35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Bek I am so sorry, if I could give you my ambien I would! The last dose I took made me horribly nauseous (almost feeling like the spins from being drunk) and it was horrid. Not only did i not sleep when I desperately needed it, I was sick all night :-(. I am so glad it works for many, but unfortunately it gets added to my list of drugs my body won't tolerate. Sgh. Oh well.

I hope you can get some rest because I definitely know how miserable insomnia is!

How horrible! For me it's an AWESOME drug. :rofl: Though Doug has to walk me to and from the bathroom. It really is a potent drug. I figure if I don't get it now I won't be able to use it after because I'll have to be awake for when Amelia really needs me. I keeps saying just 1 night of rest. Just one. :wacko::rofl:

Thanks for the sweet comment!:hugs::kiss::flower:
quick post,

Yeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Svet, congrads!!! So happy for you!
MA, glad all is well.
CJ,woohoo for darker lines!

have a good night! Anna
Rebekah i meant to comment to u earliier. Glad you rnot preeclampsic mild or otherwise. Also ask ur dr is u can take unisome. During mmy first tri.estermy dr sais to take halfa unisom tablet and b6 or 12cant remmember for morningsickness, but unisom iisa sleep aid. It might help
Thanks, I'll call her next week and see. I tried to push something but Doug said I didn't push hard enough. I'll do it again next week and see if I get something.
Congrats, Svet. Way to go! Sophie Victoria is such a pretty name. I'm sure you are so exhausted. Hang in there and enjoy your precious blessing.

So glad you are ok and don't need to spend the next weeks in the hospital. Hope you can get something to help you sleep. Go Doug on that nursery furniture!

I'm right there with you on the ambien. My body will not tolerate it! Is there something else you can try? Lunesta? Unisome sleep tablets?

Not sure about BH contractions, but it sounds like how they were described by friends. Still, you may want to call the doctor. It couldn't hurt & I'm sure they are used to such calls. Almost done with work. Woo Hoo.

How are the four of you holding up in the hospital? Is the food ok? Getting some good rest?

I got my genetic screening back. Out of 18 that they were testing for, I was negative for all but 1, a rare mutation of cystic fibrosis. Apparently I am a carrier so they tested my husband yesterday. We should get results in a week. The nurse said in 30 years, she's only seen 2 instances where both parents-to-be tested positive. If that is the case, there is still only a 1:2000 chance that the babies have it. The amnio can rule it out. So I'm trying to stay calm & pray all is well. Work has been very stressful lately. I have to drive Wed over 5 hours for a court hearing and I'm tired just thinking about it. Today I have nothing on the agenda thank goodness. I'm going to read Catching Fire by the pool.

Hope all the other newbies are doing well ... Never, NMG (where are you), Ceedee, Purple (have you come over to graduates yet?) Who am I missing???

I love the engagement story. You cracked me up. Glad he got a "do-over". Happy Anniversary!

Congrats on your BFP!!!

Hi to Viv, Codegirl, MrsMuffet, Rowan, Lucy and everyone I missed. Have a fabulous weekend!
After an exciting Thursday night and a BLUR OF YESTERDAY, the girls are here!!! It was a CRAZY NIGHT! You all know I had been not feeling well and mild preeclamptic for a while... SO - the headache had lasted about 4 days and I got a fantastic nurse who said, "you know... there's another sign, too. When you can tell that you have just had enough and its TIME. She called the peri and got him to the hosp and they re-evaluated with my ob. Decided the 4 day headache, along with advanced protein levels in urine, were what they were waiting for... came in and told me they were calling it.
FOR FOUR HOURS LATER THAT NIGHT.... WTH??? They had been saying half a day or so to give us time toget ready... yikes!!!! So we made our phone calls, packed up to move again to L&D and got ready... I swear it all went so fast... the surgery was amazing! The speed is ridiculous! Babies all out in 90 seconds once they got started!!

Introducing the Triplets:
Gemma Irene Mazzantini, born at 10:18pm-4.4lbs, 17 1/4in.;
Isabella Nicole Mazzantini, born at 10:18pm - 3.9lbs, 17in.; &
Annemarie Adele Mazzantini, born at 10:19pm-3.10lbs, 16 3/4in.


