35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Good morning girls!

Terri - thank you so much for all the sling/wrap info. It was VERY helpful! :thumbup: Think I'll go out on Saturday and finally get one - at this point, I think I'll go for the wrap. But who knows - I seem to change my mind a lot these days!

Animal & Lava - GREAT bump photos! You both look absolutely amazing, too! You're going to have gorgeous babies! :flower:

Angela - how did daycare go yesterday?

Austin! So good to hear from you, girl! Your daughters are adorable! It seems like you have things really under control, too - I think you must be related to Superwoman! And I too was wondering the same thing as Steph - are they identical? Back in high school I was friends w/a set of identicals, and their mom used to put nail polish on the big toe of one to keep them straight when they first came home from the hospital. Not sure how you'd do that w/three - big toe on one, pinky toe on another? :haha:

And also like Steph, I really love that their initals spell GIA! (Stands for Gemological Institute of America, don't ya know... :thumbup:)

Please continue to update when you can. :flower:

Lava - congrats on one of each! That's AWESOME! I'm very glad to see that everyone's doing well in there, too. Always a big relief. Your vacation spot looked wonderful - I must admit a bit of jealousy! And I have to ask you - how in the world did you keep your hair looking so nice in the humid ocean air???

NMG - looking forward to hearing how your scan went today. Fingers crossed for you!

Hi Twinkle! :wave:

And to everyone else I didn't directly address - good morning!!

AFM - not too much. The cleaning lady's here so I'm just staying out of here way & playing on the computer. I'm having her do the spring cleaning type stuff (behind furniture, cruddy flooring corners, that kind of thing), and I'm only having her do three rooms - bathroom, living room & kitchen. It's been an hour and a half since she's arrived, and she's really been working. So far she's cleaned the bathroom and is just about done with the living room. Hasn't even started on the kitchen yet. (Yikes! Must have been worse than I thought!!) :wacko:

I had my nonstress test/biophysical profile yesterday, followed by my OB appointment. The testing was fine - everything looked great (yay!) but I had disheartening news at the OB's. No change from last time. Nothing. Nada. I was so bummed out last night, I almost dove in to a glass of wine. But at least there's light at the end of the tunnel now - I just got a call from my OB's office. I have another nonstress/profile set up for this Friday at noon-thirty. Then I'm scheduled to check in to L&D on Monday night for Cervadril (sp?), and they'll start the induction first thing Tuesday morning. So it looks like I'll be a mommie in a little less than a week! :cloud9:

Unless, of course, I go into labor on my own before then. Which would be lovely, but somehow I don't see that happening...

Have a great day, everyone! Happy Hump Day to those of you still working! :haha:
NMG - Good luck on your scan today!

Chris #2 - Your feel soooo good in your house once the cleaning lady is finished. I know that whenever I have a cleaning lady come I don't want company over cuz they'll mess it up LOL. I am sooooo excited for you. It looks like you will have your baby and then a week later Rebekah will have hers.
Also, I was cracking up about the toenail polish comment. Yes, Charmaine let us know how you are telling them apart LOL.

Twinkle - Hi ya sweetie!

Angela - How did Ethan do at Daycare - more importantly how did you do with Ethan at Day care :)?

Hugs to everyone else. I just got in to work about 20 minutes ago - VERY LATE so this is just a brief howdy. Will keep popping in throughout the day. Still trying to get into a rhythm with being back at work.

Hi ladies,

love to see this thread going as it does. I caught Dougs cold. :rofl: Couldn't have been at a more inconvenient time with delivery on the way soon but I'm trying my hardest to get it out of my system quickly. Doug ran to get all kinds of things and I'm going to kill it with vitamin C. Or so I hope. :rofl:

Love to you all. :hug:
Hello, again ladies :flower:

I think that "hello" is long overdue. It's been quite a few months since I've been on BnB and am so EXCITED to see so many of my old friends smiling, laughing and beautifully covered in all that sweet baby dust!

MA - I am in tears and so happy for you. How amazing that you are so close! Amelia is such a true blessing and gift from God. I hope you are enjoying every minute of it with Doug. :hugs::hugs:

Lava - oh my goodness! It's been so long and I remember you hoping for that BFP and here you are with TWINS! Wow. And one of each. That is so wonderful.

