35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Rebekah, thank you for your always-uplifting words and hugs! I will be praying for your beta test today - please let us know when you get the results!

Chris, prayers coming for your scan as well! So exciting (and nerve wracking, I know!) Please let us know how it goes!

Austin - thanks so much and yes, the showers and things really do help me keep some perspective. I spent several hours yesterday doing baby's laundry and organizing the items we've received, and that was fun. our little guy will be completely spoiled before he even arrives - we've been given so many awesome things!

So meanwhile, in true Monday fashion (I hate Mondays!) I have come down with a cold. Bleh! I made it 35 weeks without once getting a respiratory bug and NOW I get one??? I'm so bummed because I cannot sleep well anyway right now, let alone tossing and turning with a head cold. But oh well. Right now I have to just take one day at a time. I really, really hope I'm well before anything happens with my Dad's situation, but he was not doing well at all this Saturday, so I don't know. I do know that it's all out of my control at this point. All I can do is rest as much as possible (which I didn't really do yesterady and I think I overdid it a bit). So today it is rest and more rest. Not even going into work.

Hope everyone else is doing well and feeling great with as little ms as possible!

Hugs all!
Rebekah!!!!! YAY I am sooooo happy and excited for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: I will keep you in my prayers and know that you will have good news later today after your Beta appointment. I couldn’t go meat for like the first 6 weeks! My husband (who is a chef) grilled some Filet Mignon and I ate 2 bites before promptly throwing it up. Now, I am good with anything though chicken I eat in moderation…something about the texture gets to me.

Angela – I am sorry to hear about your Dad I know it must be hard. :hugs: I am glad that you had a great shower and are getting all the things that you need. You must post a photo of your nursery soon!:flower:

AustinGurrl – Don’t worry about not having nausea and if you are hungry eat! Your appetite will probably start to settle down around week 12 or 13. Mine is just starting to pick back up.

Chris – Congrats on 12 weeks! Your scan is going to go great. You will also be in my prayers and I look forward to hearing your scan news:thumbup:

Codegirl, Junebug, and Anna I hope that you had great weekends and are doing well! :hugs:

AFM – Husband cooked for our church’s annual Super Bowl party yesterday (YAY PACKERS!!!!!) and I ate like a pig! Had a hotdog, then went back about an hour later and had a hamburger, and then later had a hot link, and thought about eating some chicken (but didn’t)! Around 9pm that night, I ate a slice of leftover pizza. :munch:

Work is starting to settle down, but I am sooooo tired like all the time. On a positive note, two different friends offered to throw me a baby shower so I am feeling better about that.

Anyway, I hope this is great week for us all and I am so glad that more of us from TTC 35+ are coming over! It is like reuniting with family :hug::friends::hug::hug::friends:
Thanks for the encouragement, Miss Muffett... I hope no one get's me wrong, I am *fine* to not have to deal with MS... Sounds awful and my heart goes out to you gals who have been dealing with it!
Yay for you & getting your shower!!!

Just trying to watch what I eat and not eat entire bags of tortilla chips & queso whilst watching the Super Bowl, etc... lol... But I figure, hey, I'm not drinking beer with it, so how bad can it be, right?

Hopefully good news! Weekly blood draw this morning showed rising levels of hcg to 53,000 and progesterone at 80.1 on my own! No supplements for the past week. I have no idea, but nurse says looks good & will schedule a scan next week!

Not to be a nervous nelly - but is there any reason to be concerned with higher levels of hcg?

I really should stay off of google....
Hi ladies,

I went in for my beta and progesterone testing. All is well. Beta is 470 and progesterone is 29.9.

I seem to be 4 weeks.

We could use continued prayer throughout this pregnancy. I'm noticing a whole lot of "clinical" attitude with the medical team. Even after finding out the excellent results, the nurse made a comment that we couldn't "make sure the baby is alright" through ultrasound until beta numbers are up to 5000. I'm not sure when I go to the High Risk Perinatal Center. I'm just noticing they're trying to keep a level head maybe because of our second trimester loss?? Either way, I kept thinking, can you give me a break?! We got REALLY excellent news that not only we're pregnant, but that the numbers are good and your already stand-offish. :wacko::shrug: The idea is NOT to freak out the first trimester. I wish you'd be slightly positive and give me a little bit of hope on your end.:dohh:

At any rate, Gods hand is in this WHOLE miracle again, I'm not putting my trust in medical staff or medicine, I'm putting total confidence in God who will be glorified in this situation.

