34yo TTC looking for a buddy

A little vent.....I have an aunt, we are only a year apart so grew up more like sisters. Well before I got back with my husband and married him I was seeing this guy. Only for about a month but still. Well this aunt met him at my house. We had a very bad ending. Dude is a bit crazy! About 10 months later my aunt confesses to me that she has been secretly seeing this guy. I had no feelings whatsoever for him but still, there's some things you don't do. The things he said and did to me, as my aunt, you would think she wouldn't even want to speak to him after. Why should she? I wasn't even interested. Well about 2 months after I found out she ended up pregnant. I just supported her through it and never commented on how slimy I thought the whole thing was. She even went as far as to ask me to be there for the delivery. Like I said, dude is crazy, he wasn't even there. Their son is now 20 months old. I have to sit and listen to all her drama that she goes through with him. Now she claims to be done with him again. She is the only person in my family who knows about my surgery and that I am trying again. Every month I have to sit and listen to her talk about her late periods and how she hopes she is not preggo again. I know deep down she wants to have another baby with him because she won't do anything to prevent it. Now she is going on about 2 months with no period. She says to me she is scared to death to test. Before she was like it has happened before and she doesn't feel pg. Now all of a sudden she scared to take a test. I joke with her about her being knocked up again, but you know I am not at all happy about it. I don't know if I could handle it to hear that she is. can't tell anyone how I feel because like I said, she is the only one who knows we are trying.:growlmad:
Oh no, why is it that always the wrong people fall pregnant and most of the times without even trying? I kinda know how you feel. How can people be so irresponsible? I mean, ok, in the first place she shouldn't even be with him, and then even have a child? And perhaps now a second? I mean she as an adult can do whatever choices she wants, but what about the poor, innocent children of her's? Why should they suffer from having such irresponsible parents?

What about not meeting her that often if this encounter makes you feel so bad? I followed your advice the other day and avoided to meet my friend who is pregnant...She says sometimes on the phone that a part of hers wishes that the pregnancy hadn't happened that quickly and that her real life will be soon over...And she says that to me...People some times are so inconsiderate, don't you think?

Please feel free to vent whenever you feel like...I will do the same...That's why we are here...

I am thinking of trying to seduce DH tonight. I only saw a very faint on my opk, but maybe we will use tonight's BD as a warm up...
Hi ladies :flower:

Brassy invited me over from another thread where I was trying to find TTC buddies my age. I just finished reading through the entire thread so I could catch up on what you have been chatting about.

A little background on me - DH and I are both 34 and TTC our first. We've been at it for over a year if you count NTNP. About 7 months ago I started temping and using OPK and I seem to have a pretty regular 28-30 day cycle with O on days 13-15 and good EWCM, although not as good as when I was younger. I'm a little freaked out that I'm turning 35 soon and not yet preggers, but my mom is 55 and still not fully in menopause so I should have plenty of fertile time left.

Today I'm 12 dpo but holding out to test until after :witch: is due. I feel pretty much the same as every other month around this time of my cycle so pretty sure that this isn't my month - I've got sore bbs and very mild cramping and backache. I'll see if my temp drops in the next couple of days and then I'll really know if the :witch: is coming.

I know how you ladies feel about people around you getting pregnant easily who shouldn't be...it's very frustrating. It seems like everyone DH and I know is getting pregnant lately except us :cry:

This month is our last try until the spring. We have to take about 4 months off due to DH's work schedule if I'm not preggers now. But then we will go at it full force with no more interruptions until we get a sweet little :baby:

Wow this turned into a long post :wacko:
Welcome GreenOrchid, so glad you joined us!!!
Hello GreenOrchid, Nice to have you. I hope af doesn't show. Not much longer to go. I always have those same horrible symptoms before af. Hope that doesn't mean when it is a BFP they are going to be even worse. This will be my last month trying for a while too. Hopefully we will be bump buddies soon instead of WTT buddies. DH is going away for work. At least for a couple months during the winter, so I feel your pain.
Hello GreenOrchid, Nice to have you. I hope af doesn't show. Not much longer to go. I always have those same horrible symptoms before af. Hope that doesn't mean when it is a BFP they are going to be even worse. This will be my last month trying for a while too. Hopefully we will be bump buddies soon instead of WTT buddies. DH is going away for work. At least for a couple months during the winter, so I feel your pain.

Thanks mybabyluv3. I'm pretty sure AF is coming in a few days but since I've never been pregnant I don't know what to expect so it isn't over until monday or tuesday. Yes I hope we'll be bump buddies too!! I know it's going to be very frustrating when DH is gone for work and I'm O'ing and can't do anything about it :wacko:
Wouldn't be nice if they could leave us a sample before they left? lol!
Wouldn't be nice if they could leave us a sample before they left? lol!

