35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi girls!!! I am gonna jump in real quick, too...

Anna! I am sooo sorry!!! Sounds like something that would happen to me... as I am always losing stuff, etc... and my DH is sometimes an uber-organized pain in the a$$... My point is, I think he'd somehow find a way to blame me, too.. Glad to hear things are better for you... Sometimes, men are just a$$holes... I am just glad you & puppy are safe!

MA - I would say that there is a lot of stretching, movement and pain as you get bigger! I think its normal....

AFM - Scans went well! Baby A = 4lbs, Baby B = 3lbs11oz & Baby C 3lbs12oz... So growing good! Bad news is I had protein in the urine, so I am doing the pee in a jar party trick that I know some of you have had to do! Awesome!!

I also bit the bullet and started FMLA leave today. Working from home these past 10 weeks has been a godsend, but just thought it was time. That way I can wrap up my cases and talk to whomever gets the files to handle and help them out a bit...

I gotta say, this whole FMLA/Disability paperwork mess has me frustrated! Why do they have to make it so hard??? grrrr.... oh well... I am fortunate enough to have a job that will provide even the bit it does, I guess...

Have a great weekend, girls!!! Off to the potty, I go!!!
Hey Ladies!!

Woo hoo 36 weeks, 28 vdays left and counting.

Austin, so glad all you girls are doing so well!!! They sound so healthy and are getting so big!! Sorry about the urine in the jug thing, that sucks.

As for losing things I seem to be more absent minded these days, go figure. Guess what?? You're never going to believe this but I went to the lake today with the fur baby and found my keys in the swamp. Yes actually in the water amongst the tall grass sitting in the water. Talk about a needle in a haystack. And my remote door lock thingy works still works. I am AMAZED!! Think I should go out and buy a lottery ticket.

It's Saturday night and I'm home with a horrific headache. Vision in left eye a little blurry so I think I'm going to be couch bound for tonight. DH is out of town so taking it easy. Don't worry my best friend had been appointed guardian to make sure I'm ok. DH even called her this AM when he couldn't get a hold of me as I was at the lake without my cell.

MA, sorry for the pain. I have terrible hip and pelvic pain but it's from standing all day at work and walking too much. However I feel your pain and wish I could provide an idea for relief.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!!

Oh Anna and Lava, men can be such remote creatures with the weirdest reactions. :wacko:
And Anna, your baby is being born into the BEST family, never question that!

When mine acts up, I get angry and leave the situation because I can say some rather nasty things which I know will cause problems!

Wow Austin that's 10 pound o baby in there, what an awesome job you are doing!

MA sounds like the horrid ligament pain but that's good in a weird way! She's growing and pushing everything out!!

AFM no signs of anything here, just bouncing on my ball and doing mundane chores to try and get things going. Not holding out much hope though as I was 5 days late and my brother had to be induced at 10 days. Could be a Sept baby for me :cry:
Oh Anna and Lava, men can be such remote creatures with the weirdest reactions. :wacko:
And Anna, your baby is being born into the BEST family, never question that!

When mine acts up, I get angry and leave the situation because I can say some rather nasty things which I know will cause problems!

Wow Austin that's 10 pound o baby in there, what an awesome job you are doing!

MA sounds like the horrid ligament pain but that's good in a weird way! She's growing and pushing everything out!!

AFM no signs of anything here, just bouncing on my ball and doing mundane chores to try and get things going. Not holding out much hope though as I was 5 days late and my brother had to be induced at 10 days. Could be a Sept baby for me :cry:

Your right!:thumbup: I just noticed last night before bed that my upper stomach is HARD. :dohh: No wonder I'm having issues breathing. She's also pushing on the bladder and weighing on the lower back. Thank goodness it's just normal pregnancy issues. While it's uncomfortable it's NORMAL. :happydance::thumbup: Tired all the time too. Now that I can actually get up and do things off bed rest, I make it so far and get exhausted. :rofl: Today REALLY took a toll on me. Went to a baby thrift store about an hour away, came back to town, made it to two stores (with the electric cart) and spent the day on a country drive. I'm EXHAUSTED! :haha: It was good to get out though and while I'm tried, I had the greatest time!:thumbup:

sounds like you had a great day!! Don't over do it, but glad you got out. A baby thrift store sounds awesome!! Wish we had one here. I"ve been lurking around our thrift stores and second hand furniture stores for a glider but no luck so far.

