35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Still Junebug ... that is sad that she didn't make the effort.
I know... Our 4 year old nephew gets her all the time. His mom is single, I understand she needs a lot of help. But to be in the same city for 2 weeks and not bother even calling to see if we can all do dinner together? I'm done. :cry:
Rebekah - you post brought me to tears. No, you don't need to "get over" Jackson. He will always be a part of your life (and Amelia's). I am sorry that you have to try and justify your feelings to your SIL as you shouldn't have to. She shouldn't invalidate your feelings, just be supportive. I agree with Chris, don't waste your time trying to change peoples opinions. I also agree with Laura your joy and love for Amelia is separate from your joy, love, and grief you have for Jackson. BTW- you DO NOT sound overly dramatic! You ALL will be in my prayers for peace and comfort.

I am glad that you are having more success with Breastfeeding and that you are pumping an additional 3oz afterwards as well. That is GREAT! I too look forward to taking Katelyn to see all the Christmas lights. I also admit that I went to BRU (babies r us) the other day and bought Katelyn 2 Christmas outfits...they were buy one get one 50% off! How could I resist!

Laura - i am sorry for your loss. What a great thing you are doing

CJ – I have no words for your MIL. Are you close? I have a similar situation with my MIL. She lives literally 10 minutes from us and will go for like a month without seeing Katelyn. I tell her all the time she can come over whenever she wants, etc. We try to call her, but then she will say “oh I have been busy or I have been sick, etc”. I have decided that it is now in my DH’s responsibility to deal with her visiting our daughter.

Jules – Glad your back and glad you are feeling better. My OB/GYN always told me when I was pregnant that if I felt I was important enough to call about, then to just go ahead and come in. She said 9x out of 10 they can’t really tell what is wrong over the phone and that they will end up telling you to come in anyway. So I am glad that you went to your Dr and got checked out.

Beth – Apple bread and cake – YUMMY. How was the craft fair? I am sure it was a success.

Chris 1 – LOL on the breastfeeding…just when you think your out…she pulled you back in hee hee. That is great that you are now starting to enjoy it. I myself was thinking that I may have to stop after Christmas. I had originally planned on pumping until Katelyn was 1 year corrected, but the thought of pumping 3-4x a day until June made me want to cry LOL. After December, I will have revisit. By the way, Sophie is the same size as Katelyn. Good for you for taking a night off and partying. Hey midnight is late when you are used to going to be early (and getting up at 3 or 4). Yes, please post photos!

Viv – your photos are probably too big. They have to be like 300x300 in order to post them. If you just click on the little paper clip guy you can upload them from your home computer. Shoot me a PM if you need help resizing them.

AFM – we left Katelyn yesterday with her adoptive grandparents (close friends of our from church who are like our surrogate parents!) and she did really really well. Her sleep pattern was a bit off. We met up for dinner and about 2 minutes after I picked Katelyn up she fell asleep in my arms! She slept until about 9:45. I had to wake her up to put her in her pjs and feed her. At least she stayed awake until about 11, then slept until 7am this morning. I was fearful that she would wake up at 3 or 4. Today is the last day for sweet potatoes. Tomorrow we give her carrots. Hopefully she likes them as much as the sweet potatoes. Because of the change in her diet, she hasn’t been pooping regularly. In fact she hadn’t pooped since Friday. My DH just called to tell me that she finally pooped. I did a little happy dance. Isn’t it crazy how now that we are moms we get excited when our babies poop! LOL. I wouldn’t change it for the world though!

Hi to everyone else (Chris 2/Hannah, Amanda/Jo, Charmaine (GIA hee hee – Gemma, Isabella, Annemarie), Terri /Big E and little E, Angela/Ethan, Lucy/Matilda (we need recent photos), CeeDee, Rowan, Skye, Lynn B (where you been sweetie- if you are lurking know that we miss you!) hopefully I didn’t leave anyone out. Please let me know if I did. Have a fantastic Monday!!!!

