35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Good morning everyone! Insomnia strikes again... Even though I've been lying awake in bed for over an hour, my brain's still in sleep mode a little. So forgive me if I miss anyone...

HA - thank you so much for the updates. I must admit I haven't been lurking over there as much as I'd like to. Heck, I haven't even been on this site as much as I'd like to lately! My heart goes out to Heart Tree... that poor girl's been through way too much. She - and all of you lovely ladies over there - are in my prayers! Here's hoping that your current TWW is the last one you have to go through for at LEAST nine months!

Anna - Well?? Any signs of labor yet? How exciting to think this may be it! Fingers crossed for you! I have to admit to watching those baby shows, too, when I'm home to catch them... Every time the newborn takes it's first cry, I cry right along with it! D@mn hormones... :haha:

Terri - thank you for your advice. As Anna said, sometimes it's easy to lose sight of the basics. Thanks for helping us put it back in perspective! :thumbup:

MA - what exercise did you do? (Sorry if you've already mentioned it...) Was it the pelvic tilt thingie? My little one was Frank Breech for the longest time, so I tried doing those for a bit. At my appointment on Thursday, she was FINALLY head down. :happydance: Hopefullly she'll stay that way. Don't know if those pelvic tilts had anything to do with it or not... :shrug: I'd continue to do them, but I'm afraid I'll spin her back upright again! :dohh: The midwife said that once they're down they usually stay down at this point, but this child has NOT been normal so far. :) So God only knows what'll happen between now and delivery. And what a sweet picture! It's so cool to finally see what they really look like, isn't it?

Austin - how goes life in the broom closet? So sorry you're stuck in there, but as Angela said, there's no safer place for you and your precious little girls. I'm sure they'll move you to a larger room once they're here. They'll have to - you won't all fit! Oh - and your nursery looks great!! Ours still isn't done yet... :growlmad:

Viv - here's hoping that you don't get put in a closet, too! Kudos to you for helping at the party... Toddlers and young kids STILL scare the crap outta me! Guess I'd better get over that pretty quick, huh?

Lava - how are you doing? :hugs:

Chris #1 - :hi: Forgive me if you've already mentioned it, but how long does it take to get your test results back? I'm sending good vibes your way!!

Hi, Skye! Hope all's well with you!

Have a great day, ladies! I plan on checking back throughout the weekend for possible baby updates...
Viv, no need to feel hypocritical - it's a ttc thread, not a long-term ttc thread, and you're just too lovely to not like!! :kiss:

Thanks for all the well-wishes, ladies. GL to Austin, Anna and Viv - can't wait to meet the new babies!
Good morning everyone! Insomnia strikes again... Even though I've been lying awake in bed for over an hour, my brain's still in sleep mode a little. So forgive me if I miss anyone...

HA - thank you so much for the updates. I must admit I haven't been lurking over there as much as I'd like to. Heck, I haven't even been on this site as much as I'd like to lately! My heart goes out to Heart Tree... that poor girl's been through way too much. She - and all of you lovely ladies over there - are in my prayers! Here's hoping that your current TWW is the last one you have to go through for at LEAST nine months!

Anna - Well?? Any signs of labor yet? How exciting to think this may be it! Fingers crossed for you! I have to admit to watching those baby shows, too, when I'm home to catch them... Every time the newborn takes it's first cry, I cry right along with it! D@mn hormones... :haha:

Terri - thank you for your advice. As Anna said, sometimes it's easy to lose sight of the basics. Thanks for helping us put it back in perspective! :thumbup:

MA - what exercise did you do? (Sorry if you've already mentioned it...) Was it the pelvic tilt thingie? My little one was Frank Breech for the longest time, so I tried doing those for a bit. At my appointment on Thursday, she was FINALLY head down. :happydance: Hopefullly she'll stay that way. Don't know if those pelvic tilts had anything to do with it or not... :shrug: I'd continue to do them, but I'm afraid I'll spin her back upright again! :dohh: The midwife said that once they're down they usually stay down at this point, but this child has NOT been normal so far. :) So God only knows what'll happen between now and delivery. And what a sweet picture! It's so cool to finally see what they really look like, isn't it?

