35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi CeeDee Welcome and congrats on your BFP!!! This is a great group of women here!

Anna - I actually bought two nursing bras while i was still pregnant because none of my other bras fit. I wouldn't go to a department store, but rather pea in pod, motherhood, or Destination Maternity and have them fit you. In the meanwhile, if you have a Target near by pick up some night time nursing bras as you will need the support during sleep. most of them are sml, medium, large, xl, etc. I have huge breasts so I use XL at night. You can get some that look like tank tops which will be nice while you are still in the hospital. If you lived closer to Denver, I would totally come and visit you next week while I am in CO.

Lava - glad that you are no longer seeing pink :)

Hi Twinkle!!!! Good to hear from you. Hope to see you here soon!!!

Rebekah - I am sure any dress you pick out will look great. You might want to try Target as well, because they have some great umpire waist dresses that look fabulous on pregnant women (and make regular women look pregnant LOL). I am very excited about your shower 40 pple!!! That is great and VERY DESERVED for both Amelia AND you!!!!!! Yes, please take photos of the cake...speaking of,

I am not much of a cake person, but for the past few weeks I have making homemade cupcakes like every week. Oh and on a side note, breastfeeding (and pumping) will make you really hungry!!! There have been many a night (like last night) I am feeding Katelyn and around 4:30am I am famished. I will go downstairs and eat yogurt or a bowl of cereal, sometimes I make a sandwich. Also, be sure to have drink a bottle of water WHILE nursing. It helps with the milk supply and you get thristy.

My little one is going through another growth spurt. She is sleeping all the time and wakes up ravenous. She is also at the stage where she tries to fight sleep. It is the cutest thing. she will cry for like 5 seconds and then she is out hee hee.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well, waiting to hear about babies being born today/tomorrow.

By the way, anyone heard from Junebug? Is she ok?

Steph I know exactly how you feel with being hungry at those early morning feeds. I always had to eat when up at two, four or whatever. your cupcakes sound great! And I am so glad katelyn is doing well!

I too am worried about cj/junebug. Let us know you are okay if you see this!

Okay now I am going to read back to see if svet posted. Hugs all!
Ps welcome ceedee and Rowan, and glad to see you here twinkle!

Sorry for the brief posts girls. Will catch up more soon!
Welcome Ceedee and Rowan :))) Congratulations. Ceedee where are you at with pregnancy?

Rowan I saw that Tiffanyrose website is that an American brand or English? Pretty decent for occasions no? Luckily I managed to spot a bias dress on a normal shop window ("Normal" as f we are freaks eh? LOL!!!!) Anyway even though it's the size I wear before pregnancy the waist falls to wherever because of the bias. So I'll be able to wear it up to 6-7 months and back again when I give birth. That's of course if I haven't stretched it like crazy by that time... But hopefully it will cover me for the next 2 weddings ahead.

Sunshine are you still working? When do you plan to take time off? xx

Lava :) I'm sure it's because your uterus is expanding. I'm glad to hear the spotting stopped. Very nerve wrecking indeed.

Rebekah I need picking brains on this one too. I'm really tempted to start searching for some help too. I just can't decide if I should get a doula, or a midwife or nothing. The hospital I'm in has a good reputation. But it's a uni hospital, it's big and too many staff. Up to now all my midwife and dr visits I met different people. All the staff including the midwives are really impersonal and very matter of factly like :"Lie down. Let's get the blood pressure and heartbeat. Oh yeah here it is. You can get off the table and leave now, Who's next?" I get nervous in hospitals anyway so I wonder if I should get a midwife and do it at home in a pool. Or go for the hospital but have a doula with me. The thing with doula I dunno if there's a birth complication would they be able to detect it. Like if the baby is having a difficulty or the cord is tangled etc. And I wonder if the hospital midwives would let her cooperate. I feel I need a woman on my side who would know what's going on. Especially if I end up with one of those looong dreaded birth or complications both me and DH might just panick.

Pablo aren't you a buzzy bee?? :))) hehehhe good luck hon, hope your little girl would be dilligent like you and she would come out quickly and efficiently once the birth starts :)))

Missmuffet any more photos of Katelyn please??? Would like to see what a beauty she became.

