35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh Heck Yeah!!! We are HONEYDEWS!!!!! :)

Blood results back this am and are better again... My ob came back from vacation and stopped by this am and expressed her surprise at seeing me here, but said the results are promising and we will just take it day-by-day from here on out...

I am going to try and post the pics of the nursery that I promised I would do weeks ago, and I apologize in advance if I hog the board... I am still perplexed on how to make the pics smaller so they aren't HUGE on the board...
Charmaine, Hog away! I love having you on. Keeps me somewhat sane.

I'm overemotional! I NEED to get it together. :wacko: I feel so overwhelmed these days and I worry constantly which isn't good for me OR Amelia. Lately at night I've just been lying down with the air on and just picturing a calming white room. Being still and breathing. Sounds pretty odd, but it seems to work when I do it as I'm a bit calmer.

Lava, I can understand. I wanted a boy just because we lost our son. I was also a bit pissed because my mom was more excited at having a granddaughter than with a grandson and I just wanted it all back. Obviously I'm SO excited and grateful for Amelia. She has been prayed for for over 10 years. I think God actually blessed us with this little girl for MANY reasons. One is that Jackson could NEVER be replaced and two, having lost a boy...it may have been more difficult to bring another boy into the world right away.

I wanted another boy because I wanted an older brother for my daughter. To protect her when we're not around. NOW I know how silly that is, because we have several friends whose first children are girls and have boys shortly after. The older they get, the more the boys are instinctively protective of the girls. So now I'm at peace with Gods decision and while I'm a bit scared of having a girl because of all the frills and tender moments, I'm excited to come out of my comfort zone and love this little girl more than I could have ever imagined. Like Charmaine, I loved the rough-housing idea of a boy. But I imagine my hopes and dreams for Jackson and I just know having a boy right now may have made things difficult emotionally. I DO hope to have a boy if God wills maybe a year after we have Amelia.

As I said, I'm overemotional and could cry even talking today. Movies have been putting me over the edge too. :rofl: It'll be nice to come off these hormones once Amelia is born. I've heard the hormones are still there....but I'm hoping they aren't as heavy as they've been with fertility meds, progesterone injections and pregnancy hormones altogether!
Rebekah - Oh hon.... sorry you have been down. Give yourself a break and realize that it is so totally natural to be worried! If all else fails, watch some really silly TV! I have to confess to getting caught up in some Kardashian drama!! Ridiculous escape! :)
I like the idea of lying in the cool air!!!!

Okay - Here I go... These were taken a few weeks ago and since then I have made a window valance, but essentially, WE'RE DONE! Other than assembling the various swings, bouncers, etc... Since there are the 3 cribs, we converted our open "bonus" room into full-on nursery... As you can tell, my first "babies" love it!!
just wrote a novel and lost it. Don't have the heart to write another. I'l just say hi for now. Will write again tonight from lap top. Anna
Even with my Zofran, some nights I'm just so sick still. Last night was one of those nights. I had to force myself to eat various bites of food but everything made me ill. Even a McDonald's French fry run was unsuccessful & I almost thew up in my husband's car and then could not stop crying. I was just overtired, over-emotional, and wondering how I will take care of two babies when I can't even feed myself properly. I know that it was just the hormones talking, but I was feeling very depressed. I am also struggling to make my decision about an amnio and I guess I'm leaning towards it, but can't imagine going thru the pain of a miscarriage or being faced with poor test results. I also need to confess that whenever I've imagined having a child, it was a daughter. Learning we definitely have at least once boy on the way is exciting, but throws my whole baby fantasy into a spiral. Having one of each would be perfect, but I have got to get my head around the fact that Baby A may not be a girl. There is just so much personal investment about gender for me for some reason & I am just now recognizing all these loaded feelings coming to the surface. Then I feel guilty because of course I am so grateful to God that we are even pregnant at all & should just be praying for healthy babies regardless of gender. Anyway, I slept pretty well last night so hopefully today will be a better day.