Skye - Yayayay! How's it going? Are you out of your mind excited???

Carole - What can I say? It truly is a wonder and a blessing to see you with that BFP note under your post. I am sending you every good vibe I have honey for you and your little one. I hope you are having a good pregnancy so far. :hugs::hugs:

Sunshine - Another BnB baby! Congrats!!!

Viv - You too! Hope they are taking the best of care you in the hospital and getting some good rest.

AustinGurrl - Your 3 girls arrived. 1 month old! They are soooo adorable. And you are my hero. I don't know if "blessing" even comes close to what you've been through and the joy you are now living but I hope that each one of those little faces is making you smile more and more each day (through the exhaustion, of course :sleep:)

Svet - Congrats to you hon! You must be an expert by now! ::haha:

AFM - I am really just in awe right now of all you ladies. What a fabulous round of posts to come back to. I am feeling pretty good these days. Had gall bladder surgery last week and been home recovering. Glad to have it out b/c it was causing me all sorts of trouble in the last few months. Finally feeling a little more like myself today but it will take some time to fully recoup.

On the TTC front, I have been on a mega dose of folic acid since June (intially at DH's request) and am keeping with it. We saw the FS yesterday for the first time since April after we got pregnant. Took a lot for me to just walk into her office again. Found myself shaking a little - I guess all those memories coming back - but I made it through. She was wonderful and discussed our options with us. Seems as if IVF with PGD (genetic) testing makes the most sense. They would test the embryos to make sure we put back genetically normal one(s). It would give me peace of mind but it is alot to take on physically and emotionally. I know DH is raring to go but has been very gentle with me.

I have been trying to take good care of me lately and down 15 pounds. Yay! Feeling healthier and eating really well. I figure that can't hurt. Anyway, so glad to see you are all doing so great! :happydance: Miss you all-
Titi, so glad to see you. :hugs: I'm looking forward to hearing the events that will lead to YOUR little blessing. :happydance: So glad your back again! YAY!!
Hi Ladies!

MA - so sorry about the cold!!!! Hope you can blast it out of you real quick! :friends:

sunshine! yikes, you are at the finish line!!!!! super duper big :hugs: that you have a snuggly :baby: real soon!!!!

Hope everyone else is having a great day! and a big hello you to all!

We had our 18 week scan today, and it went really well! poppy is very active and moving and twisting around in there! The tech took a ton of detailed shots of poppy's brain development, the 4 chambers of the heart, the belly as well as shots of the legs (which was Amazing to see the thigh bone, knee, shin and foot! Long legs like daddy!) and hands. One of the pics looks like poppy is either laughing or yawning!

Good news: The massive integrated tests from last time, measuring the chance of downs or chromosonal defects were negative!

We then had a genetic counseling meeting with a doctor, who was quite rude in her manner but she did give us good news: seems my chances for defects is as low as it is in a 21 year old. Great!!! She did say I have a low lying placenta but to recheck it in 6 weeks, no big deal and didn't give me any restrictions. I'm not too worried about it as I see my OB for the monthly appt on Monday and will talk to her more about it. My OB had told me to tell this doctor of my history of the heart issues, the autoimmune issues and other health issues (as well as Charlie's heart issue) so I began by saying that we both have heart issues and she asked me what they were so I started to tell her and she was very dismissive, kept cutting me off, told me I didn't understand my own heart operation I had (which is wrong) and that she couldn't do anything about those 3 (3 heart issues between the 2 of us) now and that she wouldn't care about them until after birth so this was inappropriate to bring it up. I was SO flustered and Charlie told her we were told to tell her everything and she was so rude saying "whatever" and that for one of the heart issues I have, I should be on certain medication and if it acts up, they can't operate on my because I'm pg. I told her it didn't require surgery and I've had it since I was 5 and she told me then I really didn't have it or didn't understand this one, either. And she said since Charlie had 2 older kids that are fine, I'm overreacting and the OB is too. At that point, I shut down and didn't say much else and she left within 30 seconds after that, I think she felt Charlie glowering at her.

So I didn't tell her about the autoimmune issue but I figured since I'm seeing a cardiologist and rheumatologist about these things, I don't need her to tell me the chances of poppy getting them and we would never terminate anyways, so we will deal with whatever happens.

But what I'm taking away from that rude lady is that we are progressing just fine and will followup on the low lying placenta and forget that woman!


