33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Kim that sounds so stressful. I can totally understand why you made the decision to quit, your sanity and your family life have to come first and if you're working that many hours with people who are behaving worse than children working for you that's going to cause so much stress and upset that you're away that many hours a week. Sometimes it becomes about something other than money.

I hope it didn't come across as me being negative towards anyone who is a stay at home mum (or dad for that matter!) I truly think that is much more difficult than work, you get little recognition a lot of the time, it's 24 hours a day and you're emotionally invested in your family so you can't just put a bad day to one side in the same way people often can after a bad day at a job.
Another negative for me, cd13. Very very much hoping forva smiley tomorrow and will bd tonight so thats been every other day.

Back to work today. Looking forward to it actually as its friday so everything is just much more relaxed plus its dress down day which always makes people happy haha.

Kim that sounds well stressful. My OH had an awful job last year it completelt took everything out of him. He couldnt even have a day off without constant phone calls etc. He quit and is now in a much much better job. He feels really proud doing whats he is doing now which is nice as he was quite ashamed of his last job (i dont know why a job to support your family is great you should never br ashamed of it!)

Hope everyone is well.

Kim - did you get a positive today?

Anni have you od yet?

Citrus, not too long until you can test ahhhhhh!
Jessy, I don't know if I've O'd yet. I gave up on OPKs after finishing my second pack. I haven't temped the past two mornings either because Grace has decided the sleep is for the weak! If I had to guess I would think today. Hoping my cm will dry up later today. Thinking about it I had wet cm all month last month and I wonder if that means I didn't ovulate. If we're not successful this month I'm going to stock up on cheap OPKs and really commit to temping. My chart is at the bottom.

Kim - yay for the softcups.

Ladies who were talking about being a SAHM - I often wish I could stay home but we can't afford to be a 1 income family. Plus as much as I being at home with Grace I'm always ready for a break by the time I go back to work. Plus as someone else said. I have worked hard for my quaification and continue to work hard to make sure I remain up to date and have the opportunity to further my career.

trying to think what else has been said but failing miserably. My brain is not working properly at the moment and I'm so tired.


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Kim, nicely done! And I agree, we are past tmi lol
How is the soft cup? Is it comfortable? I find mine awkward but the MeLuna is easier and more comfortable than the Mooncup.
I would LOVE to fit in the other modules for my degree but at the moment our children are literally my career - I will have time at some point. I don't know what I'm want to do anymore though, because I love English and writing too.

Daisies I don't think you sounded like that. I agree it isn't recognised and it should be! I can't stand it when people think it's a cop out.

I'm confused with my chart today as Fertility Friend decided to change ovulation from CD10 to CD12! I honestly don't think I ovulated on CD12, I felt ovulation pain CD10 & CD11 and I usually ovulate the same day as a positive OPK but I had positives CD10 & CD11. Will post my chart, please feel free to give your opinions


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To add to earlier - I had lots of creamy cm which was slightly pink?!? I don't usually see anything like this, I saw a tiny streak in March cycle but don't know what that was. Usually I don't see anything unless af is here or shortly after af leaves but I don't usually see anything like this after ov
I'm not an expert on charts cupcake but based on what little I do know both days look possible. Do you think it's the positive opks that have made it change?
It was today's temp because it dipped slightly yesterday, but the thing is my sleep pattern isn't the best and last night I barely slept and had a child sharing my pillow as well so got to bed about 4am, disrupted sleep and up at 7am, so today's is unreliable. I also usually ov the day of my positive OPK, and it has always been on the day of the temp dip, or the following day, but hasn't been two days later. So I don't trust this, especially since I felt ov pain the days of my positive OPKs as well. The pink cm isn't usual for me and I don't know if I should be concerned about it.

Ov on CD12 is quite usual for me but I would usually see a positive OPK CD11 and/or CD12, I ovulated a single time I think on CD10 ages ago and had a positive OPK the same day, but I also had acupuncture which I thought may have brought ovulation on sooner.

I put the OPK theory to the test and removed CD11 positive OPK and it changed it back to ov day CD10 so I'm confused as to whether it's the slight temp dip yesterday and it going up today, or the positive OPK of both. I think it may be both
I have no clue about the charts so I'm no help there. All I know is everyone wants their temp to go up and stay up after O. Oh and a temp dip between 5ish-9-10ish dpo lol

The soft cup: it was literally like it wasn't even there! I didn't feel it at all and had it in the whole 12hrs (just to be sure😉) the problem is, when I removed it, it was like a suction cup and I am paranoid that when I took it out, it also sucked out all the stuff I was trying to keep IN my cervix!? IDK... Also I when I checked cp to see how it was after I removed the soft cup, it felt like it was smaller than usual like the soft cup had it scrunched up in there and now I'm paranoid that if it was then wouldn't it close the opening so none of the good stuff would have been able to get through the opening?!?! Ahh maybe the soft cups were a bad idea for me? Should I have gotten a bigger size? The one I got only had one size fits all basically and it is a small. But it wasn't uncomfortable. It didn't hurt. I didn't even notice it was there the whole time. IDK... I'll probably keep trying it this cycle and if it doesn't work then I'll just order a bigger one. If that doesn't work then I'll just use them for af since that's what it's meant for anyway.

