35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Chirs you are gorgeius with that bump. You'll be such a yummy mummy :)) I love the nursery and the craddle. Funny my dad had a craddle which was passed onto half the family. His brothers, cousins and their children all used it. Don't know what happened to it in the end but it was an old metal one that actually sat on the floor :)) My mum and her siblings on the other hand was rocked on my grandmas legs. I remember her rocking me and my cousin too which was a great feeling cause she used to sing a lullaby too. Ohhhh I miss grandma now. She was a very good cook and had a great cuddle cause she was chubby and had huge breasts :))) Hahahahhaha
Thank you Chris you brought back so many memories for me. :)) All my fingers and toes crossed for your healthy and a painless delivery (dunno if there is such thing. Lol)

Viv Cal looks gorgeous. I'm glad to hear you feel a bit better hon. It might take some time for him to settle into a routine but I'm sure it will be all ok. One thing at a time sounds like a good advice.

NMG you look really cute with that bump and I'm drooling over that cake ;-) Can't believe it looks all so professional hhahahahahaa! Did you actually eat those beautiful startrek figures?

Jules I think I'm gonna start nesting and preparing this week too :)) yeeeaaaaah!!!!

Svet 4 hrs a stretch already is very good no? Well done.

Laura pls upload the bump photos can't wait to see how big is yours. Lol!!! I though I was huge until I saw a friend from my clinic who got pregnant exactly the same time as me. She is a very petite, slim girl but her bump was proportionally the same size as mine. :)

Carole when is your appt again? Wouldn't it be a wonderful surprise ;-)

Angela has Ethan already settle into routine? How is your sleeping???

MA Yaaaaaay!!! Congratulations for full term. Your pregnancy was so eventful that it is a success that you came along. Pray and hope you have the last bit of luck and the baby turns so you have a cx free delivery. xxx

Woow Steph, is she already teething. That's sooo quick. :))

Hi there Anna, CJ, Charmain and Codegirl xxx

AFM I started slowing down a bit. Walked the dogs on Sunday for an hour but after i climbed the steep hill I gave up. Luckily DH was running through it. Sew me sweating up the hill and than came and collected me with the car like a ripe pear :) Stopped swimming too cause I want to be cautious about this low placenta thing.
Also started to call nurseries and schools in the area. They look really busy with long waiting lists. One of them told me they had a father calling from the hospital while his wife was in the operating theater. :wacko: Isn't that a bit insane? Anyway looks like I need to finish all my research and do all the applications first week when she arrives.
Shirin's moving and kicking during the day which feels wonderful. :))
Good afternoon, ladies!

Still no baby. Sigh... Hopefully I'll get some encouraging news at my appointment tomorrow.

Terri - hmm... never heard of a wrap or a Mai Tai (other than the food & drink type!) I'm just looking for something to keep her close while I'm moving about the house for when she's fussy. I plan on getting a bigger baby wearer for when we take her out. I'll have to do some research. Do you recommend the wrap or Mai Tai over the sling?

MA - congrats on full term! :happydance: Feels good, doesn't it?

Chris #1 - woo-hoo for the longer sleep times!!! I'm envious - I can't remember the last time I slept for four hours in a row! And it's only going to get worse before it gets better, I know... :dohh:

NMG - what an adorable bump picture! And you're not helping my sweet-tooth any with those amazing cookie/cake pictures! What a talent you have! And to think I can't even pipe words on a cake... :nope:

Steph - Happy anniversary! I'm glad you were able to go out and have a special dinner. And I can't believe Katelyn's teething already - I guess they really do grow quickly! Thanks for the Infantino suggestion. I'll do some checking to see if they're still available. I really like the idea of strapping baby in. I can just see myself doing something stupid like bending too far forward and dumping my child on the floor.. :dohh:

Junebug, Anna, Angela, Viv, Austin, Skye, Lava, Lucy, Rowan, Carole, Animal, and anyone else I may have missed - Hi there! :hi:

Nothing going on with me. Unfortunately. The cleaning person was supposed to come this morning, but called me yesterday to say her car died and had to go to the shop today. So we rescheduled for Wednesday. It actually worked out, because I woke up at 2:30am with killer heartburn and have felt like crap since. I want to get a few things picked up before she gets here, anyway, and this morning just wasn't the time to do it. SO - I'm hoping to be more organized and less cranky by Wednesday. :thumbup:

I have my nonstress/profile test thingie tomorrow, followed by an appointment with my midwife. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I'll leave there with an induction date please!

