35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

YAY Animal Cracker!!! Welcome. It is good to have you here.

Ah, it is so good to be here! I missed everyone!! I just sent you a PM saying that the TTC 35+ thread was the best of all. I don't feel 'at home' in any of the other threads on this board. So lovely to see everyone! xo:hugs:
Well hello there stranger! :hugs: Welcome "home"! WTG on the bfp. So EXCITED to see you've graduated with us and am looking forward to the other ladies getting in here soon! :happydance:
Well hello there stranger! :hugs: Welcome "home"! WTG on the bfp. So EXCITED to see you've graduated with us and am looking forward to the other ladies getting in here soon! :happydance:

Hello MA! Wow, judging by your signature you are so close to giving birth! How exciting for you! :hugs: So good to see you! xo
Yup. I had my stitch out last friday. While she's transverse and not head down it could be anytime now. I'm scheduled for a c-section and am having Chiropractic adjustments on Monday to see one more time if she'll turn and engage. Looking forward to finally holding my rainbow baby! :happydance:
YAYYYY Animal! Welcome back and I am SO happy to hear you are 17 weeks! You will love this group and we are so glad to see you back!
Congrats animalcracker!! Welcome to the group! Awesome group of women here. i find this thread so supportive and full of knowledge. xo Wishing you a healthy pregnancy!
Yaaaay :happydance::happydance: Animal Cracker it's great to hear from u. Dunno if you remember me but we were quite worried about you on the other thread for a while. So glad that you come back with the wonderful news :))))))

Angela thank you so much for the well wishes :)) xx Are you thinking of trying again than? You had a miracle once and why not twice :) hahahahahah!!!!

CJ Are you going to have a ticker for the new bb? I wanna see the progress pls. ;-)

Anna I am loving Jo as u tell more. Good girl she lets mummy have a night's sleep even if it's an odd one out. Thank you so much for thinking of me xxxx You are a sweetie. But but no worries as your hands are full. Better get her a little chubby munchkin and add more photos. That would make me really happy :)))

Steph aww you already need to go back. That's gonna be hard leaving Katelyn still smelling of milk at home :nope: When are you starting? Is it part time or full time? Good luck hon.

MA that's a tough one, what a dilemma :shrug: But you know one thing, I wouldn't let the bb in a smokey room no matter who it is smoking. I was a smoker once and now I get a horrible itchy throat a head ache and a voice crack for a week when I sit with a smoking person for an hour. I wake up all exhausted the next day. So there is your answer. Your dad will have to go to the balcony or be bb deprived. U have to put some photos soon. Can't wait to see the nursery :))

My parents never used to give us presents on birthdays or new years which was very sad. We did get toys and some presents other times but never on occasions. So I love doing all that. I make a tree even though it's not in our tradition. DH doesn't care much about that but he does buy presents. They are getting cheaper and more careless every year. LOL! I do all the cooking and invite people around. I'm really looking fwd to having a kid in the house so the xmass will be more fun. Dunno if I could handle such a big get together like yours though.

NMG I get a bit shocked on how your parents talk so carelessly with you and put you down like that. Of course you will peel off all the bb weight afterwards. I'm told as long as you eat healthy food (lot's of greens, protein and less fats and sugary stuff) your weight loss will be very easy.

By the way I am really intrigued by our dear tiny framed Posh. How on earth did she pop such a chubby baby? My friend suggested she probably had a nutritionist giving her all the food that feeds the bb but not her figure. In that case what are these super foods? And how can we get a hold of them? My boobs have already doubled in size :wacko:and my limbs have become like sausages. Let's see what I will become like in a few months. I don't care that much though except when I glimpse at a big mirror in a shop. Luckily all mirrors in our flat is torso size :)))

Laura, beach talk and xmass talk together LOL!!!! Have a great time on the beach. 20 week scan will be great. You will get to see both bbs and find out about the sex of the other bb. The appt took almost an hour for me so I'm guessing it will be longer for you. Which means you will get to watch them longer. So exciting. I started sleeping a bit better since I started stuffing a pillow between my legs. Might go buy the pregnancy pillow next week sometime. Did you try that yet?

Carole where are you at with the pregnancy. Sometimes you don't see the hb before 7 weeks and it becomes a total agony to wait. Hope you are not any earlier than that. :hugs: I'm sure it's all good though. This baby wanted to come along so fingers xed it will be a keeper.

