34yo TTC looking for a buddy

So...I think I have finally caught up with you all.

GO - I am sorry that you did not catch that egg in your recent try but your plan sounds awesome. I bet after you take such good care of yourself and get healthy and ready to be pregnant both physically and emotionally you will have the best pregnancy! And a trip to hawaii after all your patience and hard work will be wonderful! I should be doing the same thing but I am still having my coffee in the morning and my sweets in the afternoon if I want to (and my occasional glass of wine in the evening). Also not exercising nearly enough! Everyday I say this is the day I will start. Honestly, I am afraid to make any changes while TTC but that is stupid because being healthier will only help:)

Brassy - sounds like you may have timed things perfectly. Are you using the CBFM? I have been thinking about getting one but they are expensive, huh? The cheap OPK's I am using are confusing to me and hard to tell if they are truly positive. I will be hoping for you!

mybabyluv - thanks for the welcome back and not forgetting me. I now have the thread saved and can find it easily (didn't know I could do that). It sounds like you may have caught that egg after all this month and I will be thinking of you!

I was reading all the posts and it is funny what we are willing to go through and try to give us that little help for a healthy baby! I think I would do just about anything if someone told me it would lead to a BFP LOL!!

Like I said before I have 3 children - #1 and #3 were easily conceived right off BCP. But #2 took a year. I think because I have very short cycles of only 23 days, if I catch that egg right away after BC my cycle has not had time to get back to the normal shortness. So with my 2nd I had to take clomid to regulate my cycles and lengthen my luteal phase of only 10 days. Anyway, this time I was off BCP for a few months before trying and my cycles are back to their 23 to 24 days (have even had one at 21 days). So naturally I am worried that the egg won't have time to implant even if I do catch it! Even at 37, I do still have plenty of EWCM and I seem to be ovulating on my own every month although that is not confirmed through ultrasound or anything.

We really are just starting to try faithfully this month. We had 2 months NTNP but there was a lot of traveling in the summer and our :sex: was not as much as usual as a lot of the time we were tent camping with the whole family:) Then the last 2 months hubby has been traveling all around O so no chance of conceiving. I went to the dr finally and she told me to start clomid right away because of my age and that it could only help. I was nervous and wanted to try a couple of natural cycles on my own but at the last minute my impatience got the best of me and I took the clomid (50mg cycle days 2-6). The SE were almost non existent while taking which I was so happy about but I have had lots of severe O pain for several days now. I think I may have gotten a positive OPK yesterday but those cheap tests are hard to read so I am not 100% sure. My CM is not as EW as usual (which I heard can happen) but I think it is still good enough. I took mucinex to help thin it out and it seems to have worked. I kind of think I haven't o'd yet because I still have EWCM and o pain so I will try to keep seducing DH. Last night he was too tired:( It is very stressful! Never thought I would have to be the one begging him - but sometimes I am! I guess it is payback for the times I was too tired for him! I know that I am at the beginning of this and it might take me a while but I just feel this clock ticking in my ear all the time!!!

Sorry for such a long post but I needed to vent - I haven't really talked to any of my friends or family about all this. Hope i didn't bore you to death and would love any thoughts about the clomid - I am afraid I made a mistake but only time will tell I guess. I just need to decide whether to take it again next month or wait a few months.
Hi everyone :) And hi Marianne. My hubby is already gone and will be in and out for the next few months and I'm also going across country for the holidays without him so we are obviously looking forward to February. But I've been doing really well with my four month plan - eating ridiculously healthy and taking my supplements and doing all my yoga and meditation exercises. I feel confident that my body really needs this time to get ready for a baby and that we're going to have success once we start trying again. Hubby is also being really good about his nutrition :)

mybabyluv, of course things always work out that way with having good time alone NOT coinciding with O-time. I just figured out that DH and I will most likely be staying at my grandmother's house when I'm due to Ov next march. Hahaha she probably wouldn't mind us bd-ing at her house because she really wants her first great-grandbaby.

Marianne, just read your longer post about Clomid and I'm wondering if I might get put on that. I've also heard that it can disrupt EWCM. I'm 34 but will be 35 right after DH and I start trying again and we are trying for #1. I'm pretty darn sure that I ovulate just fine every month and that's why I'm on my super nutrition program in hopes that I can avoid meds.