Daisies and Jessy, I didn't take offense to anything you said. I understand what you were saying and also agree that sahm don't get the recongnision that is deserved but also working mother's don't either sometimes. It's hard both ways. Like you said, Daisies, sahms can't put the bad days to the side, we just have to keep going. Working mom's go to work and work their butts off and still have to go home take care of the lo's and the house and hubby's and all so I think both are hard.

Jessy, I'm cd15 today and I actually think I could have missed my surge?! Yesterday's opk's were soooo close to positive and today's opk's are barely there lines! Last month was the first time I was using the opk's to see my surge fade in and out. I had 2 days of positive opk's last cycle so with yesterday's almost positive and today's barely there lines, I'm confused 😑 I will say though that I usually don't O till around cd18-24 so I was actually surprised when I saw the almost positive yesterday and now confused about the barely there lines today. I already took like 5 tests to see if the first one was wrong so I did 3 more with the same sample. I just did the 5th one just now, and it's the same as the other 4 and it's been several hours later.... I'll post a picture in the next post.

Happycupcake, I had a tiny bit of pink cm this cycle too! It's also confusing. It seems I'm thinking wayy too much into everything today! But it's what we do when ttc! (or I do anyway!)
Top 5 are from this morning. 6th one from when I got home today and the bottom one is from about 45minutes ago.


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I don't know whether to override it or leave it. It's annoying me! The basic logic is ov is confirmed after three higher temps which I had immediately after CD10 which didn't change after the positive OPK on CD11, only after today's temp went up after a slight dip yesterday. I don't like feeling like I don't know where I am even if it is only by a couple of days. I'm pretty sure ov was CD10, possibly CD11 but I don't think it was CD12.

The soft cup sounds as if it fits perfectly for you since you aren't meant to be able to feel them. It shouldn't squish your cervix as they are usually wider than your cervix even if they are the smaller size. Also with the suction it helps if you squeeze them to break the suction when you remove them, that way it's easier removed :)

It could be you missed your peak surge, since they were pretty dark. Are you temping? I can't remember.

I don't know what the pink cm is. If I am 5dpo then I wouldn't completely rule out implantation since occasionally you can implant that early, although it's far more likely to happen slightly later. I don't usually spot with ov, I haven't seen any spotting with ov actually so I doubt it would be this so I don't know what it is.

Your tests look as though they are darkening so perhaps your surge started, stopped and then restarted? This can happen and isn't unusual to see darker tests followed by lighter tests and then positives after
I hope you're right! I'm just being paranoid about everything today I guess lol

I didn't even think about it being AFTER o for you! If you are 5dpo then it could very well be implantation bleeding! Oh I hope so! Fx that's what it is and you are now pregnant with a sticky bean, Happycupcake!!

I do remember you saying that you had O pains (I think anyway lol) so I'm sure you are right about O'ing on cd10 and the slight dip you had was implantation dip and that caused the pinkish cm then your temp went back up like it's supposed to and now hopefully it'll stay up!
Kim I like your explanation of cupcakes symptoms! Hopefully that is right and it will be our first bfp! 5 dpo here, starting to get a little excited about testing. Sad I know but I just love poas!!! I was meant to be waiting till weds but I think it's likely to be tues as that will be 8dpo. I usually just test between 8 and about 12 dpo then call it a negative and wait for AF.

Duster, do you know when AF is due? I think you are first in the queue this month? Or maybe daisies is but it's you who isn't sure due to coming off bcp?