NICU has been awesome, too... Amazing nurses & docs... we have our own nurse 24 hours... our own bay of the wing. The girls are doing well! Apart from some usual things, no problems and none anticipated. Although not as big as I had hoped, they are "feeders & growers" which is exactly what we hoped & prayed for!

Pumping now... no milk yet, but it has not yet been 2 true days. We shall see and are supplementing with preemie formula upon docs rec. We were worried we would have to tube feed Isabella & Annemarie (smaller ones) but they all 3 took to a nipple bottle this morning!!! YAY!

We're still trying to recover/sleep, but babies and I are all doing fantastic!!!
C-Section is not that bad, just hard to get up and down... I have a pretty high pain tolerance and have rated it as a 7-8 at times. One word of caution: you feel AWESOME THE NEXT DAY, not so much the day after.

Thank all of you for you sweet wishes and blessings!! We are certainly feeling very blessed!
Charmaine, HUGE congrats hun! What an amazing accomplishment, getting to 34 weeks with triplets??? You ROCK woman!!! Thinking of you, hope you heal very fast :hugs:
Yay, Austin!!! Well done and Congrats to you & your husband. What pretty names! Can't wait to see pictures of the babies!
Congrats Austin what fantastic news, so glad the girls are all doing so well! Can't wait to see pictures! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Charmaine!!! :happydance: FINALLY! I was in the car for a ride today and as I was looking out the window said, "I wonder what's going on with Charmaine". My husband said, "who"?! I told him "the girl with the triplets from TX"!!

Yay! So excited. Can't WAIT to see all these babies. My cup runneth over!!

On an exciting note for me.....I found TWO dresses that were 50% off the sale price. One for the shower (white) and one for the wedding (black) :happydance: I ordered plus size pantyhose and am hoping it will lift the apron where Amelia is UP a bit. I'm freaking out a bit, we're getting low on the finance front and there are things that need to get done in the next couple weeks. We're not destitute by ANY means, just like to keep a budget and don't like to go over so I'm panicking. :wacko:

Today we got a whole lot done, but I'm SO moody. Again, no sleep last night. I DID take benedryl, but my pekingese Dog got sick all night long and thus kept me up as well as my husband the poor little darlin. I should have suspected she was sick. I felt guilty for getting annoyed. She couldn't tell us she was sick...she just poo'd in the bathroom (which she NEVER does) then threw up, then had the trotts and by the time we figured it out this morning, she had the trotts again and threw up outside this morning. We both should have KNOWN! She's on a rice diet and some baby electrolytes and is sleeping good now next to me. I just kept thinking...what if this was Amelia?! I'm SUCH a BAD mommy! :cry: Freaks me out!

Well, off I go...just wanted to share my excitement for Chris and Charmaine.

Lava, thanks for your comment dear. :hugs:

Monday we meet with NICU consult. I'm NERVOUS! Charmaine your story makes me hopeful but then I wonder if it's just your area of good medical care and if my experience will be different. Last experience really wasn't a good one....though NICU wasn't a part of it, I'm fearful of the "what if's" . I suppose I'm meeting with them to be able to move forward and NOT FEAR. The more I know, the less I will be afraid I guess.

I'm SO NEUROTIC! Not just with the pregnancy but since the loss of Jackson I think it's made me part crazy. :wacko: I hope after having a better experience I can move forward with the old positive attitude of glass half full instead of half empty. Please forgive me if I sound like debbie downer. :winkwink:
congratulations Austin!! Wonderful news :flower::flower::flower: lovely names for your girls x

glad you found dresses MA - hope everything goes well at NICU and they can put your mind at ease a bit x
Congrats Svet and Charmaine :happydance:

Callum James Wood Packham was born at 7.52 pm on 16th August by emergency c section.
8 pounds 2 ounces.

Sadly it wasn't the experience I was hoping for. :cry:
He pooed in the womb so I had to go by ambulance to hospital (only way to get through the snow). There they augmented my labour but that made the contractions come one on top of one another and I couldn't handle it so I asked for an epidural. They had to do it twice as first one went wrong. Then with each contraction he went into distress so I had to have the c section which was very rough.

Now i have been diagnosed with severe post natal depression and I haven't bonded with him at all. I feel nothing, it's frightening. I don't want to hold him or feed him or anything.
I have been placed under a psych watch and referred to a unit for mothers and babies who don't bond and have serious mental health issues. :cry:
He also will not breast feed which is another blow to my confidence.

