35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Pablo, It will be interesting to have that appointment. I wish they'd hurry up. I must say, I do have a bit of anxiety though. I woke up this morning from another dream. This time triplets. :rofl: Very odd dreams lately. Usually I don't remember my dreams.

I have a neti pot. LOVE IT!! You know what else may help? probiotics. They're safe as long as it says pasturized. I use keifer and organic yogurt. I'm doing it not just to ward off colds but to ward off yeast infections and the dreaded bacterial vaginosis I had with Jackson jeffrey. So I am using it three times a day. Thus far it's working.

Thanks everyone for the information on the Hair dye. I'm glad I didn't buy it this week. I actually used to by the Aubrey brand at our local organic store but last time the color turned out odd. SO I stopped.

Is anyone getting a cramping sensation in the pelvis area? I'm having a shooting pain in the pelvic area once in awhile and definately have the lower back cramping which I had with Jackson. I hear it's called round ligament stretching or something. I looked on google though and it says it's mainly in the second trimester though.

It DOES feel as though something is stretching down there though. I have a tipped uterus so it seems as though with Jackson and maybe even this pregnancy that someone is in my arse. :lol: Now I'm feeling as though something is in the front as well as the back. OR it's just my imagination and it's all the stretching taking place.

It seems as though everything is different this time around. I had "slight" nausia with Jackson....I've had pretty bad bouts of nausia this time around where I wish I could just throw up already! The sharp pains, even my belly got big within the second or third week. It took MUCH longer than that with Jackson. I even have the breathing issue at night. It's been crazy!

Of course I'm praising God for each new experience. It's just new is all.
Mmm... just woke up from a three hour nap. A girl could get used to this kind of thing...

AustinGurrl, what is your due date? I think we must be pretty close - according to my last scan I should be 7w5d today, and I see your ticker shows you as 7w, too. I've actually been following your ticker to see where I'm at in all of this! I've got my last appointment with the FS next week, as well, but mine's on Wednesday. Have fun breaking the news! We're telling our parents next weekend. On Saturday we're going to my parents to have a late b-day celebration for my dad. I'm going to give him a Happy Birthday Grandpa card and watch him flip out. Growing up - and even when I got married - I didn't have that maternal urge, and they knew this. What they DIDN'T know was that I had changed my mind. I never told them. So this is going to be an extra shock for them! Same thing with the hubby's parents, but truth be told, I don't really like them so their reaction isn't as important to me (I know it's horrible, but I can't help it! Let's just say the feeling's mutual). They're just weird people, and we really don't relate to each other. But I digress... So we're only telling our parents next weekend. We'll wait for at least a few more weeks before we tell anyone else. It'll depend on how long I can keep my big mouth shut.

So I have my final appt. and u/s with the RE on Wednesday the 16th, then my first prenatal appt. with my regular OB on the 17th. I'm curious to see how that goes.

Good luck keeping the cooties at bay, Pablo. I've been battling a sinus infection for over three weeks now, and it really stinks when you can't self medicate...
Oh Rebekah it is so lovely to have you here!!!
Hey Pablo I'm not bad, no vomiting any more just nausea. How's your MS?
Had an appt with OBGYN at high risk today but he said I didn't really need to be there as he thought I was quite healthy apart from being a bit overweight (so polite of him, I'm a heifer!!!) NT measurement was 1.8mm which is a good indicator.
I went and got a casual job to keep busy, I almost feel like a productive human again!
We are off to visit the in laws for a week on Sunday in our North Island, the city of Rotorua, if anyone's heard of it?? We are having a late Xmas with them!! They live on a lake so it will be lovely to hop in the water and do a bit of boating and fishing like I used too.
Love to all :flower:

UNBELIEVABLE! I'm so sick of weight bias'. :shrug::growlmad: I AM however, excited that you don't really need high risk. It gives you much more room for a labor and delivery you'd want:thumbup::winkwink:

While I'm on here, I thought I'd ask a question and share something with you all.

