35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

I was Skyping with a friend last night and she said she was in "silent labor" for hours & didn't feel any pain and when she did finally start to feel something & went to L&D, she was 8 cm dilated and there was no time for an epidural.

The "lightening" is awful. I walk like an old man too and keep telling DH that there is such pressure, I feel the baby will fall out on the ground. Plus I always have to pee but when I go, barely anything comes out. Oh such fun! ;) But worth it of course! Hang in there.

Hey Lava!
With regard to your friend...:wacko: goodness that is scary LOL. I'm not afraid about not having time for an epidural to be honest, I'm more afraid of going into labor and ignoring it, thinking it's not true labor and then giving birth at home! :rofl: I know, that's probably very silly and highly unlikely!

The lightening IS awful - the pressure is intense and like you, I feel as if the baby might just drop out of there at any moment! :rofl: I also feel as if I have to constantly pee but like you, there's not much coming out LOL!

I don't blame you one iota for going with a c section, given your situation Lava. I think it also gives you an element of control and it will help you feel better having something on the calendar.:thumbup:
I hope you were able to see it in it's entirety. For some reason it's slow today for me and keeps stopping. It's been driving me nuts. Not sure if it's on my end or if it's Youtube. lol
Oh I watched the whole thing and it was the highlight of my day! So adorable. Amelia has the best laugh. I also love how she just stares so lovingly and intently at your face. The phone was a big hit! It was really nice to see how happy & blessed you & Doug are after all you've been through. This was so wonderful for me to see ... it really lifted my spirits. Thank you SO much!
Rebekah I love the video! Ethan likes to play telephone too. Love their laughs and giggles! :hugs:
Thank you! We were having so much fun. Oddly that was done at 1am. It's almost 2am and she's still wide awake. Her last feeding is at 3am. I'm not really sure how to get her schedule normal. In the meantime because of this I'm having a tough time myself. I'm taking ambien to sleep and I feel EXHAUSTED until 1pm. I'm gaining weight. Tomorrow I'm going to cook up some chicken and put it in salads. I'm planning to buy the Diet Rehab book which works on leveling the hormones. I've been researching different diets and I knew the South Beach is good for Type II Diabetics and balance meals. Nightline had "Diet Rehab" on as a great way to eat healthy. I liked what I saw and thought I'd try it.

Angela, I think I forgot to mention how excited I am that you will be start to ttc again. Your not alone in the weight war!
Morning Ladies!

Just got back from our OB appt - everything on track - baby is getting a little bigger, my belly has been tracking the correct measurement all along and this week was a little bigger.....looks like I'm going to have a little porker on my hands.:haha: The heartbeat was a bit fast - high 160s and she said it was prob because I was sick but if it was over 170, she would send me to the hospital. Yikes! But it was just under so she said not to worry too much, as it usually is in the 150s so it may be due to me being sick.

As I still am feeling poorly with this chest congestion and my throat has been very sore from both mucus and coughing, I asked her about it again. She said it can run for a good 3 weeks or so, so I need to take robitussin and curl up and rest. So that is what I'm doing today as I want to be good for the shower on Sunday! (and Angela - I am glad they won't be there too! :haha:)

It has been too cold to go out as I'm sick so I never got out to get the new knitting needles I need to make a throw for the babies room (for us to use on the glider!) so I'm working on a counted cross-stitch kit that will go in the room - so cute with stuffed animals and a place for me to put the name/weight/and date when we know it!

Had a tough night sleeping again, so hopefully I can take a nap soon. I woke up at my usual 2am and was up for about an hour, then Charlie rolled over in his sleep at 4:30 and jammed his elbow in my hand, which woke me up and I've been up ever since (and he went back to sleep!!!!).


MA - I loved the video!!!! How can that not make someone smile? My goodness she was staring at you so much! I loved that! to have a baby look at you like that has to be the most blessed thing in the world. Soon enough I will be there!

Jules - the things we go through during pregnancy! Lightening, indeed! When I get the heavy feeling, and Poppy is going kooky, Charlie will put his hand very low on my belly and say "Noooo Poppy, not yet! Don't come yet!" And Poppy calms down. Good thing to listen to daddy!!! :thumbup:

Lava - I hope knowing you will def have the c-section is a relief for you. Now you have a plan! We all will pray for you and the twins, and you will do perfectly and in a Very short time they will be here! :hugs::hugs:

I think I'm going to go veg out in bed now, hoping for a little nap. :hugs: to you all!
NewMarriedGal, I am so pleased to hear your appointment went well! :hugs: I didn't realize that the baby's heartbeat at this stage could be too fast. I am learning something new every day! Last appointment I had, my baby's hb was also in the 160's but I wasn't sick, so now I am concerned :wacko: Then again, if it was something to worry about I am sure the sonographer would have said something, right?