I pray I can get through this as at the moment there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Congrats Svet and Charmaine :happydance:

Callum James Wood Packham was born at 7.52 pm on 16th August by emergency c section.
8 pounds 2 ounces.

Sadly it wasn't the experience I was hoping for. :cry:
He pooed in the womb so I had to go by ambulance to hospital (only way to get through the snow). There they augmented my labour but that made the contractions come one on top of one another and I couldn't handle it so I asked for an epidural. They had to do it twice as first one went wrong. Then with each contraction he went into distress so I had to have the c section which was very rough.

Now i have been diagnosed with severe post natal depression and I haven't bonded with him at all. I feel nothing, it's frightening. I don't want to hold him or feed him or anything.
I have been placed under a psych watch and referred to a unit for mothers and babies who don't bond and have serious mental health issues. :cry:
He also will not breast feed which is another blow to my confidence.

I pray I can get through this as at the moment there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Aww, dear sweet girl! :hugs: This was traumatic for both you and sweet little Callum (which by the way is a LOVELY name! :winkwink: ) I've heard women can have issues bf'ing after c-sections and sometimes the babies can latch on later, sometimes they don't. It's not always the way we "plan" things to be but sometimes I think God has a plan even when we struggle at the time. I wish your confidence wasn't shattered hun. We all go through these struggles with bf'ing in one way or another and like some in here, they too tried and couldn't get their babes to bf. I'm going in with the mindset that if it happens, it's good. If it doesn't, then it just wasn't meant to be. I'm sure this must feel like another letdown from the experience you had though. I DO wish I knew how to calm your spirits and encourage you better.

I'm SO sorry your going through PPD. :hugs: Things are SO much more intense and the trauma you both suffered just makes it harder to deal with all the emotions. I'm glad you have good care there and the baby will be fine until things are safer for you. I will keep you, your hubby and the little guy in our prayers as you push through and recover. Try not to blame yourself because sometimes our bodies just do things we just don't understand. Nothing is your fault! I also pray that you both start the bonding process when the timing is right. Please let me know if there is anyway I can help!

Love you Viv! :hugs::kiss::flower: Keep your chin up. You'll get through this. Take one day at a time and don't be too hard on yourself. We're here for you if you need us!:thumbup:
Vivienne, glad to hear your little boy arrived safely in the end, although so sorry to hear you are suffering like this. I really think it's a reaction to the shock of the birth. It must be horrible. Sounds like you are being looked after. I really hope that you can recover from this soon, and enjoy your new arrival. Breastfeeding can be a nightmare in the beginning so don't be too hard on yourself.....I almost stopped several times in the early days! Hope things start to get easier very soon....poor you! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
oh vivienne congratulations and huge hugs Im so sorry things didnt go the way you had hoped :hugs::hugs:

dont be too hard on yourself - you're doing the best you can at this time and things will be different every day. Hopefully you'll be getting the right support from good people and things will get easier - one of my friends was diagnosed with PTSD after her sons traumatic birth and she had great counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy that helped heaps - her dh looked after the baby mostly for the first 2 months while she recovered and she did recover and has such a great relationship with her son x

most of my friends who had emergency c sections had no choice but to formula feed and at the time it felt a double whammy for them but their babies have been fine - its not a cop out and their babies are v healthy - one friend said once she'd got her head round it it helped her feel more in control after feeling so out of control of everything x

will be thinking of you :hugs:
Huge Congrats to you on the birth of your sweet baby boy! I am sorry things did not go as planned with your labor & delivery, but just take each day one at a time. My best friends couldn't breastfeed my god-daughter after numerous attempts following an emergency c-section. Both my friend & her daughter almost died during a traumatic labor. She also suffered from PTSD, but got help & recovered. It is normal in such circumstances. Let everyone look after you & the baby. You two will have plenty of time to bond. Another friend has an online PTSD blog. I will send you the link later when I can get to my laptop. Hang in there & give yourself the credit you deserve for bringing a healthy child into this world. What an amazing accomplishment! Lots of love!

Glad you had a nice time in Poland at the wedding! Welcome back.
Look what I got this morning:


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