35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh wow how pretty Chris! Really love the nursery and you look fabulous! Any day now! I went into labour at 39 + 2 lol xo
Hey ladies!

Chris you look GORGEOUS and I know you are so ready for that baby to get here! The nursery looks great and you are all set!

Svet hang in there but, as I said in other post, do NOT feel badlynif youdecide to switch. sophie will be just fine, I promise!

Viv honey SO good to hear from you and praying things become more easy each day. Take it one day at a time!

bek I am not sure about the boobies but it definitely could be prep for bf'ing. Hang in! Just a few weeks to go!

Jules you will worry anyway but DON'T WORRY lol! I know, so much easier said than done. I am sure it will be perfectnand we can't wait to see those scan pix!

hi to everyone else and love!

We had a big day - first birthday party for a friends little girl and then we are having friends over for dinner. My little guy is all tuckered out and FINALLY napping! :rofl: he should sleep well tonight as he has barely had a nap all day! It is amazing to me to be around a lot of other kids and think we will be celebrating his ONE YEAR bday in just six more months (well, five and a half!) crazy how fast the time flies. I know it is sometimes hard, but ladies we really do need to cherish every single second - of pregnancy, those exhausting early days, etc. Because it just goes by so fast!
You are so right Angela. As hard as it is I really need to just enjoy this time and her being so small. I feel we are in a rush for her to grow up but she'll be walking and talking before we know it.

Just spent $40 on some super strong Acidofilus tablets. I hould have done this weeks ago :dohh: Not givinv up yet!

I've had a really good Sat. Hope you all have had too! xo
Chris that cradle is GORGEOUS! Is that an antique?! Love the room but just loved the cradle. Your too cute for words. Love the belly. It doesn't even look like you've dropped yet and your your like SO close! I wonder how much longer you'll go.
Really lovely photos Chris. It's so sophisticated! SO close too!!!!!!:baby:
Svet, hang in there with the BF'ing, I'm with you.:hugs:
So close now Rebekah!!! :baby:

Bit tired, had one of the few nights I've had doing all the feeds and then Cal was up from 10 this morning till 3 this afternoon grizzling. I kept feeding and winding and jiggling and swearing (under my breath) as I wanted to sit down for 5 mins and needed to tidy also as my step mother and step sister and my dad were coming over.
Stepmum comes in rocks the cradle for a few minutes and off he goes. I could have screamed (not at her but just at the annoyance that he would go to sleep for her in like 5 mins!!!)but at least he might sleep for a few hours. His asleep periods are getting less and less and his awake times longer. There's only so much you can do to entertain a baby and yourself!!!!!

Have a good weekend all, I'm back to the hospital tonight. Hope can be home for good next week.
Hi Ladies,

I hope you are all enjoying a lovely relaxing weekend.

I hope you can help me with, I should only be about 5 1/2 weeks but I have started to show already and have a noticeable bump and I am now wondering if it maybe twins as surely I shouldn't show at all yet. My betas were quite high this time at 505 for 4 weeks 1 day and 2198 at 4 weeks 4 days. Can anyone advise on this? Lava I have been trying to find your beta's but can't seem to find the post. Just crazily curious now:haha:

Thanks and enjoy the rest of your Sunday :hugs:
I love Callem's pic for your avatar! What a gorgeous baby. Are you feeling better? You sound better.

You are such a pretty mom-to-be & I love the nursery.

I'm still at the beach. It is heavenly. I've been lurking some on my phone (hey, DH has been watching football & checking scores ... why do I have to give up my bnb addiction?) ;) Will send a more detailed catch up post when we get home & try to upload some pics this week. We took a couple bump pics finally. We have had lovely weather. I did catch my husband's cold yesterday. Sore throat, drainage, stuffy nose & cough. No headache or fever fortunately. Any good advice of what remedies are safe to use?
Good morning!

Viv - Cal is just beautiful!!! I hope things continue to go well for you, and you and your son are home soon!

