35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

First yay cj on your bfp.i believe this is when u wanted to get preggers too. So good to hear from you.
Have a safe trip!

Second cant remember if i said it but welcome rowan. Sorry for the delay.

What a great memory you have :hugs: Yes, this is the month we were hoping for our :bfp: Fingers crossed tomorrow's is darker...
Sounds like you have an exciting trip planned. Congrats as well on your BFP! That is such wonderful news!

I'm sorry that you are experiencing nausea and exhaustion. I can relate because I had difficulty with both in my first trimester. I still sometimes feel a little queasy and I'm going to bed earlier during the week, but at 15 weeks, I'm feeling an improvement in both areas and I hope that you will too. One thing you may want to consider if the nausea is really impairing your ability to function and/or you are throwing up is Zofran. A few of the girls on BnB suggested that I ask my doctor about it and I got a prescription at about 9 weeks I think. It was a lifesaver and it's perfectly safe for the baby. I've still had a few bouts of nausea/vomiting on the Zofran, but it took the edge off so that I could still work and keep food down. Just a thought. Either way, it lets up in your second trimester so hang in there. Feel free to vent here if you need to. My mom always says that old age isn't for sissies (I think a quote from Bette Davis). I say that pregnancy is not for sissies. Probably goes for motherhood too. :)

Hope all is well for Svet and her little one!

At our last appt with the perinatal doctor, he asked DH & I about our ethnic background and since my father's father was Jewish, I was asked to take a blood test last Tuesday for Tay Sachs and about 18 related genetic abnormalities that are apparently common for that heritage and French/cajun, etc. I haven't really thought much about it this week but yesterday my nurse called and left a message for me to call her back so she could review the results of my tests. By the time I got the message, the office was closed. So, now I'm a bundle of nerves. Why didn't she just say on my VM that everything was fine? She's left other test results like for my thyroid on my VM. I hope it's not bad news. I keep hoping that if it was, my doctor would have called himself. He called personally when I had spotting this week. This just makes my fears about the amnio and getting bad results for that or a related pregnancy loss that much greater. And there is nothing to do but wait and stay calm. Still, it explains why I'm up at 3 am posting on here. :) Anyway, prayers are appreciated that whatever the result, God will give me the strength to deal with it.

Love you ladies... what would I do without y'all?
Hi Junebug! Hope this is it, how exciting! :happydance:

Welcome ceedee, hope everything goes smoothly for you! :flower:

Hi Miss muffet.....ye pics please! Would love to see Katelyn and how she has grown! :kiss:

Lava, good to hear you are feeling better....you will feel better and better every day now! That nurse was silly, she shouldn't have worried you like that by saying nothing....try not to worry, I know it's hard, sometimes these people are just insensitive! :hugs:

MA, you are a braver woman than me wanting to do a home birth! When and a big if I am pregnant again, I may well just go straight for the epi! I do wish I had had a doula though...someone to advocate for you during labour when you are unable..:kiss:

Hi Rottpaw, Pablo, Sunshine, Austin and Codegirl! :hi:

Hoping to hear from Svet soon, I am sure she is just exhausted after the birth, and her little one is keeping her busy! :hugs:

Where is Viv? She must have popped or be very nearly there?:coffee:

Tilly is napping briefly most probably, she doesn't do long daytime naps anymore...30 to 45 mins and she is done lol....her sleeping was better last night though...she had some kind of tummy upset after the injections poor baby. Had a few very rough non sleeping nights this week :sleep:
Well I hope everyone is well, if I forgot to say hi to anyone I apologize!

Looking forward to baby pics....:flower:
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!

Lavalux, Thanks for the advice, I will definitely keep that in mind. It’s steadily getting worse so I might need it in the future. I will definitely be praying for you and your test results.

Lucy your daughter is so adorable.
Hi Lucy! Glad to see you're hanging in there!

Junebug - REALLY hope this is it!! I know you've got tons on your plate right now, but please please please - let us know if that line gets darker!

