35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Quick one for Lava, as long as you don't have cramping or pain even heavy bleeding doesn't automatically mean you've lost the baby. I know 2 girls who had bright red bleeding in fact around 7-10 weeks. The dr said the bleeding can be many things :because the uterus is trying to expand to accomodate the babies, or there may be an irritation in cervix etc... One of the girl's bleeding was heavy like period bleeding so she rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night. They saw the heartbeat, than in the morning she went for a second check and a scan. The dr said she still had lots of blood left in the uterus that would come out but the baby was fine. So she carried on leaking blood even the next day. Dr suggested the same thing, to monitor and take it easy. They couldn't tell why the bleeding started but we suspected it was so much cause she is on blood thinners. Like me, when I have any bleeding elsewhere nowadays it takes a long time to stop basically. But I think the pregnancy hormones naturally might be thinning the blood to make sure the uterus gets a good blood flow. I asked her how come she didn't panick. She said she didn't have any cramping or pain at all.
I hope my friends experience would be helpful :hugs::hugs:
Lava I had 2 MC's, and both times I had bad cramping and a lot of pain, I also know several girls who had early bleeding and the babies were all fine..try not to worry. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Just checking in to see if any news from Chris/Svet!!!!

Still in a holding pattern in Austin, Texas.... :)
YAY Chris!!!! Waiting on pins and needles to see how you and baby are doing.

Lava - Like everyone else has already said try not to worry, but if you do still have concerns go in and have them check you. That will definitely ease your mind/fears :)

Anna - you have been quite today...are you also in labor?????
Checking in on Chris and Lava. Glad all sounds well Lava dear. :hugs: Try not to panic. Charmaine is right. Perinatologists will tell women like me who are at risk to go to bed rest and drink lots of water. You don't have to do MAJOR bed rest, just resting with your feet up and drinking water is a good thing.

Chris, I'm still waiting to hear the story about the epi. :rofl: I have this feeling just about ALL my plans will be out the door. :rofl: Hoping your doing well, are blessed and baby is in your arms. :happydance:

As for us, we went out today. I am SO EXCITED!! We drove to the bakery closer to the church and I finished the design of the cake. Oh how excited I am!! I DO hope it comes out as my imagination see's it. She will use different colors and honestly the finished product won't be seen until I see it at the shower but I'm SO excited. Tried they're champagne flavor cupcake and just fell inLOVE with it. VERY moist. Brought home another flavor for my enjoyment tonight. :rofl:

Had a good day and drove with Doug and the Dogs on a country drive. I'm looking forward to the upcoming weeks ahead.

Oh, Lava...the wedding is next Friday. It would go on for 3 days if I let it. I have no idea why but they always do a 3 day affair with each wedding in their family. It's almost like an Indian Wedding it's so long. :rofl: We're just going to the wedding and the reception. I cannot handle the day before and the brunch the day after. :wacko: Too much! I am looking forward to celebrating my cousins wedding. I pray she has a lovely life with this guy after the heartbreak of her last marriage. I'll enjoy the nice lobster tail and filet mignon too though. :winkwink:
knew when I checked in and saw all the new pages of posts that something must have happened. I'll do a proper post tomorrow but real quick . . .

Svet, my bump buddy!!! Way to go mama!! Can't wait to see pictures and hear from you!!

Lava, I echo what everyone else has said so I won't repeat. But lots of hugs!

Steph, no baby but according to doc today i'm a little over 1cm!!

today was a "day off" from "work" so I spent all day putting together the last of the furniture and the part for the fridge came and I fixed it!! All by myself. A serious sense of pride. Anyway, but the time I got the house back together,it was time for birthing class. So it's late and I'm having a glass of wine, about ready to go to bed. Hope everyone has a good night!! Svet, thinking of you!!

Rebekah, my stomach is rumbling at 4 am and I am drooling over those cupcakes now. :)))) You must take a photo of the cake and post it. Did you find a nice dress?

