34yo TTC looking for a buddy

Aww. That is weird mybabyluv and your temps looked SO PROMISING! Are you sure of your O date? Maybe could be implantation related? Also - didn't you say you took soy this cycle? Have you taken it before? Maybe it is doing crazy things to your body! I thought of doing soy if the dr. didn't prescribe the clomid. did you have other SE from it?
Aww. That is weird mybabyluv and your temps looked SO PROMISING! Are you sure of your O date? Maybe could be implantation related? Also - didn't you say you took soy this cycle? Have you taken it before? Maybe it is doing crazy things to your body! I thought of doing soy if the dr. didn't prescribe the clomid. did you have other SE from it?

Mybayluv, I agree with Marialex. Could it be ib? Hope it is!!! Can't see your chart though...

Marialex, no major symptoms for me at 6 dpo, just the usual pre-af discomfort down there...I would suggest getting the clearblue diggies for the future (hopefully you won't need them :winkwink:), they do all the reading for you!
Mybabyluv, if you've got your ov date correct, I agree, it could be implantation bleeding. I really really hope it is hun :) Fx'd for you.

Marialex, I totally agree, dtd on schedule because we have to is definitely stressful. I've noticed that most months dh and I don't do it again for several days after the big push around ov time. I hope that clomid popped out a nice healthy egg for you right on schedule and you guys caught it.

brassy, sewing is definitely one thing I wish I could do but I already have too many projects and hobbies going so I'm sticking to knitting for now. It really helps calm my mind when my hands are busy.

I'm going a little bit nuts right now because I'm on cd11 and I know an egg will be popping in the next couple of days and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. I'm just trying to keep reminding myself that I'm in the process of making super eggs for the spring when dh and I starting trying again.
Haven't been able to get online all day!! Well it's full on now. Started cramping tonight and had to put on a pad. CD24 wow. Now I'm just wondering why. Yes this was my 2nd cycle using soy. 1st one no change at all and no symptoms so don't know if that was the cause or what.

GO I feel for you hun. I know that's gonna be me soon. Dh isn't leaving just yet. Waiting on this stupid car he wants to take with him to get fixd so looks like I have 1 more cycle with him before he's off.

Efi how's it looking for you? Any symptoms?

Marialex, you tired yet? Lol!
I am so sorry mybabyluv. 24 is a typical cycle for me but I know that is really short for most people. On the bright side - at least the witch didn't trick you and tease you for a week and then show anyway. Now you can get over your sadness and move onto another try:) Did it take you long with your other 3?

I am still getting positive OPKs so I am mad! Isn't it weird to be wishing for a negative. But hubby is leaving this morning for a week and I just hope we caught the window of opportunity after missing it for several months in a row. And yes, I am tired and looking forward to a week of good rest and catching up on all the shows that DH doesn't like to watch LOL!

GO - keep your shin up and maybe you will get 'lucky' in one of the times he is home! Are you going to keep on temping and all of that? I probably would - you can probably be super accurate with your wake times, sleeping habits, etc and get some really clear charts:)

Are the clear blue diggies really expensive? I see those $40 price tags for 8 or 10 tests and I just cringe! But I guess in the scheme of things it's not that much compared to fertility treatments and all that!

Happy Friday Ladies!

Where are all the other ladies from this thread? Any news or symptoms to spot???
Hello ladies!

Mybabyluv, really sorry about af...I know how you feel, we all do. At least you have one more month before DH is away. Could it be that soy messed up your cycle? I am avoiding soy because of my thyroid disease. It is known that inhibits the thyroid's ability to produce certain hormons...

Marialex, I got my clearblue diggies from amazon. Got the 20 test pack which was a good deal. It is worth the extra money...

GO, I understand it can be hard for you too. I would invest in some extra hours of knitting for sanity of mind, I think...