First, I had a dream last night and when I woke up, I was...shall we say, STUNNED. I had a dream that the Dr. was checking me out and counted 1,2,3,4 and then said "wait a minute", then he went to REALLY put pressure on my belly as his head came up. He said to me, I think there's between 5 and 8 babies in there. (((FAINT))) I said in my dream, "come again???" Then I woke up. :rofl: That was ONE freaky dream :sleep::haha:

Now onto the question. I'm not sure if anyone of you are dealing with this issue, but my roots are coming in. Does anyone know if we can dye our hair with clairol product?! If nobody knows, I'll just call the number on the box and ask the OB when I go there. I REALLY need to dye my hair. The greys are showing BAD. At this rate, I'll have full head of greys. :rofl:

I've got bad nausia this time around. I had it with Jackson, but not like this. I've also been taking in probiotics to be sure I don't get a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. So far, it's working like a charm. I think I'll have it three times a day. See how it all pans out.

Other than that, not a whole lot going on. I have another beta test on Monday. Praying all goes well with numbers!:thumbup:

I am due to dye my hair and I use Clairol too. I heard it was fine to do so and so I will but for your comfort do ask your OB.
Hi everyone. It's been an interesting few days. I've been having nausia on and off. Usually it's nothing I can't handle but the day before yesterday at 3am I felt REALLY REALLY SICK to my stomach. It lasted for about an hour and I "felt" like I was going to throw up, but didn't. It skipped a night and I had it again with same intensity at about 4am this morning.

Otherwise I get small bouts of nausia throughout the day.

Is this kind of nausia a normal thing? Does in come and go or change in intensity?
Rebekah - the nausea definitely comes in waves. I think that is typical and I took it as a good sign that my body was still kicking out the necessary hormones any time they dipped a little. It's not fun, but I think it is a good sign. :hugs:
Well ladies I am sorry I haven't been around much this last week. I got sick Sunday night with a cold and was basically in bed for a couple days miserable, then my Dad passed away Thursday afternoon :-( :cry: We were able to be with him when he died, and that was a blessing. But it has been a very emotional few days and I feel like I'm a little in shell shock. 9 months pregnant tomorrow (36 weeks), we have the funeral tomorrow which will be a day-long event and then I'm still not completely recovered from this cold and not sleeping great. Sigh. Sorry to complain - I am very blessed in every way, but it's been a sad week and I think it's just beginning to catch up with me. The physical exhaustion of simply being 9 months is incredible, and when I don't sleep I feel absolutely flattened. Add in a nasty cold and a lot of grief and it's like the perfect storm!

We're out the door in a few minutes to pick my aunt up at the airport - she'll be staying with us a few days. I may not be around online much the next few days either, but I'm thinking of you guys and hoping all is still well with all our group here!

Hugs and love ladies!
Oh Angela, I'm so sorry :hugs: We're here so you can vent, air out your emotions and have someone who will listen as you work things out in your head. don't worry about complaining. We all have those moments and sometimes it's just good to have others to lean on when you need to work through the emotions that come with life, death and illness. Your dealing with a whole lot right now. It's hard enough to be sick when your not pregnant, but add a little one to that and the emotions of losing your father and you have such an emotional and trying time all at once. It's just hard to comprehend it all.

We'll be here when you get back, just make sure you try and take care of yourself. Your immune system is comprimised from the cold, the pregnancy and the sadness your feeling over your loss. Allow yourself the time to grieve, also allow yourself the time to rest and heal your body.