Have a good day!
truthfully, I don't recommend any one carrier over another, they all have their place and I love all my carriers for different reasons.

Ring sling - fantastic for "quick carries" and the most easiest to learn to use. I always carry this with me with my diaper bag. This is the carrier I use the most, but only for shorter carries. Con - because the babies weight is on one shoulder your back may start to hurt if you use it for too long.

Mei Tai - fantastic for longer carries and also very easy to use. Love it for back carries when working around the house. Con - straps are very long and can get dirty when you try and use it outside of the house.

Woven Wrap - the most flexable of all the carriers. Can use in many different carries (front, back, side, etc). Will work for as long as you are strong enough to carry your baby (some people still use them with 3 and 4 year olds). Con - the most difficult to learn how to use. I still can't get a back carry when I'm alone. (need a "spotter").

Stretch Wrap - I don't own one of these. Lots of people swear by them but I think they are unnecessary if you have a woven wrap. Same type of front carry as the woven wrap above. Con - once baby is 15lbs or so it will not support properly and both you and baby will end up in incorrect postures.
Hey girls!!

How is everybody doing today?:hugs:

MA - congrats on being technical full-term! Whoo hoo! I am so excited to see pictures of your little sweetheart once she is born!! :pink:

Angela, everytime I see Ethan's pic on your Avatar I have to smile wide. He is the cutest little cherub EVER!

Chris, oh my goodness I bet you are SO ready to give birth aren't you? LOL The wait must be killing you..so close!! Anytime now!! :happydance::happydance:

NewmarriedGal - how cute are you with your bump!! I also love to bake, I find it so relaxing, but it is so dangerous for me because I can polish off an entire cake.:laugh2: I have a terrible sweet-tooth! You should see me pack it away LOL!

How is everyone else doing? Love and hugs to you all!! :hugs:

I am quite digging this nesting stage - must clean and organize all the things! :wohoo:

I took a picture of my bump for you girls - I feel so huge for 18 weeks! Hubby loves rubbing my belly. LOL

Ok, I'll try to post some pics from my trip.


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Jules & NMG,
Love the bump pics. We are all in the 2nd trimester. I'm 19 weeks. I could seriously eat all of those sweets, NMG! :)

Will catch up more tomorrow.

Just a few more. We were in Santa Rosa Beach, near Seaside Florida.


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Thx for sharing the pics Lava! You look great! What a difference in bumps when you are carrying twins! Lol Super cute and that beach looks amazing!

Animalcracker, looking good too! Loving all these bump pics. Your bedroom btw looks lush, lol

Codegirl, thx for the info on all the diff wraps.

Chris#2 I hope sh doesn't keep you waiing and tht you don't have to be induced!

MA, that Amelia better turn for you! Fx'd Btw i had huge feet too. Went from an 8.5 to a 10. Five weeks after delivery and they are still not back to normal, oh how I hope they don't stay this size. Lol I also havent't worn my wedding band or engagement ring since July :cry:

To everyone else I am missing hello! Major mommy brain here.

Hope all our new moms are coping xo
Oh and Steph, Sophie still eats every two hours, I have just gotten this four hour stretch at night th last few days. I hope it lasts! Makes such a diff in my mood. Good for you for pumping. It's alot of work. I'm impressed.
Chris, anytime is such a long period of time sometimes :) hahahahahhaaaa. You'll get there soon enough though. Good luuuuuuuccccckkkkk!!!!!

Jules what a cute photo, it's nice to see what you actually look like :)))

Laura gorgeous photos and a gorgeous bump. The twin bump is showing now :))))

Girls I'm so glad that my bump and boobs are similar to yours. LOL!!! I'm so glad that I'm not growing like Hulk :))). I'l try to put a photo tomorrow morn as I am busy today.

Laura that beach is looking wonderful. I bet you are having a great time. How's the pesky cold?