As for me no major symptoms...my stomach is very well at the moment, but I'm still being very careful about what I eat. I don't feel any different than I did in previous cycles and this is why I feel that I will get AF in about a week, and already feel disappointed. I have to remind DH every day to take his fertility vitamins which has started becoming a bit annoying.

Hope all of you have a great weekend, stress free if possible!!

Hi gals :hi:

Mybabyluv, I'm really sorry she got you :hugs: Brassy is right, we all know how that feels when the month ends like that. We're here for you hun. I'm just happy to hear that you have one more cycle to try. Take good care of yourself this month and think positive thoughts :)

Brassy, you just never know. I've heard many stories from ladies on b&b that they felt the same as they did every month before they got their bfp, and a lot of people don't feel pregnant until 6 weeks or so in. I know what you mean, I tend to start thinking negative thoughts around 9 or 10 dpo myself every month when we're trying, but it will happen for you one of these months.

Marialex, thanks for the peptalk :) I hope you and dh caught that egg!! I'm definitely still temping, although not using OPKs because you're right, they are darn expensive! It's funny though, I am getting really good temps this month because there's nobody in the bed with me to mess with my sleep hahaha. So it's a good opportunity to have some good records of my cycle in case we need to go to a fertility specialist next year.
Hello ladies!

Mybabyluv, really sorry about af...I know how you feel, we all do. At least you have one more month before DH is away. Could it be that soy messed up your cycle? I am avoiding soy because of my thyroid disease. It is known that inhibits the thyroid's ability to produce certain hormons...

Marialex, I got my clearblue diggies from amazon. Got the 20 test pack which was a good deal. It is worth the extra money...

GO, I understand it can be hard for you too. I would invest in some extra hours of knitting for sanity of mind, I think...

As for me no major symptoms...my stomach is very well at the moment, but I'm still being very careful about what I eat. I don't feel any different than I did in previous cycles and this is why I feel that I will get AF in about a week, and already feel disappointed. I have to remind DH every day to take his fertility vitamins which has started becoming a bit annoying.

Hope all of you have a great weekend, stress free if possible!!


Btw brassy, yep, I'm knitting like crazy these days :)
Hello ladies! How is everyone? It's been really quiet here!

AFM 11dpo nothing unusual, AF expected on Saturday. I am knitting and felting like crazy so as to stop thinking about ttcing..Yesterday we started some salsa classes with DH which was great. I like latin dances and I like doing stuff with DH.

Ladies, looking forward to hearing from you...

Yes it's been very quiet...missing you girls! Hope everyone is doing well.

Hi brassy :) Good to hear that you're keeping your hands and mind occupied. Hang in there for the next couple of days and fx'd for you. Salsa dancing sounds fun and that's great that you and your hubby went together. I don't think I would ever be able to drag mine to a dancing class. Although it's funny, before we started dating we got to know each other when we were rehearsing a latin type of dance that we performed with the rest of the bridal party for a friend's wedding. That was the first and last time we ever danced together lol.

I had knitting class yesterday morning and broke one of my rules...I started working on a really cute baby bib. I swore I wouldn't knit any baby stuff until I was pregnant, but the pattern was really cute and it's a quick project that allows me to learn some new techniques. I guess I'm superstitious about having baby stuff in the house until I actually need it.
Hello!!! I coulda swore I posted a msg ystrdy. I am here it's just hard to comment from my phone. My almost new computer won't turn on and I don't have the money right now to fix it and my backup laptop won't turn on since someone let the battery die out knowing you have to make sure it's actually charging with a messed up power cord. Anyway,.......glad to see everyone is well. I really need to pick up a hobby. We went out to a friends for dinner and it made me miss being out around people. I told myself I need to get a life. Salsa dancing sounds like so much fun. I hope af doesn't show up Efi. GO don't look at it as making something for yourself. Just say you're getting practice making baby stuff just to learn, lol. Sounds cute though. Take a pic when you finish.
Hey ladies - I was thinking this board was quiet too! I have nothing interesting to report - I think I am about 4 DPO finally (but I could be as much as 7 or 8). So...I am going to go with the later date so I don't test too early...will wait until the 17th at the earliest. I don't feel a whole lot of symptoms - very seldom little cramps, waves of nausea, but I always seem to get that in the TWW if I am paying attention. Who knows...I am hoping and praying but I also am realistic that at 37 may take me a bit. I already have mu clear blue digi's in my amazon cart and my thermometer hooked back onto my bedpost so I am all ready for month #2 of clomid if necessary! Whenever I'd expect a snowstorm and skip my homework of course it wouldn't snow and if I was prepared and ready, the snow seemed to come! So...maybe if I am ultra prepared to TTC again - I won't have to!!! It makes sense in my head somehow. At least it is keeping me laughing!