Kim I think your surge might still be coming. What CD are you on?
Thank you, Kim and Citrus. I'm 99.9% sure Fertility Friend is incorrect on this occasion. It isn't usually, but there's this doubt in my mind I can't shove, and when I take into account everything it all points to CD10, possibly CD11. Especially when I compare this chart to my previous charts, I always ov on the day of the dip or the day after and usually when I have a positive OPK. I know as we get older we tend to ov closer to the lh surge and sometimes the OPKs detect the surge after ov. So it's completely possible I would see a positive OPK the day after ov as well as on the day.
I think implantation this early is unusual but it isn't impossible. I didn't have any signs of ov CD12. In fact, my body seem quite sensitive to the change in hormones and I have already started seeing changes which I would usually see after ov and this usually happens fairly quickly which is why a couple of previous cycles have confused me when I haven't seen those symptoms for longer after ov.
I will have to keep in mind I guess that I could be a couple of days behind what I think, but for the time being I'm assuming FF was wrong. If the pink cm isn't due to early implantation then I will visit my GP I think, to be on the safe side since this is unusual for me.
So I used an IC a few days ago, immediately after ov because they arrived then and I kept seeing faint lines on the ICs I had before so I wanted to see what they would do knowing it wasn't possible to detect any hCG and they were completely, 100% blank. I looked within the time frame and after it and hours after as well, and there wasn't even an evap. I then used an IC from the same pack with my fmu today because I can't help myself, and I can see a line there. I highly doubt it's actually a genuine line because it's so early, so I'm wondering what could be in my pee after ov that can cause this? It's barely there, so difficult to see the colour but in some lights it looks vaguely pink. Does anyone know of anything which isn't related to PCOS that could do this? The only meds I use are diazepam and paracetamol, I also take prenatal supplements which turn my pee luminous yellow, but I have seen these before so I don't think it's due to these. I always use a clean cup to collect my pee in. I will post photos in a minute.

Kim did you use any more OPKs? I think ov will happen soon, if it hasn't already.

Citrus, I used an IC today at what I think is 6dpo, so you won't see any judgement here if you test earlier than you planned!

How is everyone else?

The fifth photo I messed about with to make what I'm seeing more obvious. I don't know if the upload will make me look crazy because it seems to alter the quality, but do you see what I mean? The first three photos the top test is the test I took days ago and the other is from today, as are all the others


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Citrus, definitely noooo judgement from me either! I don't think I've O'd yet and I'm already thinking about taking a test just because they're in the cabinet and there's so many lol! Of course I told myself it would be just to check for evaps lol! I haven't yet, but thinking about it...

Happycupcake, I see what your seeing! Hopefully it is the start of the first bfp for all of us!! Oh and yes I took more tests last night and this morning! Haha I don't want to miss it... 😉
Oh good, so I haven't imagined these then! I hope so, but I had similar before which didn't turn out to be anything. I'm wondering what could cause there to be lines after ov which aren't related to pregnancy or PCOS because I think the difference is clear between the test I took days ago and this test today.

Hopefully you haven't missed the surge. I can't remember if you said when you usually ov?
Ha ha citrus no judgement from me I debated testing yesterday as had cramps and nausea all day. At 4dpo!!!! Definitely not going to be preg related but didn't stop me googling nausea 4dpo all day 😂

Oooh cupcake I think I can see something too! Good idea to take a baseline ic too to compare, that might be my excuse for testing soon! Ah exciting when are you testing again?
Don't want to be a Debbie downer cupcake but saw these type of lines on these types of tests every day last month. I'm going to be really strict with myself this month and only get excited if I see something a little more than what I saw last month. Can't be doing with the false hope! That said, it is still super early for you so no need to be disappointed!
Fingers crossed it's a bfp cupcake! We need to have some babies cooking this month!

Citrus, based on cycle length last month (which I just checked and was 31 days) I should be due a week today. Based on how my cycles used to be (29 days) I'd be due on Thursday. Think I'd wait until definitely late before any testing, so prob would wait until Monday 8th.

Has anyone else found that they get a horrible taste in their mouth when taking folic acid? I've had a really nasty metallic type taste in my mouth since about Wednesday. I know it can be a pregnancy symptom, and had it when pregnant with my son but a fair while into the pregnancy, but I don't think that's it, even if I was I'm sure this would be way to early to have that kind of a symptom. Last time round I took pregnacare vitamins but this time I'm just having folic acid and wondered if that could be causing it? I didn't have the horrible taste last month but thinking maybe it's built up in my system a bit and so getting this taste now?

Hope you're all having a good Saturday!
Ladders, I usually see a few symptoms each cycle during my lp which I think has been progesterone so this could be why you feel like that even though it's early on. Hopefully it will mean more than hormones altering, though!
I suspect I will test each day, I started so I may as well keep on lol

Citrus, this is precisely why I did a test when I knew for sure it wouldn't show anything, I wanted to see if they were giving lines anyway. That test didn't, so I'm wondering what could be causing something to show because this is too early to be an actual line and I had lines previously during my lp which weren't a pregnancy. I'm curious to know if there's anything other than PCOS related things that could cause them. It's ok though, they will progress or they won't :)

Daisies, I seem to have this taste sometimes during my lp but I don't know why. I tasted it before I started any vitamins or anything as well and it wasn't due to bleeding gums or anything so I haven't a clue
Cd14 here and still negative this morning. Will keep going i guess. Dtd last night and will do it again tomorrow. Sounds dreadful but i just want to see a smiley face so i can stop having sex so much 😂🙈 i am shattered and just want a week or so off haha.

I am rubbish with squinters, hope it develops into a bfp for you!

Hope everyone else is ok. Still just me and you to o Kim!

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