35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi ladies! Like Anna's Jo, Hannah has colic so when she is quiet and sleeping, and I have a few precious moments to myself, I just crash on the couch and stare into space... :wacko: The doc is starting her on a new script to see if it helps (can't remember the name of it), so we'll see... She was actually pretty good yesterday/last night, so I got a little bit of sleep. Woo-HOO!! And the in-laws are over now visiting with her (Boo!!!) but at least it frees me up a bit.

Junebug - congrats on your little boy!!! :cloud9: Hubby must be so excited! Now that I've had Hannah, I wish we would've started sooner. If I wasn't already 40, I'd really like to try to give my DH a son. Ahh, well. I'm more than grateful for the little girl we have! Even if she IS driving me crazy lately... :haha:

Anna - happy belated!

It sounds like all the mamas and mamas-to-be are doing well - very interesting to hear about all the BFing issues. One thing caught my attention, though - the amount of ped visits you all seem to have. We brought Hannah into the office two days after we came home from the hospital and met with the lactation nurse for about an hour - she weighed her before and after a feeding, checked her reflexes, gave me some feeding tips and all that sort of thing, then told us to make an appointment for a 6 week checkup (we have that on Wednesday). I did bring her in a few weeks ago because of the colic issues, but that wasn't a scheduled well-visit. It seems like you all are bringing your babies in every few weeks or so? Or did I just read that wrong? I have absolutely no idea how much Hannah weighs now to know if she's getting enough milk (I'm BFing exclusively). I just go by the amount of diapers she puts out a day. So far she's w/in healthy guidelines and she seems fine, so I guess we're okay... :shrug: Guess we'll find out on Wednesday.

Well ladies, I'd better go make an appearance with the in-laws. Have a good weekend! :flower:
Hi Chris,

Amelia looks kind of like Hannah in your avatar when we're trying to burp her. That position makes me smile as they are SO CUTE!

We had twice weekly visits for two weeks because Amelia had lost 1 lb in the NICU. After two weeks she lost a half ounce when they said normally babies are back to their weight. Monday's visit proved she gained 7 ounces so now we're up to a month for a visit for her two month shot visit. The reason we were going so often is because of the weight loss from nicu. They had to monitor her.

She has a visit also with a specialist in a couple weeks because breech babies are known to have hip dysplasia so she's have an invasive ultrasound on her hips to be sure she doesn't have it. I'm freaked out a bit because if she DOES have it, she'll be wearing a brace like forest gump poor little thing.

Okay, another neurotic question ladies. Amelia sleeps a lot in the course of a day. She's 4wks now and while she's latching on nicely...she sleeps. We had to wake her up for feedings every 3 hours. Though the Dr. said to still wake her every 3 hours one of the older nurses at the hospital who works with Doug told us to let her sleep through the night and SHE'LL wake us when she's hungry. She said the baby needs her sleep too. So we started doing that the other night and she's waking us up about every 5 hours. The sleep is fantastic BUT, I don't want her to lose weight again SO we're trying to feed her every 2and a half hours when she awakes. It's proving to be hard because she'll take it in for 15mins and fall back to sleep. :wacko: Doug supplemented her today and last night with formula as I'm thinking the formula is a bit thicker for her and will give her what she needs for now.

I'm going to try to bf'd her again now and maybe supplement with my breast milk. I got 5 ounces pumped already today. Can you believe it?! :happydance:

The sleeping issue has me nervous. I'm unsure if it's normal. She IS up sometimes with her eyes open. Especially when daddy's home. It seems like she's comfortable with momma and falls asleep either in my arms or at the boob and with daddy plays and LOVES to jump up n down with him. Does this seem okay?!

