35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Woow Chris what a cute photo. And the nursery looks absolutely gorgeous :)) So calming :) Love the donkey on the door. Hahaha so cute.. It really melts my heart to see all the nursery photos you girls put up.

Anna peeing is funny. At least I wanna see that way since I have done that a few times even before I'm pregnant. :blush: No incidence with this pregnancy just yet. Mb the Kegel exercises are working. Thanx for the pregnancy I found out about Kegel's actually.

Lucy great to hear from u and Tilly. How's the little princess. Any new photos please??? !!!

Rebekah you truly have a great DH. I wonder what mine would do if I was in bed rest. Can't imagine him with a broom really. How's your nursery coming along?

Lava isn't it relieving to start wearing maternity trs which fits and doesn't cut through your stomach :)) I bought 1 trs, 1 knee length short and 1 fitted knee length skirt. All jeans. Having a bit of a difficulty finding much variety though. I am going on holiday on Sept to Turkey and probably will need some light weight trousers or easy dresses. I will buy sthg there if I see anything that I love. Otherwise I know I won't be using it again cause the summer is almost over in London. Dunno what to do with the winter tough. I guess I would need a coat and some jumpers since my belly will be quite big by than. When is your due date? Is it Feb?
There is so much shopping to do for this winter. Clothes, baby stuff, bb furniture, birth aids etc etc... Is it a good idea to start at 5 months? Also I think I need to start applying for schools + nurseries down here cause apparently their lists are really full. A friend said they are so full that people apply even before they are pregnant like "We are thinking of consuming this Wednesday" sort of thing :wacko::wacko: Hope that's just a joke but I have a feeling it is close to reality. :wacko::wacko:
Hi, Tilly had a great night last night, 11 hours with only one get up! :happydance:

Wow Chris what a lovely nursery and you look fantastic, so cute! :hugs: Not long to go now, hope all is good, can't wait to see pics of your bubs

As for the peeing, just wait til you have had the baby lol :rofl: Just do your pelvic floor exercises....I am still working on it 3 months later! :wacko:

Here is a latest pic of little Tilly doing some tummy time, she also likes to try and crawl when doing this...bit early....lol

Hi Skye! :flower:
MA forgot to say LOVE the pics of little Amelia all snuggled up in there! :thumbup:

Tummy time!.jpg

Chris I LOVE the photos and you and the nursery are just beautiful!

Lucy, great to hear from you and Tilly is precious! All that hair!!!

AFM, all is well here, just enjoying the last days of summer. Can't wait for fall! Mynfavorite!

And for all those about to deliver, as exhausting as those early days will be, try to enjoy every one. They truly do go too quickly. We had to put Ethan in a NINE MONTHS size sleeper last night. Kid isn't even six months yet! Where is my little boy growing up too already! :cry: :rofl:

Lol hugs and happy Monday!
Good morning, ladies! I hope everyone had a good weekend!

Skye - congrats on your little girl!!! :happydance::happydance: And how pretty is the name Shirin! I wish we could find something has all those elements (pretty, different, and has meaning). As of right now, our front-runner has a special meaning to us (i.e. me), but unfortunately was quite popular a few years ago as I've recently found out. So I'm still on the fence about a name. Sigh... And sorry you're battling the whole insomnia thing, too. Mine doesn't happen as much as it used to, but it hasn't gone away completely, either. :growlmad:

MA - thanks for the website info. I'll have to check it out. :thumbup:

Chris #1 - hope you get good news on your test results today!! Make the hubby take you out for a celebration dinner - pass or not! LOVE the nursery pictures!! We have similar tastes - I too put a shag throw rug in the middle of the room - the DH thought I was nuts - and have some circles in the decor (a line of wall decals on one wall). My shears, though, have verticle stripes. Sounds like a weird combo but looks pretty cool, believe it or not. In my humble opinion, anyway. :winkwink:

Lava - glad there's an improvement in your energy level & MS. Even if it's only a slight one... Hopefully both problems are on their way out the door. Good luck with your appointment at the dieticians. I agree with the others - it's probably nothing to worry about, but I'm glad you're going anyway just to make sure.

Anna - bummer that it wasn't your water breaking! Although in retrospect it sounds like that was a good thing, with all the new furniture setup and your fridge breaking down. Were you able to get it fixed yesterday? I used to be fairly handy (due to years of apartment living with no roommate), but my DH is incredibly gifted in the "fix-it" department. Which is good, but bad in a way - I've lost what little skill I had. I'm turning in to what I swore I'd never become... Man Dependent! (Shudder!) Must break that, and soon!

Lucy - Tilly's just adorable! And I can't get over that gorgeous head of hair!!

Austin - how're you doing? Hang in there! :flower:

Viv, NMG, Angela, Terri, and whoever I'm missing (sorry!) - hi there! :hi:

AFM - just counting down the days until I'm done working - three more full weeks (including this one), a partial the week of Labor Day, then I'm done! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: (I'm SO ready...) Of course, I picked up a nasty cold over the weekend, so that certainly isn't helping my attitude at work any...

Have a good day, girls!
morning all!

