35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

first off it has been a while since i posted and i have tried to keep up, but sorry in advance if i miss some things.

Angela - Ethan is ADORABLE!!! I love the photo of him reclining by the pool!!!!

Lucy - Tilly is a BEAUTY!!!!! So cute. Also Katelyn is has developed a flatspot in the back of her head as well. according to my dr and the physical therapist, babies heads are pretty malleable for the first year. it should correct itself on its own however,you can probably just rub her head for a few minutes everday and increase your tummy time.

Anna -as for the tummy time. when we went to the physical therapist she said to try and end tummy time when baby is still happy. I have to admit, we dont do tummy time every day, however, just having the baby laying her stomach on your chest is considered tummy time so

skye - congrats on being on team pink. is anyone else having a boy? it seems most of us are girls.

rebekah - sorry your shot was so painful!!! Also, I know it is hard to sleep but NAP and get as much as you can now. Glad that Amelia has turned.

gosh, i am so looking forward to hearing birth stories, there are quite a few who are close. It is so exciting. We may need to start another thread in the parenting section LOL!!!

Anna - I agree with Terri on the fed, warm, dry, and loved. im not going to lie, there are days when she cries and im at a loss cuz sges not hungry or wet, or cold or hot. i just kiss her and hug her do the best i can and it works out.

HA thanks for the update on everyone in the original35+ thread, especially Hearty.

i knew i should have taken notes!!! im sorry ladies, im leaving lots of folks out.

AFM - i went to my office today with katelyn because i was having lunch with some coworkers. it was nice to see everyone, but i am gouing to miss my baby. i go back to work on sept 6th. that is sooo soon and im starting to get sad. . next week we go to denver to visit the fam then we come back and i have 4 days before work.

good news is that Katelyn is really doing welll at holding her head and chest up. She also likes to stand up. her legs are really strong. we got her a baby gym that will help with her tummy time and with her reaching for stuff. she is also sleeping 4-5 hours at nice which is nice. The other night i fed her at 11:30 and she went to sleep around 12 and didnt wake up til 5am! it was lovely getting 4 1/2 hours of uniterrupted sleep. im also using the baby moniter more. instead of putting her in her crib or swing downstairs during nsp, ill put her upstairs. it has been pretty good. Time is going by so quickly. before you know it she will be 1 eek.

On another note - I have noticed that when i as pregnant people were so much more polite and willing to help me out with seats, opening doors, etc. Now that I actually have the baby people are RUDE! When im in stores and walking diwn aisles, people will bump into the stroller and then give me a dirty look like i should have moved out of the way. I was ib Ross and deliberately moved to the side next to a mirror so this woman could get by. Does her dumbass go around like normal person? no, she decides to squeeze through the mirror and the stroller. I looked at her and said "Really, why weoul you try to squeeze through, doesnt make a damn bit of sense. I went in to an Anna Linen's by my house and struggled for 5 minutes to open the door (which was heavy) enough so that my stroller could fit through. Mind you there were about 8 people standing close by not ONE offered to help. Once I was in the door, the stupid sales associate had the nerve to say all chiper "hi and welcome to anna's!" I replied back, No that is ok, I didn't need any help with the door but thanks! Arrg! Sleep deprivation does help my mood when folks are dumb. though im trying not to get so irritated lol.

Anyway, lots of love to everyone. once im back at work ill be able to post more frequently lol.

hugs and happy healthy births!!!!
oh forgot - rebekah i loved the 3D images of amelia. She is beautiful in that photo so just imagine how beautiful she will be in person!!!!
Hi my lovely friends -

MA - Sorry your shot was so bad! When do you get to stop them??? Soon, right? I had never had Ambien til the hospital and not only do I LOVE getting one every night, I want to buy stock in the mnftr! That stuff is awesome!! I got it at 33, so can't be too much farther for you! Hang in there!

Onward to 34 WEEKS.... :crib::crib::crib: I promise to try and do a better job posting until the DAY arrives!
Hugs to all,

only 4 more weeks of injections!:happydance:

As for Ambien. I'm 32 wks and 1day. :happydance::happydance::happydance: the ambien isn't messing with the girls is it? I'm just a bit nervous about if the side effects make us happy what it does to our little ones. Did they share any info on it? I would LOVE a night of sleep. Oh Lordy....Doug used to have to walk me to the bathroom at night because I felt so flippin good. :rofl: Just ONE good night of sleep. Just ONE!:sleep:

As for your DH and the poor dogs...aww, I can imagine this is hard on everyone. The dogs especially. You go away for awhile and come back with 3 screaming midgets that poop all the time. :rofl: I'd imagine your dogs will be confused as ours will be. :haha:

I'm sure things will calm down and be as normal as they possibly can with 3 little ones when they're finally here. I can't WAIT to finally see them and mommy and daddy together. I bet the dogs will be on alert for protection too. :winkwink:
Lucy, Tilly is just darling! Ugh! I'm melting.