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Hi Ladies!

MA - so sorry about the cold!!!! Hope you can blast it out of you real quick! :friends:

sunshine! yikes, you are at the finish line!!!!! super duper big :hugs: that you have a snuggly :baby: real soon!!!!

Hope everyone else is having a great day! and a big hello you to all!

We had our 18 week scan today, and it went really well! poppy is very active and moving and twisting around in there! The tech took a ton of detailed shots of poppy's brain development, the 4 chambers of the heart, the belly as well as shots of the legs (which was Amazing to see the thigh bone, knee, shin and foot! Long legs like daddy!) and hands. One of the pics looks like poppy is either laughing or yawning!

Good news: The massive integrated tests from last time, measuring the chance of downs or chromosonal defects were negative!

We then had a genetic counseling meeting with a doctor, who was quite rude in her manner but she did give us good news: seems my chances for defects is as low as it is in a 21 year old. Great!!! She did say I have a low lying placenta but to recheck it in 6 weeks, no big deal and didn't give me any restrictions. I'm not too worried about it as I see my OB for the monthly appt on Monday and will talk to her more about it. My OB had told me to tell this doctor of my history of the heart issues, the autoimmune issues and other health issues (as well as Charlie's heart issue) so I began by saying that we both have heart issues and she asked me what they were so I started to tell her and she was very dismissive, kept cutting me off, told me I didn't understand my own heart operation I had (which is wrong) and that she couldn't do anything about those 3 (3 heart issues between the 2 of us) now and that she wouldn't care about them until after birth so this was inappropriate to bring it up. I was SO flustered and Charlie told her we were told to tell her everything and she was so rude saying "whatever" and that for one of the heart issues I have, I should be on certain medication and if it acts up, they can't operate on my because I'm pg. I told her it didn't require surgery and I've had it since I was 5 and she told me then I really didn't have it or didn't understand this one, either. And she said since Charlie had 2 older kids that are fine, I'm overreacting and the OB is too. At that point, I shut down and didn't say much else and she left within 30 seconds after that, I think she felt Charlie glowering at her.

So I didn't tell her about the autoimmune issue but I figured since I'm seeing a cardiologist and rheumatologist about these things, I don't need her to tell me the chances of poppy getting them and we would never terminate anyways, so we will deal with whatever happens.

But what I'm taking away from that rude lady is that we are progressing just fine and will followup on the low lying placenta and forget that woman!

She's full of crap!! Sorry. There's a girl "Sherry" in my incompetent uterus thread that has a heart issue...pretty bad and they thought her son had a heart defect pretty bad too. They were monitoring her very carefully. While most heart defects in babies need to be done once born, there are some heart issues that CAN be taken care of in utero. She was also watched too. There were many things she couldn't do and they DID have to monitor her but she had special care for her and her little one.

So this meeting was with a genetic counselor right?? Not a fetal cardiologist?? I had a meeting with the cardiologist...the first one wasn't the greatest but the second time with a different Dr. proved to be excellent! I would think that you would have better conversation with the pediatric cardiologist. My suggestion is to wait until 28wks though...don't let them do it too early or they'll scare the life out of you because they can't honestly see everything any earlier.:winkwink: The pediatric cardiologist has more background on heart defects and will know just how much risk you actually have...IF ANY at all.:winkwink:
HI all, glad everyone is trucking along well.

Love the photos Charmaine, NMG and Lava.

Hey Svet, yes I did notice that Sophie and Cal share a birthday, how cool!!:hugs:

Sunshine, not long YAY!!!!!

MA full term wahoo!!!!!!:happydance:

Char you are amazing with those triplets!! Still sane as well!!!!
I'm pumping as well as BF'ing as I appear to have too much milk. I leak like a sieve most of the time:dohh:

AFM Still in hospital, they are being very cautious about releasing me as the slightest problem with Cal gets me worked up, like if he won't sleep or falls asleep at the breast. Yesterday he was up pretty much for 10 hours and feeding on and off. I have such sore breasts now. I should have topped him up with formula rather than upsetting myself.

SVet, how do you entertain Sophie? I just don't know what to do when Cal is awake. There's only so much you can do with a 5 week old.

Has anyone heard from Anna?