Have a nice sunday!
Decided to have a Brazilian wax today. Oh dear, I think labour will hurt less. :cry:

I usually have quite a high pain threshold, but I was fighting back the tears and the urge to run half naked from the salon! :blush:

Then I bled like a stuck pig for ages, and like the idiot I am, had worn white panties:dohh:

Oh well I hope everyone else's week goes better. :hugs:
Ah, the Brazilian wax. Your story made me laugh. It is so painful that I stopped going for them & just do my best with the razor. A couple years ago, I took my friend to get one. While she was in the back, I was getting a Pedicure. My friend screamed so loud when they ripped off the paper, it could be heard by everyone in the salon. We all just went white hearing the yell of pain. When she came out, she looked mortified. She asked me if I could hear her and the older lady next to me leaned over and said, "honey we all did, you poor thing!" ;)

Going for my OB appt today. Praying the babies are doing ok. We are officially out of the closet on our pregnancy and it has been a relief to tell. Everyone has been lovely. ;)

Hope y'all have a great week.
hey ladies.

Vivienne,, LOL literally I laughed out loud!! I am so sorry for your pain. I need to get one too and am dreading it. Think I will take a couple of tylenol before. So sorry for your pain! how's the baby? Do you feel as if he's droped?

Lava, good luck at the appointment and woo hoo for telling people. Was it great to tell your dad? I thin it was his birthday.

AFM, got a taste of what the next few months are going to be like last night. Fur baby up very two hours needing to go out. I am tired today! I think it was probably the dead fish he first rolled in then ate at the lake. Go figure. Other than that not much new. A little worried as I googled blurred vision and headache from saturday and they said it could be preclampsia, but I have very little swelling and good fetal movement, so I haven't called the doc. I have an appointment tomorrow, will see what she says.

happy monday! Wondering how austin and svet are doing. So many about to pop!
Hi girls!!

Anna that is so awesome you found your keys! Definitely go buy a lotto ticket. :thumbup: Sorry furbaby is not well. :( Poor little guy.

Viv- I have never had a brazilian wax (I always just shave) but have heard it is WAY more painful when pregnant. Don't you find too when pregnant that if you start bleeding it never stops? It's like we have lost our ability to clot. :wacko:

For all you with grooming dilemmas I SWEAR by this razor:


It's the shick intuition. It is sooooo gentle, I literally shave site unseen. (It's been months since I could see down there anyway). LOL But seriously it is the bomb! I went back to normal razors inbetween and major pain under my arms etc... Definitely buy it. Its not cheap and I find you have to replace it more often than a normal razor (because the soap around the razor dissolves away within a couple weeks) but I don't think I will ever use a regular razor again. :thumbup:

Lava- so excited you are at 13 weeks! Everyone must be so happy for you! Let us know how your appt. goes.

Had my 38 week appt today. Not much happened. She didn't even check my cervix. I guess there is now point. Baby will come when baby is ready. She has fully dropped and I have a lot of pressure in my lady parts. Just have to get passed Wednesday then I am ready. Wed. is my exam.... :wacko: Her room is pretty much ready, her clothes are washed and her bed is made. Will upload some pics later in the week. I just LOVE her room. It's such a sophisticated girls room.

K, better get to studying. I absolutely can not afford to fail this exam one more time!!!!
Good luck with your studying. So glad you're appt went well and everything is ready for your little girl.

Just got back from the OB and the babies are doing well. Saw them both briefly on the ultrasound waving their little arms and legs. We have our first appt with the specialist tomorrow and need to make a decision about amnio. It's such a hard decision. I hate to think of the risks involved, but my husband and I want to know and be prepared for any birth defects, etc. Does anyone personally know someone who miscarried b/c of an amnio? Is it really painful?
Hi girls!!! Its been an eventful weekend..... But first:
Anna - I CAN'T believe you found your keys!!! Lucky girl! Sorry the pup was sick! And justin case - preclampsia is def nothing to mess around with!!! Call the doc at the sign of any symptoms, incl headache that won't go away and I def suggest buying a BP monitor for home (see below)... :)

Viv- poor baby!!! I cannot imagine getting waxed right now! Kudos to you for doing it! Labor will be a cinch compared to that, I bet!