Svet hope all is well and the baby is in your arms xx

I'm off to Krakow today to DH's cousin's wedding for the weekend. Than I'll be back on Sunday and off again on Tuesday to Turkey :))) One thing I'm really looking fwd to is the delicious Polish cakes....They have a wicked warm apple cake, Charlotka... Yummm yuummmmm
I’m 6 weeks along. I can’t make an appointment with my OBGYN till I’ve missed 2 periods. Currently, I feel very tired and nauseous. It gets harder everyday to maintain my current regimen. I’m looking forward to getting past this stage. Exercising has helped.

Still looking for news from Svet.:baby:
morning ladies,

no word from Svet?? I'm sure she is just busy getting to know her little girl, still . . . On pins and needles to know how they are.

MA, thanks for the info. I will talk to DH tonight about it and see what he says.

Ceedee, sorry for the morning sickness. You probably have a few more weeks of feeling crappy, sorry. But it does get better and it is all worth it!

Skye, have so much fun traveling! Sounds like some great trips.

Steph, thanks for the bra info. We do have a target here,so I will head that way and pick something up this weekend. You were very helpful. I am a long way from denver, and castle rock. I think that's where you said your mom lives. None the less have a great visit and truth be told hope i'm having this baby by then!

rottpaw, hope all is well,have heard about how hungry you get when BFing. Also how thirsty. I looked at my small boobs this morning and am having doubts that they will be able to produce milk. Their just so small compared to everyone else!

AFM, had a dinner party last night and all the other couples are getting ready to travel, one to Italy, one to New Zealannd. It made me kinda sad. I am not in any way regreting having a baby, but a little twinge of jealousy that the days of picking up and heading off to exciting places are over. However, this next chapter will be exciting too in it's own way. Lots of movement from baby and I think she's moving down. Lots of movement against my back. No plans for the next few nights, thank goodness. Life has felt like a whirl wind lately i'm looking foreward to some quality couch time.

have a good day!! Anna
Good morning, ladies, and welcome CeeDee!

Rowan - that dress is beautiful!

Anna - how're ya feeling? Any more progress? As far as nursing bras go, you can get them at any maternity store. They're just like any other bra except the majority of the cup detaches from the strap so you can fold it down. Then when you're done nursing, you just snap it back on to the strap. I bought a few at Destination Maternity, and they were pretty cheap - something like $18/$19 each.

How about you, Austin? Still hanging in there?

I'm hoping Chris #1 is busy falling in love with her newborn right about now... :cloud9:

For those that asked about Junebug, I believe she was going to Switzerland for a conference for a few weeks in August - that's probably where she is now. (I'm jealous...)

Lava - how are you? The bleeding has stopped, yes?

Skye - yep. I'm still working. At this point it looks like I'll work for the next two weeks. That takes me up to Labor Day Weekend (a US holiday from Sat. 9/3 - Mon. 9/5). My last day will be Tuesday 9/6 :happydance:. Still grappling with the whole returning/not returning to work decision, though. Any time I think about not having my own $$, I start to get a little queasy... Have fun at the wedding, and have a piece of cake for me! (I still haven't gotten over my craving yet...)

Steph, I know we're not in the same part of the country, but I'm coming over for cupcakes!! And I second Skye's request - more photos, please!

Viv - I saw on the news that parts of NZ were hit by a crazy snowstorm. I hope your area was spared! No more shoveling for you!

MA, Terri, Angela, and anyone else I missed... :hi:

Okay - time for :coffee:. Have a great day, everyone :flow:
Just checking for news from Chris. One thing that we did on our march moms board was swap cell pone numbers or email so the new mom could text a buddy and that person could report back to the group whenevr a littleone arrives. Just something you ladies who are about to deliver might want to consider...you can buddy up or if anyone wants to text me I will be happy to update the group, just pm me and I will send you my number! It can be hard to get email up and running those first few exhausting days/weeks so we all found a text is much easier.

Hugs to all!
Whoa, like three people posted while I was writing lol. Sorry I missed all that ladies!

Ceedee, those early weeks are definitely miserable,but you will love second tri. Hang in there!