Steph, good to hear from you. So glad to hear of katelyn's milestones. :happydance:

As for the rude people. Ugh! I had hoped it would get better. I'm in those motor carts at the store because of the stitch and people don't even acknowledge I"m there, they cut through, they give me dirty looks and they'd just assume run me over than say "excuse me". In fact, most people give me odd looks like I should get off my bum and walk. It's so disrespectful. I have a hard time keeping my temper with ignorant people like that. My husband opens doors for anyone who needs it...male or female. It's just kind to do that. I'm not honestly sure why people aren't taught manners anymore. ESPECIALLY with mothers and babies!
Hi my lovely friends -

MA - Sorry your shot was so bad! When do you get to stop them??? Soon, right? I had never had Ambien til the hospital and not only do I LOVE getting one every night, I want to buy stock in the mnftr! That stuff is awesome!! I got it at 33, so can't be too much farther for you! Hang in there!

Onward to 34 WEEKS.... :crib::crib::crib: I promise to try and do a better job posting until the DAY arrives!
Hugs to all,

only 4 more weeks of injections!:happydance:

As for Ambien. I'm 32 wks and 1day. :happydance::happydance::happydance: the ambien isn't messing with the girls is it? I'm just a bit nervous about if the side effects make us happy what it does to our little ones. Did they share any info on it? I would LOVE a night of sleep. Oh Lordy....Doug used to have to walk me to the bathroom at night because I felt so flippin good. :rofl: Just ONE good night of sleep. Just ONE!:sleep:

Rebekah - As far as the Ambien, I asked the ob/gyn and she said it is fine later in pregnancy, just not so much in the beginning.... I believe that if the hospital is giving it to me, it must be alright... The nurses have even asked if I want 2... :shrug: Am just doing one per night now though....

By the way, I forgot to comment on your precious little girl's picture! That is so cool! :kiss:
Hi my lovely friends -

MA - Sorry your shot was so bad! When do you get to stop them??? Soon, right? I had never had Ambien til the hospital and not only do I LOVE getting one every night, I want to buy stock in the mnftr! That stuff is awesome!! I got it at 33, so can't be too much farther for you! Hang in there!

Onward to 34 WEEKS.... :crib::crib::crib: I promise to try and do a better job posting until the DAY arrives!
Hugs to all,

only 4 more weeks of injections!:happydance:

As for Ambien. I'm 32 wks and 1day. :happydance::happydance::happydance: the ambien isn't messing with the girls is it? I'm just a bit nervous about if the side effects make us happy what it does to our little ones. Did they share any info on it? I would LOVE a night of sleep. Oh Lordy....Doug used to have to walk me to the bathroom at night because I felt so flippin good. :rofl: Just ONE good night of sleep. Just ONE!:sleep:

Rebekah - As far as the Ambien, I asked the ob/gyn and she said it is fine later in pregnancy, just not so much in the beginning.... I believe that if the hospital is giving it to me, it must be alright... The nurses have even asked if I want 2... :shrug: Am just doing one per night now though....

By the way, I forgot to comment on your precious little girl's picture! That is so cool! :kiss:

2! :wacko: That dose would knock your socks off! :rofl: They'd have to pick me up off the floor! :haha:

Thank you for the kind comment on Amelia's picture!:hugs: Enjoy your rest tonight. I'm jealous!:winkwink::flower:
Hey girls just a quick note to let you know that my water broke at 4pm est. It is now nearly 2am and I am 8 cm dilated already. Wish me luck :thumbup: Oh and the epidural is a godsend. Details to follow tomorrow. xo
OMG Svet good luck hon, 8cm is almost there. I wish you an easy delivery and hope you are both well.. Wooow first mummy out of 4 ladies :)))) :happydance: How exciting is this..

Angela Etan is just really cute. Double lol on the sun deck photo. He looks like such a little hot jockey waiting for his coctails and the girls :)) Hahahahhahahahaha

Thank you girls for the tummy time and the flat head info. I remember seeing a flat head on almost all babies I know. They correct themselves.

