35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi ladies, sorry I've been MIA here... Things are quite hectic for me right now, with DH out of town 90% of the time :-(

Hope all mommies are doing great! Hope all those of you nearing the end are feeling as good as one can feel in third tri :hugs:

I've started vomiting yesterday out of the blue, when I hit 24 weeks, after being completely symptom free this entire pregnancy. I feel fine otherwise, just the vomiting twice two mornings in a row :dohh: I checked my blood pressure first thing upon arrival at work today, and it's completely my normal (95/60). I have an apt with my OB on Tuesday, we'll see what he says...

Other than that only 14 weeks left to go for the C-section :dance: So excited to meet this little guy and start nursing again. I really miss that... I hope he'll not self-wean at 12 months, as he is my last and I'd like to stretch out the experience as long as possible!

:flower: hope to have the time to drop in more often soon, DH will be home Feb 5th for 7 weeks straight for a placement in a local high school :dance:
Hi all!! Life is starting to gain somewhat of a "normalcy" these days... and I have missed you all!!

Lava - So glad I checked in.. Wishing you tons of good wishes & joy today! Your c-section will be fine... It was day 2 & 3 that were rougher for me, but think that was due to the swelling and being off my feet for 2 wks previous.. Hope you have an awesome delivery & healthy little ones!!!!

All my friends, your pics are just amazing! Here is one of my girls from xmas... It is a good one of their daddy, just not so much of me... bit tired by xmas day... :)

Anyone still on the weight losing train? I jumped off, but am getting back on. TODAY!!! Promise!!!


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Morning girls! Quick update from Laura (Lavalux) - babies are here!!!!!!! :happydance:

Mama and babies all doing well and babies breathing on their own! Lily weighs 4lbs 11oz and Liam 3lbs 8oz and both in NICU for now. They were slightly smaller than their ultrasound weights, but everyone is doing well.

More updates to come as I get them or as Laura is able!

Love and hugs! :hugs:
One more quick update on Laura - both babies on iv but still breathing on their own. Please keep them all in your prayers and thoughts and I will update as I hear more. Hugs all!
Hi Ladies!

Praying for Lava, can't wait to see pics! :happydance:

Austin! What a lovely photo!!!!! You all look great! :hugs:

MA - I do have shower pictures, I have to get the camera from Charlie!!!! I will post them soon!

June - I'm sorry your DH has been away, but glad you will have a solid time together soon! I hope your vomiting passes, that is so not fun....and the later you throw up the LESS the baby likes it! Mine squirms and pokes me when it happens. Not happy with me!

Jules - so funny, we both had showers this past weekend that the organizers asked for books for the baby! It is an awesome idea and I will be reading from the start like MA! Although Charlie loves sci-fi and wants to read Poppy the Dune series....I told him he certainly can, maybe it would put mommy and poppy both to sleep! :haha:

We had an ultrasound today.....34 weeks.... and I have a porker in here. 6.5 pounds already! :cloud9: Still in a breech position, but that's ok b/c of the c-section. Speaking of c-section, after the tech did the ultrasound, she went to get the head of the dept to have a final look and she was very rude! We saw her before and was rude then too....she was questioning my having the c-section saying, so your tailbone will just break again, who cares? She made me feel like the c-section was MY choice and because I was afraid of going naturally! grrrr. Charlie was not happy with her and says he will speak to our OB about it (this lady is in the maternal fetal dept in the actual hospital, not affiliated with my OB exactly). She went on and on and made me feel like crap and a bad mom for taking a c-section, so we ended up just yesing her to get her out of the room!!! She told me I needed a second opinion and I started to say, well, my primary care dr and cardiologist also both agree and she cuts me off and says "yeah, like they deliver a lot of babies, what do they know". I was literally speechless (which is hard for me....I was trying to find a nice way to tell her to go to hell). So we just humored her and got her out of the room. Rude. Rude woman. We have one final ultrasound in 4 weeks, 1 week before delivery.

So far, still coughing badly. hoping it will clear up soon.....

here are the u/s pics - I have a smiling chubby cheeked Poppy in there! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:


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OMG Beth, those pictures are ADORABLE! Poppy has the cutest little chubby cheeks! None of my ultrasound pics are as good as these from you Beth..I'm jealous! Mine always appear distorted LOL

I am so pleased to hear about Lava giving birth - she must be on cloud 9! :cloud9: I can't wait to see pics!
Laura – CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you! Glad the babies are here safely. I will keep you all in my prayers until they are out of the NICU. I know how nerve wracking that can be.