Svet can't wait for your baby news. Hope you are both well and enjoying each others company xx
Rebekah, my stomach is rumbling at 4 am and I am drooling over those cupcakes now. :)))) You must take a photo of the cake and post it. Did you find a nice dress?

Svet can't wait for your baby news. Hope you are both well and enjoying each others company xx

No, no dress. I found one online in my size but I'm hesitant to buy it because i'm afraid it will look like a moomoo. My body has grown but with her hanging out so low, I have an "apron" hanging. I just feel ugly. I'm excited and honored to carry my daughter, but I just feel ugly.:cry:

We'll go to the bridal store this weekend and see if I can find something nice on a sale rack.
Good morning, everyone :flower:

Since I couldn't sleep - again - I thought I'd check in on Chris & Lava. And, apparently, Anna! Looks like it's starting, girlfriend - wooHoo! :happydance: Oh, and nice job on the fridge - you definitely deserved a glass of wine for that! :thumbup:

Still in that holding pattern, Charmaine? :haha: You make me laugh :) Hey - 34 weeks tomorrow... they're just about fully cooked! That's got to be such a good feeling :flower: I'm so excited and happy for you!

MA - have a cupcake for me too, please! I've been craving cake for about three weeks now... And I know what you mean about carrying low. Everyone that sees me comments on how the baby has dropped. I'm like - no, she's been this low the entire time... :growlmad: Looks I have a SERIOUS case of "dunlap." Unsightly and very uncomfortable. It makes me wonder - when she does drop, just where the heck's she going to drop to? The floor?? :shrug:

Nothing new with me - I've picked up a rotten cold so I'm grumpier than usual... :nope: The good news is that I've completely turned my job over to my replacement. Well, that's good and bad I guess. Good in the fact that I can sit there and laugh as she tears her hair out, but bad because it makes for a long day when there isn't much to do. At least my boss is okay with it - in fact, it's kind of what he had originally hoped for when he hired her so early. He wanted to make sure she had ample training time (she's had six weeks, where as I was thrown in to the thick of it after only one day), and said that best case scenerio she'd be up to speed well before I went out, and I'd just have to twiddle my thumbs for my remaining few weeks.

Looks like it's twiddling time...
I'll respond to everyone properly later in case I miss anyone, but I just wanted to check in. I've only had one additional episode of spotting, nothing overnight and everything clear this morning. Nevertheless, I brought some files from the office yesterday so that I could work from home. So prayers and fingers crossed ... it was a fluke and all is well.

I keep checking my phone for updates on Svet and Pablo! Austin, you are doing a great job. By now the babies lungs are fully developed and they would be safe to come anytime, but you keep them in there cooking as long as you can and enjoy that Ambien!

I am so excited for you about the upcoming wedding and shower. Good luck finding a dress. I have a wedding to go to in October and I'm just waiting because who knows how I'll be carrying, etc. until probably the week before. Still, the selection is not great. I wish I could sew some clothes for myself. My mom is so talented at that, but I never learned from her because whenever she tried to teach me as a child, it turned into a screaming match.

Feel better! Glad that you have your replacement all trained up. When is your last day of work? Do you know?

Very impressed about the fridge! Now, will you go put your feet up? Your husband should give you a massage!

Hi to Lucy, MrsMuffet, Angela, Skye, Codegirl, NMG, Never! By the way, we've had two recent BFPs on the TTC 1st 35+ board this month. Mabababy and Purple. So thrilled for them. I hope that this results in a string of BFPs, especially to the girls on or starting treatments this cycle: Dwrgi, Future Mommie, and HappyAuntie! Keep them in your prayers.
Hello ladies! Hope I can join. I just turned 35 (DH 38) and found out a few weeks ago I’m pregnant with my first. I’m still praying for a healthy sticky bean.