I really hope the clomid makes the difference for you and that seducing your OH works. It can be frustrating when he's just too tired from work and you know the egg is about to pop, that's for sure!!
Hey hun. I don't really have anyone to talk to about ttc but on here so I'm right with you. Talk away! Having a shorter cycle seems like a pain, but at least you know you can still become pg. I took soy this cycle and last cycle. Just trying it out. If the clomid worked for you before I don't see why you shouldn't try it again, unless you are looking for a more natural approach. I had O pains for 5 days after supposed O, so it is possible I guess. I had problems with the opk test strips too. More stressful than anything.

My hubby would love you! He loves camping and I refuse to go. I can't stand being outdoors, let alone sleeping there, lol! I get it honestly I guess. When I was younger I went away to camp and cried and begged for them to send me home. They called my mom and she told them, I don't blame her, lol, so that brought me back home.

Thanks for wishing me luck. I don't know how I'm feeling about this cycle. I never wanted it more. My other cycles I was kinda relaxed about it. Since this may be the last time for a few months before dh goes away, I'm kinda feeling a little desperate. Even started tested already. Just ran and got some $tree ones to satisfy my addiction but seeing BFNs is only fueling it more!
:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: I hope this is your month mybabyluv...I know that desperate feeling...just try to keep busy and know that we are here for you hun :hugs:

Same for you Marianne and Brassy, lots of positive energy and hugs and ::dust::dust::dust::dust:
Thanks for welcoming me back!

Maybe this is the month for you mybabyluv - sometimes you just get that feeling that you finally got it right (or just that you want it more than ever...don't really know how to tell the difference!) Just try to keep busy and not symptom spot - that has gotten me into so much trouble as I think PMS and pregnancy symptoms are pretty much the same and really...we can 'find' any symptom we are looking for (at least I can). That's funny about the camping - I always camped as a kid and we just started going again. My hubby loves it though - but the really rough camping where there are no real campsites or water or bathrooms (gulp!). Actually it can be fun though! You should try it - it will distract you from TTC anyway LOL!!!

Brassy - fingers crossed that you had a nice relaxing and fun-filled BD'ing weekend!

I just want to know if I o'd. Don't some people not O on clomid? I have been looking online and it is not all good news. I was just surprised the dr prescribed it so quickly but then again at my age I don't want to waste any time!!! I hope it helps - it is so hard to know wht is the right thing since I seemed to be ovulating fine on my own.

I was overwhelmed with temping and was loosing a lot of sleep over it so I didn't temp this month. I have heard the clomid will make your temps high in the beginning anyway making it harder to see the temp shift at O. I may go back to temping next month though as I guess the more info the better (even if it isn't perfect).

Well - we are off to trick-or-treating soon for Halloween. My daughter is dressing up as a witch...hopefully that will keep the real :witch: from making an appearance in a couple of weeks!!!

Health and plenty of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to us all!!!
Hello ladies!!! How nice to have you all here!

Update on me: I was at my parents during the weekend. It would have been great if it wasn't my gerd ruining my mood. I was feeling awful...On Saturday night I had a panic attack cause I couldn't sleep, symptoms were so bad. Started crying and was even considering to go to the hospital. Anyways, DH tried to calm me down and at some point I started feeling better. A part of me was feeling really guilty for a potential baby and how bad my physical state would be for it...I was slightly better on Sunday and had so little to eat during the weekend that this morning I was so dizzy that I had to drag myself out of the bed and it was a struggle to go to work. I felt better during the day and later I went to the dr's. He isn't worried at all but put me on a very strict diet for a few days. This might be a way to lose some pounds I needed to lose anyway.

I also went to my knitting class today after a few weeks which made me feel even better. I will start knitting again since it is making me feel better. This gerd thing has taken a bit my mind off ttcing and I am struggling to not symptom spot at 3 dpo...

Mybabyluv, hope this is your month, I can really feel for everyone here...During the weekend my brother with his wife and 11-month daughter were also visiting and spending some time with my niece made me realize how ready I am for being a mother...