Sunshine can't believe you are literally good to gooo. How long would the dilating take? How do you know btw that you are dilating. Do you check it on the mirror or sthg? (This question is sounds a bit silly to my ears. I bet you're gonna say the dr checked)

Afm I started taking a bit more easy after that appt. Also the possibility of having a csection actually made me relax more than agitate me. Bit of an odd reaction I know :) But funny enough I tend to calm down more when I know the obstacle. Decided to give the midwife a miss and go along with the hospital's suggestions. We'll see what comes :) Thank you all for the shopping suggestions. I think I'll start soon so I'll be prepared just in case.

:hi: to all lovely ladies I didn't mention xxxxx

Skye - yes, the doctor checked. :haha: What I want to know is how the doctor can tell. It's not like they can fit a ruler in there, or anything... :haha: I know it can take a while once you start dilating. If I remember correctly, Anna was at 1 or 1.5 centimeters for a while before she finally went in to labor.

Welcome, Animal!!! I remember you from the other thread, and I'm very happy to see you here! And don't feel bad about turning 40 right after the baby's born - I unfortunately just hit the 40 mark, so will officially be a 40 year old new mommie. :dohh: At least you can honestly say you were in your 30's when you gave birth. MUCH better! :winkwink:

MA - holy nesting, batman!! Wanna know what my nesting instincts did to me? I called a cleaning lady. She'll be here Monday morning. :thumbup:

Beth - my heart goes out to you for what you have to put up with. :flower: I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must be for you. I'm completely amazed at your positive attitude - what a strong person you are! Make sure you get that trip planned - you certainly deserve it!!

To all the other ladies I didn't personally address - mornin'! :howdy:

AFM - I saw the midwife yesterday. STILL haven't dilated, but she said my cervix was soft and the head was low. She was prodding around in there for what seemed like forever, trying to "get things moving along." Hey - excuse me, but OUCH!! Of COURSE my cervix was soft - you just pummeled it into submission!

I'm scheduled for a non-stress test on Tuesday, and then we'll probably set up an induction date. Although she seemed to think that there's a slight possibility I could go in to labor this weekend. I, however, am not nearly as optimistic. :nope:

Happy weekend, everyone!
:hi: everyone!!

I read back a bit but it's hard to retain what I wanted to write so...

:hugs: to those that need it and

:dance: congrates to those that end it :D

One thing I remember was transitioning to a crib. I can share my experiences.

Edward - slept on a human for the first 6 weeks. We all took turns. then we moved him to a co-sleeper style bed (Arms Reach) and he slept in it till he was just over 5 months. When he stop sleeping well in it (out grew it) we transitioned him to the crib in his room.

Nothing really went smoothly and he was a crap sleeper until he was 13 months. I don't think it was anything we did or didn't do, it's just him.

With Eric I discovered the joys of co-sleeping so he slept in bed with me for 6 or so weeks. Then when my body couldn't take it anymore I slid him over to the co-sleeper bed. Then, just like his brother, he outgrew it and at just over 5 months we moved him to his crib.

The big difference is that I don't sweat it if I need to pull him into bed with me because he can't fall alseep in the wee hours of the morning, or if I can face sitting up to nurse because I'm so tired. Mastering nursing laying down with Eric has been a blessing and I recommend it for everyone.

So in a nut shell, transitions are hard and different for everyone. My advice is don't think it has to happen hard and fast, just do what works for that night, or that stretch of sleep and slowly it will all work out.

Oh, and my "horrible sleeper" has been sleeping through the night since he was 13 months, bed at 7:30 and up at 8am. He also transitioned to his "big boy bed" at just over 2 years old without issue.
Good morning girls!

Thank you all so much for the warm welcome!

Rottpaw - oh my goodness, how gorgeous is your little Ethan?! I can't believe how quickly time has flown, he is getting so big! He is too precious for words!

Skye2010 - judging by your signature you are 22 weeks pregnant?! :wohoo: Congratulations! Doesn't it feel wonderful?

Svetayasofia - and you have a little girl, Sophie who is a month old? Conrats to you! :hugs:

Sunshine71 - OMG lady, you are just about ready to pop!! LOL! That is just wonderful news and you must be so incredibly excited!

Obviously I have missed so much while I was gone! It is so nice to be back though..I missed you guys!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
afternoon ladies!