Jules – Yes, I did have high blood pressure scare which ended with me having not pre eclampsia, just eclampsia and was told I was not leaving the hospital till baby was born. Which is exactly what happened. Good news is you are a LOT further along than I was when I delivered. Glad that your bp went down too! By the way, I LOVE your cake. I too have been reading to Katelyn since she was born. In fact every night I read to her a book called “You Are My I Love You” Then we will alternate in the day with different books like “I Love Mommy Because…” and “I Love Daddy Because…”

Beth – So sorry to hear that you have walking pneumonia! That stinks. Looking forward to seeing the photos from your shower as well. Glad that is was STRESS FREE . Totally cool that you both had similar themed showers. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of Poppy! As for the nurse, I am glad that your DH is gong to speak with the OB. That is totally unacceptable. She doesn’t know your history and she is not the one making the decisions. Don’t feel bad about getting a c-section. I think most of us have had one and I feel GREAT about it! Continue to ignore her and concentrate on meeting Poppy!

Charmaine!!!!!! YAY. It is sooo good to hear from you. Your photo looks great and you look fabulous. The girls (and DH) look great too! I am still on the weight loss train…kinda. We just bought a connect for our Xbox 360 and I got Biggest Loser for the Kinect. So I plan on doing that at least 4 times a week to get rid of this baby fat!

CJ – Sorry to hear about your morning sickness…hopefully it doesn’t last too long.

Rebekah – What books are you reading to Amelia? I think it we could start a baby book club LOL.

Angela – Hi lady. Please keep us posted on Laura and thank you for the updates thus far! Also, what are your plans for Ethan’s bday. It is coming up SOON!

AFM – Katelyn is NOT sleeping through the night anymore and is now waking at 1am and 4am. I have to hold her to put her back to sleep and as soon as I put her down she cries. The Dr said to have her cry it out, however I tried that for 10 minutes and that ain’t happening. I just feel like I am abandoning her . So, I will keep trying to find alternate ways to help her sleep by herself at night without having to bring her to our bed at 5am.

Ok – getting back to work so I can leave and go to SLEEP…or not…

Steph, I suspect she may be teething, have you tried a dose of baby advil at bedtime? I swear by this, it is perfectly safe and improves sleep soooo much for our little teethers :hugs:
Jules – Yes, I did have high blood pressure scare which ended with me having not pre eclampsia, just eclampsia and was told I was not leaving the hospital till baby was born. Which is exactly what happened. Good news is you are a LOT further along than I was when I delivered. Glad that your bp went down too! By the way, I LOVE your cake. I too have been reading to Katelyn since she was born. In fact every night I read to her a book called “You Are My I Love You” Then we will alternate in the day with different books like “I Love Mommy Because…” and “I Love Daddy Because…”

Beth – As for the nurse, I am glad that your DH is gong to speak with the OB. That is totally unacceptable. She doesn’t know your history and she is not the one making the decisions. Don’t feel bad about getting a c-section. I think most of us have had one and I feel GREAT about it! Continue to ignore her and concentrate on meeting Poppy!

Rebekah – What books are you reading to Amelia? I think it we could start a baby book club LOL.

Steph, thanks for the kind words! :hugs: The BP situation was a scare - I am so sorry you were in hospital until you gave birth with your BP. That must have been really nervewracking :wacko:

I love that you are also reading to Katelyn and have been since she was born! :happydance: I can't wait to read to our daughter! I want to be part of yours and Rebekah's book club! :flow:

Beth I forgot to mention earlier - I agree with Steph on your hubby speaking to the OB about how you were treated. Honestly, some people in the medical profession have no tact and their behavior is really uncalled for. I got looked at like I had 5 heads by one young nurse when we told her I was skipping the amnio or CVS. She reminded me about my 'advanced maternal age' :growlmad: I was not happy to say the least.

Also, like you Beth, I will be having a c section. I'm at peace with that and why it has to occur. Nobody has the right to judge you and make you feel badly about your decision.:hugs:
Well aren't I a barrel of tears today. You all have me emotional!! :cry: :lol:

WTG Laura! So excited about the twins and praying for them to gain their weight quickly by breast or formula (whatever your using) that they continue to get healthy, breathe on their own, come out of NICU and come home. Praying also for mommy and daddy to find peace and comfort as well as strength for the road ahead. Praise God for good news! :happydance:

Charmaine!! What a surprise dear friend!! :hugs: :happydance: I love the pic of you, hubby and the girls. Your such a beautiful family. How did Christmas go?