Sunshine i'm counting down the days left of work too! Eight more including today! Your nursery sounds great, we need picures!! Sorry about the cold, that's a bumber. I do like that i'm handy,but causes ego problems with DH I think. I've learned to pick my fights and let him screw up if he wants to. Just kidding. The fridge part is on order over night. Hope I will get it tomorrow. It's an easy fix, but a little intimidating as it's the main circuit board. LIke a computer circuit board. Seems straight foreward but I hope I don't screw it up and that it fixes the problem. Part alone was $140!! Can't imagine what it would have cost to have a repair man come and do it.

Svet, fingers crossed the test results come today and it's good news! How are you feeling? Almost there!!

Rottpaw, can't believe Ethan is that big!!!

Lucy, tilly is just precious!! Question . . . .what is tummy time? I hear a lot about it, but exactly what is it and why so important. Yet one more thing I know nothing about!!

it's monday and given all goes well, this baby can come any time after wednesday,provided I fix the fridge. Come on baby. I can't imagine 19 more days and nights. Sleeping is aweful. Anyone else??

have a good monday! Anna
P.S. I keep forgetting this, but ordered an exra copy of "the Happiest baby on the block" DVD. Is anyone interested? I will mail it.
Awwww Tilly is sooo gorgeous. She is absolutely pretty. Are you or your hubbby Chinese by any chance cause she looks like a friend of mine who is a Chinese-English mix. She is a very pretty girl. I can imagine what a beauty Tilly will be :))

Angela I hope your insomnia improved. :) Any bb photos from Nathan :) I just love seeing all the precious bb's grow here :)) He is stil a baby though. 6 Months is when they are really cute and easily entertained and still have the chubby baby arms and legs. Adorable :))

Sunshine please I'm looking fwd to your nursery photos, sounds cool. Man dependent when you need it isn't that bad as long as they offer. Just one thing off your shoulders :)) hehehehe. I never carry my luggage for example. Not that I can't but it's just more useful to shove it to DH while I wonder of to airport shopping. Hahahahhaahahaa

Anna, lyou are literally on the any time marker now. :))) Can't wait for good news from you and Viv now.
By the way I wonder how Charmaine is doing. I have a feeling next time she logs in might be with the baby news. Let's wait and see. Hope she and the babies are doing fine...
xxx Alll
Anna I already bought the book and I thought it's great. I would like your DVD but I live too far from you. I'm gonna rent it from Lovefilm.com. An online DVD store. Dunno if you guys have it in the US.

I have my driving theory test on Wednesday but it's so boring to study for it. I might just go for a swim instead.
Anna I have heard good things about that book/system. Let me know what you think!

On the issue of tummy time, you will hear a LOT about it from everyone including other parents to your pediatrician. Everyone says how important it is, but Ethan absolutely hated it and we almost never did it with him. In the end, he is rolling over, standing (with balance support) etc., right on cue. I think it gets a lot of overemphasis and the doctors make you feel like a bad parent if you don't do it, but Ethan just screamed and screamed so we rarely did. It is just placing them on their tummy while they are awake and supervised. It is so they can develop the back and neck muscles, which are necessary for rolling over, etc., and pushing up and crawling. These muscles do not get the natural development they used to, now that babies are placed on their backs to sleep all the time. DO put your baby down on her back to sleep, but don't stress about the tummy time too much. We found it to be unnecessary in the end. And then once they can roll from front to back, as Ethan now can, you can't keep them on their tummies anyhow! :rofl:
Skye I love the name! And congrats on team pink! I am off to add some photos right now, which I must do from the desktop computer. Cant upload from ipad apparently.
Here are just a couple quick pics. We got Ethan in the pool yesterday, which was VERY funny (he is not sure at ALL how he feels about the water!)

He is also working on learning to sit up unassisted, can now roll over easily, and can stand very easily (though supported) and is learning to hold on to remain upright. He is growing up so fast! :cry: :haha:


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Hi Skye, no we aren't chinese but I am very dark (S.American ancestor), and DH is fairly dark, but has quite chinese ish eyes so that's where she gets the look from.

I agree with Rottpaw on tummy time, apparently my niece hated it too, but Tilly loves it, and at the moment I am a bit paranoid that her head is getting a bit flat at the back from all that lying down, so trying to not let her lie down so much in the day on her back. I have even ordered a pillow....do any other mums know anything about babies getting flat heads? Does it correct naturally? Tilly's isn't really bad but I can notice....:shrug:
Lucy Ethan has sort of a flat spot on the back of his head now. I think it is inevitable with them sleeping on their backs. I do think it eventually gets better, as they start to spend less time sleeping in one particular psition. Once they can flip from back to front, some babies prefer to sleep on their tummies but they say to always still put them down on their backs. If they flip themselves over, that is fine at that point. I think that sleeping in other positions as they get older can help with the flat spot issues. But talk to your doc if you feel like her head is getting an odd shape. They don't like it to get too far out of line if that makes sense.
Angela, Ethan is such a handsome little man!! Love love love the pic of him relaxing in the lounge chair! And thank you for your take on tummy time - I've been stressing that if she screams throughout it (like many do, apparently) we'd just have to suffer through the noise. It's good to know that if I can't be vigilant about it, it should turn out okay anyhow.