Animalcrackers - looks like we are almost exactly the same in weeks....What is your due date? Mine is Feb 20th..... I see from our tickers we are both onions! :haha::haha::haha:

I look at being an older mom like I do my men: the more mature you are, the more you can handle things :haha: Since I married a man 19 years older than me, I have no problems having this baby now and hopefully to have more, even as I pass 40.:thumbup:

sunshine, I love your idea of nesting :haha::haha::haha: I hate cleaning, so I may need to drop that hint... So sorry about the sore cervix! Praying for the a safe and healthy weekend, even if that means LABOR!!!! WOO!

skye - I already know I have to have a c-section (due to a fractured and out-of-place tailbone) so it's easier for me to accustom myself to it, but I'm sure I'd be nervous if I thought to go naturally all along then be hit with the c-section later. My best friend had her baby last January and was pushing for 2 days when they did an emergency c-section. she was so nervous and I was with her for the whole time when her water broke too early (6 weeks early) and the c-section went perfectly, healthy baby, safe mama and she healed just fine quickly. It really was the best thing, so while I'm hoping you don't have to go through it, I'm sure all will go smoothly. And we're here praying for you and baby too!

MA - how you feeling with the stitch out? hope you have a great nest-filled weekend!

I'm hoping Lava is enjoying her long weekend, it's deliciously chilly here in Boston today but the beach still sounds lovely.

I want to thank you all for your supportive words and thoughts to me as I deal with a very difficult family. It's comforting to know that it's not my hormones and I'm not over-reacting. :hugs: I'll just keep changing subjects around them and keep visits short if this stuff keeps up! I'll focus on poppy and charlie!

speaking of Charlie, he just came home for lunch and brought be beautiful magenta daisies and some lunch....it's our 8 month anniversary today! :cloud9: I'm secretly baking him some cookies for tonight.....I'm trying some fun ideas for them so if they come out well, I'll post them up.

To everyone else, have a wonderful afternoon!

Beth – Aw that was really sweet of your hubby :) Have a great 8 month anniversary. Me and my hubby will be celebrating 2 years on Monday.:wedding::drunk:

Lava – Hope you are having a blast at the beach

Chris #2 – LOL about calling the cleaning lady. I too nest like you do. In fact, we were told 2 days prior that Katelyn was coming home. I started to clean up and then an hour later decided the heck with this and called a cleaning lady to come the next day. Praying that you deliver your baby girl this weekend safe and sound!:pink:

Skye – C-section wasn’t too bad and I like you would rather know in advance so that I can process and be ok about it. I was a wreck before I gave birth and didn’t know which one looked worse – natural (with an epi of course) or c-section. In the end the decision was out of my control but I was ok with it once I know I had to have it.

Rebekah – Fingers crossed that Amelia stays in for 2 more weeks, but even if she doesn’t you are far along that everything will be ok.

Charmaine – How are you doing girlfriend? Are all three little girls at home now? I am sure you and your DH have your hands REALLY FULL!!!! When you get a moment pop in to say hi. We miss you!

:hug: to Anna, Jules, Angela, Terri, Viv (hope you are doing better. Please keep us posted on you and Callum), Rowan, CJ Chris #1, Carole – hopefully I didn’t miss anyone else if I did HUGS to you too!

AFM Well, I did it. I put Katelyn in her crib for bed last night:crib: :cry:. I slept with the video monitor by my side so I could see her. At some point I looked up and the screen was black. I woke my hubby up who looked at it and said "I don't know what is wrong" then turned back over to go back to sleep!!! :dohh::growlmad: I woke him again and said well does it need batteries and he said it has a charger and probably needed to be charged. I went and got the charger and YAY back in business :happydance:

She slept until about 4:30 and when I went to get her she was all smiles and ready to play. :wacko: I nursed her for about 30-40 minutes and then put her back in the bassinette by my bed:blush: She woke again around 6:30 and then I laid her on my chest and slept for another 2 hours :winkwink: So now, I am extremely sleepy:sleep:. I am hoping that in the next week or so, I can get used to getting up to feed/change her and then getting up to go to work. I also want to start working out again in the mornings, as I have 20lbs that I still need to lose.

Happy it is Friday! Of course my weekend will be cleaning the house and :laundry: Katelyn's clothes are clean but me and the DH are running low LOL.

Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone :hugs::hugs::hugs:.

NMG, I'm doing quite well without the stitch actually.:happydance: I was terrified when she took it out that Amelia would just fall out but everything seems fine. Today is Friday and I "should" be getting the injection today but they too stopped last friday. I've heard stories of women going into labor a wk after their last injection which would be next week. I DO hope it's not so. Especially since todays appt. showed her still transverse only she moved to opposite sides. :duh: Amelia has a mind of her own that's for sure. She makes me laugh.