Love to you my dear sweet friend. :hugs:

P.S., thank you for taking the time as you go through your own trials to answer my question. It shows just what a loving and kind spirit you are. I pray God will hold you up during this time and give you HIS strength and peace as you recover from the cold and during the grieving process. I pray you'll find joy in the midst of the sorrow too. In Jesus name..AMEN!
Angela - I am so sorry for your loss... please take care of yourself & your little one... thoughts & :hug:
Well ladies I am sorry I haven't been around much this last week. I got sick Sunday night with a cold and was basically in bed for a couple days miserable, then my Dad passed away Thursday afternoon :-( :cry: We were able to be with him when he died, and that was a blessing. But it has been a very emotional few days and I feel like I'm a little in shell shock. 9 months pregnant tomorrow (36 weeks), we have the funeral tomorrow which will be a day-long event and then I'm still not completely recovered from this cold and not sleeping great. Sigh. Sorry to complain - I am very blessed in every way, but it's been a sad week and I think it's just beginning to catch up with me. The physical exhaustion of simply being 9 months is incredible, and when I don't sleep I feel absolutely flattened. Add in a nasty cold and a lot of grief and it's like the perfect storm!

We're out the door in a few minutes to pick my aunt up at the airport - she'll be staying with us a few days. I may not be around online much the next few days either, but I'm thinking of you guys and hoping all is still well with all our group here!

Hugs and love ladies!

Just lurking so I can keep up with everyone... I am so, so sorry about your dad, Angela. :hugs: :hugs:
Angela - :hugs: so sorry for your loss. Please take care of you and try and get some rest :hugs:
Thank you girls! Today is the funeral and it will be a challenging day for me. Dad did not have a lot of family living, so it is basically his wife, me and my hubby, and my aunt in terms of family that will attend. We will have tons of friends there as well and I know that will be wonderful, I'm just worried I'll be an emotional wreck. Please pray for me!
Oh Angela I am so sorry!!! I am praying for you and hope today passes with some sense of grace. It is so hard to loose a parent. You are in my thoughts and I am sending you lots of hugs and strength to get through the day!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

MA, I too have had a lot of stretching pain. From what I've read and what the doc said it's your uterus stretching to make room for baby. My O.B. said that my uterus is "tilted". Maybe it's worse for us who have a sightly differently positioned uterus. My cramps / stretching hits more at night. Do yours occur at a specific time of day? As for the nausea, yep mine comes and goes. Has seem to have left for now, but it hit really hard between weeks 7 and 10. It also came in waves and different things triggered it, empty stomach, and the grocery store. I never actually threw up but lots of dry heaving. Given my low progesterone I always embraced it as it was a sign the hormones were ragging. Hope it isn't too bad, try crackers, ginger ale, ginger tea, etc. Hope you feel better!

Happy Auntie!!! So glad your lurking!!! How are things? I've been keeping up with you on the other thread, I believe you are IUI this month. Hope to see you here soon!!!

Sunshine, We have something in common. I grew up saying I never wanted kids. Even after we got married we told our parents no kids which broke my parents heart as there is just me and my brother and he's still single. They want grand kids sooooooo bad!!! So I never told them we were ttc either. Long story short my mother and I are a little oil and water, just don't get along. Thus the wait to tell them. I've thought about sending them a belated valentines card with a picture of the ultra sound from the 12 week scan next week, but not sure. Love the idea of the grandpa card.

AFM, not much to report. It's Sunday and it's beautiful outside but I'm so happy sitting on the couch. Feel guilty for not being outside, but it's been a long week and a little r&r feels good. Also reading rottpaw's post about how being 9 months pregnant is wearing her out I'm worried about work. I was planning on working up until pretty late into the pregnancy, but given my job I'm not sure that's realistic. Might have to re-evaluate.

Happy Sunday!!!
Angela, I've been praying for God strength to see you through, for peace which surpasses ALL understanding, healing for your spirit and body and guidance for the road ahead in Jesus name. May you rest easy and know your being prayed for today and the days to come.

Pablo, Ah, yeah, you may want to reevaluate that job situation. Your going to need this time. I always hear women say get rest now while you can and when baby is here, rest when baby rests. It'll be interesting.