Austin - how goes life in the broom closet? So sorry you're stuck in there, but as Angela said, there's no safer place for you and your precious little girls. I'm sure they'll move you to a larger room once they're here. They'll have to - you won't all fit! Oh - and your nursery looks great!! Ours still isn't done yet... :growlmad:

Viv - here's hoping that you don't get put in a closet, too! Kudos to you for helping at the party... Toddlers and young kids STILL scare the crap outta me! Guess I'd better get over that pretty quick, huh?

Lava - how are you doing? :hugs:

Chris #1 - :hi: Forgive me if you've already mentioned it, but how long does it take to get your test results back? I'm sending good vibes your way!!

Hi, Skye! Hope all's well with you!

Have a great day, ladies! I plan on checking back throughout the weekend for possible baby updates...

Check out spinningbabies.com I did what's called an inversion. Basically my knees were at the end of the couch and my elbows were flat on the floor lifting my back end up really high and leaving my back a slope.

On that site, they teach you to map where baby is. Then there are specific methods depending on the gestation of what to do. There are some pretty funny things. Luckily the inversion worked to to her a bit and I'm told since her spine is up and her head is down toward the left side, she's in ready position to move to birthing position.

Like you, I'm freaked out about her moving again. I toss and turn from my left to my right side. Last night I tossed over to the right side and freaked myself out by thinking I could have made her turn a different way. :rofl: :wacko:

I have another sonogram at 35wks and am hoping she'll have turned from then fully.

Reason I'm doing this is because of my heart shaped uterus. She has limited time to move to position before she can't do it anymore and I'm stuck with a c-section. So I'm trying to do all I can.:winkwink:

Thanks everyone for all the comments on Amelia. So excited to see her in a couple months.:happydance::cloud9:
Hi girls! This is going to be short, sorry... as I am just so damn tired. I have been keeping up with all your posts though! You all are such an entertaining bunch. The ambien discussion had me in stitches :rofl:
MA- love the 3D! Very cool you got to see your little girl. :thumbup: Viv, sorry your leg is still bugging you. Don't worry about the whole being a mom thing. I think it's totally normal. You're going to do great! I'm sure we all will.
Happy Auntie, it is soo nice to see you pop in here once in a while! Fingers crossed for you during your TWW. Thx for the update on Heart Tree. :cry: That poor woman has gone through so much.
Anna- you think you broke your water??!?!? :happydance: UPDATE PLEASE!!!!! And yes, I am done working. I finished when I was 37 weeks and 2 days. My whole body aches now. I can't imagine how useful I'd be at work at the moment.
Chris #2- nice to have you back! We miss you when you disappear. Glad to hear your baby is co-operating. Hope she stays in the right position!!! I too cry everytime the baby comes out and they place it on the mom's belly. Bloody hormones is right! :dohh: We are going to be disasters when it is our turn.

Thanks for everyone's kind words on my exam. I should most likely have my result on Monday. Here's to hoping! :friends:
The baby's room is nearly done. Just have to hang up a picture on the wall then I'll take some pictures and post them here. I love that room. Speaking of rooms- Charmaine! Your nursery is gorgeous!!! Love the furbaby in the pic too :haha: My only complaint :growlmad: The pictures are too small!!! How are doing? I hope your room is bigger than a closet. :wacko: 33 weeks babe! Wish you could take me for a pedi too instead of being stuck in captivity.......... a part of me is afraid of going for a pedi in case that's where I got the scabies in the first place. :shrug:
Hubby went off to run some errands so I think I'll put on a load of laundry and finish my book. I have been left with the last 50 pages of Breaking Dawn since June, simply because I do not want the series to end.... then it will be no more Bella and Edward. How I love them so... :blush: :rofl: I think I'll go sit in baby girls room and finish the book then take a nap. I have never in my life been able to nap and now I do it like a champ! :thumbup:

Have a great Saturday gals :flower:
Austin, your nursery is looking gorgeous ;) Are you still in the hospital? How's it going? Any news?