Thanks for letting me vent, ladies!

Just popping in to throw some more stats at you, honey. (What can I say - I read a lot and I prefer non-fiction!) Studies from the 70s show that the risk of miscarriage from an amnio are 1 in 200, which is just 0.05%. That means there's a 99.5% chance that you will NOT miscarry as a result of an amnio. (That number is why they routinely recommend amnios for women over 35 - that's when the risk of chromosomal defects starts to get higher than the risk of the amnio.) Newer studies suggest the risk may actually be closer to 1 in 1600, which is 0.06%, or a 99.94% chance that you will NOT miscarry. The best thing you can do is make sure the people actually performing your amnio have tons and tons of experience - that's when the risk of miscarriage or complications is the lowest.

I hope you feel better SOON. :hugs:

Back into lurkdom.... :ninja:
Thanks everyone for your comments on the gender thing. It makes me feel not so alone.

Thanks for the reassuring statistics about amnio miscarriage rates. My perinatologist mentioned both. He said 1:200 is outdated but1:1600 is not a medically verifiable number unfortunately. He said at his practice, which is one of the best in Atlanta with sophisticated equipment & experienced doctors, their rates Is somewhere between 1:500 & 1:600. With twins, since they perform the procedure on both babies, my risk is doubled so my risk would be 1:250/300 or .4%. That is not a huge risk & it is less than my miscarriage risk without amnio, which he said was less than 1%. I do think we will go ahd with the procedure but it doesn't mean I'm totally comfortable with it yet. I am also petrified that it will not bring me relief but if we get bad news, will lead me to further difficult decisions. Hopefully this worry will all be for nothing. I'm still trying to remain positive. Hope you are doing well. Are you in the TWW? I've got my fingers crossed for you! I hope you get that much-deserved baby to hold.

I love your nursery. You have the type of crib we are looking for. Do you mind me asking the brand? The place looks like such a soothing place for the babies. ;)
Thanks everyone for your comments on the gender thing. It makes me feel not so alone.

Thanks for the reassuring statistics about amnio miscarriage rates. My perinatologist mentioned both. He said 1:200 is outdated but1:1600 is not a medically verifiable number unfortunately. He said at his practice, which is one of the best in Atlanta with sophisticated equipment & experienced doctors, their rates Is somewhere between 1:500 & 1:600. With twins, since they perform the procedure on both babies, my risk is doubled so my risk would be 1:250/300 or .4%. That is not a huge risk & it is less than my miscarriage risk without amnio, which he said was less than 1%. I do think we will go ahd with the procedure but it doesn't mean I'm totally comfortable with it yet. I am also petrified that it will not bring me relief but if we get bad news, will lead me to further difficult decisions. Hopefully this worry will all be for nothing. I'm still trying to remain positive. Hope you are doing well. Are you in the TWW? I've got my fingers crossed for you! I hope you get that much-deserved baby to hold.

I love your nursery. You have the type of crib we are looking for. Do you mind me asking the brand? The place looks like such a soothing place for the babies. ;)

Thank you... Don't mind at all... The manufacturer of ours was DaVinci/Million Dollar Baby... It is a "Jenny Lind" style crib... That style is not specific to that manufacturer, though... I liked them because they were relatively inexpensive, pretty and lightweight/easy to move.
We didn't want to get the more expensive convertibles, as we have no idea what we will want when they get big enough to outgrow the toddler beds.. lol... Here is the link to ours;

Oh Lava hun, it will get better with he nausea, :cry: and I bet you're sick of everyone saying that, I was! :hugs:

Rebekah, hormones are a b%tch but are for a good cause :hugs:

Hooray for sleep Charmaine and the nursery pics are beautiful.