Also, does anyone know why Mylicon is no longer on the shelves. It looks as though it was recalled in 08' and may have not been stocked since OR been stocked and back on recall because none of the stores has the name brand. :shrug:
Hi Chris/Rebekah,

I had several dr appointments because of Katelyn being preemie. She had to see the Ped, then the eye dr (this took several appointments because her retinas were not mature enough to check them the 1st 3 times we went). Then she had physical therapist appointment, along with a gastro person due to her reflux, and then neurologist. As well as her 2, 4, 6 month check-up and shot appointment. Even now she has a follow-up with the eye dr and then every month until April she will have to go and get an RSV shot.

Oh by the way, I love your avatar Chris...when Katelyn was around that age and I would burp her in that position she would extend her arms out like she was superman and then BURRRP! Hee hee

Rebekah - Katelyn had eating problems in the beginning as well. It would take her an hour or longer to eat 30ml-45ml. She wasn't gaining weight like her ped had hoped so we started adding just a 1/2 teaspoon of rice cereal to her bottles to help her with weight gain per our Pediatrician. As far as the sleeping, we let and still let Katelyn tell us when she is hungry. When she was in the NICU they fed her every 3 hours on the dot, but they told us when we took her home to let her set the schedule. I totally understand though about making sure she is getting enough to eat. I used to get worried that Katelyn was sleeping too much and was hungry. Maybe try letting her lead the feedings for like 1 or 2 days and see how it goes. If you still feel she isn't eating enough after that, then go back to what you were doing. And Katelyn used to almost always fall asleep Katelyn at the boob and still will when I feed her at night and early in the morning LOL. I hope that helped. At the end of the day, you do what YOU feel is right for Amelia. You know her better than anyone and your instincts will be right cuz mommies be knowing!

AFM - Katelyn came trick or treating at my job today. I will post photos of her in her ladybug costume when I get home. Hee hee. Well I now have a sugar high eating Katelyn's candy and am about to go home and start my weekend.

Have a great Friday everyone!

Thank you Steph. I knew you'd have some input! :hugs: Looks like it's normal then and we'll continue to let her sleep and feed her or supplement as needed. As far as the rice cereal, did you have to heat it or the milk up before giving it to Katelyn? Was it too thick for her to swallow?!
Hi Rebekah.

I feed Cal when he wants it, which is still every 2-3 hours. I'm still having issues with him feeding from me. He wants to but falls asleep or gets upset with my flow and pulls off. I persevere and top up with formula if needed which is usually in the evening.

He doesn't sleep much and never has so you are very lucky with Amelia! We have absolutely NO routine either!!!!!!
Chris, I never had many appt for Sophie. They were all fr me because of the thrush and endometritis. Sophie had a two week check up and two month. My Dr. Skipped the six week because she was doing so well at her two wk. Now her next is at four months. We have gov't run clinics I can go to get her weighed whenever I want to. I'll probably go when she is 12wks. Nice to hear from you! Sorry about the colic.

Rebekah, like the others have said I wouls stop waking Amelia and feed on demand. She is four weeks now, she can certainly go longer at night.If youre worried make sure she eats often during the day. That il also help her differentiate bw day and night. Don't let her fall asleep at the breast. I know easier said than done but do everything you can to wake her so she has a full feed. Even ifit takes an hr. I wouldn't worry that she sleeps alot especially if she is having alert times where she is interacting with you. Is she smilibg yet? At four weeks Sophie was qute the fussy disaster in the evenings so enjoy the silence :thumbup:

I am 37 today :shock:
Happy Birthday, Svet! Hope you are celebrating with your family.
Skye, I’m hoping it will be 3d, my doctor said they have the equipment and will do both. I can’t wait.

Sunshine71, Love the new avatar. Hopefully Hannah will be better after the medicine. I hope you enjoyed your in-laws.

MA, You are doing so well with pumping. Seems like Amelia likes Daddy as a play thing and Mommy as a cuddle bug.

MissMuffet, I can't wait to see pics of Katelyn.

Viv, I hope little Cal gets into a routine soon. Sorry!

Hi, Chris! Happy Birthday!!
Thanks everyone!