Well, the lower back cramps feel like pressure all day long. I'm thinking it's like last pregnancy and baby is back in my bum. Um, could be more than one. This pregnancy has been totally different in that I've started plumping up EARLY. I mean two weeks ago and I'm still in my 5th week heading into the 6th. Nausia has been intense at night, I feel bloated and the pains I never had with Jackson. It's so freaky. I'm trying not to worry with every new thing based on last experience. Trying to keep faith and trust in God.

As for the nausia the intense stuff happens at 3 or 4am.

All in all though, I don't care what I'm going through, I just want everything to be alright in there.

We go for another beta tomorrow and will find the results in the evening sometime. I'd like to hurry up and get a scan already. I want to make sure everything is alright and see how many we have in there.
Happy Auntie!!! So glad your lurking!!! How are things? I've been keeping up with you on the other thread, I believe you are IUI this month. Hope to see you here soon!!!

Thanks. :flower: Been lurking from the start, actually! :blush: But like you said in the other thread, I don't want to talk about myself here, because it's not "my" thread... yet. That said, yep, my first IUI is tomorrow morning. I vacillate between being excited and being quite sure it's not going to work... I'm so used to disappointment through all this that it's easier on my psyche to assume it's not going to work than it is to get my hopes up every month.... So please send all your good mojo my way, ladies! That my follies grew bunches this weekend and each popped an egg, that DH's sample will be a good one, that this will work and I won't have to jab myself with any needles next month... my demands are simple! :haha:
Angela, I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I wish I had something to say that could help to ease the pain you must be going through, but I know only time can do that. You're in my prayers.

Best of luck, HA - here's to egg popping! :haha: Thinking of you this morning!

Pablo, what kind of ginger tea did you drink? I'm getting the whole queasy thing off and on, but was told not to drink herbal teas. So far, any kind of ginger tea I've found is called an herbal tea. Is there any kind of non-herbal ginger tea out there, or is that one considered a "safe" herbal tea? (I'm so confused...) :wacko:

Yeah, it'll be interesting as he!! to see the reactions from family and friends. The hubby and I both never wanted kids, so EVERYONE'S gonna be shocked. And although my mother understood it (she originally didn't want kids either), I knew it hurt because I'm an only child. And it's pretty much a similar situation in my DH's family. He does have a brother, but he and his wife are also childless (by choice). So my in-laws pretty much figured they wouldn't have any grandkids, either. Dear God, they're going to be at the house ALL THE TIME :dohh:

My mom was an "older" mom, too (had me at the ancient age of 36). Both she and my dad are in their mid 70's now. I'm just wondering if I should call 911 moments before we break the news so we'll have quipment on site to resuscitate them!

Have a good Monday, everyone (if such a thing is possible...)
BIG MASSIVE HUGS to you Angela. xoxox :hugs: Thinking of you during this difficult time.

Nice to see you Happy Auntie and best of luck with the IUI!! Maybe this will be your thread soon too!

Hello to everyone else!!! Sorry for the quick post. It's Monday morning at work and I have tons to do. Will try to update later on.
Hello Ladies!!

MA, Good luck at the scan tomorrow. I am jealous of all you ladies that get so many scans so early so that you know what is going on. I'm sure all will be great! All your symptoms sound really normal to me, but understand wanting to be sure. My 12 week scan is a week from today, and I'm really excited because I haven't seen or heard baby yet and like I you I want to know everything is ok. As for the size gain???? I felt really bloated early on, and feel as if I'm big for my stage, but every woman is different. I've also heard that after your first pregnancy, you can show earlier because certain muscles are already stretched. Perhaps?? Anyway, enjoy the growing, good luck tomorrow.

Sunshine, more in comon. My parents are older too, had me in their early thirties, so are now in early 70s. I know the shock thing is a concern. For once maybe my mother will be speechless. Good luck and I am sure they will be overjoyed!!! I bet that will be one spoiled grand baby!!