I’m joining at a good time, I see Svet is close to having a baby! Now I’m going to be a stalker.
morning all!

ceedee welcome, and I hope by now Svet did have her baby. Praying for a healthy nine months for you!!

speaking of Lava, thanks for the heads up on the other thread, crossing my fingers for everyone and would love to see a baby boom! Glad no more spotting and that you're taking some time to rest up.

MA, the clothes thing sucks! Every morning now I get up and just want to put on a moomoo! Pants are just so darm uncomfortable and binding and skirts are ok, but I have a lot of spider veins on my legs now and they're not so pretty. Good luck. I went to target and found a dress in the regular womens departmeent but with an empire waist that works pretty well. Just an idea.

Can I pick your brain? We had our last birthing class last night and the woman who taught it was a different Doula and both DH and I really liked her. DH wants to use her as our Doula. I had to explain to him that Doula's aren't covered by insurance. And not everyone gets one. So my question is financial, do you mind me asking how much your doula's services are. Does she charge by an hourly rate? If you want, a general price range is ok. Truth be told I think DH is getting nervous about being responsible for supporting me during birth. Anyway any info would be helpful. Also is it too late to hire a doula?

Sunshine, cake . . . Mmmmmmmmm. I have to admit to recently going to the store and buying just one slice. Heavenly. Tastes better than ice cream. Think it's the texture. Anyway, you have my permission to go for it. Sorry work is boring. I don't know what's worse being too busy or too slow. I have a week and a half left and counting the days. Come on baby!

Svet, can't wait to hear from you and details about the birth. I'm on pins and needles.

Skye, hope you are well!!
AFM, nothing new. Like I said last night 1cm+ dialiated and 50% efaced so baby is making progress. We have a dinner party tonight and then i'm free of obligations. Just want to spend a day on the couch!! Hope everyone has a good day!! Anna
Welcome CeeDee! So glad to see you over here. Lurk away or feel free to chat away, whichever makes you more comfortable! I'm hoping we will have some more from the TTC thread to join us as several of the girls on here are going to be having their babies in the next few weeks. Hopefully they will stick around and not leave us once they deliver, but I'm sure they will have less time for daily check-ins. :)
fingers crossed lavalux that everything has settled down - a good rest sounds like just the ticket!

hi Ceedee

Im going to my little sil wedding in october and am getting this dress https://www.tiffanyrose.com/maternity/clothing/GRI.html

they have US sizes so I wonder if there is a US equivalent? have been trying to get one second hand on ebay but they're going for nearly as much as a new one - but thats brilliant to know that I can seell it afterwards!
Hello lovelies!!! Finally dragged my butt over here to see how my favourite pregnant ladies/new mums are?

I'm loving the photos of the little ones, they made me smile! I shall be checking back in for updates on those of you about to pop!

Love to you all xxxx
morning all!

ceedee welcome, and I hope by now Svet did have her baby. Praying for a healthy nine months for you!!

speaking of Lava, thanks for the heads up on the other thread, crossing my fingers for everyone and would love to see a baby boom! Glad no more spotting and that you're taking some time to rest up.

MA, the clothes thing sucks! Every morning now I get up and just want to put on a moomoo! Pants are just so darm uncomfortable and binding and skirts are ok, but I have a lot of spider veins on my legs now and they're not so pretty. Good luck. I went to target and found a dress in the regular womens departmeent but with an empire waist that works pretty well. Just an idea.

Can I pick your brain? We had our last birthing class last night and the woman who taught it was a different Doula and both DH and I really liked her. DH wants to use her as our Doula. I had to explain to him that Doula's aren't covered by insurance. And not everyone gets one. So my question is financial, do you mind me asking how much your doula's services are. Does she charge by an hourly rate? If you want, a general price range is ok. Truth be told I think DH is getting nervous about being responsible for supporting me during birth. Anyway any info would be helpful. Also is it too late to hire a doula?

Sunshine, cake . . . Mmmmmmmmm. I have to admit to recently going to the store and buying just one slice. Heavenly. Tastes better than ice cream. Think it's the texture. Anyway, you have my permission to go for it. Sorry work is boring. I don't know what's worse being too busy or too slow. I have a week and a half left and counting the days. Come on baby!