Glad you got some sleep, MA. I'm starting to forget what a decent night's sleep is...

Anna - how are you feeling? Any changes on the baby front? Keep us posted!

Lava - so sorry you were left with such a vague message. Totally sucks... technically, medical info isn't really supposed to be left on a voice mail (even though it is sometimes), so try not to read too much in to it. I know - easier said than done... :hugs:

Hi Austin! You've made it to 34 weeks - only three weeks under what's considered full term. Awesome! :happydance:

NMG - haven't heard from you in a while... Hope everything's okay :flower:

Angela, Rowan, Skye, Steph, Terri, Viv - mornin' ladies! :howdy:

Nothing new with me - think I'll try to get the DH to take me out to dinner tonight. Exactly 10 years ago he proposed. :) It was actually kind of funny... we had just gotten back from a party (i.e. both a little loopy) where a friend of ours had been giving us cr@p about not being married yet, seeing that we had been dating at that point for about three years. So anyhow, it was after midnight and we went for a walk down to the water (we were camping at the time) and sat down at a picnic table looking at the stars reflecting on the water, when he got down on one knee. Because it was dark, I didn't see that he was holding a ring. All that ran through my mind was that we had been drinking and he had been pressured all night to get married. So even though it was the question I'd been waiting for for QUITE a long time, I said something like - are you sure you want this, we've both been drinking and I'd hate for you to ask because you're feeling pressured, yadda yadda yadda... He just gave me a stunned look, sat back up on the picnic table, and said (more to himself than to me) "But I had the ring and EVERYTHING..." Then it finally registered in my thick skull that he had been planning this and it wasn't spur of the moment, so I immediately jumped on his lap and grabbed his shoulders, babbling "Oh my God oh my God get back on the ground and ask me again!!!" So he did, and I said yes. :winkwink:

Of course, to hear HIM tell the story, he asked me to marry him, and I said "no, you're a drunk."


Have a good day, ladies. I'll be checking back later for any possible updates...

Edited: Oops - I knew I missed someone! Hi, CeeDee!
Morning ladies, just checking in briefly while in clinic. Line is the same as yesterday, I have a feeling this won't go anywhere :cry: Oh well, now just waiting for AF to start again so I can move on to the next cycle...

Lava, so sorry the nurse worried you! I am a geneticist, and we never give results on VM, positive or negative. We ALWAYS book an appointment to discuss them, because these tests are not as simple as hemoglobin levels or thyroid function tests. Hope you get some answers soon :hugs:

I can't believe how time flew by and how much more pregnant you all are :hugs: I've missed you, I will try to check in a couple times a week from now on, I promise :flower:
hey ladies :)

junebug - Fingers crossed for you that the line gets darker

Lava hopefully all will be well x

sunshine :) hope you have a lovely anniversary

have a good weekend everyone :flower:
I'm sorry, Junebug... but don't give up just yet. There's still hope! :flower:
morning ladies, afternoon for some. . .

Lava,good luck on test resuts, thinking positive thoughts.

Lucy, hope Tilly gets better and you get some sleep

Sunshine. LOL!!! I think you should be a writer. You have the best voice when you tell a story. Love the engagement story.

CJ, hope the line gets darker and it is something. If not, then travel without worry and have a great trip!

Rowan, Hi!!

haven't heard from austin or vivienne in a few days, hope all is well, you are both due any day now.

Svet, as always hope you are well!!

hi to ceedee,skye, ma,rottpaw codegirl, steph, and all others I forget!

AFM, at work and soooooo over it! Oh well just one more week left. A quick question to all the moms out there, what are braxton hicks like? I've definitely been having some pretty good contractions lately, but nothing to indicate labor. That is to say their in no pattern. I might have one that lasts 3 or 4 min., then nothing for hours. Or some short strong ones but then no more for hours. Are these braxton hicks? Anyway, hoping for a baby this weekend. The house is finally put back together and I can relax some. Think I may make some lasagna and enchiladas this weekend for when the baby comes. More nesting.

have a good weekend and I will be lurking for more news!