Girls I missed you all, just didn't have time to read all the posts yet. Will do tomorrow xxxx
Hi girls! I posted this in my journal, but wanted to get some of you more seasoned moms opinion/or not so seasoned moms too ;)

I have a question for you girls. Usually at night Sophie will fall asleep after her last feeding, i'll swaddle her and she'll go down for the night. Sometimes she'll fight it so after I swaddle her i'll have to hold her tight (so she won't break out of the swaddle) and rock her to sleep (all the while she's crying). It usually only takes 30-60 seconds then she's down. During the day to get her to nap I have to do the swaddle struggle every time. It works but peope say she should learn to fall asleep on her own. Well yes I agree, but a. Isn't she too young? b. She won't sleep just cry. c. At what age do you stop swaddling? d. If she is sleeping her nights then whats the prob with swaddling and does she need to fall asleep on her own? e. What else do you suggest I do to get her to sleep?

I dunno as stress free as it would go have a baby that fell asleep without any work from me, why fix whay ain't broke? People say if you rock her to sleep she'll always need to be rocked but so what if it works? What are the alternatives? Keep in mind she's only two months old.
Svet, Z had to be swaddled for 3 months and rocked to sleep until 5 months. After that she started being able to fall asleep on her own. Just keep doing what you're doing, she needs this right now :hugs:
Hey Girls :flower:
Been missing so long that I don't know where to start
I guess i'll start with complimenting all the bb avatars :haha:. I love all the halloween cuties. I wanna bite of Ethan's pumpkin cheeks. How cute does a little boy get? Than I wanna eat little Miss Strawberry Zoe. Than I can lick a bit of Amelia as an ice cream. :)) Steph are you not dressing up Katelyn as a peach or sthg?? Pls update the xmass outfit photos when u take them.

NMG I loved your 4d images. I was resisting getting one untill I sew yours. It is so amazingly detailed. I can't wait to get 4d photos too:))) BTW I also thought Poppy has your cheeks :)) When is your bassinet arriving I wanna photo. I love the fact that Poppy is alread talking to daddy. Hahahah

JB yayyy!! another team blue in the thread and a great name. As for your Mil that is an odd behaviour. But I'm used to having a weird family :hugs: Wish I could pick them like I pick my friends. :hugs:

Angela I am no where near that stage yet but pls share any yummy recipes :)) BTW is it possible just to boil the veggies instead of steaming? Do they lose too much of the vits that way?

Jules I love the kicking and moving as well :) It just feels great to know she is there and growing. And the kicks get stronger with time. They sleep for a bit (2-3 hrs) and than move for a bit :) So cute. Shirin gets happy especially after I eat a big lunch or dinner. Although I think she didn't like it the other day when I had a very spicy curry. My stomach was upset afterwards and she moved all night. Than slept untill the afternoon the next day. Lol! No more spicy food for me.

Laura I'm really sorry for your friend who passed away. It is such a wonderful thing you are doing to help people in need. I bet it gives you a lot of satisfaction. Whe are you getting the 4d done? How is the hip pain? You must be exhausted not having a proper sleep as well. You will slow down soon even if you don't want it cause your body will demand it. I already started huffing and puffing on stairs, long walks, uphills, shopping trips and housework. I had dinner guests this Saturday and spent 5 hrs in the kitchen cooking. Even though my cleaner did half of it I was so tired. Ended up sleeping all day on Sunday.

Chris how wonderful you had a good time with family and Sophie :)) Wowsy, partying yummy mummy already. :rofl: Pls update photos of Sophie. The breast pain sounds ouch... Did you use any cremes that worked?

Rebekah I'm sorry that your Sil was insensitive and ignorant about Jackson. People sometimes are not understanding unless they've been through it themselves. :shrug: Jackson is a part of your family other people's opinions can't change that. :hugs:

Steph are you introducing the veggies one by one? That's interesting.

Viv how are you hon? Any improvement on bf?

Anna how's the colick? And how are youu??

Sunshine how are you and little sunny Hannah?