Austin well done for keeping so well. Hope the girls would keep in there a bit longer untill they are fully mature and don't need any nicu even. Before you know it they will be at home anyway so try to enjoy the hospital care. Although I hope the food is all right.

Missmuffet awww I bet starting the job will be sad. Did you arange the daycare for Katelyn. As for rude people. I have been offered a seat only once in the train up to now. And he was such an old man that I didn't dare take it. All the rest are busy pretending to read their newspapers. I know people and sometimes women more than others can be rude. I used to work with a girl who was 40+ never married and still into her partying ways. She used to absolutely hate women with babies. She would make such rude comments about how women produce like cows and not give a damn about other bus users. Uggghhh, I couldn't stand listening to her ranting about how any mum might knock her designer shoes.

Rebekah sorry you are suffering from the injections but soon they will be over. You made it so far. yaaaay!! Are you using them untill 36 weeks? I can't wait to stop my heparine injections. As my tummy stretches and expands the injection site gets more and more itchy and bruised. Nothing unbearable but it looks horrible. Also I'm fed up with doing them twice a day cause it's so easy to forget. I relaxed about the time and just do it whenever I remember though. Can't live up to strict 8 to 8 regime anymore.

xxx all
Wow Svet I am so excited! Can't wait for more news, woohoo! :happydance: Hope things go well. :hugs:

MA, sorry you are having the insomnia, it doesn't seem fair does it that the last few months of pregnancy you can't sleep and when the baby is born you can't either. :shrug::flower:

Miss muffet I hear you on the rudeness....when I was obviously pregnant I didn't get much consideration from people, but walking around with a pram, people are just selfish idiots. I actually had to walk in the road recently as some thicko van driver had parked across the whole pavement....people don't think! You will get a lot of little old ladies cooing into the pram though bless...:flower:

Maybe I am being OTT on the flat head thing if it is such a normal thing that will likely correct itself.....anyway I have ordered the pillow, let's see if she stays on it. :blush:
Not a great night sleep, so off to join Tilly in her nap! Good luck Svet, I will be back soon to check! :happydance:
Just real quick YAY Chris can't wait to hear all about it! Hugs and you will do GREAT!
Good luck, Svet. We are all anxiously awaiting news of your labor& delivery. You will do a great job and be holding your little one soon!!
I am probably worrying over nothing, but this morning when I went to the bathroom & wiped, there was some light pink blood on the toilet paper. I'm not feeling any real cramping, just some twinges on my right side. This hasn't happened to me before during my pregnancy. I left a message for my nurse. Unfortunately, my husband left early this morning for a work trip and won't be back until Thursday. I am scared. Any advice? Does this mean I'm going to lose the babies?
Chris!!! OMG - so excited for you!!!! Sending prayers and good thoughts your way for a safe - and quick! - delivery! Best of luck to you!!!

Austin - thanks for checking in :flower: I can only imagine how it must have hit home when you saw the three little bassinets ready and waiting for your little girls! So close now... :hugs:

And you're right - I guess I'm going to have to get used to asking for help. It's just not in my nature (only child, always lived alone, etc). It's just that I like being independent, d@mnit! Don't want to give that up!

Steph - hard to believe it's almost time for you to head back to work! You'll be heading back on my last day before I go out. It's funny how we question our choices, though, isn't it? You're concerned with how hard it'll be to go back, and I'm now freaking out that I wasn't planning on going back! So much so that I've started calling day care centers... It's actually more affordable than I thought it would be, which of course is adding to my indecision.

Sigh... I guess we'll always second guess ourselves, won't we? Think of going back to work this way - you'll have the work day to get your adult time in, so when you go home you'll be all primed and ready for mommy time! (As opposed to being at your job 24/7 with no break...) :wacko:

Lava - please try not to worry about the blood (impossible, I know!) You've done the right thing by calling your doctor, and they'll no doubt have you come in to check everything out, but from everything I've read it's completely normal. Don't mean to get personal, but did you and the DH do a little "goodbye dance" before he left for the trip? I know that sex can cause a little bleeding, and so can a host of other things. PLEASE try not to worry yourself. I had a small hematoma (as did Austin, early on) which corrected itself, and they, too, are quite common. So don't panic - I'm sure everything's okay! Hang in there, and keep us posted on what the doc said.