Salsa dancing sounds great but we don't have the time! GO - I used to buy baby stuff all the time when I'd see it. Funny - it was the girl stuff. Eventually when I did have kids my first 2 (and I thought possibly my only 2) were boys. So I gave my stash away!!! Then...had a girl a few years later LOL!! I think you should just enjoy and do whatever makes you feel happy!

Brassy - when are you going to test? I hope AF stays far, far, AWAY for you!!!

Mybabyluv - you totally need to pick up a hobby! I make tie dyes:)
Hi gals :flower: How's everyone doing today?

Brassy, you're 13dpo today, right? Any sign of AF or any symptoms?

mybabyluv, bummer about the computers. Mine is getting really old and sooooo slow. I'm looking forward to getting a new one, maybe for christmas :)

Marialex, how about you? Any symptoms today? I love the idea of using reverse psychology on AF :rofl: Hope it works and keep us posted!

I'm having a confused/worried day today because I'm on cd18 and still no ov yet. This is not normal for me. I'm usually like clockwork on cd13-cd15. From my chart it looks like my body is trying to pop out an egg but it's not happening. I don't know if it's because I'm been a little stressed out or if it's just my age (34). I hope it's not because of my age :nope: When I had bloodwork done about a year ago, everything was perfect and my fsh was low so my ovaries can't be crapping out already, can they?
hey ladies!

GO - hate to hear that your little eggie just won't pop! Did you try taking some additional supplements this cycle? I know you said that you were going to try and get extra healthy...also dieting or exercising or like you mentioned, stress! Even a little cold can delay it. Also - I looked at your other chart and your temp shift is very small (this is nothing bad AT ALL) but could be easier to miss. For example, you had a nice dip which could've been O day.?? I don't really know what I am talking about though. I think I am on google research overload LOL. It all starts to mesh together for me. Just keep recording and I think you will get your CH soon. I had my daughter at 34 and it was my most wonderful pregnancy! I appreciated every little thing so much more than when I was younger (not that 34 isn't still young - it had better be!!!)

Brassy - did you test yet? How are you feeling???

I am feeling BLAH - I am totally negative one day - feeling guilty for wanting another baby and not being satisfied for the 3 perfect kiddos that I have. Next day I am all positive thinking this month is it and it is meant to be - I have always wanted 4 kids and my daughter asks me all the time if we can have a baby so I know that I would have such a blast with her and a new LO! I guess I will know soon enough. It took 2 years for my hubby to say he was ready for another one so I am so thankful. I am a SAHM so I know that all the financial burden is on him...not that I couldn't go back to work if I had to but it is too hard with that many kids (and not worth the expense).