Codegirls thank you for the sling options. I like the idea of the woven wrap since that looks like the lightest of them all. I have a weak back so anything that has a bit of it's own weight is not a good idea. Mei tei might be good for DH though. I want him to the most of the carrying anyway :)))

Sveta it's god you mentioned the wedding band. Sure enough I checked mine and it is tight. I will wait a few hours for my hands to settle and than will force it out this afternoon. :cry: Whooooh!!!!
Gorgeous bump photos ladies, and thanks Terri for all the wrap info. I need to find a better sling or wrap for Ethan. The one I have is comfy (it was a seven slings wrap, just google it if you like and if interested I think I can find the coupon code someone sent me; much cheaper than what is posted in the site). I love it butbhe has just outgrown it. We alsonhave a moby wrap, which isnso much fabric it is useless for someone like me. I would smother in that thing lol! The bjorn is great but too hevy for my back now that Ethan is so heavy and sits lower when carried in front (it is amazing how quickly they grow to the point that their head is banging your chin lol!) so I am definitely looking for new sling/ carrier options.

Ethan goes to church daycare tomorrow for the first time ever. Wish us luck lol! I hopenhe will enjoy it because we will soon be going twice a week!

Just a quick post girls but :hi: to all and hugs!:hugs:
Hi everyone!!! I've missed you all and really enjoyed catching up on how you are all doing!!

Rebekah - Congrats hon!!! You are almost there!! Don't let the swelling get you down... while in the hosp I gained 11lbs in 48 hours due to water retention... It is *almost* back to normal... just a bit around the ankles still remains... But lord, I know how uncomfortable it makes you... Hang in there, love!!

Sunshine - You are just the CUTEST thing EVER!!!! The nursery is just gorgeous, too!! Is today the day????? Yay!!!!

Viv - Hi sweetie! Callum is gorgeous and I am so glad you are doing better! Big Hug!

Anna - Hope you and sweet Josephine are well!!!

Skye - I wore my wedding ring for the first time since June the other night! It was our 2nd Anniv & and we went to dinner and the dang thing was murder to take off afterwards!! So glad you are well!!!

Angela, MissMuffet, Rottpaw, Codegirl, NMG (precious bumnp pic!), Lava, and all my other lovely friends:: Hope you are well and happy!!!! :kiss:

AFM - My little girls are just over a month old!!! Unbelieveable!!! Things are going really well and they are just growing and growing... Gemma is about 6.5 lbs and Isabella & Annemarie are almost 6 lbs each! My little peanut babies are getting BIG!

Not sure who said (Svet??) "congrats" to me on bf'ing... Just to be clear, I am not breastfeeding, am just pumping and not sure how long that will last... Just really hard to find the time and I forget, the milk supply drops and honestly, am just tired of gargantuan boobs! All of you that are doing it, KUDOS!!! Massive achievement!

We are on a great schedule and are getting to sleep 4 hours at a stretch most nights... I absolutely credit the night nanny with that!!! FOR MULTIPLES, the night nanny is an absolute Godsend!! (Lava - are you listening, girl???) :)

Here is a little pic taken on their 4week birthday!!!
Hugs to all,


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:hi: everyone!

Sorry I don't have time to comment much these days, but I do try and keep up reading. Everyone's baby's and bumps are soooo cute!

I just wanted to add to my carrier post that the options I posted aren't all the options out there, they are just the ones that I am most familar with. There are also the structured carriers and other types of soft-structured carriers that I've never tried.

It's kind of like cloth diapers... so many options that their is something that would work for you if you are interested, but it takes a bit of research and trying things out.
I love the initialed onsies! So precious. Those girls are gorgeous and I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well. We have an interview this Saturday with a night nanny who comes highly recommended. We've talked several times on the phone and seemed to click, but I am hopeful she will still agree to come when she sees our small condo and times the commute. I've heard that this is the best thing for multiples and can get the babies on a decent sleep schedule and help with b'feeding/pumping advice. Most of the girls I know with multiples did not b'feed, but pumped and supplemented with formula if necessary. That is what I will probably do if I can.

Thanks for the info on the slings/wraps as well.

You are on the homestretch. Hang in there hon.

I feel sick to my stomach right now waiting for my husband to pick me up to go to the doctor. I don't know why, but I just have a weird feeling that we will get difficult news today at the scan. Uggh!

Will keep you posted.
I feel sick to my stomach right now waiting for my husband to pick me up to go to the doctor. I don't know why, but I just have a weird feeling that we will get difficult news today at the scan. Uggh!