Angela, so sorry you have a cold. I'd tell you to take vitamin C. Echinacea and goldenseal but I know Echinacea and goldenseal are contraindicated for pregnancy. So it's basically waiting it out. I'm glad you took a "mental health and physical day". You NEED the rest and relaxation with all the stress around you. Praying God would just give you peace of mind and spirit as well as renewal on your day off. Get well soon!

Austin, sounds like your labs are great!

missmuffet, your party eating sounded hillarious. Baby was hungry mommy!!
I go away for a few days and holy cow!!!

First. . . MA welcome!!! This has been such a long journey for you I wish you all the best with this pregnancy. I know what you mean by the medic' staff. Everyone treated my pregnancy so blasay (sp). And I was like, " this is huge, don't be so negative, i've waited two years for this!!!". I also am having trouble with meat on and off. There was one particular nasty pork loin incident. I was just thinking I could be vegetarian this pregnancy if it wern't for cheese burgers and pizza. Mine comes and goes along with the nausea an fatigue. Some good days,some bad. So glad the numbers were so good today!!!

chria, thanks for the perspective, you are right, everything will work out. I saw my acupuncturist and she said it's funny how people become pregnant then compicate their lives more, new house, new car, baby stuff,etc. What you need to do is the opposite, make life as simple as possible. So I am chillin out, or trying at least. How did your scan go today????

rottpaw, so sorry about your dad, but you and he ar both in a good place with this illness. I think your perspective is great but I know it will be so hard. We are here for you! As for the showers . . . Yeh more baby stuff. So sweet of all your friends and famly.

austin, yeh 6 weeks!!! Celebrate every mile stone! I do a little happy dance at the end of each week.

missmuffett, two showers!!! So nice of your friends. I am sorry you are so tired. Maybe time for a mental health day.

AFM, feeling pretty good these days. It's weird, I am really looking foreward to 12 week scan. I knew not to be too freaked out when they didn't hear heart beat last week, but still, it would be reasuring. Espically since I feel as if morning sickness is letting up bit, I don't "feel" pregnant. Oh well two weeks from today is scan, not much I can do now. Besides every time I think Ms. is letting up i'm hit with a horrible day.

I think that's all. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Anna
Thanks ladies,

I am feeling pretty miserable today with the cold, plus almost-9-months aches and pains, and the news today that Dad has basically stopped eating :-( We are trying to decide if and when we should try to go up in the next couple days to be there. The whole situation just breaks my heart and I am doubly upset to now be sick on top of everything.

However, I am so glad to hear Rebekah got great news on her numbers! Did i miss a post or has anybody heard from Chris about her scan today?
I haven't heard. Thank you for the excitement on my numbers. I'm trying to get excited to spite the debbie-downer the office has been. I feel like they're waiting for something to go wrong. :cry:

I'm so sorry your going through this at all Angela. It breaks my heart. The cold makes sense as you've been under quite alot of stress. Your immune system has slowed down. Doug and I will continue to pray for you over the next several days/weeks. You sound as though your taking things well, but I know it still hurts alot. I'm confident that God will be there with you even now when you find it the hardest to stand. Praise God that He can bare our burdens and we can lay them down at His feet! :hugs:
Thank you Rebekah and you are definitely right - God is going to have to carry me through all this, but I know He will and He will be with Dad as well. Thank you for your prayers and please keep them coming!

And I am VERY excited for your numbers and it sounds like all is well so far! Try not to let their office get you down. I got a little bit of that same feeling when my FS's office was checking my numbers at the beginning, and I think they are just cautious. I remember thinking to myself "I feel so sick that something is definitely going right" from a pregnancy perspective. Try not to let it worry you and just enjoy each day! We are praying for you guys too!

As for me today, I am still miserable with this cold, but did actually get a bit of rest last night. Today i will try to rest up again and eat lots of chicken soup.

rottpaw, a cold sucks! I've read somewhere that while pregnant you are more susceptible to illness because your immune system is suppressed a little so it won't attack the fetus. I am sorry for the timming. Your dad is so lucky to have such a carring and devoted daughter. Much love and hugs for the next few days. We are alll here for you!