As for the tea, there are different schools of thought on that one. I've been told and read that herbal teas, which are pretty much any tea that aren't black teas, are ok if they're over the counter and pre-measured. There are some kinds of herbal teas to stay away from, anything with lemon root and something else but I can't remember. The reason for pre-packaged is that the ingredients are pre-measured and nothing too strong. Teas at a tea house or coffee house where they dish out the herbs from canisters are not pre-measured and the person may not know what their doing and give you an herb that you don't want. I've been drinking a ginger lemon tea, the lemon coming from lemon grass, for the last 2 months and it seems ok, but in the end it's a personal choice and if you don't feel comfortable drinking it, don't, it's not worth the piece of mind.

Angela, how are you doing??

HA, how are you? I will check on the other thread and see if you've posted how your doc appt went and how the follies are doing. Fingers crossed!!

AFM, Had a lovely dinner with DH last night for Valentines as I have to work tonight. So sweet. We seem to not spend very much quality time together these days. MA, I wish I could not work right now, but financially it is impossible. My DH is a painting contractor and the construction industry is just not what it once was. I will play it be ear but was planning on working right up until that baby popped out. However seeing as I run a retail store where I'm on my feet all day and it's a two story store with a basement, might have to re-evaluate. I think I'll just play it by ear. Some folks feel really good right up to the end. At the most maybe I will cut back on hours that last month, hard to do as it is during our busy summer season, but baby and my health come first.

So I slept in today, don't have to be at work until 1. Is anyone having any back pains sleeping? Mine killed last night but I'm not sure if it's from baby, our mattress, or the hikes I went on over the weekend. Anyway, just counting down the days until next Monday and 12 week scan, svet, now I know how excited you were. Hope everyone is well! Anna
Happy Valentine's Day, Girls! Hope everyone is having a nice day, with nice, pretty weather!! It's a beautiful day in Austin... makes me feel sooo much better when weather is good... trying to enjoy the 70 temps, as THIS summer looks to be a hot one... taking the pups on long walks every day!

MA - sorry your MS/nausea has been so bad... I have thus far missed that one, but can relate as far as the weird, crampy feelings... mine hits when I roll onto either side in bed. I get an almost shooting pain in the hip area on the side I'm turning on... hope yours feels better soon.

HA - Good luck with the IUI!!! Hope you are taking it easy today... Numbers sound AWESOME!!! Hoping for your BFP!!!

Angela - Hope yesterday wasn't too hard on you, hon... and that you are feeling better soon!

Sunshine - Yep, we are right on top of each other, aren't we? :) The only due date I have thus far has been calculated myself with a ticker... 09/29/11, but nothing confirmed from a doc yet.

Pablo, you and Sunshine sound very much like me... NEVER thought about babies when younger. College, law school, career, travel.... I had a GREAT time in my 20's & early 30's.... as did my DH. We met when 35 and decided that we were ready for the "next big thing"... got married & here we are - at 39 & 38. Never dreamed in a million years this woulda taken us so long and we pray that all will work out... Family all know we have been "trying", just not to what extent....

On that note - false alarm on telling the parents... we decided not to make the trip to visit. Mine are leaving for 3 week vacay abroad, so I have decided to not tell til they return... want them to enjoy their trip & afraid they might worry.

BUT - today is my *hopefully* last FS apptmt and will have a scan... FS will not release you back to ob/gyn unless they hear/see a heartbeat. Yay! Excited and a little scared... up until now, we have been acting as though all is right... I'm praying for confirmation of that!