Ah yes, the nesting. I'm a nesting maniac and poor Doug has me on his tail. Last night I couldn't sleep so I went into the bathroom closet and started rearranging more stuff THEN came back to an hours worth of sleep before heading to the Dr.'s office.

Oh, that was a nightmare in itself. I wripped everyone a new bumhole! I got there early and they kept taking in people that came in after me. The new secretary (from a temp agency that has a terrible attitude) told me they take everyone in for different reasons. THIS I KNOW because I've been there awhile but I'm in there for just a non-stress test already.

The triage lady comes out ((she irritates the heck out of me)) and gives me a look calls me by a different name and tells me to sit down.

FINALLY she came out after taking two more women who came AFTER me and apologized and that I WAS right. This being the second time this week they did it. So I wripped her a good one and told her that this was the second time this week the left hand didn't know what the right was doing and that MY time was just as valuable as theirs.

Then I preceeded to let the nursing staff have it because they TOO forgot me. Nobody was omitted from my rage today. Doug just sat in amazement saying, "well, they could have gotten it worse...I've seen you MUCH worse and I think you handled yourself better than usual". :rofl:

All kinds of stuff happened. They took me back, after the non-stress test I had no room to wait in. The Dr. was LATE and honestly I shouldn't have needed to stay in the first darn place. I let them know next week had better be different or they'll be going back to one day a week with me because they can't seem to be organized.

Hm, can't tell I'm lacking in sleep and moody can we?! :shrug:

I am a customer though and don't feel as though I should have it more together than the staff. Put up or shut up please! Just do your darn job and we'll all get along. :wacko:
afternoon ladies!

Animalcrackers - looks like we are almost exactly the same in weeks....What is your due date? Mine is Feb 20th..... I see from our tickers we are both onions! :haha::haha::haha:

I look at being an older mom like I do my men: the more mature you are, the more you can handle things :haha: Since I married a man 19 years older than me, I have no problems having this baby now and hopefully to have more, even as I pass 40.:thumbup:

sunshine, I love your idea of nesting :haha::haha::haha: I hate cleaning, so I may need to drop that hint... So sorry about the sore cervix! Praying for the a safe and healthy weekend, even if that means LABOR!!!! WOO!

skye - I already know I have to have a c-section (due to a fractured and out-of-place tailbone) so it's easier for me to accustom myself to it, but I'm sure I'd be nervous if I thought to go naturally all along then be hit with the c-section later. My best friend had her baby last January and was pushing for 2 days when they did an emergency c-section. she was so nervous and I was with her for the whole time when her water broke too early (6 weeks early) and the c-section went perfectly, healthy baby, safe mama and she healed just fine quickly. It really was the best thing, so while I'm hoping you don't have to go through it, I'm sure all will go smoothly. And we're here praying for you and baby too!

MA - how you feeling with the stitch out? hope you have a great nest-filled weekend!

I'm hoping Lava is enjoying her long weekend, it's deliciously chilly here in Boston today but the beach still sounds lovely.

I want to thank you all for your supportive words and thoughts to me as I deal with a very difficult family. It's comforting to know that it's not my hormones and I'm not over-reacting. :hugs: I'll just keep changing subjects around them and keep visits short if this stuff keeps up! I'll focus on poppy and charlie!

speaking of Charlie, he just came home for lunch and brought be beautiful magenta daisies and some lunch....it's our 8 month anniversary today! :cloud9: I'm secretly baking him some cookies for tonight.....I'm trying some fun ideas for them so if they come out well, I'll post them up.

To everyone else, have a wonderful afternoon!


Hi Beth!

I am due the day after you! February 21st How cool is that? :happydance:
Animalcracker and Carole so GOOD to see you here!!:happydance:

Svet, Anna don't get me started on BF'ing!

I'm still in this unit for mothers and babies (which still has no internet grrr) and I'm still breast feeding and pumping. I pump usually at night around 2am because the staff feed Cal at night and I also do some during the day as I have too much. I leak all the time and am always in pain.

As for length of time on the boob. Cal can take 10mins (he seems to be a super sucker at times and other times he just falls asleep or falls off so it takes longer), and then turn around and go for 20 or 30mins. It's a constant guessing game. He also holds onto his wind well and if I don't wind him properly and he burps later he demands food sooner again! There's no real set pattern to the feeds either, he can go one hour then four between feeds which makes doing anything a tad difficult.