Well I have to head back into hospital again (I had a night at home last nigh to see how we cope) today so will be off line again for a couple of days.

Happy days ladies :hugs:
Good morning everyone! Having a hard time sleeping this morning - I've been awake for 2 & 1/2 hours and can't seem to turn off the mind this morning... :wacko:

Glad to hear that the Cervidil wasn't too bad, Terri. I'm hoping that alone will be enough to bring on labor (I'd rather avoid the Pitocin if possible), but I doubt I'll be that lucky. :nope: This kid's a stubborn one. Already. :haha:

So good to hear from you, Titi! I hope the surgery recovery goes by quickly for you. And congrats on loosing 15 pounds! I think I found them... :blush: Best of luck to you for when you're ready to start the next part of your TTC journey. You're a strong woman and my prayers are with you. :flow:

NMG - what's up with the rudeness you've had to tolerate lately?? You poor lady!! :hugs: You're right - just be happy that your baby is well, and forget that nasty witch. You can worry about the other issues later. And that's only IF they become issues in the first place! For now (and most likely for the rest of your pregnancy) - all is good. Run with it!

Sorry about the cold, MA. Getting sick stinks when you can't really take anything for it. My DH had a cold recently - I had hand sanitizer EVERYWHERE in the house, and slept on the couch for nearly two weeks to avoid catching it. I just moved back into the bedroom two nights ago... :dohh: Truth be told, I think I slept better on the couch. Much easier to flop around w/out a 6'4" body getting in the way... :blush:

Viv - hang in there, hon. :hugs: It'll get a little better every day. And good question about baby entertainment - I was wondering the same thing myself! (I've never been very good w/babies and just know I'll be out of my element those first weeks while I'm trying to figure stuff out... :dohh:)

Have a great day, ladies! :kiss:
Chris - the cervadel was a little uncomfortable to have inserted. With Edward, I had to have it twice and then they broke my water. With Eric I only needed one and then I started labour about 10 hours later. They still broke my water the next day to speed things up.

I did get the drip with Edward after I got an epi but ended up with no epi with Eric (and therefore no drip).

One thing doesn't always lead to the other.
Hey Ladies sorry but just a quick post as I am back in the office and off to a meeting. So scan went well and there is just 1 little bubba in there, they put it at 6 weeks 2days and we saw the heartbeat YAY so happy and DH burst into tears right there in the doctors office.

Next scan booked for 2 weeks time and can't wait to see the difference in bubba next time. Off to the supermarket tonight to stock up on veggies, fruits and healthy food to grow him or her

Hope to be online later to catch up on everyones news.

Take care and have a great day:hugs:
Super quick post girls and will catch up properly later, but yay! Carole for the great scan news, and I am SO excited for you!

Wlcome back Titi! So glad to see you back on bnb!

sunshine, the cervidril is not bad though a bit uncomfortable going in as Terri mentioned. Not sure how much impact it had for me either, as not much changed overnight after they inserted it. But when she broke my water that next morning THAT sure got things going lol! That is also an uncomfortable procedure but it will get things going when nothing else works! I had the pitocin and DEFINITELY needed the epi lol!

Thanks to all who asked about Ethans first day at day care yesterday. :thumbup: He did great! They do feed them (I was not sure if they would be willing to do that but they did, which is great). He was sound asleep when I picked him up so I think they had been rocking them to sleep and itwas so cute! He will only be going there once a week while I am in my discipleship group at the church, but I think it will be a good experience for him.

Hi and HUGS to all and will write more this afternoon!:hugs:
So glad Ethan did well at daycare. Your class sounds interesting.

NMG & Carole,
Thrilled for y'all about your scans.

Sorry you have a cold. Mine still is lingering, but my doctor told me I can take Sudafed and that helps during the day. Maybe try that. Sorry you are so uncomfortable with swelling. It will be fine soon enough when Amelia arrives.

This time, next week you will be holding your precious baby! Sorry you aren't sleeping well. Can you take an Ambien or something?

Gosh, I sound like a pill pusher. ;)

Great to hear from you! How did the overnight go?

Thanks for the advice. I am glad we've got some moms on here who have been doing this a few months or longer to bounce things off of. I too will be out of my element with 2 newborns and can use all the help I can get!