I broke down and went shopping yesterday... it was a VERY frustrating experience at the "maternity" stores... gag! ONLY "cute" (cute is very relative when talking about M-clothes, btw) clothes were at Pea in the Pod & they were really $$$$! But did find some dress slacks for work at JC Penney... didn't have much, but prices were waaaay better. Am wearing my own tops until I burst out of them... probably next week the way I'm gaining weight... :wacko:
Angela – I am so so sorry for your loss. :hugs::hugs::hugs:Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if you need or want to talk or anything! And I hope that you get over your cold soon. Lots of love to you!!! :hug:

MA – Almost of all of my friends who have gotten pregnant with their 2nd baby started to pop a lot earlier. One of my co-workers is about a month further than me and she said that as soon as she knew she was pregnant she began to show so it is very common. In terms of the m/s that is also common. I was got sick in the mornings and then again at night. Then around week 8 or 9 I was nauseas all the time (vomiting still in the morning and the evenings). The only time I actually felt better was while I was eating. Before I ate I was sick, after I ate I was sick (I started to gag when I ate saltine crackers!). I did start to feel better around week 14. It is only now and then I feel nauseas and that is normally in the morning when I brush my teeth.

Happy Auntie – YAY!!! :happydance: Glad to have you lurking and we hope to have you here soon! Good luck with your IUI today! Good MOJO being sent :thumbup:!

Pablo – Everyone that I have talked to has said to try and take at least 2-3 weeks off BEFORE the baby comes. I, like you, was going to try and work as long as possible. However, I am now re-evaluating as well. My EDD is June 13th. I think I am doing to start maternity leave Memorial week. But you never know. I think the best thing to do is have an idea of a plan and then wait until you get closer and talk to your Dr about the best time to leave work. Also, I love your idea of a belated Valentine’s day card with the ultra sound photo (I also love the grandpa b-day card!)!

Sunshine – I was like you and was extremely confused about ginger tea because everytime I would buy a box it said it contained Lemon grass root or licorice root which are too herbs pregnant women should stay away from. I ended up not drinking tea at all, but instead drinking a lot of Ginger Ale and eating tons of ginger snap cookies from Trader Joes! But some women have no problem drinking the tea. It is what you are comfortable with. When in doubt double check with your Doc.

AustinGurrl – Try Old Navy for Maternity clothes they have some GREAT stuff and it is very inexpensive. I only have a few tops, so I wear my husbands shirts sometimes. I was wearing some of his jeans too, but I got to big for those! :haha:.

Svet – I hope that you are having a good day. :flower:

Anyone I missed, I am thinking of you and hoping that you are having a good and blessed morning sick free day! :winkwink:

"For once maybe my mother will be speechless." :haha:
Yep - definitely have some things in common.

Good luck with your scan today, AustinGurrl - I'm sure everything will be just fine. It's so exciting to see that little heartbeat! (Even though I had to be told it was a heartbeat...) Guess I'm just not too good at reading those things - looks like weather radar to me. :shrug: And I don't have a due date from my doc, either. I go for my last scan with the RE on Wednesday - I'll have to ask for one then. We can't go by my LMP, because I ovulated REALLY late. But we don't know exactly when that was, either. I know I'm due at the end of September, but that's just not good enough! I want a date, d@mmit!

Oh - and I agree with MissMuffet about Old Navy. I saw some pretty cute maternity tops in their on-line maternity section. Cheap, too - they had an adorable tank top for ten bucks. That's one of the good things about being biggest during the summer - tanks and tees are cheaper than sweaters and jackets!

You're right, MissMuffet - I'll have to talk to my doctor about the whole herbal tea thing. I love the idea of the cookies, but I'm trying really hard not to gain any unnecessary weight. I'm anal about my weight/exercise/calorie intake, and had already gained some due to my first pregnancy that ended in a MMC. I hadn't lost all of that when I got pregnant again. I know it sounds stupid - and shallow - in the scheme of things, but I've worked really hard (and I mean REALLY hard) to get to the weight I was at, and though I'm fine with gaining the pregnancy weight, I don't want to add anything additional to that. I'm trying to find some crystallized ginger, but I live in hickville - if it's not bread, meat, or beer, the local store doesn't carry it. I'd kill for a Trader Joe's around here!

But on the upside of it all... Holy Boobs, Batman!! :thumbup:

Have a good afternoon, all!

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