Svet - Study, study!!! Just a few days, hon! Wishing you tons of luck!!!

Lava - We did the amnios for exactly the reasons you stated.. Our Peri did them, not the ob. His "stats" were excellent and he said the chance of something happening is very minimal... He only suggested taking the pm off after, tho I went ahead & too the next day, too. I am very glad we did it, as it lifted that worry off our chests. With a mult pg, there is soo much, my thought was to do every test available, with the hopes that any certainty was better than the alternative. I am sure Atlanta has some EXCELLENT drs, too!
Congrats on being OUT!! WooHoo!

AFM - As BP has been creeping up, we got a BP monitor on Sat ($40 @ Walmart) upon rec from ob. All good & then at lunch on Sunday, it was 151/90. Bit high for me. So watched a movie & laid around, check at 6 and had jumped to 173/100. Yikes. Scary part is I FELT FINE. We decided to go to hosp, but I wanted to shower, just in case. Before walking out the door, I checked again to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Nope. 189/102. Called ahead & was admitted last night.

I'd hoped to poss go home today on bedrest, as got BP down to 130'/80's, but no dice. I am here til delivery. :( now am just hoping to make it one more week, but could be as soon as tmw. As yall know, this is not how I planned this. Lol.

On bright side, the babies are awesome. No problems at all!!! I hate that my body is what will cause them to come early, even though with trips, doc says we did really good & 32/33 wks is avg and I had a 99% chance of developing preclampsia.

Crazy thing is I had no other symptoms... No headaches, no blurred vision, etc. So my message is, please watch out for this thing! It can be very silent.....

I hope to post soon again!! Finger crossed that I am here twiddling my thumbs for a while!!!
PS - Lava - the amni was not painful at all... Had a quick stick of lidocaine at each in jection site & felt nothing after. :)
Oh wow AustinGurrl, sorry to hear you are in the hospital, but it's the best place right now for you to be. Just think! In a matter of time you will be a mommy!!!!! Hopefully they'll keep them in there a little longer, but nearing 33 weeks, you've done really well. Positive thoughts, prayers and love your way girl!! and to you're three lil girls!!! xoxoxo
Lava- I never had an amnio....... so can't help you there! Good luck with whatever you decide. :hugs:
Oh no Charmaine!! I wasn't expecting THAT news. :hugs: I've been watching my bp. We rec'd a monitor from Dougs Dr. so I've been using that. The peri also gave me the 24hr albumin test a couple months back so they can tell what my norms are in case of PE.

I'm hoping your numbers go down enough for them NOT to go tomorrow. Whatever is safe for you and baby though. :hugs: The good thing is that you have been a good momma and the babies are healthy! As he said, this is the average, though it wasn't in your plan and looking how things were going, I had even hoped you'd make it to 36wks. Either way though. You have AWESOME Dr.'s where you are and I have no doubt everything will go well no matter which direction you go.

Please keep us posted and let me know if there is anything I can do. :hug:
Hi girls!!

Austin, wow and good news you are in such good hands. I am sorry you are going earlier than you thought, but if it's time, it's time and what's best for you and babies. Thanks for the heads up, I should have called someone on Saturday. I have an appt tomorrow am and will tell her all my symptoms, blurred vision, headache that wouldn't go away and lately some nausea. However baby is moving really well and all symptoms eventually went away. I know, sounds stupid to my ears as I'm writing this, I just always figure it's nothing, so afraid of being "that patient". But your words are headed and to the doc I go tomorrow.

Lava, it's always a personal decision to have an amnio, but I too had one for the same reasons you and Austin mentioned. For me it was also a matter of being prepared. I do not know anyone who has miscarried from one and my peri did mine as well. Good luck in whatever you decide.