CJ, so sorry hubby isn't at home and you have vomiting issues. I pray the appointment goes well. Did you have a c-section for zoe? I don't remember. I think I'll just opt for a section next time too for several reasons. It'll be nice if you can bond again through breastfeeding. It didn't go all that well with Amelia. We stopped almost 3 months. She just wasn't taking to the nipples and the Dr. said she was more than enough strong of a latch. She was playing games and the bottle was easier since she was introduced in the NICU.

Which reminds me...Charmaine, I still have weight to lose. I lost some and tomorrow I have a Dr.'s appointment to see exactly how much I gained from hormonal imbalance and stress. I feel like a monster ate me. My stomach is ugly and I was plus size before. I'm trying to get down to my prepregnancy weight with Jackson jeffrey before all the depression then the hormones from ttc. THEN I think if I can lose 50lbs, we'll try again for another one. Until then, I don't think I'm healthy enough to go through this again too soon.

I'm on sparkpeople.com (free) Doug and I are exercising a little bit but I'm mainly trying to get into the healthy eating again. Having been on bed rest for 9 months I'm trying to cook again while balancing one baby. I have NO IDEA how you do it with 3! I'm drinking a solgar protein shake as we speak.

NMG I forgot to mention that I was sorry your having walking pneumonia. Good golly is that a pain!! Poppy is BEAUTIFUL. What a little blessing!

Steph, We're reading quite a few things:

My favorite to date is "Love Song For A Baby" by Marion Dane Bauer (the baby even looks like Amelia)

"Time For A Hug" by Phillis Gershator

"You Are My Miracle" by Maryann Cusimano Love and Satomi Ichikawa

"Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault

Our good friend Twinks sent "Little By Little" by Amber Stewart and Layn Marlow (it's ADORABLE!!)

"Pat The Puppy" by Edith Kunhardt

Curious Kitties by Melanie Mitchell

Disney's Baby Einstein "First Words"

"My Very First Tea Party" by Michal Sparks

Peter Rabbit Tales

Winnie The Pooh

Mother Goose Rhymes

Duck At The Door by Jackie Urbanovic

"How Many Kisses Do You Want Tonight" by Varsha Bajaj

and much more. We LOVE books. Haha

Thank you Angela for sharing with us. How are you today?

Viv, Chris, Chris?? How are you all doing?? I KNOW I'm forgetting people as my head is foggy all the time. Love to EVERYONE!
Hi Girls,
I'm sorry I went astray for a awhile, the Christmass period was really busy and manic for me. We had guests and visitors, getting ready etc etc.. I hope all of you and the little babies had a lovely Christmass and New Year.

I wanted to anounce Shirin's arrival finally :)) She was born at 38 weeks, 3rd of Jan, by csection after another bleeding scare. She was 3,58 kgs and 56 cms when she was born. Than had a episode of jaundice and weight loss more than a normal amount. So we were back in hospital for another 3 days. We are finally back home and started enjoying having her around.

She is a very sweet and quite baby. Making both DH and me laugh our heads of at times with her funny little expressions. We think she looks like a little wood fairy :)) I was very tempted to call her Pixie as a middle name but DH's didn't like it. So for now her nickname is "Pixie" or "Goblin" Here is some photos. :))

Laura I just read that you had your litttle twins and they are both and you are doing well. :wohoo::wohoo::dance::dance: Congratulations sweety :)) Can't wait to see you update on how the babies are and their photos. What day were they born? They must be in the Nicu I am guessing. I hope they would be out soon and you would recover from cx pain so you can have some relaxed time with your new cutsies. :hugs::hugs:

I'm sorry that's all for now girls. I will catch up better some time soon.

Loads of Love and Kisses :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:


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Oh Skye, she's ADORABLE. All these kids with lots of hair. Poor Amelia had very little and looked like a balding man with the side hair and none on the top. She still makes us laugh with her spit curl on the back. :rofl: I'm so glad you have your little one. She's such a little cutie pie! :hugs: Congrats again!!
Oh Shirin is sooooooo cute!!!! Makes me really look forward to hold my squishy new baby in less than 14 weeks!!! All you ladies posting pics of their babies are reminding me about the great parts of newborn period, in my moments of panic, so THANK YOU!!!