Chris....happy birthday! :hugs: Yes, Amelia smiles a little bit...or is it gas?! Whatever the case, she's as cute as a button. I even love it when she has a complete tantrum. She's SO ADORABLE!! She was at the boob for an hour tonight. :wacko: I swear I'm a milking cow! She takes it in, spits it out and round and round we go. I offered her the other boob and we were on it for awhile and FINALLY done! :happydance: THEN I move to pumping to amp up my supply. I'm finally getting 3 ounces by mid day and by evening 5 ounces out of both boobs. Hopefully that's good. I pray for more to store.
Thx guys!

MA 5oz out of both boobs??? :shock: What are you doing with all this milk? D you pump after every feeding?
Thx guys!

MA 5oz out of both boobs??? :shock: What are you doing with all this milk? D you pump after every feeding?

No, 5 ounces combined. :rofl: It'd be a blessing if I got it out of both I'd be smooth sailing!:winkwink::haha: I'd probably freeze some and refrigerate the rest for Doug to bottle feed in the am hours.:thumbup: Now that's kind of like dreaming...kinda like what one would do if they won the lotto. :rofl:
Happy Birthday for the other day Chris :hugs:

Rebekah, I am a full on cow. :wacko:I feed Cal and still have to pump to get rid of the extra. My supply still hasn't regulated, so if Cal is full, I still have to pump otherwise I leak (not so much leak as pour, I have to use two breast pads on each breast to sop it up) I can pump out an extra 2-4 ounces from my breasts every 3 hours or so. I know pumping ramps up supply but if I don't do it, it soaks through everything and runs everywhere and I feel so full. It's crazy!!!

Try not to overpump cos I think that's what happened early on for me when I was in hospital. And when Amelia has a spurt she will ramp up your supply too.

I bought milk bags and am freezing where I can. It's a great idea.

Also seeing a lactation consultant again to see how I can regulate my supply and stop ruining my clothes. Mainly cos I'm sick of all the laundry!!!!!

Hey Anna, how's Jo??

Chris #2 hows wee Hannah's colic???

NMG hows all the baking going!!!!!!!

Lava, is the morning sickness easing???

Anyone heard from Charmaine and the gorgeous three :kiss:baby::baby::baby:
Skye, how are you feeling??

Hi to Rottpaw, Ceedee, Junebug, and gosh anyone I've missed??

PS: had my first breastfeed in a parents room today. Just gave him a top up to keep him quiet!!!! Cal just wouldn't wait and we were out exploring our new "shopping" strip mall made out of shipping containers in the destroyed centre of town. It was amazing to see and made me feel so much better, even if we have lost over 2000 buildings in the city and it's pretty much just vacant lots!
Have also been discharged from hospital so we are officially on our own now!!!! Scared much!!
Hi Viv so nice o hear from you! Glad to hear you are home now. How is everything going? BF in ublic can be intimidating the first few times but now i've gotten the hang of it. I love those mommy rooms. We have them at our malls too and they are great! How is Callum? What's his weight? He must be thriving with all the milk you are producing. When you give him a bottle how many ounces does he drink?
Sorry about your city. I imagine it will take a very lng time to rebuild. The shipping container mall is a brilliant idea.

Big hellos to everyone!!! Viv is right, its been awhile since we heard from Charmaine. With three girls, I can't imagine she gets online ever. We miss you Char!
Viv & MA,
I hope I can b'feed like you two. Well done! And Congrats Viv for being discharged from the hospital. Bet you are glad to be home.

Hi to MrsMuffet, Svet, Sunshine, Austin, Skye, NMG, Angela, Pablo, Codegirl, Rowan, Jules, Junebug, Ceedee.

I turned 40 yesterday. Where did all the time go? DH gave me bubble bath, a comfy maternity velour sweatsuit for lounging around after work & a memory foam mattress pad. Three things a pregnant girl needs. Ha! Ha! My mom gave me her charm bracelet that she got 67 years ago for her sweet 16 by her dad. A very sentimental gift. Of course, we are still waiting for the best gift next year... these two babies. I feel so blessed. We had a nice dinner with family. Low key & relaxing. Tonight there will be trick or treating for all the kids in the neighborhood. I hope we have enough candy to pass out. We can sit on our front porch steps & see all the costumes. I love it ... Such fun! Happy Halloween!
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I have a question for y'all that I also posted in the multiples section but would also love your feedback if you don't mind giving it.