I have not heard from chris re: scan. Am anxious to hear how it went.

AFM, well, I feel pregnant today. Crazy this cycle. Hope everyone else is well!!! Anna
:hugs: Angela... sorry you are going through this. xo

Rebekah- I know what you mean about the whole 'clinical' attitude. When I went in for my 8 week appt. it was such a waste of time. It's like they don't even consider you pregnant until you've reached 12 weeks which is just ridiculous. Anyways, don't let there attitude get to you, it's a very exciting time and you most definitely are pregnant! Great numbers!!!

Anna- my ms subsided around 9-10 weeks. I definitely don't feel pregnant right now. It's actually a great feeling! Don't worry about the HB, at my 12 week appt. yesterday they couldn't hear the HB either and of course that had me worried even though I know it's not guaranteed before like 15 weeks or so. Which leads me to...

My scan!!! It was amazing!!! Bouncing little baby with strong heartbeat!!! Baby measured properly to date and the tech said everything looked good. We have pictures so I will post them when I get home tonight or you can check out my journal, as I posted them there last night.

Busy day at work, so I better get going, just wanted to update my lovely ladies. Hope everyone has a great day!! xo
Morning Ladies

baby is estimated at 6 1/2 lbs (+-1 lb either way) at the ultrasound yesterday. Growth is right on the growth chart and fluid is still high side of normal so dr.s are still happy :dance: Induction avoidance here I come :haha:

I have to meet with an actual OB next week to "discuss" induction, uck. For someone that's not big on medical intervention I can't seem to avoid it :dohh:
quick up-date, I just poped my head into other thread and saw a post from vivkyd that she and her baby girl Hero are doing well. Baby is still on feeding tube, but you can read all about it on other thread.
crap, ok posting at same times . .

chris, yehhh!!!!! But I am confused, if they couldn't hear the heartbeat could the see it??? I am so happy all is wel!!! Mine is in a week and a half and so excited!

codegirl, hope all goes well. I am hoping no induction for you. How are you feeling?

ok last post today promise!! Just bored at work really.
Well at my doctor's appt she tried to hear it with the doppler, but my uterus was tucked back she said. The ultrasound is just visual (no sound) so we could see the HB, pumping strong!!!
Thank you guys for all the hugs! They definitely help!

Chris, isn't it fun to see the heartbeat? We also saw ours before we could hear it. Amazing. I think the first time we actually heard it was at our 12 week, maybe. I am pretty sure it was once we got to the OB; our first 9-10 weeks of care were with the RE/FS.

Anna, don't worry, you'll be able to see it on the scan even if you can't hear it yet! So exciting! And I am sorry you are having a bad MS day. I found that mine definitely cycled around; some days were definitely worse than others.

Code, that sounds like a good size! Remind me why they are saying you might need to be induced - is it the GD?

Rebekah, do they check your beta again tomorrow? Seems like mine was checked every couple days there for a week or so.

:hugs: to all. I've had some soup and now I'm heading for a nap!
It's because of GD. I was "early diagnosis" so they really really don't like someone like me to go past 39 weeks although through my logic and questions I've almost got them convinced to let me go the full 40. Of course, that's assuming that all my testing continues to show up normal.

They worry about placental degridation, specially because I was so early diagnosis and had to go on insulin so early. But I also know now what happens to my sugars if that happens and I have weekly tests to check so I'm not as concerned about it getting a point that puts the baby at risk before I would contact someone.
Hi ladies! Taking a break to pump at work and catch up!

Yay for good 12 week scans and for awesome HCG levels!!! I remember mine were really high too when I was pregnant with Zoëlle and my OB warned me it could be twins. Didn't turn out to be though and was just a variation of normal in the end.

Angela so sorry to hear your dad is not eating today :-( And that you're sick... I hope he feels better tomorrow, and that your cold doesn't last long. I kept getting cold after cold last year when pregnant with Z, yes your immune system needs to tone it down a bit so that it doesn't recognize the baby as being "foreign" to your body. It sucked though :-(

Terri great weight!!! Can't believe you're so close, so excited for you to meet your LO!