Have a good day, everyone! :kiss:
Chris, WTG :happydance: You've made me laugh over the Epi. :rofl: Weren't you the one with me that was hesitant about the Epi? Oh how you make me wonder. Maybe even a bit nervous. :rofl: Can't WAIT to see the baby. Oh how I'm EXCITED! :happydance:

Lava, I've heard of light bleeding taking place. I wouldn't worry, I've heard that bright red blood is of concern and a whole lot of it. As Chris mentioned, you did the right thing by contacting the Dr.'s office, they'll probably get you in for a scan and check your cervix. I'm sure all will be well dear. There are many reasons little bits of blood shed. Please try to calm your heart. :hugs:

Well, we're off to my inlaws to show them pics of Amelia. I'm sure they'll be really excited.

We emailed the pics to my parents and neither acknowledged them. In fact, mom called the other day and never even mentioned her. Doug asked if I thought it was because Amelia looks like his side and I started to cry. I would HOPE my parents wouldn't be THAT shallow but, you never know. They just don't have emotion so I'm thinking that's why they don't show excitement. Breaks my heart though as Amelia is their first grandchild. I wish my mother had that motherly instinct. It's SO hard to understand sometimes.

She called to let me know that 40ppl have already RSVP'd to the shower. :wacko: Most of the people I invited have been there for our support since Jackson so while she and my dad closed down, all these others have been so supportive. I wonder if she'll be overwhelmed when she see's all these women in one room. I'm still a ball of nerves though from knowing so many people will be in a room. Freaks me out. lol There are still 20 more that have to RSVP. I'm happy with the turnout already. 40 MORE than expected or deserved I'd say. :winkwink:

Have a good day ladies. Can't WAIT to hear the news when it comes in!
To answer your question, we did have sex on Sunday morning but that was 2 days ago. It is funny b/c since we've learned I'm pregnant, I have been not feeling particularly amorous & have been putting my husband off. I was just so tired & nauseous. Also, in my 1st trimester, I was petrified of miscarriage. This past week I've been feeling better physically and more emotionally secure about the pregnancy. I actually initiated things on Sunday to my husband's shock. Not that he was complaining. Now we have sex for only the 3rd time in 3 months & I'm spotting. I doubt that caused it though, but I hope it is nothing serious. Still waiting to hear back from my nurse.

So exciting about your shower! That will be an amazing turnout. Much deserved though, I'd say. Have fun at the wedding too. That is this weekend, right?
Ok, my doctor called & told me to monitor myself for a week. If I have any real bleeding, the spotting continues, or cramping, to come in for an U/S. In the interim, no sex, exercise or heavy lifting. Praying my babies are doing ok & hanging in there!! Thanks y'all. Sorry to worry so much.
I am probably worrying over nothing, but this morning when I went to the bathroom & wiped, there was some light pink blood on the toilet paper. I'm not feeling any real cramping, just some twinges on my right side. This hasn't happened to me before during my pregnancy. I left a message for my nurse. Unfortunately, my husband left early this morning for a work trip and won't be back until Thursday. I am scared. Any advice? Does this mean I'm going to lose the babies?

Lava - Try and not worry yourself to death... I went through the same thing, but the bleeding was heavy. My perinatologist told me that it was a subchrionic hemorrage, which resolved itself and perhaps had been caused by the placentas attaching. He said he would have been surprised if I had not had some first trimester bleeding....

But by all means, call the doctor and ask to be seen! I had already seen the peri, but also called my fertility dr, as I had not been released. It is worth it for your peace of mind.

I also took the day off and rested and drank a LOT of water... tips they gave me to calm the uterus... BIG HUGS and will def say a prayer for you!

EDIT: Just read the rest of the posts and SO glad you heard from the dr and feel reassured!!! I responded quickly as my episode occurred the ONLY time my husband was out of town during this pg... He was in Taiwan, so I couldn't even call... Scared me to death!

And Sunshine was correct, hematoma not hemorrage... :)
Thanks Austin. I am trying to finish this stupid brief at work but then will go home early if I can and watch some tv ... maybe Eclipse or Jane Erye On Demand since my husband is out of town. ;)
Good afternoon, all... just checking back for updates...

Don't be sorry for worrying, Lava! We ALL do it... Hang in there - I'm sure it'll all work out fine! :hugs:
Lava honey as others have said try not to worry! I knew lots of ladies in my march group that had some bleeding here or there. Could be caused by many things and as MA said it is typically heavier or bright red that they aRe concerned about. Will keep you in my prayers but I am sure all is well!

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