AFM, had my midwife appt today. Fully engaged and ready to go but I feel nothing. Actually hope he doesn't come in the next 5 days as we've just been predicted another massive snow storm starting tomorrow and that could make getting to hospital a tad difficult. Ambo's here are 4WD but still I am a little nervous :dohh:
Apparently I am also anaemic! Not feeling particularly tired though.

Hi again,

I took notes the first time but I'm winging it tonight so here goes.

Vivienne, hope there's no snow storm or that you will not have problems. We have a huge road bike race coming through town a couple of days before I'm due that will close all the roads. It would be just my luck. Fingers crossed all goes well for you, lord knows you deserve a break, speaking of how's the foot??? (sorry bad pun).

MA, so sorry for the mama drama. As someone who struggles with her own mother I feel for you. It does seem you are the parent in the relationship. I think boundaries are important and the raising of your child. I tell myself on an almost daily basis that our relationships with our future daughters are not written in stone, or pre- destined. You will be a great mum, you are not destined to make the same mistakes your parents did. As for hormones, I cried all through the new Harry Potter movie the other night. :cry: My friend just laughed at me. :haha: Hormones!!

Austin, glad you got a good nights rest and that the babies are still cooking. Sorry for the confinement!!!! The nursery looks so cute!! Love that the fur babies were in the pictures. Mine loves to sleep in the baby's room. Go figure. The bedding is beautiful as are the bumpers. I know you worked really hard on them. Nice job!

Lava, I know the gender dilemma. I feel guilty for saying it but I wanted a boy. I was totally shocked when they told me we were having a girl. It took some time to wrap my head around the idea of a girl. I think I was already picking out motorcycles. However she will do anything a boy would have done, just with more grace. Unless she takes after my husband LOL!! Anyway, just a hug :hugs: and note to let you know you are not alone.

Svet, I am sure you rocked that test!!!! In the mean time, rest and relax. A massage and pedi sound like the perfect ticket. Are you still working?? I am and it's getting to me.

Happy Auntie, I love it when you pop in!!! How are you?? TWW?? Fingers crossed and lots of dust!! Does anyone ever hear from or about heart tree??? I think of her from time to time.

Skye, hope you are well.
Sunshine, hi!!
CJ, hope Switzerland is beautiful!!
Rottpaw, Steph, and Codegirl, I am terrified I will screw up raising an infant. Any words of advice???

AFM, doing well. Feel as if my body is gearing up for delivery, but that may be wishful thinking. Lately feel the baby much lower. It would be great if she were moving into position. However truth be told, I kinda want to go early so I can stop working. Lame I know. And as far as DH goes, yes I did jump him, or really not jump as I am the size of a whale, more like crawled, but you get the point. Still no contractions. Guess I'll just have to keep working on it . . .:sex:

Hope everyone has a good night!!
Happy Auntie, I love it when you pop in!!! How are you?? TWW?? Fingers crossed and lots of dust!! Does anyone ever hear from or about heart tree??? I think of her from time to time.

Thanks! :blush: I am indeed in the tww, and completely cynical about it as always. It's our third IUI, and we've decided to do four and then reevaluate... we've already scheduled an IVF consult for right after this tww so we can start making some decisions before we're at the end of a 4th failed IUI and then even more emotional about things....

As for Hearty, not sure what's the last you all heard but she had an ectopic about 4 or 5 weeks ago and lost a tube. (Her adenomyosis puts her at high risk for ectopics.) They were able to leave the ovary intact, though, so she still has both of those, and I think their next step was to find a gestational surrogate. Her mother has offered to pay all the surrogate costs. She had gotten started with a surrogacy agency when this ectopic happened, so I'm not sure where things stand now. She lurks more than posts these days....

As for the other long-timers, Padbrat is moving forward with donor egg IVF very soon, FutureMommie is starting IVF in September, and Twinkle lost so much weight on her own that her FS is ready to start treatments even though she hasn't quite met the BMI cutoff yet!
Rottpaw, Steph, and Codegirl, I am terrified I will screw up raising an infant. Any words of advice???

