35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hello lovelies. It's been a while since I've talked to many of you. I've gotten a lot of lovely messages from some of you and have also noticed some of you sneakily stalking on some of the threads I post on. I'm honored. So some of you know I'm pregnant again. My 5th pregnancy. I'm so hoping this is my keeper. I'm doing better than any other pregnancy so I'm feeling a little more confident. Today's scan showed a wriggling little baby measuring spot on at 9+4 and a heart rate of 185.

My last pregnancy was an ectopic and I lost my right tube. It was horrific. I got pregnant immediately with this one on our first attempt with IUI. As you may remember I have adenomyosis and we have been waiting for a bean to implant in a health part of my uterus. So far it's looking good.

I'll probably stick to my PAL after recurrent losses thread for the time being, but wanted to say hello.

Also a massive Congrats to many of you who are now mommies! Looks like Skye just joined your club. What wonderful news!
Yay for little Shirin's big arrival and thanks to HA for sharing the news!

Ethan, Amelia & Katelyn are all so adorable! Let's get some pics up of the other munchkins!

I think "Dimples" aka Ethan ;) looks like your husband. Such a happy baby!

NMG, glad you had some QT with hubbie!

Glad you are managing the fibroid pain. Your NYE sounds really nice & your DH is a sweetheart!

So happy for you. Things sound like they are going very well with your little one! PAL is so hard. I'm keeping you in my thoughts & prayers!

I went to the specialist today but they didn't take any measurements of the babies ... they only do that every other week, but otherwise everything is looking good. Dr. said that next Tues we will have a delivery date but it will probably be around 36 weeks so maybe the week of Jan.16th. On one hand that seems like forever from now, but then I think about everything that still needs to be done, and I can't believe how close we are. Both babies are head down so I don't know whether it will be a c-section or if I can do a trial of labor but either way it will be in the OR with a pain medication. I'm getting really nervous!
welcome Hearty! SO happy to see you over here! I've definitely been stalking to keep up with you, and sending prayers and hugs! :hugs: so excited all is going well! :flower:
Laura, I think you are definitely next sweetie! SO excited even though I know you're getting nervous. :hugs: Please try not to stress about the birth. Easier said than done, for sure, but it will be FINE, however they need to be born. If they determine it is safe, are you wanting to try a regular labor and delivery? If they're both head down, sounds promising... But either way please try not to worry. They'll be here before you know it!:happydance:
Heartree!!! It is sooooo good to hear from you. I am sending you much love and prayers to you and your LO! Looking forward to having you over here full time :)

Laura - You are definitely next sweeting. I am so excited and anxious for you! Jan 16th is only two weeks away YAY! Like Angela said either way they come out, you will be great.
Viv, please PM me as well so I can add you to FB. Or, if you PM Angela and she adds you, I will look you up from her friends list and add you that way :)
I guess I will do whatever type of delivery my doctor recommends. They haven't really said anything either way. When I reported to my OB they were both head down and asked whether I would do a vaginal delivery, he just said ,"well, we will see" and then said I would need to be in the OR either way .. totally non-commital. It was less frustrating when the baby was transverse and I didn't have an option. Now, it's up in the air. You know how I like to plan. ;) Guess I need to start learning to go with the flow better.
Hello lovelies. It's been a while since I've talked to many of you. I've gotten a lot of lovely messages from some of you and have also noticed some of you sneakily stalking on some of the threads I post on. I'm honored. So some of you know I'm pregnant again. My 5th pregnancy. I'm so hoping this is my keeper. I'm doing better than any other pregnancy so I'm feeling a little more confident. Today's scan showed a wriggling little baby measuring spot on at 9+4 and a heart rate of 185.

My last pregnancy was an ectopic and I lost my right tube. It was horrific. I got pregnant immediately with this one on our first attempt with IUI. As you may remember I have adenomyosis and we have been waiting for a bean to implant in a health part of my uterus. So far it's looking good.

I'll probably stick to my PAL after recurrent losses thread for the time being, but wanted to say hello.

Also a massive Congrats to many of you who are now mommies! Looks like Skye just joined your club. What wonderful news!

Amanda I am SO HAPPY to see you here!! I am one of your stalkers - ever since our Facebook email exchange, I've been so heartbroken for you and when you posted in one of the other threads you were pregnant I've had my fingers and toes crossed for you so much, I have cramps! LOL. I'll also never forget how you were there for me during my miscarriage last year. Talking to you really helped me get through it.:hugs:

I am just thrilled that you are pregnant again! I shall continue to stalk you if you don't mind? LOL. I've wanted to reach out to you but I can only imagine how nervous and scared you must be, so wanted to give you time. You're doing great (almost 10 weeks!!!) so not long to go until you are in the 2nd trimester. I will continue to think about you and wish good thoughts for you my friend!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Muffet - how adorable is Katelyn? Her little red outfit is just too much, I want to give her a big cuddle. She is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing these pics!