I am not having many symptoms. Very occasional, very mild AF type cramping, hungry but a little nauseous too, full-feeling bbs but no pain, tired. These are all pre-AF symptoms for me though. Ugh! I keep on pushing back my test date. I think I am opposite of POAS addict - I am a POASaphobic. I just get so down when I see that BFN. I think I will wait until 14DPO - that would be Nov 18th. Clomid probably lengthened my cycles a bit.

mybabyluv...how are you feeling? Gearing up to O soon???
Thanks, Marialex. You actually can't go by my chart from last month because I had some wacky thermometer stuff happen and I wasn't taking my temps consistently. Prior to that my charts are pretty textbook with a good shift of at least 0.5 degrees if not more the day after O and CM dries up completely. I do remember that last month, a few days after O, I had a really sharp pain in my right ovary for a few hours and now wondering if I had a cyst burst and if the hormones from that could have messed up my cycle this month. In any case, thanks for the encouragement and I'm going to give my body a couple of months to regulate and get used to being more healthy before I freak out :wacko: It's almost like my body got so used to me eating junk food and sugar and not taking vitamins that the healthy changes I'm making have shocked and confused my poor ovaries :wacko:

Don't feel guilty at all about wanting another LO. It's natural and only you know when your family is complete. Look at the Duggars - they're on #20 because that's what's right for them. My DH and I have already decided that we will keep on having babies as long as I am able, although given my age, I figure it will be 3 kiddos at the max.
hey ladies!

GO - hate to hear that your little eggie just won't pop! Did you try taking some additional supplements this cycle? I know you said that you were going to try and get extra healthy...also dieting or exercising or like you mentioned, stress! Even a little cold can delay it. Also - I looked at your other chart and your temp shift is very small (this is nothing bad AT ALL) but could be easier to miss. For example, you had a nice dip which could've been O day.?? I don't really know what I am talking about though. I think I am on google research overload LOL. It all starts to mesh together for me. Just keep recording and I think you will get your CH soon. I had my daughter at 34 and it was my most wonderful pregnancy! I appreciated every little thing so much more than when I was younger (not that 34 isn't still young - it had better be!!!)

Brassy - did you test yet? How are you feeling???

I am feeling BLAH - I am totally negative one day - feeling guilty for wanting another baby and not being satisfied for the 3 perfect kiddos that I have. Next day I am all positive thinking this month is it and it is meant to be - I have always wanted 4 kids and my daughter asks me all the time if we can have a baby so I know that I would have such a blast with her and a new LO! I guess I will know soon enough. It took 2 years for my hubby to say he was ready for another one so I am so thankful. I am a SAHM so I know that all the financial burden is on him...not that I couldn't go back to work if I had to but it is too hard with that many kids (and not worth the expense).

I am not having many symptoms. Very occasional, very mild AF type cramping, hungry but a little nauseous too, full-feeling bbs but no pain, tired. These are all pre-AF symptoms for me though. Ugh! I keep on pushing back my test date. I think I am opposite of POAS addict - I am a POASaphobic. I just get so down when I see that BFN. I think I will wait until 14DPO - that would be Nov 18th. Clomid probably lengthened my cycles a bit.

mybabyluv...how are you feeling? Gearing up to O soon???

p.s. I just added a different chart to my FF link so you can see what my charts usually look like. And btw, I'm a POASaphobic too!! :haha:
Hello ladies!

How nice to be able to talk to you here...

Mybabyluv, you should definitely try and find a hobbie..To be honest if it wasn't for my knitting and felting these days I would have been depressed I think. When I knit I think that things take their real dimension in my mind, if you know what I mean. Not the exaggerated view that my stressed self always sees...

GO really sorry to hear about your ov troubles. Don't worry about the age thing. Even in much younger women it is very normal to have once in a while an annovulatory cycle, although I think that you are just heading towards a longer cycle this time. I think that the stressed caused by your hubby leaving might have affected your ovulation. Sometimes we just don't realize how stressed we are. I am totally with you in knitting baby stuff. I have become tempted a number of times. I just think that my DH will freak out if I start knitting things for our non-existent baby. I was thinking though that I might do a baby blanket at some point. I am just afraid not to be dissapointed if we are having long term troubles with ttcing...

Marialex I think it is just normal to want a big family. I am a teacher and I am everyday among primary school children and I find them adorable. I can't imagine how you must be feeling when they are even your own!