I do have an appointment with my regular ob/gyn today, so we'll see how baby is doing. I believe she is doing a Group B Strep test today which she says is routine.

Yesterday was a bummer of a day. For the first time in a long time I had pain all day and then couldn't sleep so I had to suck it up and take Demerol last night:growlmad: The good thing is that it gave me a good night's sleep which is so elusive to me these days. I haven't slept through the night since I was in the 2nd tri! :wacko: In a way it's a good thing - practice for when our little cherub gets here! LOL

So our baby shower is tomorrow - yay! I am excited. My mother in law, brother in law, twin nephews and my brother in law's girlfriend are driving in from Rhode Island today and will be with us this evening. My mother in law (who is Italian and moved to the USA when she was 18) makes the best lasagna in the entire world and she made one just for me that she is bringing tonight. I can't wait to dig in LOL!

I can't wait for this work day to be over! My Dr. appointment is at 1pm but something tells me this day is going to drag - bring on the weekend!!

NMG & Jules,
Sorry about the non-sleeping thing (I can relate) and the pain (mine is bad, but I suspect nowhere near what you ladies are going through), but rest up and have a wonderful time at your showers! Glad your doctor visits have been going well. I didn't sleep well last night even with a benedryl so.I'm.going to try for a nap too. I've been texting back and forth with my friend in Chicago who was induced this morning, but haven't heard from her for the last hour so I bet those contractions started coming faster & stronger. She was waiting to get the epidural until they got really bad. I'm such a wimp, I'd have asked for drugs upon check in. Since I know my delivery will be a c-section, I want to read up on what to expect with that. Hope everyone has a a good weekend.

Thank you so much! It's been fun playing with her. She's a hoot. She's starting to notice her hands more and when she tries to grab them she has cross eyes. It's hilarious to watch her.

I'm sorry your not feeling well. Hopefully it will stop hanging on and you'll be free from illness the rest of the trimester. :hugs:

Jules, I had sleep issues and still do right now. There's nothing worse than the inability to sleep. I pray you get some before baby comes and then you'll have someone to help out so you can catch up a bit. :hugs:

Lava, I was dead set against a c-section and had no choice with Amelia being breech and refusing to move after trying EVERYTHING! It wasn't as bad. A bit odd but you don't feel anything, you just feel pressure moving back and forth getting the baby out but no pain or anything. Your monitored pretty well. My Spinal wasn't bad that time either because I had someone else do it. For the most part my delivery experience was MUCH better than the last one obviously.

Steph or Angela, I forgot to ask the Pediatrician about starting Amelia on cereal. She turned 3 months on the 29th of December. I purchased Happy Bellies Brown Rice Cereal with DHA and Probiotics and I'm told they can start at 3 months but never asked or got the go ahead. Do we need permission for the babies to start or do we just start feeding them the cereal? Does it matter that it's "brown rice" instead of regular white rice?? :shrug:
Just a quick update ...

We went to the specialist this morning. Liam has only grown 3 oz. in two weeks. He is 3lbs 11 oz and Lily is 5 lbs 2 oz. So, they scheduled the c-section for tomorrow, saying it's safer for him outside the womb then in. I was hoping to get them closer to 37 weeks, but the doctors know what they are doing. So, by 9 am tomorrow, I should be a mommy. :)

I will update as I can.

Angela, my text history on my cell got wiped out this morning. Can you please send me another text & say "It's Angela" so I have you in my phone?
Oh Laura, how exciting!!! Best of luck, can't wait to hear your story :hugs:
Yay Laura!!!! All three of you will be in my thoughts and prayers for safe delivery. Looking forward to seeing photos and hearing about your delivery!!!

OH MY GOODNESS LAURA!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I am so excited for you and your DH. Massive hugs and tons of prayers going your way! You will be a fantastic mom and I can't wait to hear about your experience as well as seeing those beautiful babies!!!!!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I just got back from my primary care doctor as the cough is still lingering and is so nasty.....well, it's walking pneumonia. Just what I need 5 weeks before Poppy comes, but good thing is that I found out 5 weeks before and now I have time to take the antibiotics and a quick tapering dose of prednisone (I'm ok with a quick dose, I just didn't want to take it for 3-4 months before) and I should be all set quickly. Here's hoping!

I go for another ultrasound tomorrow, I'll let you all know how we do.

My shower was Sunday and it was so lovely and zero stress! :happydance: The girls really were so sweet to me and with the invitation they sent around a poem saying how cards are nice but get tucked away and not read again, so please bring a book for the baby that they can write a message to either me or the baby in the cover and it would be a special remembrance! So I have so many lovely books to read to poppy along with such cute outfits and all the other wonderful things they bought for us! It was a special day!

back to coughing a ton, so I'm off for now.....

Good Luck tomorrow, Laura!!!!! :flower::flower::flower:
Thanks for the heads up ladies!