MA - Amelia is just darling also! Wonderful pictures!

Skye - WHOO HOO!! Congrats!! :happydance:You must be just thrilled and I can't wait to see pictures!! :happydance:

Angela - give your Mr. Dimples a big cuddle from me. He is the sweetest little boy. I will never tire of seeing his smile!

So yesterday's ultrasound went very well. My fibroid grew :growlmad: but they can see clearly the degeneration that's occured. Last night was an awful night. I got up at 2am with pain and didn't get back to sleep until 5:30am, so I am exhausted today and trying to work (pretty unsuccessfully lol). I would kill for a nap!

Baby is measuring spot on at 33 weeks. The sonographer was trying to get a snapshot of her face on the screen but her little hands were up by her face and she was not in the mood for any pictures!=;

Other than that, same old!! My shower is this weekend (I'm not supposed to know about it, but I found out LOL!) so it should be fun!

I am sorry if I missed anyone, sending you all much love and blessings!
Yay Skye!!

Hearty, so glad to see you. WTG!! :hugs:

I'd like to swap facebook too! We just put up a funny video of Amelia's first laugh last night. lol I couldn't believe it!

Animal and Lava, glad things are going well with the appointments. I can't wait to see all these new babies! :happydance:
Can you post the video on this thread? Amelia having her first little laugh sounds so.adorable!
Bek, I sent you a FB request. :thumbup:

Saw this quote on Facebook today and thought I would share it here. Loved this and I think it is a great reminder for all of us - no matter what kind of day it may be, each day with theses babies is precious!

"While they are at your side, love these little ones to the uttermost. Forget yourself. Serve them; care for them; lavish all your tenderness on them. Value your good fortune while it is with you, and let nothing of the sweetness of their babyhood go unprized. Not for long will you keep the happiness that now lies within your reach. You will not always walk in the sunshine with a little warm, soft hand nestling in each of yours, nor hear little feet pattering beside you, and eager baby voices questioning and prattling of a thousand things with ceaseless excitement. Not always will you see that trusting face upturned to yours, feel those little arms about your neck, and those tender lips pressed upon your cheek, nor will you have that tiny form to kneel beside you, and murmur baby prayers into your ear. Love them and win their love, and shower on them all the treasures of your heart. Fill up their days with happiness, and share with them their mirth and innocent delights. Childhood is but for a day. Ere you are aware, it will be gone with all its gifts forever.” George Townshend
Hey girls

I have a really (really) stupid question..... When will I know when I am in true labor?

I've been having frequent Braxton Hicks contractions. I mentioned this to the sonographer the other day who informed me that with her pregnancy, she experienced what she thought were frequent BH contractions. Her sister convinced her to go to the hospital and by the time she got there, she was already 7cm dilated! Her baby came early! :wacko:

My (what I assume) are BH contractions don't hurt one bit..just a tightening feeling around my stomach.

This morning, I woke up with a sharp pain in the left side of the groin and an intense 'heavy' feeling in my lower pelvis. I called my Dr. who told me to keep an eye on it and if it got worse, to call her again. It hasn't gotten worse, but the 'heavy' feeling is still there. It feels like a little stitch in the left hand side of my groin, together with a feeling of pressure. If I didn't know better, I'd say baby is burrowing down in my pelvis!

I have an appointment with my Dr. tomorrow anyway, so she will check my cervix and check me out, but I thought I would ask the question here - how will I know if it's truly real labor?

Thanks for any insight you can provide ladies!:flower:
Hi All,

Still hanging in there - we have an OB appt tomorrow morning! Poppy has been stretching around in there, and it is amazing! So very very active and Charlie always has such an amazed look when he feel all the dragging and nudging and hard bulging kicks! We play a little game together where I press 3 times into a spot on my belly and Poppy will nudge me back....then I move to a new position and do it again....and Poppy will nude me again. S/He follows me! :)

My shower is this Sunday - There will be about 12 people there, but none of my family. It will be a fun, relaxing time! Charlie is coming too, so we will have a blast. I'm very much looking forward to seeing my friends before the baby comes and I'm not able to get out as much. After Sunday, we will go crazy buying the rest of the things we need.

Hooray for Skye!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Lava - my goodness you are next then it's my turn! The OB will give me a definite date soon, but they told me last time to think of Wed, Feb 15th or Fri, Feb 17th! But she said depending on my weekly appointments they may push it up a week or two. But that would put me at week 39 and that is awfully close to my EDD!!!!!!! :wacko: Getting pretty darn nervous!