Ceedee, Tery, Lucy :kiss::kiss:

AFM apart from what seems to be a habitual imsomnia around 4-5 am :wacko: and a bit of acidy tummy I'm fine. My bathroom will be fixed soon :happydance: and I can start with nursery hopefully. This weekend we are going to a baby show/fair. I hope it's not just a gimick and we could get some bargains for supplies and essentials. Most of the clothes shopping is done. I don't wanna overdo it so I'll wait for the birth to see what else I would need. I'm going to order the furniture soon which takes 6-8 weeks. Both Julian's dad and my mum seems excited about the baby. Mum's getting a few hand knitted cardis and blankets done for me :winkwink:

Also the earthquake in Turkey was a shock to us all. Most of my phone calls and FB posts are about this. Luckily my mum and relatives live in another part of Turkey but we all feel sorry for the hardship and misery the people in Van has right now. My mum also lives on an earthquake plate so we couldn't help but feel "What if it happened in Izmir?" There was a little 2 week old baby (who was born premie) pulled out of the rubble in the earthquake after 2 days. Incredibly her mum was rescued later on. My heart melted when I saw the images on the internet. Thank God she is a tough cookie.

That's all for now. Love and hugs to you all xxx
Good morning ladies!

Hannah's been a real handful lately, which is why I haven't been on. I just wanted to let you all know I've been thinking of you and hope to catch up on everyone soon!
It gets better Chris!!! I didn't beleve it when people said that to me but it really does get better! xoxo
Chris 1 – I stopped swaddling Katelyn at 3 months. She had started kicking out of it anyway and we took her to physical therapy (because she is preemie) and the PT said we should start swaddling a bit more loosely, well I just stopped. Katelyn didn’t seem to care. I actually still rock her to sleep and if she wakes up when I put her in her crib, I will pat her chest for a while. I am actually kind of struggling with the decision to have Katelyn go to sleep on her own. By the time I get home from work it is about 6 or 6:30. I feed her, bathe her, and then read her a story. I like rocking her to sleep because otherwise I don’t get to spend that much time with her. I think she needs some mommy cuddle time, so I am ok with rocking her to sleep. I am sure I will probably regret it later though…

Skye – Yes, I do plan on dressing Katelyn up. I always call her my Katiebug, so she will be going as a Ladybug for Halloween. We just got the costume yesterday and have “trick or treating” at my job on Friday, so I will post photos then. As for introducing veggies one at time – that is what you are supposed to do to make sure there is no allergic reaction to any food and you are supposed to wait 3-5 days before introducing another new food. If you introduce several at the same time you won’t know which is the culprit. I feed her the other food I know she is ok with as well, but new foods get introduced 1 at a time (not just veggies, but fruits and stuff as well – I just haven’t gotten around to the fruits yet). Have fun t the baby fair. Even if it is a gimmick, it is always fun to look at baby stuff! Glad your mom and inlaws are excited as well.

Chris 2 – Glad you popped in! Post when you can – like I said, the only reason I am able to post as much as I do is because I am at work LOL.

Hi to everyone else. Hope your day is going well!
The person who posted here probably posted over on the original thread too. She was a winner that one. I'm sure there are plenty more like her that think we shouldn't have children after a certain age. They can kiss my.....well, we get the hint. :winkwink: :thumbup:

No, actually, we got a pregnant 17yo calling us bitter old hags. She was a real charmer. Don't worry - we collectively kicked her a$$ and then reported her. :gun: :cool:

Hi All!!

Lurking and getting caught up, quick note to say hi, hope all is well with everyone and I will get fully caught up tonight. Baby is waking now and off to pharmacy to fill her prescription. Will fill in the blanks later. We are well and just dealing with the colic and gas thing. Some really good days, some really bad. However she is adorable and just last week started smiling at me. My heart melts. Will post more later . . . promise.

xxx Anna
Laura I'm really sorry for your friend who passed away. It is such a wonderful thing you are doing to help people in need. I bet it gives you a lot of satisfaction. Whe are you getting the 4d done? How is the hip pain? You must be exhausted not having a proper sleep as well. You will slow down soon even if you don't want it cause your body will demand it. I already started huffing and puffing on stairs, long walks, uphills, shopping trips and housework. I had dinner guests this Saturday and spent 5 hrs in the kitchen cooking. Even though my cleaner did half of it I was so tired. Ended up sleeping all day on Sunday.

Y'all ... how do you excerpt a quote from someone else's post?