Skye - too funny on the luggage at the airport remark! Yes, I suppose the whole chivalry thing can prove useful once in a while... :) I agree with you about Austin - I too have the feeling that the next time we hear from her, she'll be telling us that she's a new momma. :)

Anna - 19 days isn't so bad! I feel like I'm going to pop, and I'm still looking at 38... :dohh:

I'm having a tough time sleeping too. Didn't get any sleep last night.....Friday I slept 3 hours and Sat I slept none.

I've been in pain since fridays injection. The nurse did it this time instead of Doug because my meds were accidentally mailed to the Dr.'s office. I think she got my spine and she never rubbed the thick med into my bum so I have a HUGE spot that feels like a baseball and itches like a son of a gun. I've been in pain REALLY BAD and feel like I need a walker. I'll never let her give me an injection again.

But the sleep issue seems to be more pregnancy related than anything. I'm DYING for an Ambian. Just one! :rofl:

Hopefully I'll catch a nap today. I find I'm not only a bear but overemotional on less sleep. I'm not fun to be around!

Skye, yes. My husband is close to sainthood here. Yesterday he brought me breakfast in bed and made sure my dinner was prepped. I even was surprised to find Lemon Meringue pie. This morning he rubbed my sore back and feet. Honestly I don't deserve him. He's SUCH a great guy!
Love the pics of Tilly and Ethan, Chris' gorgeous bump and that amazing modern, colorful nursery! So sweet. Keep the pictures coming, ladies.
Hi my lovely friends -

Yep, no babies yet... which is good, don't get me wrong.... But man, oh man... I feel like I get run over by a steam locomotive each morning when I get up. I confess to lurking and reading all of your awesome posts, but have just been too tired to get my thoughts together...

Things are going well. The blood results go up and down every day, so we're still in the holding pattern. Babies are excellent, so as long as my body can take it, we shall press on... I simply cannot believe that I have been here over a week. :shrug: We all thought that last week we were so close... But it is good.

Took DH on a tour to the NICU upstairs on Sunday, as he had to leave early when we had out "Team Meeting" and didn't get to see... Woohoo - Field Trip!!! Even if it was in a wheelchair... The NICU nurse that walked us around was awesome... Reality hit when we came to one of the bays where there were three little beds in a row and she says, "These are the ones we are holding for you!" Yikes!! Babies are already ~4 pounds each and she said they won't be in the incubators, as they're past that stage and may not need any oxygen! We are saying our prayers...

I wish I could remember what all of you have written... There has been a LOT of activity!!! Here's my best try -

Svet - Nursery is just adorable!!! And you!!! What a beauty! You are just precious, girl!

Anna - Yay for you and the projects! Be careful with that circuit board, girl! Love your independence... I almost peed in my bed reading about you running across the street! Me - I was peeing when I would laugh... and the belly shook at the same time and hurt! Hope you aren't too uncomfortable and have a good, restful week!

MA - Sorry your shot was so bad! When do you get to stop them??? Soon, right? I had never had Ambien til the hospital and not only do I LOVE getting one every night, I want to buy stock in the mnftr! That stuff is awesome!! I got it at 33, so can't be too much farther for you! Hang in there!

Sunshine - I understand about the man dependent fears! Sadly, I believe we are going to have to get used to needing help with stuff! Can't do it all on our own! Best advice my mother has given about this subject is to 1) ask them to help, 2) don't criticize the way the do what you ask, and 3) God forbid, don't stop them and say, "oh I'll just do it.." ALL of which I have been guilty of in the past on chores, etc. (NOTE TO SELF: practice what you preach :wacko:)...

Lucy - Your Tilly is little DOLL!!!! I so hope my girls have luscious dark hair like that!!!

Angela - Ethan is adorable!! What a boy! Look at him just chillin' in the pool and on the sun chair!!! Thanks for the advice re: tummy time... I have a feeling that is something else one could get "mommy guilt" about... I'm sure your little man's head is just perfect! And size 9 months!!!! wow!

Skye - Good luck on the driving test! I agree, your little one's name is beautiful!!

Lava - Hope the nausea is getting better!! Thinking of you.. there are 2 gals pg with twins on the antepartum floor with me... I hear stories from the nurses. Any word on the gender of the 2nd baby yet??

Everyone I have missed, I apologize for not remembering posts... Let me say thank you again for all of your well-wishes and concerns! :kiss::kiss::kiss:

Whew... signing out for now. DH is on his way up for the evening visit.. Not sure how he is doing with me being here... He says he isn't sleeping well and the animals' schedules are outta whack, too... I sure do miss my fur babies like crazy!!!! This is longer than any vacation I have taken away from them in several years! Boohoo... :(

Onward to 34 WEEKS.... :crib::crib::crib: I promise to try and do a better job posting until the DAY arrives!
Hugs to all,
rottpaw, he's so cute and sooooo big! Thanks to you and lucy for the tummy time info, very useful.

have a ggod night, hope austin is doing well and I agree, think we're in store for three new little girls!
angela, so good to hear from you. Hang in there girl you are awesome!!

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