AFM, I tested yesterday afternoon when I got back from work. BFN at 12dpo. Although, I am expecting AF on Saturday and only have very minor symptoms this time, rare very light AF type cramps, don't feel anything in bbs, I don't think this is our month. We were both ill around my ovulation and DH had fever, so I think this affects our chances.

My stomach is still upset so I am seeing a specialist tomorrow morning, and I am a bit worried about that...

Hello ladies!

How nice to be able to talk to you here...

Mybabyluv, you should definitely try and find a hobbie..To be honest if it wasn't for my knitting and felting these days I would have been depressed I think. When I knit I think that things take their real dimension in my mind, if you know what I mean. Not the exaggerated view that my stressed self always sees...

GO really sorry to hear about your ov troubles. Don't worry about the age thing. Even in much younger women it is very normal to have once in a while an annovulatory cycle, although I think that you are just heading towards a longer cycle this time. I think that the stressed caused by your hubby leaving might have affected your ovulation. Sometimes we just don't realize how stressed we are. I am totally with you in knitting baby stuff. I have become tempted a number of times. I just think that my DH will freak out if I start knitting things for our non-existent baby. I was thinking though that I might do a baby blanket at some point. I am just afraid not to be dissapointed if we are having long term troubles with ttcing...

Marialex I think it is just normal to want a big family. I am a teacher and I am everyday among primary school children and I find them adorable. I can't imagine how you must be feeling when they are even your own!

AFM, I tested yesterday afternoon when I got back from work. BFN at 12dpo. Although, I am expecting AF on Saturday and only have very minor symptoms this time, rare very light AF type cramps, don't feel anything in bbs, I don't think this is our month. We were both ill around my ovulation and DH had fever, so I think this affects our chances.

My stomach is still upset so I am seeing a specialist tomorrow morning, and I am a bit worried about that...


Oh no brassy I'm sorry your stomach is still bad :hugs: I really hope the specialist is able to sort it out. Still keeping fx'd for you, but if it's not your month then hopefully this will be a good chance for you to get really healthy and get your body ready for a little bean :)

Yep, knitting is just so darn relaxing. You're right, I may be more stressed out than I realize. My hubby doesn't know I'm knitting the baby bib and I'm almost done so I plan to stash it away before he gets back. Just like your hubby, mine would probably wonder what the heck I was doing hahaha. I figure I'm going to do the fertility blanket pattern now and tell my hubby it's just a lap afghan, and then later when we have our first baby it will become a baby blanket :)
Brassy - hate that your tummy is still messed up! I hope the specialist can give you more answers and help. That would be terrible to have PG nausea and vomiting on top of that (although I know you would welcome it if meant holding that baby of yours in 9 months). We will be thinking of you.

AHH - GO that other chart is easier to read (like I am an expert LOL). My charts are no good at all - we got a puppy the first month so it was like having a newborn and my sleep was all wacky and interrupted. And, warning, TMI, my hubby is a big fan of morning :sex: so he would often wake me up 30 minutes or so before I was supposed to wake up. What was I to do - say hold on minute and stick a thermometer in my mouth. no. So I am a terrible "temper". So of course my temp was probably not accurate after I caught 15 minutes of snooze, then tried to temp!!! Oh well - just trying to BD at least every other day when it counts and hope and pray one sticks!

Thanks for the pep talk. I am one of those women with a chronic guilty conscience. No matter what - I always feel I could've done better or different or I am being selfish. I guess as a mom we come to put ourselves last on the list so I have to remember not to do that. I am sure it is a common issue for women!
Marialex that is so funny, lol! Since dh is home he stays up all night then gets in bed right before I'm sposed to temp. I try to push him off though. I get annoyed. I'm like after all this time you can't wait another half hour?
Anyway....Go I know how it feels when your cycle throws you for a loop. Hope you have a confirmed O soon.

Efi, sorry bout the negative test but your not out yet. If this isn't your month at least it gives you a chance at having a better story to tell about conception. Not where you and dh were sick. Hope the specialist can suggest something that helps with your stomach issues.

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