Svet, go girl study study study!!!

MA, sounds like all is well with you. So happy the baby is doing so well.

AFM, working and went to yoga tonight, we'll see what tomorrow has in store. I just kept thinking the headache was due to not eating. . . ok I'm out. Can't wait to see if we have three new arrivals tomorrow am.

Oh Charmaine, fingers crossed and all my love to all 4 of you!!:hugs: You have done the most amazing job though!!

Svet, all the luck in the world to you for Wed, then you can finally relax!!!!

Yes I heard pain threshold is lower in pregnancy (good move that one) as is the clotting factor as I think our levels of vitamin K drop which aid in clotting.
I would have shaved but I get ingrowns and to be honest I didn't want OH mucking around down there with a razor!

Lava, sorry I didn't have the amnio either as earlier test results were ok. Just have a jolly good talk with your specialist and OH and go from there.

Anna, my midwife did say that if I got headaches and spots in vision to call her as not everyone gets all the symptoms of pre-eclampsia. I hope to goodness it's just a good old fashioned headache (I know that sounds funny, wishing a headache on someone).

AFM, Anna I don't think he has dropped that much. I was 3/5ths engaged last week but he was still riding high and the reflux is still there.

Went to a funeral today and had to stand for an hour and a half as it was so packed that we were outside. Ended up sitting on some steps rubbing my belly like some giant buddha.
And then complete strangers started coming up to me and rubbing my stomach and talking to it, like I was invisible. I haven't really experienced that before so was a bit surprised. Most people who know me, know NOT to touch the stomach! I felt like saying, would you like to rub my arse and talk shit to it as well, as it is fluent in shit! :dohh:

My tolerance levels have plummeted this week and my sarcasm switch has been flicked on according to OH. Well he can just go.................jump!:growlmad:

Oh well not long to go then I can complain about lack of sleep and sore nipples !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance:

Happy Monday Northern Hemisphere :hugs:
So far so good thank you! I'm 31wks. MUCH father than I thought I would be. She's been sitting on my bladder this whole pregnancy which has me getting up every hour and leaving me exhausted throughout the day. Normal pregnancy symptoms. while it's not exactly convenient, it's a blessing to be "normal" whatever that is. :haha:

We'll see how the appointment goes on Friday. Hopefully everything is still well. I DO feel like I have another infection, unsure if it's BV or yeast so I'll get tested. I seem to be filled with bad bacteria but am grateful I'm at a healthy place with Amelia.

Thanks again for your comment!
Charmaine, sorry to know that you had to head to hospital earlier than you expected. Hope all goes well and you would have your little girls in your arms all safe and sound soon.

Pablo and Viv,, so close now Goood luuuck girls. Wishing you safe and sound delivery and healthy babies :)) Can't wait to see all the wonderful baby photos soon will be popping like dry corns :))
Charmaine - best of luck to you and your three little girls! I'm SO glad you were monitoring! I know you were hoping to hold out a little longer (and maybe you still will), but at least you've made it past the 32 week mark and the babies are healthy. Although it's a bummer to be stuck in the hospital, you're under excellent care. Take good care of yourself, my friend! You're in my prayers. :flower:

Anna - unbelievable that you found your keys! And to think I can't even find them when they're at the bottom of my bag... :blush:

Chris #1 - best of luck with your test tomorrow!

Viv - I totally hear ya about the tolerance levels. I had to leave the mall yesterday afternoon because I was about ready to punch someone in the face. :blush: (Of course, my sarcasm switch has always been permanently stuck on "high"...)

Lava, I wish I had some advice on the amnio for you. I didn't have one done for two reasons: first, I had a LOT of complications early in the first trimester, including a mis-diagnosed miscarriage. I didn't want to go anywhere NEAR anything that could even slightly raise the risk. Second, my 1st tri test results came back giving me the odds of having an abnormality the same as a 20 year old. BUT - that being said - if they had come back with a higher risk, I would have done the amnio. I'm one of those that likes to have as much info as possible so I can be better prepared.

To everyone else, :hi:

Have a good Tuesday, girls! We're one more day closer to Friday...

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