34yo TTC looking for a buddy

Oh, and I forgot to say that I have seen the Great Sperm Race twice and I loved it!
Hey girls, looks like all of us were busy today. GO have you heard about royal jelly? Being that you have a few months to prepare your body, it is said to have best effects after 3 months of continuos use. It is said to help produce healthier eggs. I started taking it after researching ways to lower FSh levels. We were going to do an IVF clinical trial but I wasn't accepted because my level was a 14. I did the royal jelly and wheatgrass also, acupuncture. You seem to have a good plan though.

Efi, have you ovulated yet? I'm still in the dark over here. My temp was up today, have almost no cm and cervix is closed shut. I had a lot of cramping today, like a burning feeling across the front. Was looking back at old posts to see if this happens for me before during or after O. Today was supposed to be the day but temp was way too high. I'm lost. I'm with you on fearing an anovulatory cycle.

Tell DH to suck it up! Like you said it's just like taking a multi vit. How are you both feeling? Better, I hope. DH had a horrible migraine ystrdy morn. He pushed through it like a trooper though. It was horrible but hopefully it did its job!
mybabyluv, yes I've heard of royal jelly, don't know much about it but I read on someone else's post on here that it tasted horrible so now I don't even want to think about it. Maybe I should look into it a little bit more... Sorry about your uncertain O this month :( And also not getting in to the clinical trial :( My fsh level was really low and I ovulate every month, so I'm very fortunate with that. I'm just not sure why we haven't gotten preggo yet, but we're giving it two more months of trying and then I'm sending DH off for his SA and then if that's normal they'll start doing the more invasive testing on me. Acupuncture sounds great, and I would love to try it. Did you feel like it helped? The funny thing is my hubby is chinese by heritage (parents from there) and he is really suspicious of acupuncture and doesn't understand why westerners are so obsessed with eastern medicine hahaha. I'll probably only end up doing it if we have to get IVF and the clinic recommends it. My fertility yoga dvd uses a lot of acupressure points so I figure that's good for now.

Brassy, did you get DH to take the fertility blend? Sometimes the men can be so stubborn about trying new things but they generally give in haha :)
I always wanted to try the fertility yoga. Just kept forgetting about it. With the acupuncture I only did it 3 times. Started getting expensive, so I was gonna hold off until I found out more from the trial. I was very upset at first about not getting in. Everything was good except my FSH. They said it may have just been because of stress and I definitely had lots the month I tested. I tested on my own the following month and it was down to 7. They told me to come back the next cycle to recheck but because they had so many applicants next month turned to the next, and then the next. That went on for 4 months and then they came up with if you didn't get accepted on the first appt you weren't allowed to come back. That's when we decided to just get the reversal done. Talk about pissed!! I can say that after my first acupuncture session my ovulation was really strong. Royal Jelly can be taken in pill form. I tried that first then went to the royal jelly and bee pollen in honey and that wasn't bad. I don't even like honey. After 2 months the texture started getting to me and it was making me sick to my stomach.
FF gave me crosshairs today. The first time I had solid lines and I'm not even sure if I can trust it. Still having the cramping and backache like ystrdy.
FF gave me crosshairs today. The first time I had solid lines and I'm not even sure if I can trust it. Still having the cramping and backache like ystrdy.

Just checked your chart, and yup, that temp rise is pretty strong. Looks like you did pop an egg :)
I always wanted to try the fertility yoga. Just kept forgetting about it. With the acupuncture I only did it 3 times. Started getting expensive, so I was gonna hold off until I found out more from the trial. I was very upset at first about not getting in. Everything was good except my FSH. They said it may have just been because of stress and I definitely had lots the month I tested. I tested on my own the following month and it was down to 7. They told me to come back the next cycle to recheck but because they had so many applicants next month turned to the next, and then the next. That went on for 4 months and then they came up with if you didn't get accepted on the first appt you weren't allowed to come back. That's when we decided to just get the reversal done. Talk about pissed!! I can say that after my first acupuncture session my ovulation was really strong. Royal Jelly can be taken in pill form. I tried that first then went to the royal jelly and bee pollen in honey and that wasn't bad. I don't even like honey. After 2 months the texture started getting to me and it was making me sick to my stomach.