MA - yep. That's an antique cradle - good eye! I think it was built in the late 1800's, but I'm not sure. There's a plate on it dated 1880 or 90-something (I forget), but that could just be for the rocking mechanism, and not when the actual cradle was built. My mom got it when she was expecting me, and it had been in her friend's family before that. Now I have someone to pass it on to, as well. :) I guess I really should have it looked at by an expert. Maybe once I transition her to the crib I will. We DO own an auction hall, after all, and have a few connections... I just never think about it. :dohh:

Carole - hmm... could there be another multiple mommie in our group?? How exciting! You've got a scan coming up this Thursday, right? Can't wait to hear the results!

Lava - can't wait to see the bump pictures! Upload a few beach pics, too - your vacation spot sounds GORGEOUS! Sorry you caught your hubby's cold. I picked one up about a month or so ago, and the doc pretty much told me there wasn't much I could take for it. Tylenol and sudafed, that was about it. :nope: Maybe your doc won't be as stingy.

And thank you all for the kind comments - you really know how to make a hormonal girl's day! :flower:

Hey - can anyone recommend a decent baby sling? That's one thing I still need to get...

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!
Have you determined that you want a sling (verses a Mai Tai or a wrap etc).

I have a Rockin' Baby Sling which I have loved forever. But I find it hard for longer carries. I use it lots for the "in and out" (in and out of the car, in and out of one store, in and out of Gramma's apartment, etc).

Anything longer and I move to either my Mai Tai or a woven wrap.
Chris, what a beautiful nursery you have! Very classy and cozy. Great job! :thumbup:

You look absolutely beautiful and radiant! xo

How is everyone today? I guess I am starting to 'nest' - spent most of my day cleaning and organizing the house! Also made hubby some pancakes and now I am off to the grocery store to pick up some groceries. Going to make us a Shepherd's Pie for supper :happydance:

Hope everyone is having a blessed day :)

(Carole, I am anxiously waiting to hear if you are carrying multiples!)
Hey girls!

Carole, I don't quite remember my own beta numbers offhand, but I know I had the same thought as you about twins. On all the scales I could find online, I seemed to have hcg high numbers. Turned out to be a perfectly normal singleton, so there really is no way to tell this early (even tempting as I k ow it is to guess! Lol) :hugs: can't WAIT for your scan to see how many there are! :hugs:

Lava so sorry about the cold but hope you guys had a wonderful weekend! We love that area too and it is gorgeous. Some friends of ours got married at Santa rosa beach club a couple years ago, and it was lovely!

Viv SO glad to hear you should get to go home soon! I know you have got to be so tired of being in the hospital, but as Chris said there is probably a lot of help available there. Just take things one day at a time. We are praying for you!

Jules glad you are nesting! I will say get anything you want to done around the house now, lol! I am six months into parenthood and just today wiped the dust out of our dishes cabinet :rofl: I have been seeing that mess for half a year now and just not had the energy lol! :haha:

How is everyone else? Anna, bek? sunshine, you still waiting sweetie? steph, Terri, Rowan, NMG, and everyone I missed - hi and hugs!
37 wks today! :happydance: I'm technically term now. woohoo! I got my first night of rest and we were able to finally get to church. By the time we were done today though, My feet and legs were HUGE. I'm getting really bad water retention. BP is being checked almost twice a day and is normal no highs so it just seems to be pregnancy related and not pre-eclampsia for now.

Tomorrow is chiropractic day. I've been feeling pops and am having a hard time standing in the morning to walk to the bathroom. I'm thinking an adjustment will be exactly what I need. Praying she moves to head down on the first adjustment. If not, it may take several more. I may try another appointment on Thursday and two the following week. Oh Lord, keep her in there until she moves head down...THEN cancel the c-section please! :haha:

Bought two different types of material for the custom sheets my friend is making. My husband just about fainted at the 120.00 pricetag. :rofl: One is a cute Mary Englebreighct (sp ? ) the other is another designer and it's cute. Eventually I get more material for the dust ruffle and a decorative bumper which won't be in while she sleeps.