Anna, you will do fine with bf'ing, don't worry! Breast size has nothing to do with it and you will be AMAZED how they will expand when your milk comes in! :rofl: I am pretty small busted and my husband was positively entranced! :rofl: and enjoy that couch time while you can. It will be a while after baby arrives before you get any more downtime like that, but it is all worth it!

Sunshine, the not going back to work is definitely a change, but now I am loving it. I think as I start to get more active again and get more involved, I will love it even more!

:hi: to all, and hugs!
thanks :) to be honest Ive no idea re whether its uk or us or both as they have uk and us sizes on the site Im hoping it looks ok on as its quite a swish wedding with a v glam bride and I dont want to look frumpy on the photos! Im bridesmaid for my sister in April as well and shes v petite so im hoping Ill be one of those women who spring back into shape after birth - haha I doubt it somehow! :dohh:

Hi everyone :flower:
Steph I know exactly how you feel with being hungry at those early morning feeds. I always had to eat when up at two, four or whatever. your cupcakes sound great! And I am so glad katelyn is doing well!

I too am worried about cj/junebug. Let us know you are okay if you see this!

Okay now I am going to read back to see if svet posted. Hugs all!

CJ is doing very well, she's just super busy these days. I'll check with her and see if it's ok if I post some updates of what she's been up to these days.
Hi ladies :hugs: Sorry I've been MIA, a little birdie asked me to let you know I'm doing OK! Been thinking of you and wondering how you are all doing! :hugs:

Things are crazy, the summer has been hectic. DH is leaving for an 8 month teacher's college program 5 hours away next week, my sis has moved in to be our live-in nanny, and the 3 of us (sis, Zoë and me) are leaving for Switzerland next Thursday. PLUS I'm still working full-time and doing out-reach clinics up north...

Other little news tidbit: 9DPO very faint positive FRER today...
Junebug,glad you checked in and so good to hear you are ok, and I think a BFP would definitely mean ur ok. Keep us posted when you can,know you are busy!! Anna
Yayyyy CJ! So glad to see you back and so excited for the possible bfp! Can you tell me what frer means? I gather it is a pregnancy test but have not heard the actual meaning of it. Thanks!

Switzerland sounds heavenly! Truly one of my favorite places on earth! So jealous!
Skye, I'd say a Doula would fit but I don't know your risk. I suggest going into the homebirthing section of bnb. There are a whole lot of UK women there that know the protocal to the system over there. I.E. whether they'd work with the doula or the new midwife.

I would LOVE to do a home birth but I'm too risky so nobody will touch me. I think if your overall healthy it's a great opportunity and again, that forum will be a great place to get aquainted to find a good midwife or doula for home birth in your area. They talk about it all the time. Put a new thread up in there and ask your questions. You'll get more information from them as they are in the UK and can direct you to the "good" ones. You should start looking NOW if your going to do this. They fill up quickly! If you do a home birth, I can't WAIT to hear the story in the end. I SO wish I could have one. My friend has had 8 children and 4 with home birth. In New York state it's discouraged but she has hired a midwife and doula to help. She's such a good mommy too. Blesses my heart!

Rowan, I saw that store the other day and it is a UK store. I wish we had it here because the clothes are gorgeous!

CJ, welcome back! You've been missed but I see great things have been going on. Congrats on the possible :bfp: :happydance: Enjoy your lovely trip!

Not much going on here. I seem to be in a better mood today. Got a little bit of sleep last night. SO glad these moods aren't all the time. :wacko: :haha:

Love to you all!! :hug:
Yayyyy CJ! So glad to see you back and so excited for the possible bfp! Can you tell me what frer means? I gather it is a pregnancy test but have not heard the actual meaning of it. Thanks!

Switzerland sounds heavenly! Truly one of my favorite places on earth! So jealous!

FRER: First Response Early Results!!! One of the best early HPTs out there :thumbup:

I will try to catch up with you ladies, hope all pregnancies and babies are going GREAT!!!!
First yay cj on your bfp.i believe this is when u wanted to get preggers too. So good to hear from you.
Have a safe trip!

Second cant remember if i said it but welcome rowan. Sorry for the delay.

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