Sveta good luck hope you passed this exam cause you really sweated for it :) Nursey photos please :))

Rebekah Amelia's photo is gorgeous :) Isn't it great to have a peak in their world ? Thanks for the website I added as a book mark. :) Did you have your cousin's wedding yet? Good luck with bb shower. Hope you get a lot of lovely pressies for Amelia :)

Hey :hi: Sunshine :)) I'm in the same page as you. Wake up in the middle of the night and can't can't fall back to sleep for a long time. :shrug:

Lava poor thing you are still suffering from the MS. Did the dr tell you how long would it last? Did you start gaining weight yet?

Angel and Teri, Newmarriedgirl and Lucy lot's of :kiss::kiss:

AFM I found out that my bump's a little girl :)) I was so happy and overwhelmed when I saw her little body had back bones, shoulder blades, finger joints etc.. A little human being as big as an avacado. hahahhaa!! We named her Shirin. A persian mythological that is derived from the "Siren's" And it means charming and pretty in Turkish. DH started talking to her. Really cute. I was looking for a baby gift for a friend who will have a son and I came across these little pink bandanas with bows. Soo cute. Mismuffet I thought of your little cute girl. I think I will start buying some clothes soon.
Have a great weekend girls :)
My first part of the post got lost somehow. (Copy paste error I think) I'l have to type again :(

Anna you will be a great mum. You already love doing a lot of fun stuff. Climbing, camping, running, climbing, and kids love that. I'm not a mother yet but all the little kids I know are little angels as long as you keep them safe, feed them well, talk to them and let them sweat. I bet you will make a great bond with your little girl while teaching her how to ski or make a bonfire etc... What's happening with your waters? False alarm?
There is 4 of you who will have the babies soon. Isn't that exciting? We will have loads of little baby photos here. I just can't wait.

Viv I'm sure you will also be a great mum. Hopefully your experience might be completely different than your mother's. :hugs: Don't let her experience affect you.
Quick post here ...

Hope you & your girls are doing well in the hospital. Have your friends & family been keeping you well.occupied? I laughed at your Texas football comment. My dad loves all sports and so does my husband, but in just 3 short weeks we will be immersed in college football. We have season tickets to the Georgia football games and yesterday we took my mom to a baby store and.Scott was already looking at the UGA baby hats, socks, etc. He was also eying the tiny cheerleader outfit. ;)

Any updates? Have you gone into labor yet? You are going to do an amazing job. Keep us posted.

Love Amelia's picture! I can't believe the detail that captures her expression. I want to do that down the road although I've been told it is harder to capture their faces with twins.

Team pink! So excited for you. My nausea & low energy seems to be hanging in there a little, but I can tell there has been an improvement. I have to eat all the time to not get sick though. I've gained 9 lbs since getting pregnant and have just started wearing some maternity clothes. A multiples book said I should have gained 14 by now. My perionatologist has referred me to a dietician. My next appt with the peri doc is on the 30th & I will probably do my amnio then. ;( Hopefully all will be well with the babies. Then, DH & I have a mini-break planned for the beach in Sept.

Glad you are getting more sleep & Ethan is sleeping through the night. I will need some tips on that at some point.

Hi to Anna, Svet (I'm praying you pass your exam), Chris, Codegirl, NMG, Never (hope you are having fun in Vegas), Lucy, and anyone I missed. Have a restful Sunday. L
Skye- Congrats on the baby girl!!! :yipee: Seems to be the theme of this thread! LOL Love the name. It's so elegant and different.

Lava- 9 lbs sounds fine to me. Sure you are below the guideline, but not by much. Hope the nausea gives you a break very soon.

Nursery pics to follow very soon........ *Just woke up. 11am :dohh: Must enjoy this while I can.
Thanks everyone!