I feel for you girls. A month and a half ago there was a chance that DH and I would live in different cities for a year due to work commitments on my side. Fortunately at the last minute it didn't have to be that way. However, I spent most of the summer thinking that if it hadn't happened by the end of August it would be very long before it did...

Hopefully both of you will get your bfps before your DHs are away...:flower::flower:

Still no positive on my opk this morning, but don't expect one for another two days...On the other hand I fill that my chances are already low for this cycle cause I now officially have a cold. I saw it coming during the past week but tried to ignore the symptoms. I woke up not feeling very well this morning...:nope::nope:

It's only been a month and a half that I managed to recover from an 8-month bronchitis and here it is again. How can a little bean stick if I am coughing like that all the time?

Hope both of you are feeling great!:hugs:
Seriously mybabyluv! A sample would be great. I keep telling myself that 4 months isn't too long and then we'll be at it for as long as it takes.

Wow Brassy a year is a really long time. I'm glad that didn't happen for you. And I'm sorry you're not feeling well :hugs: I find that when I have a cold coming on, lots of strong ginger tea works miracles. It's a pretty strong taste but if you can handle it, it might help. It's a bummer to be getting sick after getting over such a long bout of bronchitis. Just take good care of yourself and I'll keep fingers crossed for a good O.

My temp stayed the same this morning, which I guess is good, but I was hoping it would jump by now if I was preggers. I really feel like AF is on the way :nope:

If she shows, I'm going to use the next few months to really concentrate on nutrition and yoga and try to get my body in top shape for when DH and I can start trying again.

Hope both of you are having a nice weekend :)
Efi Hope being sick doesn't mess up your O. Get working on it before it gets too bad. Hope you feel better real soon. Don't want my cycle buddy giving up before we even get started. Did you get to seducing DH yet? LOL!

GreenOrchid think happy thoughts!!! At least your temp has not gone down.

today I woke up 4 hours later than normal. Now is not the time to mess up my temps. It's right in the middle of my supposed fertile time. I usually take it around 5:15. Being Friday, I didn't get in bed til 3:30. What I did was put my actual temp in a chart in an app on my phone and put the adjusted temp on ff. So I'm going off 2 charts right now.
Efi Hope being sick doesn't mess up your O. Get working on it before it gets too bad. Hope you feel better real soon. Don't want my cycle buddy giving up before we even get started. Did you get to seducing DH yet? LOL!

GreenOrchid think happy thoughts!!! At least your temp has not gone down.

today I woke up 4 hours later than normal. Now is not the time to mess up my temps. It's right in the middle of my supposed fertile time. I usually take it around 5:15. Being Friday, I didn't get in bed til 3:30. What I did was put my actual temp in a chart in an app on my phone and put the adjusted temp on ff. So I'm going off 2 charts right now.

Yeah my chart is all messed up this month because DH and I went on vacation right around O time and my thermometer broke and then the cheapie replacement broke hahaha. Now I'm using a celsius thermometer that I bought when I got sick when on vacation so I have to do the conversion hahaha.

Good luck to both of you and have fun :sex:
I have to figure out the whole celsius thing. I don't know what I'm looking at on all these foreign charts. I was on vacation last cycle at this time. Was all thrown off!
Hi gals :flower: My temp is way down this morning so it's only a matter of time before :witch: shows up, probably tomorrow. Looks like I'm on the 3-4 month plan now to get my body super ready for baby. I'm gonna let myself be sad today and then it's on to major PMA.
Hi gals :flower: My temp is way down this morning so it's only a matter of time before :witch: shows up, probably tomorrow. Looks like I'm on the 3-4 month plan now to get my body super ready for baby. I'm gonna let myself be sad today and then it's on to major PMA.

Oh, I am really sorry to read that GreenOrchid...But you are still not out completely...
The plan you are having is really great and I think it will help a lot! I usually feel really low the day before af when I have usually tested and have seen a bfn and the day that af shows...After that somehow I start being optimistic again...

I have just started having ewcm tonight...and DH is not here (argh) but I had a negative on my opk this morning...
I seduced him yesterday...Now I am worried that by tomorrow evening when we are going to be able to bd we might have missed the eggie...but we will see..Oh, and did I tell you that is having a cold, too? During the past three cycles around my ovulation something really bad was happening. At some point a family crisis on my side (which made me really upset), the month after a family crisis on DH's side (which made him upset) and now we are both having a cold....