Oh how frustrating! :growlmad: Well maybe I'll look into royal jelly again. And yes the cost of acupuncture is very off-putting. That's definitely something to think about maybe for the future but now just yet.
Rmbr FF has my adjusted temps. I was getting up all different times so those are what the adjuster says they would have been if taken at my normal time. My chart on my phone has the actual temps at the time they were taken. That chart has cd14 having my highest temp and then going back down slightly cd 15. It has gone up the last 2 days but not by much so who knows. I wish I could post it somehow. I do believe I O'd either Tues or Mon. Breasts are getting fuller and sore and the gas has returned. So just like after O. Time will tell I guess.
Rmbr FF has my adjusted temps. I was getting up all different times so those are what the adjuster says they would have been if taken at my normal time. My chart on my phone has the actual temps at the time they were taken. That chart has cd14 having my highest temp and then going back down slightly cd 15. It has gone up the last 2 days but not by much so who knows. I wish I could post it somehow. I do believe I O'd either Tues or Mon. Breasts are getting fuller and sore and the gas has returned. So just like after O. Time will tell I guess.

Oh that's right, I forgot about your adjusted temps. Well let hope you O'd and the timing was right with dtd :)
Hello ladies!

I hope you both are feeling well..
I think I am ovulating today! I got my first opk yesterday. What is weired, yesterday morning I got a negative, and although I never do something urged me to retest in the afternoon when I got back from work..It was positive, and at the same time I had lots of EWCM with a bit of spotting, which I do most of the times lately around ovulation...I managed to seduce DH who is not as bad. This morning I got another positive and lots of EWCM so I think today is the day...Hopefully we will DTD again when DH is back from work...He eventually decided to the the vitamins, but I feel that from now on I will have to remind him every day...!
I don't feel that this is our month. He is having the cold and I am feeling really bad during the past few days. I actually suffer from GERD. I started getting that last year right before the submission of my PhD, and I think it was mainly due to stress. Anyway, I have taken many antacids lately and haven't been able to eat properly, so I don't think that my body is prepared to hold a little bean...

I have taken Royal Jelly in the past and was thinking about trying again now. What is holding me back is the cost..I asked a few days ago and they said about 30euros for a month's supply. This is too much I think. The taste isn't too bad. A little bit sour but you take such a small portion that it doesn't really matter...

I was thinking about acupuncture too!!! Mainly due to the fact that I get really stressed and I heard that it is very relaxing. GO it is strange that your DH doesn't believe in it. He must know something?

Mybabyluv, did you dtd on Monday? Hope you caught that eggie. Really sorry to hear about the ivf trial. I am sure it will happen the natural way for you and it will be great if you don't have to go through ivf to get your bfp...

Baby dust to all of us ladies!
Yes BFPs to us all. I'm glad you finally got to dtd and on the right days. See your body knew to hold off ovulation for a reason. Just think positive that you caught the eggie and that it sticks. I have to tell myself that too. Happy Thoughts!! A couple days after my last dd was conceived was a mess for me. I was a drinker back then and went out not knowing of course that I had a little eggie developing. I got so drunk that I fell right on my face, split my lip wide open, chipped a tooth, and passed out, lol! I can laugh about it now that I'm okay and haven't had a drink in almost 4 years!! Anyway, I went through a lot that night in the hospital. Woke up on a xray table after having a ct scan done, and was put on percs so......saying all that to say, you are probably okay!!
We did bd on Monday between 10am and noon. Hope that wasn't too late!
Brassy, yeah my hubby is funny about being suspicious of "alternative" and eastern medicine. I don't think he knows anything we don't, it's just his personality in general. I think the only way he would agree with doing it is if it came straight from the mouth of a fertility specialist. We're not quite to that point yet so I can wait. I really don't want to spend the money anyways considering how much we're already spending on supplements etc.

I've had gerd in the past too and it's awful. It always comes around stressful times, I think sometimes because I overeat when I'm stressed out. Brassy I'm sure you're just fine as well. Just do your best to relax (easier said than done, I know) and your body will sort itself out.

Mybabyluv, wow that sounds like it was quite a night back then. I had a few of those when I was younger, although I was fortunate that I didn't end up in the hospital, I shudder to think what could have happened. Well we're older and wiser now and fortunately nothing bad came of it.