I hope to be out of hospital in the next week or so, but at the moment I am having short periods at home and tonight I am trying an overnight stay at home and feeding him myself at night.

As for sleeping, we put Cal in his bassinet for each nap/sleep. I am not comfortable co sleeping as I am on a couple of drugs that make me sleepy. Therefore I imagine moving him to a cot should be easy. My brother in law built us one from Rimu, it's amazing!

Hope everyone is healthy and happy and I'll try and keep in touch more often if I can get to a computer.

Really nice to hear from you Viv. You sound loads better. One day at a time right? Hopefully you'll be able to stay home soon but only do it if you are truly ready. Itcan be really lonely and you are used to having a ton of ppl around, nevermind the help. Big hugs to you.we're all dying to see a pic of Callum!

AFM Bf is still a challenge. Idon't remember how much i mentined before but the antibitics i was taking for my infection caused the thrush to come back in my nipples. It's been two weeks of excrutiating pain. I am now off the antibiotics but the thrush isn't going away. I am sure baby has it too as she has been suffering from the world's worst diapr rash now for weeks. My DR has me using Gentian Violet. Essentially i paint my nipples with the stuff once a day before feeding. It's purple dye so Sophie is stained and looks like a vampire. :cry: Two days in and so far no relief. It's supposed to be considerably better by the third day so we'll see. If by Sophie's six week milestone BF isn't on track and pain free I will start the weaning process ad swith her to formula. That will have been two months of BF so that surely is better than nothing.

After a very horrible off schedule no sleeping three nights Sophie slept for four hrs last night!!! You have no idea how happy that makes me!
Also my DH bought me a tablet yesterday so I have more freedom going online. Isn't he the sweetest?

K, baby seems full now so I'll try to take her to bed for a little nap. Not ready to start the day yet. xo
Hi ladies,

Viv, so good to hear from you!

Chris, WTG Sophie! :happydance:

AFM: I'm still having issues with burning sensation in my boobs. Twice yesterday it left me in tears it hurt so much. I tried heat and it just didn't work. I just had to let the pain take it's course usually lasting between 5-12 minutes. Could this be my boobs getting ready to bf'd or producing milk? Maybe hormones?!

All I know is I kept saying, if it hurts this much already, how will I get through bf'ing with Amelia when she's not even on the boob yet?! :shrug:

I made my husband promise he would encourage me to try bf'ing until Christmas to give me time to adjust and work through the uncomfortableness of it all. I just don't hear women complain of burning sensation in their boobies prior to birth that often. I keep wondering if this is normal but it must be for my body because it started around what...30wks?! I called the lactation specialist at the hospital we'll be having Amelia in but I gather she'll call next week sometime.
Good morning my lovelies! I hope everyone is doing well today?

I had a check up at the Dr. yesterday and we got to hear squishy's heartbeat, beating away at a healthy 150 bpm. For me, it is still the best sound in the world!:happydance: My Dr. placed her hands on my stomach and said she could feel fluttering. (Although I couldn't feel a thing!)

We have our level 2 ultrasound and our fetal echocardiogram on the 27th of Sept. and I am so nervous. I just want my little squishy to be healthy and I am scared I'll get bad news:nope: I guess it is normal to feel this way, but I can't wait until the 27th gets here.:wacko:

I hope you are all doing well - Viviene, so great to see you here!

Love and hugs to you all! :hugs::flower::hug:
Good morning!

Viv - so good to hear from you! It sounds like you're doing much better, and like Chris #1 said - one day at at time. We're all thinking of you! :flower:

Oh, Chris, what a tough time you're having! I admire your determination. Praying that all's well by six weeks! At least she took a little pity on you and slept for 4 hours straight. :thumbup:

Animal - gotta love that heart beat sound! :cloud9: And don't worry about not feeling the fluttering. I don't think I felt a thing until about week 23 or 24. Now she's squirming all over the place... Although I must admit - at this point I'd rather see her squirming around out here than feeling her in there! :dohh:

Okay, I took a few nursery pictures, and a "self-portrait" bump picture. I'll try to upload them, and apologize in advance for their size. I just can't seem to figure out how to shrink them... sorry... :blush:

Have a great Saturday, everyone!

Okay - that didn't work. Let's try this again...




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