and paracetamol, I also take prenatal supplements which turn my pee luminous yellow, but I have seen these before so I don't think it's due to these. I always use a clean cup to collect my pee in. I will post photos in a minute.
Kim did you use any more OPKs? I think ov will happen soon, if it hasn't already.
Citrus, I used an IC today at what I think is 6dpo, so you won't see any judgement here if you test earlier than you planned!
How is everyone else?
The fifth photo I messed about with to make what I'm seeing more obvious. I don't know if the upload will make me look crazy because it seems to alter the quality, but do you see what I mean? The first three photos the top test is the test I took days ago and the other is from today, as are all the others