Laura, I'm so excited for you and can't WAIT to hear the good news!

NMG, so glad your shower was lovely and STRESS FREE! :happydance:
Laura! You must be so nervous and excited right now! I have everything crossed for you, for a healthy and wonderful birth experience - I can't wait to see pictures!:happydance:


Yesterday I went to the Dr. for a routine check up and the nurse told me that my blood pressure was sky high. She said she would take it again after the Dr. saw me to double check it again. I went in and saw the Dr. who did a group B strep test and also checked my cervix (which was closed).

To my horror, after the cervix exam I started bleeding and passed a blood clot. I was terrified and asked my husband to get the Dr. back in the room who checked me again and said my cervix looked good and that she had probably irritated it. Then my blood pressure was checked again and as it was still high, I was told to go to the hospital to be monitored.

So we get to the hospital and they hook me up to the monitor and baby is doing well. They take my blood work and one of the nurses informs me that if my blood work comes back abnormal and my blood pressure is still high, they will deliver that day :saywhat: My husband and I just looked at each other in shock!

Thankfully, my blood work came back normal and my blood pressure went down. They did an ultrasound and baby is doing great - she's 5.5lbs already. The bad news is that they found another fibroid (which was previously the size of a grape) that had grown to the same size as the one causing me pain. So I have baby fighting for space with two large fibroids:wacko:

My Dr. wants me scheduled for a c section at 38 weeks, but she says there are some new rules in place which state that a c section can only be scheduled for 39 weeks? She's going to try and get permission for 38 weeks though, given the fibroid situation. So given I have 2 large fibroids now, no natural delivery for me, but I'm ok with that as long as she's delivered safely.

The good news is that everything is fine! I guess we all go through these little scares during pregnancy - it's ever so worrying because your first thought is for the baby. Thankfully our little cherub is doing really well! The bleeding freaked me out though. Did you guys bleed after a cervix exam? I did some research on that on the Internet and apparently it's really common.

So that's my drama for the week! LOL! But it's only Tuesday, so let's see what the rest of the week brings! :rofl:

We had our baby shower this past Saturday which was wonderful! We had such a good time with many friends and family. I have to show you guys a picture of our baby shower cake. The shower was book themed and instead of a greeting card, everyone was asked to bring their favorite childhood book to start baby's library. How cool is our cake!


How are you all doing?

MA - I can't stop playing little Amelia's giggle video - it's so cute!

NewMarriedGal - I hope you feel better soon!! It's no fun being sick, especially when you are pregnant :hugs:

Angela - how are you doing and how is darling Mr. Dimples?

Hugs to Miss Muffet, JuneBug, Skye, Chris and anyone else I missed!
Hi Jules, the cake is BEAUTIFUL. Funny because I have something similar in my head (though not the same exact one) for Amelia's birthday. I can't remember if I mentioned in this thread or another one that Amelia's first birthday is going to be "book themed". We're doing it because ever since we brought our "baby bear" home, we've been reading to her. Oh the faces we would get! :lol: We knew she couldn't comprehend them but she would (and still does now) stare at the books and look up at us while we read to her. Now she can see a bit better so she's starting to grab for the pages and just LOVES it when we use characters voices.

I don't know if you saw my shower cake a few pages back from September, but I LOVE planning parties and my local baker and cake decorator knows me well. Haha

I'm SO glad your doing well. What a scare! I had a blood pressure issue and so did Steph...I can't remember who else in here did. They can be really scarey. Praying you get MUCH further before they think about taking baby. Just try and relax, drink LOTS of water and enjoy your pregnancy. :hugs:

Beth, do you have pics of your shower??
I can't remember if I mentioned in this thread or another one that Amelia's first birthday is going to be "book themed". We're doing it because ever since we brought our "baby bear" home, we've been reading to her.

I'm SO glad your doing well. What a scare! I had a blood pressure issue and so did Steph...I can't remember who else in here did. They can be really scarey. Praying you get MUCH further before they think about taking baby. Just try and relax, drink LOTS of water and enjoy your pregnancy. :hugs:

MA - I LOVE that you are reading to Amelia and you have been since she was born! :dance: I plan on doing the same thing with our daughter!

I love to read and a book theme was the perfect theme for the shower - I was thrilled! We got so many beautifully illustrated books for her, including Mother Goose, Curious George, Fairy Tale books and many, many others. I remember when I was a little girl my parents bought me a huge book of fairy tales by Hans Christen Anderson that I just loved. I hope our little girl grows up loving to read like her mom :happydance:

It really makes me feel so much better knowing I am not alone with a Blood Pressure scare. When I heard the words 'pre-eclampsia' at the hospital I froze and was praying my blood work came back normal (which it did, thank goodness).

I am going to spend as much time as I can on the couch with my feet up! LOL!


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