Skye, My cousins wedding is "If I remember correctly" one week from this friday. My shower is the weekend after. I have to say I'm getting more and more nervous as both occasions come. I'm SO close to delivery day and I'm excited and nervous all at the same time! :happydance:

Lava, it would really be neat to see the twins if you can get them. I bet the reason it's hard is because they're squished together and finding their faces can get hard. ESPECIALLY as they get bigger. How awesome it would be though to have a pic of them. It would be precious!
Hi everyone :hi:

Haven't written anything for ages, but been reading and lurking. Little miss has been sleeping rubbishly since her 3 month jabs. She is all over the place and won't nap in the day much at all, and getting her down at night is hard...up 4 times last night. Hope it wears off soon I am knackered! Did any other mums have this happen? I also went to spend a week with my mum in London, which confused the heck out of Tilly, so we are just trying to settle down and get back to normal soon, difficult when we are moving house in 2 weeks!

Viv I wish you a safe and speedy delivery, I am sure you will fall in love and be a fab mum! :kiss:
Sunshine, I am with you on the insomnia..hope you get some better rest soon, it's rubbish being tired all the time! :sleep:
MA good luck with turning Amelia around and for having nice calm quick natural birth....wow the weeks are really ticking on now for you, I bet you never thought you would get this far! :hugs:
Sveta hope you did it this time on the exam....and good luck to all the ladies where the birth is looming...hope all the babies make their way into the world quickly and safely. I still watch a baby story lots and it always still makes me cry....having a baby is such an emotional experience.

Skye a little girl hurray! :happydance: and what a gorgeous name!
Lava hope you start to feel the glowing bit of pregnancy soon :kiss:

Little one fussing again....v clingy at the mo so must go.....big hugs to all:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi, also hi to Pablo...getting close woohoo! Codegirl, Junebug, Rottpaw, and everyone else if I forgot sorry....:kiss:
Wow so much chatter for a weekend!!

Just poping in to say no luck on the water breaking front. Must have been a false alarm, which means must have been pee which is even more devestating. I'm consoling myself by saying that I'm 9 1/2 months pregnant and my little jog probably had the baby bouncing on my bladder, but still . . . . really??

We spent all day at IKEA yesterday buying furniture for the house. Don't really know why, but we bought some stuff that will fix a few issues ( if some of you remember the dresser issue I have). Anyway spending today puting together furniture. Also the fridge decided to go out this weekend. We have called a repair man but it's Sunday. So I went on line to ask an expert and it seems to be an easy fix, if our Sears ( which is really small) carries the part we need. Think I can have it back up and running by this afternoon. So all in all I feel pretty handy. Think I missed my calling. I like figuring out how things work.

Ok enough about me . ..

MA, awesome pictures!! So glad she has turned head down. My doc said once they go head down they rarely turn again, but I had a friend with twins that were head down then turned. Don't stress over the wedding, go have fun and if you have to leave, leave.

Svet, can't wait until tomorrow. Pedi sounds great, but I forgot about the scabies thing. How are you doing anyway?? Still itchy?? And as far as Edward and Isabelle go, I read all the books twice. Just love them.

Vivienen, glad the foot isn't too bad. How's the snow?? Glad the birthing room are private, that's so nice! Hope you don't end up in a broom closet. Spreaking of . .

Austin, how's it going??? Any babies yet?

Skye, team pink!!!!! Yeh and love the name!!!!! So happy for you.

Lucy, so good to hear from you. Good luck with the sleep thing, that's tough.

Lava, I too think 9 lbs sounds good, although I know with twins it's should be more. Thing is it's all guide lines, not set in stone. If the babies are healthy, you're probably ok. None the less glad you have an appt with a nutritionist.

Rottpaw, thanks for stopping by I know you're busy. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

NMG and anyone I missed sorry, I am thinking of you all!!

Ok it's Sunday and I have my work cut out for me today. So I'd best be going.

Have a good one!! Anna
me again . . .

So I know I keep saying that I want this baby to come early, but please not in the next three days!!

Just found out the part I need to fix the fridge can only get here at the earliest by tuesday which means my kitchen will be filled with coolers for the next couple of days to keep the food cold. Add to that the maze of IKEA boxes and tools that are strewn all over the house and it's a mess!!!!

Needless to say my nesting instinct is on over drive right now and the current state of affairs is driving me crazy!!! Oh well I guess what will be will be . . .

thanks for letting my vent, I'm off to the grocery store to buy ice. If this had happened in January I could have just stuck everything out the window.