I am having less hip pain since I started putting a pillow between my legs at night and I think that the rib pain is associated with how Baby B is positioned so that comes and goes. I had a bit of a melt down Monday in the middle of the night after several evenings without only a few hours sleep - I get up at like 3 or 4 am to pee and cannot fall back asleep until around 6:30 or 7 am, then get one more hour before getting up to go to work. My DH was very sweet and let me cry on his shoulder. I kept saying I can't do this anymore, I'll never make it another 4 months. So now he insists that I take a nap after work every day so that the nighttime insomnia doesn't affect my ability to perform at work. Things are so stressful at the office right now that I just sit up worrying about opposing counsel antics and my colleagues having to take up my slack when I go on leave. I think it will be better when I go on modified leave.

So glad your mom is ok. I was thinking of you with the earthquakes in Turkey. I saw that story about the baby being pulled from the rubble and then reunited with her family. Amazing story! You are amazing cooking for dinner guests and even doing half the cleaning! :) I ate cereal the other night for dinner when DH had to work late b/c I was too lame to make anything else. You and NMG put me to shame! ha!

Ok, off to nap.

Hello to all the other girls. I will post more soon. L
Hi ladies!

Well, ((sigh)) I had two opportunities for a nap. One at 330pm and one at 7pm. 330pm I got into bed and BOOM! I thought, what the heck?? :shrug: Looked out the bedroom window to find a HUGE accident outside my window from what was a chain reaction. No sleep at that time as shortly after, Amelia was crying to be fed. The second time Doug called then right after my mom called to talk for what seemed to be ages. Now it's 8p and I had "hoped" to watch a movie on the Hallmark channel. Oh Sleep! How you mock me. :haha:

It seems as though Amelia sleeps a whole lot! She's up more during the evenings with her eyes open for about a half hour but otherwise she's sleeping and we wake her to feed then she goes down again. Is this normal?? I'm hearing SO MANY mothers talk of colicy babies and their babies screaming every two hours that I get kinda worried. The only time Amelia cries is diaper changes, baths and when she has bad gas or can't poop. I'm lacking sleep because we're waking her up to feed all the time....and again, breast feeding for some reason makes me TIRED. Even pumping makes me sleepy. I don't know why...all I can think of is the progesterone issue from the bf'ing and the overabundance I've had with the Pupps issue post Op which I still have a mild case of.

Skye, I saw that new report on the baby and her mother. They said the grandmother came out too. They were looking for the father though. I hope they found him alive too. I was in literal tears when they brought the baby out and said mom was okay too. :cry: Just praising God for good news!
Weirdest thing happened :)) Hahhaha. Dh sent me a mail with a link to a bb girl clothes online shop. The women on his desk were talking about a strawberry outfit and he tells me "If these women are all onto this strawberry outfit, we gotto have one too!!!' Hahhahahhaaha!!!. My rough and tough guy who doesn't let me speak of fashion at home ever. :rofl::rofl::rofl: That's what a little girl does that to men huh????!!!!
Hi Cee Dee! How are you feeling? How's the LO doing in there?
I'm doing well. Morning sickness has slacked off and I've got so much more energy. Little one seems to be doing well. I have my next appointment next Friday. I also get to schedule my next ultrasound. :happydance:
Sunshine and Anna I hope it gets better for you girls soon :) so you guys have time to come back to us and share more experiences :)

Steph I gotta see Katelyn as a little Ladybug, Hahahahhahahaaha!!! That will be so funny and cuteee!!! Hahahahahaha!!!

Rebekah it seems like Amelia is on the way to settle into a routine. :)) That's great, u lucky girl.

Laura thank u for asking after mum :) She is a lot better after having 5 courses of serums since the end of summer. Her left hand is still a bit dodgy but it is under control. Also the fact that she finally caved in to have a helper improved her health and my state of mind a lot, Thank God.
The pillow between the legs is a real life saver NO? I squueze a pillow in every cavity LOL! (neck-shoulder, legs, back) Sleep like a sausage roll. hahahahahaha!!!!
Sweetie heavy work load will be there when you come back and don't worry I bet they will manage. Baby B must be lodged in your chest cavity somehow. Did the dr say he might move? Can't wait to see their us photos. BTW when are you going to start picking names? xxx

Ceedeee pls share the us photos. Will it b 3D??? That technology is amazing isn't it. I am still surprised how detailed NMG's bb photos were. :)))

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