Svet, can't wait to hear from you and details about the birth. I'm on pins and needles.

Skye, hope you are well!!
AFM, nothing new. Like I said last night 1cm+ dialiated and 50% efaced so baby is making progress. We have a dinner party tonight and then i'm free of obligations. Just want to spend a day on the couch!! Hope everyone has a good day!! Anna

I believe pricing is different with each Doula depending on their experience. My doula is the most because she actually goes across the nation training other Doulas. In fact, she was just in your area about a month ago. She travels once a month to do training which is why I have a backup doula whom while doesn't have the experience, has the motherly instinct I like and has been through many births herself. On that note, MY doula charges 600.00. She allows to pay in installments and so we put down 200.00 and then wanted to wait until we got past a certain gestation where we new things were safe and pay the second installment of 200.00 and then she asks for the final payment at her final post natal visit.

Each Doula is different BUT they usually visit several times before labor, help you come up with a birthing plan that fits you, ask you want you would like them to do and then usually gives you a post natal visit.

My suggestion is if you want that specific doula to call her right away. You may not get her because they book fairly quickly ahead of time. So if she has another client due when your due she won't be available. Next time for reference, most Doulas are interviewed and booked within the first or second trimesters. It doesn't hurt to ask her and she still "could" have that date open. But if you go earlier and she has someone else ahead of you booked, she may have to fit a replacement with you as mine will do.

Also, I've heard that 600.00 is pretty cheap for a doula service. Here in New York it's alternative and most physicians and hospitals...while they're starting to get used to them...don't really focus on the doulas so it is to MY benefit because they're services are cheaper. Yours may be higher or lower depending on the experience and the area. My guess is since you live in a pricey area, your cost may be between 1000.00 to 1200.00 BUT I could totally be wrong about that so it's worth asking. "IF" she doesn't have a spot available, she can probably recommend someone that would fit your personalities and hopes for your delivery.

A doula is PERFECT for dad because they will do as much of the support work as dad and mom want them to. In your case, dad can be right by your side holding your hand and be able to share that experience of watching the birth (if he feels up to it). I think it would benefit you both greatly. That way YOU would get that support you need that you may not get from hubby and also have a motherly type in there with you to encourage you. It's a win, win! :thumbup:
MA, thanks for the info. Sounds like it's out of our budget, but I may check into it. As I said before, we really liked her specifically and I wouldn't want a replacement. I know the woman she works with and while she's great, not the same. Anyway lesson learned and if there is a next time we will seek out services earlier!

to the moms . . . Nursing bras?? Do you need one before you go to the hospital? Where do you get them? How do you get fitted for one?? As we live in the mountains, will I have to go to a major department store to get one? How do I know how big my boobs will get??

any help much appreciated.

Twinkle, so good to see you here! Lurk away!
Thank you all for welcoming me!

Rowan, I love that dress, so pretty.

Pablo, Just to add, my sister found her doula on dona.org. Some of them have websites that lists their prices, so that you can get an idea of the going rate for your area.
MA, thanks for the info. Sounds like it's out of our budget, but I may check into it. As I said before, we really liked her specifically and I wouldn't want a replacement. I know the woman she works with and while she's great, not the same. Anyway lesson learned and if there is a next time we will seek out services earlier!

to the moms . . . Nursing bras?? Do you need one before you go to the hospital? Where do you get them? How do you get fitted for one?? As we live in the mountains, will I have to go to a major department store to get one? How do I know how big my boobs will get??

any help much appreciated.

Twinkle, so good to see you here! Lurk away!

Don't count her out completely. She may work with your budget. It depends on the doula and I don't know her or her skill level. Call her up and ask how much her services are. Ask if she has an availability at your due date. It won't hurt to check AND if you don't end up using her, at least you'll have an idea when your ready to ttc again.:winkwink::thumbup::flower:

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