The best part about an infant is that if they are fed, dry, warm and given lots and lots of love you can't screw it up.

Toddlers on the other hand..... :rofl:

JK! Kids just need love and understanding. They have amazing ability to forgive our mistakes and love us back with their whole little being.

Just fill in the blanks with love and it will be good.
Hi all! It's an early morning here...
Still hangin' on, but it is wearing on me a little... Not to mention they moved from the lovely spacious room I was in to "antepartum" and my "new" room/broom closet sucks. A crappy enviroment makes this harder, for sure.

Code - Thanks for the advice! With 3, fed, ward & dry may be a bit hard! But we are ready to give it a shot! :)

HA - Thanks for update on the girls! Much luck and good, positive thoughts sent your way on this 2ww!!! Please keep us updated on your progress!!!

Anna - Wow! You are still working? Just amazing... I know that must be so hard and tiring for you! But I must confess to some jealousy that you are willing and able to jump your DH! It's been so long for us.... well, crap, I can't even really remember. Poor him & poor me, right? grrrr.... Then we have another ___ weeks, after c-section... jeez. Lucky girl!!!

Viv - Good lord! Please no snowstorms for you!!!! SO glad you are still feeling good! That is awesome!!! Expecting the update ANY time now!!!!

Will keep checking in throughout the day... we have a TINY chance of rain today.... please, please, please! I am sure that poor DH has prob forgotten to water all my plants outside and they are parched and nearly gone... :(

Have a wonderful Friday morning, chicas!
Happy Friday!!!

morning ladies! Not much has changed since I posted last night, but . . .

HA, thanks for the up date on all the ladies from the other board. I have been bad about keeping up. Fingers crossed for you this IUI try!! Lots of dust. So sorry to hear about hearty, this has been such a sturggle for her.

Austin, broom closet eh? Yuck. Sorry about the move. Will you get another nice room once the girls come?

Also meant to mention yesterday your comment about the shows on TLC. LOL I am such a sucker for those shows and yes, they can scare the crap out of me!! I was watching the other morning and they had one lady who went natural and one who had an epidural and subsequent c-section. The woman who went natural was terifying!! Here I was all thinking that was the way I wanted to go and that scared the holy beejeezus out of me! The woman with the epidural was so calm. Anyway, I watch them, the shows Bring home baby, Baby's first day, A baby story, every chance I get. When I was TTC I was obsessed!! LOL

Codegirl, thanks for the advice and vote of confidence. Broken down that way and put in simple terms helps a lot. All the hype about all the stuff they need, it's so hard to remember the basics.

have a good friday!! Anna

just ot back from the doctor. I thought my water broke this morning, if it did it was just a little. A is good now and it's a wait and see. If it did break, i'll go into labor in the next 24 to 48 hours. If not,false alarm and I guess it was just pee ( I was running across the street). LOL. Have a good one! Anna
Happy Friday ladies!

I apologize that I am SO far behind on all the news. It seems I rarely get more than a few minutes at the computer these days and I read a lot while feeding, etc. but rarely have a chance to post. I can only type well at my desktop (as opposed to ipad) and so I have to steal time to be in my office LOL!

I have tried to read back a bit and first of all just want to say I am SO excited for all of our ladies who are just about to pop! (or feeling like it anyway, LOL!) Viv, Sveta, Anna, Charmaine, Chris, Rebekah... I hope I am not forgetting anyone! I cannot WAIT to see these babies arriving!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: Someone told me, and I will tell you - I honestly found that labor and delivery was pretty much just one big blur by the time it all starts to really happen in earnest. So treasure these last few days/weeks, swollen ankles and all, and know that your big days will be here before you know it!!!

Happy Auntie I am SO glad you are trying again and you are making proactive steps toward investigating IVF if that is the route you decide to take. I think it helps to feel like we are taking positive steps while we wait. That said, I REALLY hope and PRAY this is your turn. You have been waiting SO long and I am praying hard for you!