We also ordered two wall decals. One with her name the other with scripture. I'm excited. I'll get the bigger one in a couple of weeks hopefully when the sheets come in. I plan to get some material for window coverings as well. As I said, I hope to have the room designed by the New Year. :winkwink: :haha:

Chris #2, I could smell an antique from a mile away! I LOVE antiques. Especially dated quilts. I almost wish I was born in the 1800's. I seem to LOVE everything about that time in history. Granted, it wasn't the easiest...there's just something overflowing with romance from that era...probably a little more romance in my head than it actually was living back then. Haha

Angela, I'm doing fine. Due anytime technically. C-section scheduled for Oct. 6th but if my water breaks ...well, you know the deal. Hopefully if it DOES, she'll have turned. :thumbup:
Oh and girls... I have idea if this will be a new thing but I last fed Sophie at 9pm! It took untul just after 11pm to settle her to sleep but she only just woke now to eat. Thats three nights in a row of 4hr sleep stretches and well tonight was closer to five! My baby is growing up!!!
Morning friends!

svet - yay! growing up so fast already! So great on the 4 hour sleep stretches!!! :thumbup:

MA - AWESOME!!!! You are full-term! :happydance: sorry about the water retention, sounds very uncomfortable. I love the idea of the wall decal, we are going to get one too, just haven't decided which one yet. the sheets description sounds just lovely, would love to see a pic! Hang in there, almost ready, then turn and go naturally! :hugs:

Jules - my nesting consists of baking, making a huge mess and leaving it. :haha: Hope you are doing well!

Carole - I started showing very early too, about 6 weeks - has to do with many factors such as muscle tone and things like that. I had no muscle tone, so I popped early. However, I have definitely heard of twins popping out early too! So excited to hear about your scan.

Sunshine - your nursery pics are sooooo pretty! And your picture is so lovely! You look radiant! I wondered all weeked how you managed the weekend, if you went into labor or not. I even got to the point when I was checking my laptop Charlie would ask: "How's sunshine, any news yet?" :haha: He cares about you all too! :)

Lava - hope you are feeling better, my dear!

To everyone else, rottpaw, steph, Viv, who have I forgotten? I know there is someone :dohh: But I am thinking of you all!!!!

AFM - had a relaxing weekend with Charlie. It was a clear crisp day here in Boston, so on Sat we vegged out with some household chores and yesterday I baked (did I ever mention I was certified in baking and pastry arts? - explains why I was not a size 6 before pregnancy!) Charlie's been without sweets for awhile and he deserved it. Friday was our 8 month anniversary so I did make him the sugar cookies I mentioned but made them into characters from his favorite show of all time: Star Trek..... :haha: More to look at than to eat, so yesterday I mad peanut butter cookies filled with sweet creamy peanut butter filling, and a sour cream cinnamon coffee cake and a dinner that was only ehhhh. Wasn't a fan but I had cookies to eat afterwards!


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oh and I have a bump picture for you all......


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NMG how cute are you??? Love the Star Trek cookies!! Awesome. Everything you baked looks so yummy!!!
Cute bump pic! Coming along!

Chris#2 any news ??
NMG LOVE the treats! Yummy. The bump is coming along nicely too. Can't believe how far your coming along. Seems like just yesterday you announced it.

Chris, sounds like she's getting better with schedules now. As much as I hate to hear how quick they grow, it's nice to know you can get some rest in there yourself.

AFM: Went to chiropractor. Wasn't like the normal sessions I get from my regular chiropractor. She's the only one in the area that is certified for prenatal care. She took a infrared picture of the muscles and the nerves to tell the harsh areas. Let me tell you, I had severe issues in my lower back, middle and neck area. She assumed the neck was due to the way I was sleeping because of baby. The lower back is obvious.

I couldn't get on the maternity pillow because the water retention in the belly made it feel awful so I sat up and she used a neat tool, then laid on both sides while she worked and then finally on my back where she dealt with the round ligaments. Oh my golly was it excruciating! She thinks that's why baby hasn't moved to head down position and thinks it will take a couple of times before she moves. I DO hope we have that long. :shrug:

She massaged the muscles in my neck and then cracked them and I feel SO MUCH BEtteR. Even walking I felt less tight. I would have walked through the whole grocery store, but I felt as though I still needed to use the hover machine in the store.