Marialex, I am so glad you found us again. Welcome back! I am not using the cbfm only the clearblue digital opks, which I had found really helpful. I can't use the other ones since every single time I tried to I had to guess things and didn't really liked it. Hope the clomid works for you!

GO you never know. You might catch the eggie in one of the times you and DH meet! A friend of mine was telling me how desperate she was for a baby since she was 40years old. She and her DH had been really careful about what they were eating and she was paying attention to all the things we all are and nothing was happening for a loong time. Then at some point her husband went away for a trip. The night he was back they dtd just for fun and because they had missed each other without even knowing what day of her cycle it was. And it was all it took! She got pregnant that night!!!

This cycle I used preseed for the first time. Can't say I loved it, I found it a bit slippery. The organic sperm friendly lub I was using so far was much better but it's way too expensive. Also, after hearing all these success stories about preseed I couldn't help it...I had to get it!!!


Baby dust to all of us!!! This thread deserves at least one BFP...for start!!!
Seems like everyone had an event filled wknd. Mine was pretty boring. Stuck in that noreaster and was going crazy. That's why I broke out of the house to go to store and ended up with hpts, lol! Glad you're back Efi. Missed you girl, even though I know it's only been a couple days. I've had mild heartburn the last 2 days. Can't imagine what you must be going through. Follow the docs orders and watch what you eat. I hope that helps. I need you back well so you can get back to obsessing over ttc with me! My hubby can't stand the preseed so I have to put in the softcups only.

Not too much symptom spotting for me this time. Just the normal post O/ pre af stuff going on. Weird thing tonight though, I was checking my cervix like normal, I think I just do it out of habit now, and after it felt really sore. I wasn't up there long but it left me with this pulling feeling. It kind of reminded me of how it felt after my cervical cerclage. (In case you don't know thats when they stitch up the cervix to prevent pre-term labor) It's still kind of there but just barely. It lasted for about an hour.
Oh brassy I'm sorry you had such trouble with your gerd this weekend. Definitely follow the diet your doctor gave you and take care of yourself. I know my gerd gets worse when I eat large meals or eat too close to bedtime. Glad your OH was able to help you calm down, but very scary hun. And yes, I know it's totally possible that DH and I could get lucky and get preggers when we don't expect it. You hear stories about that all the time. After all, when I met DH I never expected to marry him someday hahaha.

Wow brassy that's funny that you went to knitting class yesterday - so did I. Isn't knitting great?? I just found a pattern on Ravelry for a fertility blanket that I'm thinking about making:


Mybabyluv, that's interesting about your cervix. Never heard that as a possible symptom but you never know; anytime your body feels "different", it might mean something. Fx's for you for sure!
I want to take up sewing. Been looking for some free classes. Need to come up with some way to make money. Knitting sounds fun too!
Nothing but af feeling today. Been crampy since I first woke up and extra bloaty. Still no Bfp and my temp just doesn't want to go up for me.
hey all!

busy night and busy day = exhausted me:( I need a nap but DD is not cooperating!

brassy hope you are feeling on the mend and your gerd has calmed down. I have never suffered but just the heartburn I had during pregnancy makes me cringe thinking about it.

mybabyluv - fingers crossed for you! I agree that any odd or new symptoms could mean something!

I LOVE to sew:) Funny because you don't meet many people anymore who do. I have crocheted a bit never learned ho to knit - I would love to learn sometime. I think anything we can do with our hands - especially something artistic does wonders for calming and helping your mind take a break from all the TTC thoughts (and other stress).

I guess I am in my TWW or close to it. Since no temping and my O symptoms lasted so long on the clomid, I really don't know. We will continue BD'ing until I feel 'dried up' down there - TMI I know! I will probably test around mid November if no AF. mybabyluv - I am so scared to test early because those negative results pull me into the gutter...even though I know so many who have gone from negative to positive. Once I see that one negative, my heart breaks:( I have gotten a little addicted to the OPK's though.
I wish I had some opks to pee on. Anything counts. Seems like time is flying for you. I can't believe you are in the tww already. Wishing you better luck this time.