AFM: Zoë slept wonderfully Thursday through to Sunday night, full 12 hours non-stop. Then of course last night, she was up to nurse at 4:30AM, when I have to be up early to come to work :dohh: At least she's trending toward sleeping though OUR nights, which is nice... AND I got 4 nights in a row of 8 hours uninterrupted sleep!!!

We're delaying by 1 month our TTC plans: we'll be going to Switzerland for 2 weeks in August (combination holiday and conference for me) and I don't want to be more than 20 weeks pregnant when we go. So we'll start TTC'ing beginning of April instead of now. Just to err on the side of caution!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday!!! :hugs:
Thank you guys for all the hugs! They definitely help!

Chris, isn't it fun to see the heartbeat? We also saw ours before we could hear it. Amazing. I think the first time we actually heard it was at our 12 week, maybe. I am pretty sure it was once we got to the OB; our first 9-10 weeks of care were with the RE/FS.

Anna, don't worry, you'll be able to see it on the scan even if you can't hear it yet! So exciting! And I am sorry you are having a bad MS day. I found that mine definitely cycled around; some days were definitely worse than others.

Code, that sounds like a good size! Remind me why they are saying you might need to be induced - is it the GD?

Rebekah, do they check your beta again tomorrow? Seems like mine was checked every couple days there for a week or so.

:hugs: to all. I've had some soup and now I'm heading for a nap!

No there checking next monday a week from when I had the first one done. I'm really getting frustrated with the clinical aspect. I had to call her to find out if I go to the high risk center and she said I have several weeks before they do that. SEVERAL? They have to do a cerclage dummy at 13 weeks. Someone has to monitor my insulin pump too because my endochrinologist won't "touch me" his words because of lawsuit. So I HAVE to see the perionatologist. :shrug: I'm waiting to hear from her tomorrow when she asks the Dr. Hopefully they'll be scared with the monitoring of the insulin pump and send me earlier than they usually would. I think between both establishments, maybe I'll get better care this time around by someone.:dohh::shrug::growlmad:

Svet, thanks for your comment. I REALLY appreciate your encouragement and love dear friend.

Congrats Codegirl. :happydance: A heads up. With my last son, the first thing the OB told me was that they'll have to automatically do a c-section because they baby would be too big. BEFORE he even knew what the baby's size was going to be.

My thought is they LIKE to induce or schedule c-sections because it gets them home in time for dinner. Dr.'s no longer LIKE to wait for women to birth naturally and vaginally. In fact, ask the floor how often they perform natural births and you may get plenty of the medical staff saying none.

While I had my pump placed last pregnancy there was a women with diabetes who had her baby TO TERM (she put her foot down) NATURALLY without a c-section. He was a 12lb baby. She didn't even have an epesiotomy. So there's my answer to some of the issues pertaining to quick birthing. In many cases, inducing is harder on the mother and baby. It hurts more and makes it a little bit harder for baby to attatch right after giving birth. For me, I don't mind doing it if it's in my babies best interest, but if I'm doing it because they're pushing me...NO WAY!! If there is no proof or cause I'm allowing my baby to come naturally.
Angela and Chris, thanks for the clarification! I was really confused!

Junebug, I was in Geneva last winter. Wonderful place hope you enjoy your conference, in the mean time will you still hang out with us???

I have a question to put out there . . . about a month ago I got a call from a girlfriend who has been ttc #2 for years now (several IUI and failed IVFs). We talked at length about ttc and how hard it is, but at the time I wasn't telling anyone, so I went along with the conversation and didn't say anything about being pregnant. Then last week I got a package in the mail of all these books on ttc from this friend. I called her the next day and since we often play phone tag ( she is a mom and a professor) I left a message about how great it was to get the books, but that I had some good news that we no longer needed the books and that we were about ten weeks pregnant. I apologized for not saying anything during our previous conversation, but we weren't telling anyone yet. So it's been about a week and I haven't heard back from her yet.(No call no text). I don't know if she's just busy. She may need some time to process the news given her own struggles with ttc (we've all been there!). Or is she pissed I didn't say anything when we last talked? Any advice???? I feel like you do when you're in high school and have called a boy but he hasn't called you back. I'm wondering if she got the message? Should I call her again??? Think I'll wait it out for a few more weeks, but any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks for the ear . . . Anna

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