I left exhausted which is normal after that adjustment and I think it may have released the toxins because I was feeling VERY SICK until now.

One of the issues in my back that she relieved had to do with the kidneys which also has to do with swelling in ankles and feet. I wonder if that will start to get better. She mentioned putting them in a bucket with cold water. Whatever the case I NEED to try it. They are HUGE feet, HUGE! :wacko:

Well, I'm tired so I have to take a nap. Hopefully Amelia will let me. She's been moving around since the appointment. It really released the muscles, tendons, etc.

Love to you all. :hug:
Morning ladies

Chris#2 – The nursery is fantastic. I love the color of the furniture. You look absolutely gorgeous! As for the sling my friend had a GREAT one from Infantino (sp) I wasn’t able to ever find it, but you can actually strap the baby in it so there is no way she can fall. I wish I had gotten one because there were many days when the only way Katelyn would sleep was if I was holding her.

Chris#1 – Totally understand about the Bfing. With Katelyn it is hit or miss. Sometimes she takes to my breast just fine and then the next feed she literally sticks her tongue out and makes a YUCK face and turns her little head. In two weeks she will be 6 months and I have her 6mos appointment on 10/10 and hopefully she will be able to go on cereal. I still will try and feed her in the mornings but most of the time I just pump and feed her from a bottle. Instead of pumping every 3 hours, I pump every 4-5 hours. I do have formula just in case she is hungry and I run out of pumped milk. You do what you have to to feed your child. It does get better in terms of sleeping and it does sound like Sophie was having a growth spurt. Congrats for her eating every 4 hours now Whoo hoo!

Rebekah – not sure what to make about your boobies burning. Are you leaking anything? If you are perhaps that burning sensation is really “let down”. Which is mighty uncomfortable and sometimes hurts. I understand about the huge feet. I took a photo for my mom to show her how swollen and big they got (I wear a size 8 shoe, but went up to a 10 1/12). YAY full term! Two more weeks for you!!!! YAY!!!!! Now turn Amelia turn! 

Viv – glad you were able to go home and yes, I have had many of those days where the baby will go to sleep and the minute I put her down she wakes up so I am holding her ALL day long and getting nothing done. Of course those are the days that my Hubby is out doing stuff. Hang in there – it will and has already started to get better. I love your avatar. He is beautiful. Glad you will be coming home this week.

Lava – the only thing you can really take is crappy Sudafed. I was sick with the a cold for pretty much my entire 1st trimester. Sudafed SUCKED. Oh you can take some Robutussin (yay).

Jules – Ah the nesting stage. Feels good to clean and organize huh? I guess I am still nesting because I just want to purge almost everything in my house and have less clutter.

NMG – Love the bump photo! You look great. ANG WHAT ARE THOSE Peanut Butter cookies – recipe PLEASE!!!! Oh recipe for all THREE YUMMY!!!!!!!

AFM – Today is me and my hubby’s 2 year anniversary. We went out to dinner last night at the restaurant where he proposed and his sister watched Katelyn. As for miss Katelyn she is teething!!!! How do you like that? She is preemie yet teething early! Poor thing has been so uncomfortable. She doesn’t even really want to eat. She takes the bottle nipple and starts to chew on it. She tried doing that with my breast nipple this morning and when realized it was not as hard or “chewy” as the bottle nipple she was done. We now don’t even warm the bottles up. We just take the breastmilk straight from the refrigerator and give it to her as she likes the cold on her gums. We are using Hylands teething tablets which help tremendously, but I might try some orajel. She doesn’t do too well with the teething rings as it seems to be the back of her mouth and she can’t fit them way back there LOL. Any other mommies out there have babies who are teething yet? Any advice? On a good note, I put Katelyn down for bed last night at 10pm and she slept until 7am this morning YAY!!!! Well I am off to pump – so glad we have a “pump” room here at work.

Hi and hugs to everyone Carole, Skye, Terri, June, Anna,


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