Efi how is it going for you? Any symptom spotting? I woke up today feeling really wet. With the crampiness I was almost scared to look. Any way, I put watery cm in ff and it went wacky. It changed my crosshairs to dotted lines and pushed my O date to cd15. Don't understand that one. I took it out and won't be doing that again. I guess it thinks you are supposed to be either dry or creamy after O.
That always happens to me as I stay 'wet' sometimes after o. FF doesn't like fertile cm after o as it thinks you may not have o'd yet. Sometimes too much info drives me CRAZY!!!

I have put in a special order for BFP's for all of us so nothing else to worry about:winkwink: LOL! If only it were that easy :wacko:
Oh thank you! Now can you tell me when mine is sposed to arrive? lol!
Good morning! Big temp rise today, but I think it's just me getting sick. I felt horrible last night like with a cold. Was achy all over. Heat wasn't on and it was freezing but I woke up sweating. There was no pain in my right boob and it usually goes away right before af. Been testing all week now I'm scared to test. I feel like I'm out then I feel like just maybe. It's driving me crazy and now I just want to know, is she coming or what?
fingers crossed for you mybabyluv! You may not be out - could be feeling yucky and achy because of being PG! let us know when you test.

I changed some of my positive opk's to negative - I am so confused by those things. Today I go the most positive of all with a line way darker than the control so I think maybe that is my real positive (yesterday was close). I think I am ovulating today based on my body symptoms. I usually have EWCM for many days before O and then changes quickly after so I don't think I am in the TWW after all. We BD'ed 3 times last night (HAHA) and hope to again tonight and tomorrow so I am trying with all my might to catch that egg!!!! Hubby leaves for a week on Friday and I thought that would be long after O but now I am pushing it. The clomid certainly seems to have lengthened my cycle so we shall see what happens in the luteal phase - hopefully it lasts 9 months:)

Have a good day all!
Hello ladies!

I missed you!
I have started feeling better today regarding my gerd...I am hungry most of the day, which is annoying, but it helps my stomach to heal...I am 5dpo and can't say that I have any weird symptoms, just a lot of (sorry tmi creamy cm). I am so focused on my stomach issue that even if I think at some point that I feel a symptom I won't be thinking about it for very long!

Mybabyluv, fxd for you! I hope AF stays away and that you start feeling better coldwise. I had a cold last week which made my stomach worse...

Marialex! Three times??? I admire you, sometimes I find it difficult to dtd three days in a row!

GO, you are a knitter, too? What a coincidence! I took up knitting last year after I submitted my thesis and I found it so relaxing...This year I am having weekly classes on Mondays..Thanks for the fertility blanket, it looks great!
Sewing is another thing I am thinking of taking up, since I have a sewing machine, but I am afraid that it might be a bit frustrating. My mother used to sew, as a hobby, and whenever something wouldn't fit very well she would get so stress to make it perfect!

Hi ladies! How is everyone doing? Any news, symptoms to spot?

I am going stir crazy and wishing I had temp'd this month. I have no idea when I O'd because my OPK's were appearing positive for 5 or 6 days.:wacko: I am going with the darkest positive which was yesterday late morning. Ugh! I think the clomid makes false positives for me. I still feel a little "fertile" down there so hope all is good with hubby leaving tomorrow:( Oh well - time will tell!

and believe me brassy - once would've been enough for me but DH was gunshy for the first time EVER the night before so I think he needed to make it up to me (really, himself) that all was OK! shhhhh. I think we will both welcome a much needed break next week. :sex: with a purpose can be really stressful.
Ok wtf???? See how far my temp dropped this morn. Couldn't understand it cuz when dh came to bed around 2am I was burning up. He, who always says its not cold said it was chilly. So I'm saying ok she will be here cuz my bbs are back to normal but it usually happens the day before or day after and she shouldnt be here til the earliest sunday. Took my temp twice today during the day as it should still be low. Its back in the 98s. Went to bathroom bout 2 hrs ago and wiped blood. Bright red with even a lil tiny piece of clot or something. Then it was gone. Only day 24. I never had spotting before af. Also, was feeling a lil open now cervix closing back up. Tested lastnight. BFN

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