Will keep you posted.


praying everything is good news at the scan.....I have mine tomorrow and I can't imagine worrying about 2 little ones as I worry enough over just one!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Everyone ... thanks for your support and encouragement. Everything looked good today at the scan and the babies are on track developmentally. Both are 10 ounces. Baby A is officially a GIRL!!!!! Baby B is still a boy! :) We are very excited to have one of each.

What time is your scan tomorrow?

So just a little vent ... I talked to my mom to tell her the gender news. About 30 minutes later, my dad called when he got back from poker. He was excited about the girl. DH & I decided to call her Lillian (Rose?). We were definite on the first name and still a bit up in the air about the middle. Our boy we are tossing around Lucas (Luke) or Liam with a middle name of Alexander. We had shared this information with them at our last visit. Anyway, dad starts immediately asking if Lillian was the best we could come up with and when I responded it was a very sentimental name on DH's side as it was his favorite grandmother, he said well ... if it means something to Scott, I guess I can't change his mind. Then he starts in on the boy's names. Tells me he likes stronger, solid names like Paul and Matthew, and Michael. Well, he just named off my dead ex-bf and my last ex. Lovely. When I thought his commenting was over, he told me that he feels very strongly that we get rid of the cats with the babies coming. I was like absolutely not ... non-negotiable. Uggghh, so frustrating. Why can't my dad just be happy he's getting grandbabies at 84 years old? That man is never pleased for more than 2 minutes! Anyway, vent over. Thanks for listening!
Charmaine! :hugs: FINALLY I've been talking about you for days now driving my husband mad. :rofl: :wacko: Like you have something to do or anything. haha Those girls are BEAUTIFUL! How fun. I'm glad your doing well. I've been wondering how your scheduling is going.

Lava I'm SO excited! Usually you see two girls...rarely do you see two boys and it's like playing the lottery for a boy and a girl. I LOVE that your having a boy and girl at once. Glad they're doing well.

We had a nice name for a boy that my mother hated. I told her it was good she wasn't in charge of the names then. :winkwink: Dad will be happy with whatever their names will be because he can't change them! :thumbup: As for the cats, I think your old enough to make your own decisions. When he decides to pay your bills and run your home for you, I'm sure you can give him options to dictate, but until hell freezes over I'm sure you can handle the decisions all on your own!

AFM: It's been an interesting 24 hours. :haha: I caught Doug downstairs after hours of wondering what he was up to. He was ironing DRY our clothes. :rofl: You heard it right. Ironing DRY our clothes. Seems our dryer went. It could be a fuse or heating element which he'll check into but I'm thinking we'll have to buy a new one. I found a reasonable large capacity one I like with a better door that won't swing anyways. :winkwink:

Today went to the perinatal center for one of my twice weekly non-stress tests. Amelia is still breech....even after Chiropractic adjustment. I'm not even going to go to the other appointment unless I need the adjustment as I had the adjustment, did the aversion technique, on my left side for half hour then the birthing ball exercise to open the area for her to come down...I've been doing this for awhile now...it's not working. SO ladies, it seems I'm going to have a spinal as I had for the stitch and will just ask they NOT put blankets around my head to make me feel enclosed. I'm REFUSING to fear a c-section because it will only freak me out and make things a bad outcome. I'm at peace and know everything has been tried so NOW I'm going to just go with the flow and not stress about any of it. She'll come the way she and God plan it and I pray healthy and safe. That's all that matters.

At the perinatal center they found my blood pressure to be somewhat high again. I had all highs yesterday on my home monitor and had hoped it wouldn't be anything. They let me go today because my second reading came out somewhat lower. I DO have to drink more water. I drink 12 8oz glasses already but with the water retention and bp they keep saying to drink more. SO I have to add more in the course of the day. I almost landed in the hospital again for the remainder like the last scare before my shower. Praise God I got to come home. Hopefully we'll get it under control, if not she'll come at an earlier date than expected. We're term now so it doesn't really matter...I had hoped for an October baby but I think our health and well being are more important than a date.

Finally, I got home and after lunch found a pool of blood on my sheets. Came close to fainting when I called Doug over. Didn't see anything in my panties so figured I'd just monitor things and call him if there was something to be concerned about. Then I jumped into bed and had thick blood and puss all over my hands....again, almost passed out (( I don't do blood very well. Haha)) Luckily he was there and we found out that the water retention in my lower abdomen had popped. Yup! :wacko: It's nasty but I've had SO MUCH water retention and it's made polyps of water in my skin both on my lower abdomen and even on my toes.....my feet and legs are huge too. Never seen anything like it.