Well it sounds as if both of you have a good chance of having caught the egg this month, so I will be hoping for the best for both of you!!

DH and I just decided to go to Hawaii in April for a friend's wedding so I hope my new healthy eating plan will also help get my beach body ready :happydance: Maybe we'll make a hawaiian baby while we're there hahaha.
Hawaii, Can I come??? That's sounds like a nice reward for being away from DH all that time and after your 4 month healthier body plan.

Thanks for the encouragement. You know how stressful it can be around this time. Sorry about your GERD. Hope you fell better soon. I had acid reflux really bad with my dd. It was the first time I went full- term and was feeling it. I would wake up in the middle of the night choking and having panic attacks bcuz I was scared to death!! Til this day I can't sleep on my right side without getting heartburn.
So I finally figured out how to read my other chart and it seems to say that I O'd on day 13. I guess that's ok too, but that would have been Sunday and we didn't dtd that day. We only got it in late Fri/ early Sat morn like maybe 3ish. I'm not that confident that the sperm lived that long. Also, we really would like a boy and they say the best time is the day of O. Oh well, as long as one caught an eggie that's what counts. My back is killing me. I been crampy with backache for about the last 3 days so now it's just getting annoying. Ok I O'd, I get it, the pain can stop now!!!
Hello ladies!

Hawai sounds fantastic! And after a 4-month plan of healthy living, its even better. I am really happy for you!!!

Mybabyluv hope you caught the eggie! When did YOU feel that you ovulated? That's what counts I think...OMG you had a difficult night back then, but it seems that if your bean wants to stick it will, no matter what!

I am away at the moment visiting the parents. It seems I ovulated yesterday, since I kept getting smileys from Wed to Fri...The strongest line was on Fri and I felt really bloatted. As if I had a balloon inside me and whenever I wanted to sit or wear something tight I felt strange. We DTD yesterday which is good. This is going to be a longer than usual cycle for me. My eggie was waiting for DH to get better!!! I will talk to both of you later...xxxE.
Thanks ladies, we are really excited about Hawaii. It's nice to have something to look forward to :) because feeling a bit down at the moment.

Brassy, that bloated feeling is a sure sign IMO. I get that on O day sometimes too and it's very uncomfortable. It's funny because my tummy always visibly sticks out a little and I'm thinking, why would I ovulate on a day that I feel a little bit fat and a little less attractive to my hubby?? (It's all in my head, he doesn't notice or care of course). Evolutionarily it doesn't make sense hahaha. Well I'm glad the eggie waited and I hope you caught it! Have a nice time with your parents!!

Mybabyluv, I saw some stats the other day on another thread that the highest conception rates were from dtd the day before and two days before O, so you never know!
Good morning! Have a nice time with the parents today, Efi. Are you staying the whole wknd? I didn't feel anything either one of those days to say I knew I was ovulating. At least you have something else to go off of. See you got to bd again! And you were getting worried.

GO when is your hubby leaving? I know it's not easy waiting knowing he won't be around for a while. Enjoy the rest of your time together, try to hold off worrying about ttc until after he's gone. Will you be able to see him at all in that time?

AFM just crampy and backache for the last 4 days. Today though instead of a burning feeling across my it's starting to feel more like af cramps. I did have sharp jabbing pains while in bed before I got up finally. Oh and I have this big pimple under my chin. There I go symptom spotting......Somebody please stop me!!!!
Hi Everyone;-) I finally found the post! I have looked several times and could not find it for the LIFE of me. Of course I am on my way out and I was trying to frantically catch up but I will have to finish tomorrow! Anyway - sorry that I disappeared. I was so happy to find a buddy group and then when I lost you all I kind of got discouraged. SO hello again and welcome GreenOrchid.

I am happy (but also sad) that you are all still here. Of course I got my AF last month ( I knew that I would because hubby was traveling - so wish I could just store some of his stuff in the freezer or something - I think I saw one of you mention that LOL!)...but I am on a crazy path right now which I will share when I have time.

So...once I catch all the way up tomorrow I will post more!

C-YA! Marianne
Hey you! We haven't forgotten about you. Sorry you're still in same boat as the rest of us. Where are you in your cycle?
How was everyone else's wknd? My baby girl left ystrdy to go stay with her dad so DH and I are still here alone. Why couldn't this have been last wknd when I was O'ing?

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