Jules - I get BH all the time - my OB said there are women who get it 20x a day...and if you can change position and it goes away or if it stays the same and not get worse, then it's only the BH. I get the heavy feeling too all the time - feels like the baby is lying side-ways waaaaaay down in the pelvis...sometimes I get on my elbows and knees (so my bum is up in the air) and that helps relieve the pain. But def see what the OB says tomorrow! :hugs:

Angela - what a beautiful sentiment!!!!

MA - I want to see that laugh!

I loved all the pictures of the holiday babies! Put such a big smile on my face to see all those lovely LO's!

I will post more tomorrow after the OB appt......

hugs to you all!

The best way I heard it described is that if the contractions you experience do not get more intense, come closer together or last longer over a period of time, it's not true labor. The other thing I can say, now that I have experienced it for myself, is that you will DEFINITELY know if you start to have true contractions. True ones hurt, while the BH don't usually- and don't hurt as much as true ones in any event. But definitely ask your doc for her take on what to watch for, as everyone describes it differently.

I had BH for about six weeks, so from maybe 32 weeks on?

Thanks Angela and Beth! I've been quite nervous as my Dr. looked at me last time I saw her like I was mad, because I told her that I was getting more than the 'average' 5 BH an hour. Not only that, they last a lot longer than 30-60 seconds!

Angela, I also figured that the real contractions would hurt. Then I was told that's not always the case so I was a bit panicked LOL! I'm just a big worry wart, I want her to get here safely :blush:

Angela, if I remember correctly, you are TTC #2? Is that right?

Beth - best of luck at your appointment tomorrow. Gosh, several of us are so close now! I'm so excited!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hey Jules!

We're currently NTNP but that will shift into TTC soon, probably with my February cycle. Only thing holding us back is this pesky weight I'm trying to lose (for blood pressure reasons) but now that the holidays are over I'll be kicking that effort into high gear!

I have heard stories of women in labor who did not know it. I guess it is possible, but for myself, the only true contractions I had before they broke my water were painless AND non- productive... I was not dilated at all and I could not notice the ones I was having once I arrived to be induced. I kep watching them go by on the monitor and thinking, "this is a piece of cake!" :rofl: Once they broke my water and started pitocin, however, THAT I could feel lol.

You can start to feel a heaviness like what you describe when the baby begins to "drop" in preparation for birth. The process is called "lightening," but there is nothing light about it at all! Some man probably gave it that name! :dohh:

All that said, NEVER hesitate to call or go in if you re not sure. Worst they can do is send you home, and at least you will feel better knowing for sure!

Beth, so glad all is still well and hooray for showers! So excited for you and glad your family will NOT be there! :hugs:
Hey Jules!

I kep watching them go by on the monitor and thinking, "this is a piece of cake!" :rofl:

You can start to feel a heaviness like what you describe when the baby begins to "drop" in preparation for birth. The process is called "lightening," but there is nothing light about it at all! Some man probably gave it that name! :dohh:


If what I am experiencing IS lightening then yes I agree 100% with you - nothing light about it! I'm currently walking about like a crotchety old man! :haha:

Aw Angela, I have everything crossed for you as far as TTC #2!! You must keep us posted on how things go! :hugs:
Have a wonderful time at your shower! It sounds lovely! The shopping part after is such fun! I love the game you play with Poppy! Keep us posted on your appt tomorrow.

I have BH contractions all the time and sometimes my tummy just stays rock hard for awhile but when I drink water and lay down on my left side, they eventually go away. I was Skyping with a friend last night and she said she was in "silent labor" for hours & didn't feel any pain and when she did finally start to feel something & went to L&D, she was 8 cm dilated and there was no time for an epidural. That freaked me out a bit. Today on my NST read out, you could see I was contracting but they were totally non-productive b/c my OB checked my cervix and although it is soft, it is not.dilated at all. Still long & closed, but those contractions that I couldn't feel definitely were big ones on the monitor. It is very confusing. The "lightening" is awful. I walk like an old man too and keep telling DH that there is such pressure, I feel the baby will fall out on the ground. Plus I always have to pee but when I go, barely anything comes out. Oh such fun! ;) But worth it of course! Hang in there.

I loved that quote and want to print it out as a reminder when I'm sleep deprived and cranky after these babies come.

So, AFM, we have no date set yet, but my OB, DH, specialist & I together decided that we would schedule a c-section delivery. Both doctors agreed in my situation, with Baby B having some issues, it would be safer. So on Tues, my specialist will decide when to do it. He will call to arrange it with my OB's assistant. If he thinks it should be next week (or obviously if I go into labor on my own), it will be whatever Dr in my practice is on call b/c my OB will be on vacation in Costa Rica. But otherwise, it will be the following week when he gets back, probably one day the week of the 16th. I will be btn 36 & 37 weeks, which is full term for twins. Now I just need to pray for strength & patience to get there. Every extra day inside helps the babies outside.

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