I have peroxide I'm supposed to put on it and I think with the open sore, Friday will come with some meds to keep from getting an infection before baby comes.

So it's been memorable that's for sure. I've giggled a few times at this stuff happening. At least I didn't actually faint. :haha:
Lava and Jules – great looking bumps! Thanks for the photos Glad your scan went well Lava! And YAY on one of each that is fantastic news! Also, you will hear LOTS of opinions on the names you choose for your children whether you want it or not. This will not just come from your parents, but other relatives, friends and people you barely know or like…Don’t let it stress you out or upset you. Just nod your head and say, thanks for your input and keep moving.

Chris #1 – Well hopefully even though she is still eating every 2 hours, at night she will continue to stretch it out. It took me a while before my feet went back to normal. I just now able to wear my wedding band (for some reason, I can’t get my engagement ring to fit and they are the same size – weird).

Angela – Daycare for Ethan – please let me know how that goes. Currently, my DH is caring for Katelyn while I am at work, however he is going to be going back to work very soon and I am not sure how I feel about day care. Time does go by very quickly. Is Ethan on cereal/solids yet?

Charmaine!!!!! – Thanks for the update and the PHOTO of your beautiful girls. Ok – I have to ask, are they identical and if so, can you tell them apart? I have always wondered how parents tell identical babies apart in the early days/months. LOL Also it seems as though our anniversaries are close . Yes, pumping is a CHORE and major time commitment. Now that Katelyn is almost 6 months, I will start her on solids so that I can pump less. I am impressed that you have pumped for this long with three little ones. KUDOS to YOU! That is a massive achievement. Send more photos please  I love that their initials spell GIA Hee hee.

Skye – we just bought a Chicco carrier. I haven’t tried it yet with her, but it is comfortable and has back support. I never tried the Moby wrap, as it looked too difficult to put on and honestly, there is a commercial on TV with a women and her “baby” in the moby wrap and the poor thing looks like it is getting smothered. But like Terri said, definitely do some research and read the reviews and you can always go to the store and try them on to see what you like best. It is easier to go to Maternity shops rather than Babies R Us to try that stuff out though.

Rebekah – WOW is all I can say. You poor thing! That must have been scary. Please don’t worry about the c-section I think half of us ended up having one. It will be ok and yes, it will happen the way God and Amelia plan it . Glad you didn’t faint.

AFM – Nothing new to tell. We celebrated our two year anniversary yesterday with ice cream cake. Hard to be believe that it has been two years already and we have a baby now. Time sure flies when you are having fun…

Hugs to everyone else out there. Hope you are all having a great day.

getting ready to go to my scan - it's in about a half hour.......had a terrible nights sleep - not sure if the dinner I had didn't agree with me or what but barely slept and then had the weirdest dream! Charlie was the one having the babies and I had to help him (in our home) deliver 4 babies, 2 girls, 2 boys who all came out in the cutest onesies and my first thought was to pack them all up and go out to buy them shoes! :shrug: But Charlie did a wonderful job giving birth! :haha::haha:

lava - that's why I haven't told my family yet about the names because we ALL know they'd have some comment. But I am sorry you have to deal with it and it's easy for me to say just smile and ignore but I know that is very difficult. I would just try changing the subject whenever they bring it up and not mention it again...they may get the hint. Loving the :oneofeach: news!!!!!

MA - I would have passed out if I saw that blood! I'm glad the water retention popped (I think I'm glad, it just sounds so horrifying!) Hoping you find some relief and Amelia turns...turn baby turn! Otherwise, praying for a healthy and safe delivery, whatever way she decides to make her grand entrance in!

missmuffet - congrats on the 2 year anniversary! :cake:

I will reply later on to everyone, only had a few mins before Charlie gets home to take me in for the test....
Just popping in to see how my favourite mummies are doing!!!? Charmaine - your girls are just TOO cute!!!

Angela - hope Ethan had/has a good day at daycare today (time difference!!)

Rebekah - I'm on tenterhooks waiting for Amelia to arrive!!

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