I am going to a couple of kid consignment sales this weekend, interviewing a night nurse, and on Sunday prepping the nursery after church so we can paint next weekend. I am very excited because 4 of my girlfriends are hosting a baby shower for me at the beginning of Nov. and I'm putting together my guest list. I am keeping it all girls which should simplify things. In other good news, one of my friends who miscarried in March just told me she is 10 weeks pregnant and I'm so excited for her. Other than my cold and general backaches, I'm feeling pretty well & know I need to enjoy this time b/c it won't last much longer. I am already getting big. In 2 months, I think I will have outgrown all my maternity clothes. ;)
Morning ladies - quick post as I am about to go to a lunch meeting.

Viv - at 5 weeks there really isn't much to do in terms of entertainment. Katelyn was still in the hospital but while I was there, she was mostly asleep so I would just hold her (kangaroo care) and she would be asleep. I would sing to her (still do) and that is pretty much it LOL. That is great that you have too much milk. If you are not already, start freezing your milk. Not sure what kind of pump you have but most have freezer bags that you can pump directly into. THen you can store it and use it later - it is good for 6 months (just remember to write the date on it!)

Woohoo on your scan Carole that is awesome

Lava - Consignment sales are fantastic! Good luck I am sure you'll find some great stuff. When making your list you may want to run it by one of your friends that has a baby because a lot of the stuff I put on my registry I didn't need and there was a lot of stuff I needed, but didn't realize until after she got home.

Hugs to everyone else. I will write a proper post later.

Hi ladies!

Thanks for the comments. Lava, sudafed was on the list of things I could have. It works once and when I take it again in the evening it doesn't work for some reason. I'm taking sudafed in the morning and benedryl in the evening. Last night was THE WORST night ever! I'm having braxton hicks and I could barely breathe in my upper belly. Of course babies are supposed to be in head down position so I feel braxton hicks differently than most with babies head down. She is big and side to side so these tightenings in the upper belly are killing me! They're pushing everything up so on top of the cold and braxton hicks, I have BAD case of acid reflux that even zantac can't cover. :wacko:

What made last night the worst was I started having pressure in my lower back. I woke Doug up every hour it seems to rub my lower back and put some accupressure on it. By the time he left I cried myself to sleep just because of the cold and discomfort on top of the lack of sleep. I'm just flipping miserable! :shrug:

Honestly I'm not sure if I'll make it to scheduled c-section date. The lower back pressure seems to be a sign for me. I had all back labor with Jackson. With her being breech I'm unsure how all this will play out but last night going to the toilet I feel as though my cervix has dialated a little bit. I'm guessing maybe 1 or 2cm's. It's normal and most women can go for weeks at 2cm's so i'm not stressing but I do think everything depends on what happens at the Dr.'s office tomorrow since the beginning of the week proved my pressures to be over 140's.

My only concern is this cold. I at least know if I end up in the hospital I'll have a private room. :rofl: I'd rather be home when I'm sick though just for the comfort.

Anyways, I'm here...just feel like crawling into a corner and dying at the moment...Oh did I mention I'm a little over-dramatic too?! :haha:
Rebekah honey I am praying for PEACE and calm for you. But honestly I am just SO thankful that we can all celebrate this moment with you - you are FULL TERM with your precious girl and, at this point, she will come when she comes and you can rest and finally relax about the IC issues. SO SO. Happy for you, my friend!

I know the cold and the sleeplessness and the pains and swelling and ALL of that, as I too had a cold the weeks right before I delivered, along with just ridiculous acid reflux so bad I would wake up gagging and choking. But you will be FINE and you will be holding your precious girl soon! :hugs:
I am so sorry that you are in pain and sick with a cold on top of it. You are so close to seeing Amelia. I am so excited for you that you are full term.

That is interesting what you said about the Sudafed working during the day and not at night. I am having the same problem. It helps me function at work, but then around 5 or 6, I get a sinus headache, nasal dripping, stuffy nose, and just overall aches, but the Sudafed doesn't seem to cut it. Maybe tomorrow I will go out and buy some Benedryl and try that for the evening. I'm worried b/c I'm not sleeping well and when I sit for long periods at work, the muscles under my belly start hurting. And I'm only 20 weeks! I know that this is the honeymoon period and I'm already complaining. I worry about how I will be able to get along at work full-time for another 18 weeks. Even if I go on modified bedrest/half days at the office in December when I'm about 32 weeks, I still have to get through Oct and November.