Later! Anna
me again . . .

So I know I keep saying that I want this baby to come early, but please not in the next three days!!

Just found out the part I need to fix the fridge can only get here at the earliest by tuesday which means my kitchen will be filled with coolers for the next couple of days to keep the food cold. Add to that the maze of IKEA boxes and tools that are strewn all over the house and it's a mess!!!!

Needless to say my nesting instinct is on over drive right now and the current state of affairs is driving me crazy!!! Oh well I guess what will be will be . . .

thanks for letting my vent, I'm off to the grocery store to buy ice. If this had happened in January I could have just stuck everything out the window.

Later! Anna

Now THERE'S a project to keep parents occupied if you go into labor!! Delegate. There will obviously be a HUGE need for someone to help. Maybe that will help them feel needed while YOU concentrate on you and the baby! :winkwink:

Love the nesting instinct. I'm actually going CRAZY. I'm limited in what I can do and I'm DYING to get on my hands and knee's and start washing the woodwork in all the rooms. I love that my husband has taken on so much, but it drives me up the wall when somethings out of place or dusty or REALLY needs cleaning. I usually clean the woodwork weekly or it gets pretty dusty. I can't bring it up to Doug because he's been so gracious already and I don't want him to think I don't appreciate all he's done. He's honestly a good husband!

Looking forward to hearing the news when it DOES happen though Anna. :happydance::flower:
Nice to hear from you Lucy!!! I hope little Tilly starts to give you a break soon and sleeps longer. Do you have any new pictures? :baby:

Anna- Don't worry about the peeing yourself. At least you were jogging when it happened AND you are very pregnant. It happened to me quite a bit, though not at all recently. Weird. The worst once, was when we were standing in line to buy our baby furniture and I just switched weight on my leg and bam! Massive leakage. :wacko: I thought it was going to drip down my leg :haha: And I was still only maybe 30 weeks then? The other times was mostly during the hockey playoffs if I jumped up off my seat in excitement. lol I find the whole peeing ourselves while pregnant pretty comical so just laugh! :hugs: Labour will be here before you know it. You could still have a couple weeks yet so don't stress yourself out already by thinking it will happen tomorrow. Once they're out we can't put them back. :rofl:
Sorry about the fridge! :dohh: What a pain in the ass!! Why can't these things happen in the middle of winter when it wouldn't be as stressful? At least you'll have the part in a matter of days. Have fun putting together IKEA furniture. The tell tale test of a lasting marriage- being able to put together IKEA furniture and not kill eachother :rofl: What did you buy? I went to IKEA on Thursday and bought a chair, bookcase and picture for the nursery.

.... AND here are the pictures of our nursery as promised:




The black closet door is actually chalk board paint!


My future Canuck Fan. Just need to find her a U2 T-shirt :thumbup:

Me at 39 weeks! I look a little stunned.... :shock:

First off, your SO CUTE! :hugs: I love the belly!!

The nursery came out lovely! I LOVE the crib especially and the color against the wall to the crib. The curtains are cute too. The chair looks comfy!

We've got the furniture but it's still in boxes. :haha: Honestly I have no bedding yet. I purchased a quilt pattern and a friend of mine is going to make me some sheets. The good news is that we'll have a pack n play for her for the first few months. Though I DO plan to put her in her own crib during the daytime. I'm having a hard time choosing on the design. :wacko:

Thanks for sharing. It's SO cute! Can't wait to see her.
Svet, how cute is the nursery!!! And so clean. Mine is chaos right now and there's no baby yet. Love the window covering, that's something I still haven't done. Glad she has a hockey jersey, I need to call my mother in law and get a Pen State football jersey for our girl so she can match mom and dad on saturdays during college football games.

as for the furniture, I managed two pieces today, a dresser and the wardrobe for the nursery, our secret, I did it by myself. Past experiences have taught me we would have ended up in divorce court otherwise!

MA, the nesting thing is hard. Hang in there. What about a wet rag tied to a mop, that way you wouldn't be on hands and knees. Just an idea.

have a good night!! Anna

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