The question is about choosing the twins' godparents. Neither DH nor I have any living siblings.

The only experience I have with this is with my best friend's children. I am the godmother of her daughter (Charlotte) who is now 13. It has been a huge honor for me, especially since I didn't get married until I was 38 and didn't know if I'd ever have children of my own. Charlotte also has her dad's best friend and wife as godparents. So she has 3. So does her brother. It is my understanding that this is traditional in their faith which is Episcopalian, but I am Lutheran and don't think that they have any rules except that one godparent be a "Christian" without specifying a particular denomination.

So this is what I was thinking ... let me know if this is too much or too confusing.

For the girl, Lily, we would have my best friend - mentioned above - and her husband (my god-daughter is very excited to finally be getting a "little sister") as well as one of my good girlfriends who is currently single, but will probably get married and have a family of her own one day. My best friend is Episcopal but the other single girlfriend was never baptised and actually converted to Judism to honor her birth father's faith.

For Liam, we would have my husband's best friend and his wife (not practicing Christians). However, I have another very good girlfriend whom I've known for over a decade. I met her at my church. She is single and may not have children of her own. I know how honored she would be to be asked to serve as Liam's godmother and she has been most involved in my pregnancy, is throwing me a shower, and lives in our neighborhood. But, I don't know about a boy having 1 godfather & 2 godmothers. Maybe it doesn't matter.

Is this just crazy? I don't think I would offend any of the friends asked, but I don't want it to be too complicated. What do you think?

Thanks y'all!!!
Happy birthday Laura!

I miss Charmaine too!

As for bf'ing. I'm finding that it's a love/hate thing. :haha: I move forward, and then something happens like she goes from 3 ounces to 4 now and I'm back to not getting enough. I don't know what's going on but my supply has gone to 2 ounces when I pump. I'm thinking she's getting more so I'm just not pumping more. :shrug: That doesn't leave much for early morning bottle feeds when Doug takes the reigns and I get to sleep in. He mixes 2 ounces of my breast milk with 2 ounces of simlac advanced formula.

Every time we supplement I feel "betrayed" by my bodies inability to provide her with all she needs when she needs it. That includes extras for storing. I'm sure I'm getting there, it just seems like such a chore sometimes. I'm still unsure if she's getting what she needs by breast because she's now sucking on her hands afterwards. So, on top of bf'ing her, I feed her an ounce and a half or so. Though I just gave her a pacifier and she's now asleep so maybe she wasn't extra hungry?? :shrug: Oh how I wish these babies came with manuals!

So now I'm starting to wonder if I should just formula feed and spend the quality time feeding her and playing with her than I do the time consuming pain in the bum it is to pump and feed and she STILL may not be getting what she needs. I don't know. It seems like one step forward and two steps back! It's definitely a mind challenge ladies! At least in my opinion it's not coming so easy.
Oh, you girls are so sweet!! And correct, I seem to hardly have ANY time these days... LOL. I only thought it was busy when we came home from the hospital!

I haven't gotten to catch up & read all your posts, but I hope that everyone and their little bambinos are well!! PG mommas, rest up!!! and enjoy your adult outings - go out with your hubby's every chance you get until the baby/babies arrive! :)

Happy Halloween! We are going as "Three peas in a pod" - have super cute little pea costumes! Just to a small neighborhood cul-de-sac party. Hope everyone has a super holiday!!!

Love & hugs to you all!!!
Happy Birthday Chris!!! Happy Birthday Laura!!!! WOW October is Birthday month apparently!

Viv - glad you are home! You will be GREAT!

Charmaine!!!! Welcome back! We missed you

I am at work and will be leaving shortly and will write a proper post then oh and will post photos of my little lady bug!


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