Anna, about the infant thing - I won't lie...for about a week, you are going to feel like they are going to break if you even breathe on them wrong LOL! But they are MUCH sturdier than they appear and you will be FINE. As Terri said, just make sure they are fed, warm, safe and loved and you will be golden!! You are going to be a GREAT mom!!! I am so sorry about the unintentional hiking adventure but glad you and your furbaby are safe, and hooray that you found your keys!!

Rebekah, please don't worry about any emotions you are feeling. You have been through SO VERY MUCH to get to this point, and you and Amelia are both handling everything beautifully! I am sure part of your emotional overload is just the relief of getting this far safely, and knowing that the finish line is in sight! Relax and put those feet up Mama! Your little girl will be here very soon!!

Charmaine, honey you deserve a special hug and I wish I could give you one in person. You are a ROCK STAR to get this far with trips and I am SO, so excited to see those little girls!! The nursery looks AWESOME! (and the puppers look right at home! :haha:) We are waiting daily for news of those arrivials! I am sorry about the hospital bedrest but honestly, you are safest there.

Chris Svet, hope the test went well and you are feeling well! Did I miss an update on how the test went?

Lava, sent you a PM but I know how miserable the nausea is. I too spent many nights sitting up crying and (in my case) sort of glaring at my husband while he snored peacefully :haha: I didn't want to feel that way, but hated that he could sleep when I couldn't. :haha: So I totally understand but please know it WILL get better.

Chris Sunshine, Steph, NewMarried, how are you girls doing? :hugs:

Okay gang I gotta post and then check on the little man, but hope I have not missed anyone and all are well!

PS Svet just saw your update I am so sorry it was so stressful!
Hi ladies,

Just a quick update. Had our appointment for Amelia. She's in the 50th percentile for her gestational weight and isn't Big as they keep suspecting she'll be because of diabetes. I was quite proud to hear that. She weighs in at 4 lbs 4 oz and everything seems to be on target.

I don't have a yeast or BV infection so that's a plus and the stress test came out excellent thus far.

Wanted to say that the exercise I did to help spin her turned her position from breech to transverse with spine up and head down. She's headed to birthing position it seems. HOPEFULLY she wont turn again. I plan to keep up the babyspinning exercising as it seems to be working. :thumbup:

Here's a pic of her 3D. She has her brothers facial features and thus it looks like daddy's genes take over. It's a spitting image of her father and our nieces and nephews. :cloud9:


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just ot back from the doctor. I thought my water broke this morning, if it did it was just a little. A is good now and it's a wait and see. If it did break, i'll go into labor in the next 24 to 48 hours. If not,false alarm and I guess it was just pee ( I was running across the street). LOL. Have a good one! Anna

OOoooooo told you, you would beat me!!!! Oooo please be waters and not pee :blush: hehe.

My foot is ok, still a bit sore but as long as I don't spend all day on it, it seems to be ok.
HA fingers crossed!

I often lurk in trying to conceive over 35 but I feel like such hypocrite when it only took me 3 months and I am embarrassed to ever say anything :blush:

Anna, any news?????

Charmaine, surely they can't keep you in a broom closet with 3 on board?????

Rebekah, good to hear Amelia is headinmg south and facing the right way.

I saw the recovery suites at our hospital the other and was surprised to find they are all single rooms and quite spacious. The older hospital used to have 4-6 women to a room, which I would imagine made for a great relaxing atmosphere,....not. Although the hospital at the moment is in gridlock, every bed full so I may end up birthing in a closet anyway.

Went to my step-nephews 5th birthday today. Dear lord. 15 odd 3-9 year olds and a bouncy castle, mostly boys. I lasted 2 hours rounding them up, feeding them and refereeing before I had to go home!!!! Oh my, I'm about to bring one of those into the world!!!!!! :dohh:

Happy weekend all.

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