MA I ended up in an emergency C-section with Zoë, after 24 hours of labour that only got me to 4 cm. Turns out my pelvic bones are quite narrow and baby's head couldn't descend. That being said, her head was HUGE, at the 75%, with her weight and height at the 10% (and she's still quite top heavy :rofl:) so who knows? If her head had been smaller it might have worked :shrug: My OB feels that I am 60-80% likely to end up in another emergency C-section if I try vaginal, so I just decided to make it safer for both baby and me and go with a planned C-section (better outcomes than emergency ones in general...). I like the idea of being rested when baby comes, as opposed to 2 nights with no sleep, no food (was vomiting severely from start of labour) and being exhausted when I hold him for the first time... I think part of that 1.5 days of hard work and pain (didn't get the epi until 7 hours before the C-section) contributed to my PPD which I am desperately trying to avoid this time... I'm trying not to let anyone make me feel guilty about my decision, but I am also getting comments and looks of disapproval :cry:
Skye - Happy New Year!!! Shirin is precious!!! The photo where she is laying in the down asleep it looks like she is smiling.

CJ - I will praying that your PPD doesn't return and when I get ready to have my second baby, I have to have another c-section because of how the first one was done. Give people dirtly looks right back!
Omg Shirin is gorgeous!!!! Congrats Skye!!!

I'm off to BC tomorrow to visit my family! 5hrs on the plane and a 3hr time difference. Wish me luck! Hoping to update while I'm away.

Big hugs to everyone!
Oh Shirin is sooooooo cute!!!! Makes me really look forward to hold my squishy new baby in less than 14 weeks!!! All you ladies posting pics of their babies are reminding me about the great parts of newborn period, in my moments of panic, so THANK YOU!!!

MA I ended up in an emergency C-section with Zoë, after 24 hours of labour that only got me to 4 cm. Turns out my pelvic bones are quite narrow and baby's head couldn't descend. That being said, her head was HUGE, at the 75%, with her weight and height at the 10% (and she's still quite top heavy :rofl:) so who knows? If her head had been smaller it might have worked :shrug: My OB feels that I am 60-80% likely to end up in another emergency C-section if I try vaginal, so I just decided to make it safer for both baby and me and go with a planned C-section (better outcomes than emergency ones in general...). I like the idea of being rested when baby comes, as opposed to 2 nights with no sleep, no food (was vomiting severely from start of labour) and being exhausted when I hold him for the first time... I think part of that 1.5 days of hard work and pain (didn't get the epi until 7 hours before the C-section) contributed to my PPD which I am desperately trying to avoid this time... I'm trying not to let anyone make me feel guilty about my decision, but I am also getting comments and looks of disapproval :cry:

A friend from another site I've been a part of for 10 years had a horrifying experience as well with an emergency c-section. She was TERRIFIED when she finally got pregnant with her twins. She too had horrible PPD so much so that she was having panic attacks. The twins were born with a GREAT delivery experience the second time around for her and she's had no ppd this time. :winkwink:

As for C-sections, after being resistant to them before I had mine...I now believe there are reasons for them. My cousin had her daughter a month after me. She is VERY healthy (she's a runner) as was her baby. She went to one of the worst rural hospitals here and the midwife kept her in active labor for over 6 hours until the Dr. came in. She waited so long while my cousin pushed for 6 hours straight that the baby ingested meconium. The Dr. tried to flush it out before he took the vacuum to the baby's head to pull her out. He pulled SO HARD that the vacuum flew across the room without the baby in tow.

They told my cousin they were sending the baby "for observation" for my hospital which is high risk and in the city. NICU ended up finding that the baby had head trauma and was bleeding. She also had seizures. This rural hospital is just AWFUL!! They are know for botching things which is surprising why she went there in the first place.

Needless to say, the baby is on anti seizure meds and heart meds. She has some kind of a plate between her brain that fused together and needs surgery to unfuse them. All because of the fact that the midwife felt it wasn't important to have a c-section after two hours when an emergency c-section should have taken place instead of pushing for 6 hours with a baby ingesting meconium. :wacko:

My c-section was scheduled and if you remember, I was totally against them...you all tried to calm my fears. Turns out it was so much of a better experience than my last and with the potential of Cholestasis post op, as well as the diabetes...it was the best option.

So I'm now a fan of c-sections and believe they have their place when the heads are too big and there are medical issues preventing mom and baby from a safe delivery.

Keep focused on whats right for you. I believe your right in not allowing others to taint your experience. :hugs:

By the way, to spite my cousin's daughters delivery issues...she's really making headway. We don't know the longterm but she seems to be right on for now!:happydance::thumbup: Hopefully over time the meds will come down.

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