Goodnight to both of you ladies...:flower:
Hello ladies! How have you been? Any news? I think I will be out this month. Still haven't ovulated but I feel that I will do soon. However, DH is really bad and he says that if attempted to seduce him I would kill him...
Mybabyluv your chart looks as if you have ovulated! Hope you caught the eggie!!!
GreenOrchid is AF here or not? Hope not...

Hi ladies. I actually just got :af: about 10 minutes ago. I knew yesterday that she was coming and got all my sadness out already. Today feels good and like a fresh start for my lifestyle changes. I checked the calendar today and it looks like my first O-day when DH and I will get to start trying again is around Feb 27 so I guess I'm on more of a 4 month plan.

Brassy I'm sorry to hear that this month isn't happening for you. Life has a way of getting in the way sometimes, that's for sure. I hope your hubby feels better soon!

Mybabyluv, how is everything going for you?

Have you ladies seen The Great Sperm Race? I read about it on another thread yesterday. It's a 6-part series that you can catch on youtube and it's very entertaining and informative. I highly recommend it if you haven't already seen it!
The great sperm race was very interesting. I checked it out about two weeks ago. Sorry it didn't happen for you this month GO but you have a great plan ahead. What exactly do you plan on doing to get ready. Feb will be here before you know it.

Efi, I really do hope you two will overcome this set back and be able to catch that eggie. You still have a chance and remember it only takes 1!!

AFM, I hope I didn't O yet. I think we bd around 3:30am Fri night and not again until this morn. Had a house full of girls this wknd. Besides, my temps are not accurate since I was getting up later and later this wknd and DD was off from school today so i got to sleep in again. Set my phone and clock and heard nothing. I hope that doesn't happen tomorrow when I have to take her to school, lol! Also, I haven't had any O pains yet. Just a quick tinge here and there. I keep checking my breasts to see if they feel any different or sore like after O. Hoping I O tomorrow or the next day.
Have either of you heard of the baking soda technique? It is supposed to help your PH. Instead of using it as a douche, since douching isn't good for you, you wet the tip of your finger and dip it in baking soda then put up in you know where. I tried it last night and again today. Just feel really wet. Hope this helps.
Mybabyluv I just checked out your chart and doesn't look like you O'd yet unless maybe it happened yesterday but doesn't look likely. I think you're still in this month and I'm glad you got some BDing in this morning. I know what you mean about having trouble using temps when a lot is going on at home and sleep schedules are off. That's the achilles heel of the temping technique for sure.

As for my 4 month plan, I'm just trying really hard to get all my fruit and veg servings every day, take all my vitamins, and keep up with doing my fertility yoga dvd every day. I realized that I'm patchy about eating healthy - some days I eat really well but then I'll go a few days only having 2 or 3 servings of fruit and veg. So I made a chart and hung it up in the kitchen so I can check off servings and also vitamins and exercise. My vitamin regimen includes fish oil pills, a multi, calcium and magnesium, and I just ordered some CoQ10 to add on since I'm fast approaching the dreaded 35-year old mark and need to give my eggies a little extra energy. I'm also going to start drinking raspberry leaf tea everyday as well.

I haven't heard of the baking soda technique but sounds like a good idea. Have you heard from anyone who got pg using it? I've been wondering if maybe I'm too acidic and killing all the swimmers right out of the gate...DH and I have been talking about looking into IUI if we don't get lucky after a couple more months. My friend who is 40 had it work on the first try and is due next month :)
Hello ladies!

GO I am really sorry to hear about AF. I feel for you...Your 3-4 month plan, though, looks fantastic. I think it will be great for you both physically and mentally.
Mybabyluv, irregular sleeping patterns was one of the reasons why I stopped temping. I don't work everyday at the same time, so it is a bit difficult to set my alarm (even at the weekends) even when I don't have to get up very early...

Never heard of the baking soda technique. I am wondering how much is and acidic ph. Whenever my doctor has checked it was about 4.4 which I think is normal, but not sure about conception.
I am getting really confused ladies. I still haven't gotten a + on my opk and am getting a bit frustrated. Not that we are having much chance this month since DH have fever last night (which is a sperm killer) but I would be really stressed if this was an anovulatory cycle. On the other hand I have been having EWCM since Sunday night. Hopefully it will happen during the next couple of days.

Today I received my preseed on the post and some vitamins for DH. I ordered Fertility Blend for him, have you heard of it? He didn't seem pleased with the idea of taking them and I can't understand why. He is already taking a multivit, so what's his problem? I have made all these lifestyle changes (I even stopped having my coffee for ttc) and would expect a little effort from his side. In general he's been very supportive but he still thinks I am getting too stressed...

GO IUI has crossed my mind, but I think this will be the case after we have DH's sperm tested and more invasive tests done on me (such as HCG)...

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