I am lucky that I haven't suffered yet from acid reflex much. I've only had 2 days of it so I have had a very small taste of what y'all experience/are going through with it. I will say that almost anything beats that all day/all night nausea. I keep telling myself that at least I can keep my food down! But, pregnancy is not for sissies! :)

Hang in there, moms to be! Sunshine/Chris & MA, especially!
I am so sorry that you are in pain and sick with a cold on top of it. You are so close to seeing Amelia. I am so excited for you that you are full term.

That is interesting what you said about the Sudafed working during the day and not at night. I am having the same problem. It helps me function at work, but then around 5 or 6, I get a sinus headache, nasal dripping, stuffy nose, and just overall aches, but the Sudafed doesn't seem to cut it. Maybe tomorrow I will go out and buy some Benedryl and try that for the evening. I'm worried b/c I'm not sleeping well and when I sit for long periods at work, the muscles under my belly start hurting. And I'm only 20 weeks! I know that this is the honeymoon period and I'm already complaining. I worry about how I will be able to get along at work full-time for another 18 weeks. Even if I go on modified bedrest/half days at the office in December when I'm about 32 weeks, I still have to get through Oct and November.

I am lucky that I haven't suffered yet from acid reflex much. I've only had 2 days of it so I have had a very small taste of what y'all experience/are going through with it. I will say that almost anything beats that all day/all night nausea. I keep telling myself that at least I can keep my food down! But, pregnancy is not for sissies! :)

Hang in there, moms to be! Sunshine/Chris & MA, especially!

My body is so odd. :haha: Benedryl doesn't often work when I want it to, I get a cold and decided to try it at night and it works. :wacko: Sounds like the belly muscles are the round ligaments that are stretching. That is normal and since your carrying twins....I would assume your feeling twice the pulling. If you can find a chiropractor that does prenatal chiropractic work, they work in relaxing that muscle. I'd wait until you were further along to do it....maybe the beginning of 3rd trimester...but it would help a great deal.

Praying you start feeling better soon dear friend! :hugs:
Hi girls!!! I have been reading diligently everyday but holy action!! I really want to reply to everyone but on my tablet it's hard because I am still typing with one hand.

MA, can I just say with all the little crap I dealt with in my pregnancy you most certainly hands down win! When you mentioned about soething bursting I nearly passed out. You're a real trooper not long now. I really hope she trns and you get the birthing experience you want but most important is that she arrives safe.

To all the beautiful pregnant girls- sounds like everyone is doing well. Haven't heard from Rowan or Junebug in a bit, hope everything is good.

Chris #2- you have an induction date how exciting! But I think it will happen on it's own this weekend. xo

Viv- in response to your question, Sophie and I seem to have a real routine. As much as you can with a fiv week old. She still sleeps more than she is awake but does spend quite a few daytime hours awake. In the morning we hang out and I talk to her alot trying to get those smiles and oh boy when they come!!! I akso sing alot lol. I generally act like a goof. She has a play mat she'll hang out on for maybe 20 min. Buys me enough time to have breakfast. Then more holding and talking and walking around. The newest addition to our routine is a swing! It's two days in a riw niw she'll nap for 1/2hr in it so I can take a shower, lol Other parts of the day she's in the sling, or we go for a walk. There is still a lot if holding. In the evening is when things suck. By 7pm she has her meltdown and usually only dH can calm her. Again a lot of walking around lol It's so much work but she is starting to become more responsive. Just now at 3am she's smiled a ton! She always seems to look beyond me, like over my shoulder so I joke to DH that I think she can see dead pple, :rofl: She just smiled to something behind me. :wacko:

What a baby!! One day shy of a week now she's slept four straight hours at night! :cloud9: Ironically I'm almost most tired now because of it lol Apart for the 1_2 hrs in the evening she is fussy, she really is the best baby!

On a medical note, my thrush is now being treated with diflucan for the next two weeks. It's been three days and I don't feel a noticeable difference yet but i am hooeful. I don't know if I told you guys this but my doctor had me uses gentian violet last weekend for fiur days as a treatment. Well, it didn't work b ut holy purple baby! I should post a picture.

K, best go finish feeding baby so i can go back to bed.

Hugs & kisses!

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