Just repeated an FRER, the line is much darker and looks very positive now! Feeling better, makes me 3 weeks and 2 days, so barely pregnant...

Anna those do sound like BHs to me :hugs: ONE more week of work, go girl!!!
WOWEE! Had a scare today in my Perinatal Appointment. :wacko: The tech took my blood pressure and it was higher than my usual recordings. As usual, they disregarded my theory about the cuff and went on their way.

I got into the stress test...all was well with Amelia AND found out her head is down and while not in full position, she's well on her way to getting there. She's on the right side now though. Wiggly little girl. :lol:

After, they took Doug and I into the room and my actual Perinatologist came in. I hadn't seen her in WEEKS. Everything has been good so there's been no need. All of a sudden I'm finding out I very well may be mild pre-eclampsia and we're talking about how I may need to spend the rest of my trimester being observed in the hospital. Uh, say what?!

By the grace of God she wanted to get another reading before we left so I asked if they could please use the smaller cuff...only to find my numbers were NORMAL. Holy Cats! They almost gave me a heart attack! Another hospital stay?? For another 7wks? Oh dear heavens no!

All is well though and I'm sure they'll start listening about the cuff size now. Nothing like scary the pants off me though.

I didn't sleep well last night so I'm off for a nap. Waiting for Viv, Chris and Charmaine to give some updates please!!

Doug has said his agenda tomorrow is to put the furniture together for Amelia's room. THEN I can finally be free to design. :happydance:

Have a good weekend ladies! :hug:
Hi girls!! Sorry to leave you all hanging. I thought I had posted here too when I posted to my journal yesterday. I am so beyond sleep deprived I don't think you can truly grasp it until you are there. Anyway, baby girl is going to need a feed soon so for now this is going to be short. My beautiful Sophie Victoria Martyn finally made her arrival at 6:35am on Tuesday, August 16th weighing 7lb 3.5 oz.

I am so in love. I hope to post some pics soon (and take some).

I hope everyone is doing well!!! I fear I'll never get a chance to catch up.
Bless! So glad to hear everything is good.....the early days are the most tiring fo sure, but congrats Sveta, it's amazing being a mum isn't it! So happy for you! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Yay Svet CONGRATS!!!!!! Can't wait to see pics... Get some rest mommy :hugs:
Yayyyyyyy Chris! Yep, beyond exhausted is how I would describe it, but those early days are also your first with your beautiful daughter so try not to worry about the sleep deprivation. You will survive, and that is something else that you can't really believe until you see it happen for yourself lol! Know we are all here and sending you hugs and just check in and send pics when you can! You did it mama! :hugs:
:cry: :cry: :cry: :hugs: I am SO excited for you! :happydance: My cup runneth over! I can't WAIT to see her! :happydance:

Now I know why I'm lacking sleep. :haha: I'm being prepped for when she's finally here. :winkwink:
Congrats Chris! As the other two moms have said it is tiring in the beginning, but it gets better. And there is no love quite like the one for your baby. I am so happy for you. Looking forward to seeing photos
I wish Charmaine was here. I'm dying to find out what's going on! I also must knock her down for an Ambien! :rofl: She said she gets hers at 33wks. I asked today and nobody will prescribe it for me. I have to wait until 36wks. Are you kidding me?! Who do I have to fight to get an ambien?! One good nights rest is all I'm asking for before Amelia arrives. :lol:
Bek I am so sorry, if I could give you my ambien I would! The last dose I took made me horribly nauseous (almost feeling like the spins from being drunk) and it was horrid. Not only did i not sleep when I desperately needed it, I was sick all night :-(. I am so glad it works for many, but unfortunately it gets added to my list of drugs my body won't tolerate. Sgh. Oh well.

I hope you can get some rest because I definitely know how miserable insomnia is!

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