35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Shirin is SO beautiful!

Here at hospital, 1/11/12 c-section was peaceful & went very smoothly, just getting through the recovery now. Babies are doing well. Our hospital went to a huge effort for me to see them immediately. My parents and DH went down to visit later. Liam graduated from NICU to the Intermediate Care nursery the first night so he is now with his sister in their own room. Yesterday, I got to hold both of them. Both are breathing on their own. They are getting help.with maintaining body temps and feeding although ironically, Liam, the littliest one, is eating from a bottle while Lily is still on IV & a feeding tube. They are so tiny, but remarkably resilient. I should be discharged Sunday and the babies will stay here as they continue to progress. Thanks for your well-wishes. L
Congrats to Skye and Lava on the arrival of your gorgeous babies.

Skye the pics of Shirin are gorgeous and so much hair, I am sure she is going to be a stunner as she grows up and give your DH nightmares when the boys start calling hahaha. Hoping that she is on the mend now so you can enjoy being a mamma:hugs:

Lava glad that your little 2 arrived safely and now praying that they put on weight quickly and can come out of NICU soon:hugs:

AFM I have just returned from my trip home to see family and friends with loads of shopping thrown in. To be honest the trip has really upset me as DH's family have been really over bearing and pushy. We visited my old boss in London one day and then DH insisted on us driving up north to see his family even though it was late (we were supposed to go the following day) I was the only one insured on the car and had a 5 hour drive with my back killing me so much I was in tears. Arrived at his parents just before 1am and although I wanted to go straight to bed they wouldn't let me and then proceeded to go straight into baby talk telling me that I had to get straight onto having more babies as they want more grandkids. I was so tired I stood my ground and told them that I feel blessed to be having this baby and that I am happy with just the one which didn't go down well. His Mum then proceeded to tell me that she would fly out to stay with us on the 1st June, no asking just telling. I stated that if baby was on time she would only be 2 weeks old and that if not she would only have just been born and that we would prefer the time alone with her at first to bond as I have very little maternity leave. I explained that I would be travelling to the UK for the month of Ramadan and that they could come to my Mum's house and stay for a weekend to see us. They then insisted that I have to stay with them for 2 weeks. They live in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do and no transport links, I hardly know them as have only met briefly on 4 occasions so they feel like strangers, their house is so tiny that after we place our cases on the bedroom floor there is no room to walk round the bed let alone fit a cot or any of the other stuff that comes with a baby and the house is filthy. I am not a fussy house proud person but this house is really disgusting that I feel very uncomfortable staying there myself let alone let a baby crawl around. BTW I will be travelling on my own as DH has a MMA competition in Brazil in June so will be using his leave for that. They then started that in future during the summer I should send our baby to them for a few weeks so they can look after her and spend time with her. Honestly I feel so overwhelmed and upset by it all and can see us arguing over this. I have explained to DH that I do not want to stay with his parents as the house it too small and very dirty, he sees my point but I think is scared to stand up to his parents as doesn't want to upset them. I just feel like they are trying to take over already and Zara has not even been born yet. I understand that this is there first grandchild but she is our baby and not theirs and I feel like they should respect our wishes and the boundaries we set. God I feel like crying all over again as totally stresses me out.

Sorry for the selfish rant but I needed to get this off my chest and get your opinions if I am being difficult or not, promise I will catch up on all I have missed later tonight after work and respond.

Take care x x
YAY LAVA AND SKYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

Happy NY ladies :happydance:

Silly Bookface.
Sorry ladies try https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=776289975

Will try and update later just having issues with Cal and his reaction to his 5 month jabs from Tuesday. Ended up in hospital Tuesday night-arse arse arse!! :growlmad:
Viv...hope Cal is ok :hugs:

Laura...so glad all is well.. Can't wait for pics :hugs:

Skye...Shirin is beautiful :cloud9:

Carol...that's a crummy situation and I'd tell them to bog off. My mother said she was coming to the scans and be there at the birth (first pregnancy) and I told her nope she wasn't. OH's mom was telling me I needed the swine flu jab and other stuff...I soon told her where to go to and she lives next door :haha: Zara is your child and you do what you feel is right :hugs:

Animal...sorry you've been having more fibroid issues, at least they've been sorted and there's a plan in place :hugs:

MA...love all the books and the video :hugs:

:hi to everyone else

I'm hanging in here...am approaching the time when I have lost before so am nervous...scan again in ten days time :shrug: feels like blooming groundhog day :dohh:

Happy Sunday all :flower:

Laura – Glad that both babies are doing well! Great news!

Viv – I sent you a PM with my FB info as I have no idea how to add you using timeline. Why has FB made everything so complicated! Sorry that Cal has had such a bad reaction to his latest immunizations! Please keep us posted on how he is doing.

Carole –I am sorry that you are overwhelmed by your In Laws. Never is correct- you are the Mommy and you do what you feel is right for Zara and for you!

Never – you and your sticky bean are in my prayers!

Well, this weekend we had Katelying’s Christening at our church. It was really nice. My mom and dad both came out. We asked my brother and sister in law to be her Godparents so they were both out as well. We had a simple “reception” at my brother in laws house afterwards. Katelyn looked so pretty in her gown :cloud9:. I am attaching photos below!
Christening 1.jpg

Christening 2.jpg

Christening 3.jpg

Oh and I think one of the reasons why she hasn’t been sleeping well is because it has been cold in her room. I cranked the heat up last night and she slept until 3:30am. I nursed her and then she went back to sleep until 7am!!! YAY!!!!

Hope everyone has a BLESSED week full of SLEEP!

Steph, she's ADORABLE! :happydance: I was actually wondering when is too late to have Amelia dedicated. I wasn't sure what age is too old. 9mos. for me would be perfect. Looks like you had such a lovely time!

Viv, I'm having trouble befriending you on your page. With the new timeline, I can't see the "add friend" button. Does anyone know how to find it?! :shrug: I hate change and facebook changes all the time. :rofl:

Carole, so sorry your going through so much with the inlaws. :hugs: Praying that things will go a bit smoothly and that they will respect your need for some space.

It's VERY windy here tonight. We're waiting for a snowstorm to blow in. Here comes the snow I suppose. Amelia is getting more and more cute with each day. She IS still having issues with gas. I'll deal with it at the ped's office.

I went to the Endocrinologists appointment and I am not at Pre Amelia weight. I would love to be pre-Jackson weight and smaller. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I have a Dr.'s form for exercise which my flex spending will cover for a gym. Only how will Doug and I train without someone to care for Amelia. Not to mention bacteria breeds in these places. In order for me to lose the weight, having pcos and type II diabetes as well as hypothyroid...I have to weight train because muscle burns fat. I'm up in arms as to what to do.

Sleep. I'm having a hard time getting it. we're getting to bed around 4 and it takes me an hour to relax. I've been getting up REALLY late! We're going to try to get upstairs by 2am and encourage AMelia's last meal to be around then. We shall see ((sigh)).
Hi ladies!!

Skye - Shirin is just beautiful - many congrats, you must be thrilled!

Steph - katelyn looks just gorgeous in her little Christening gown. Aww! I have been looking at Christening gowns myself and I haven't given birth yet! :rofl:

Considering I am due in Feb, we were thinking that perhaps we could get baby Baptized at Easter. We're getting her baptized at my husband's childhood church in Rhode Island where he was an altar boy! It's the family church and has been for many years. So we were taking the trip there with baby for Easter anyway.

However, we've decided it's too soon and too much rushing to get it all organized so although we will be visiting R.I for Easter, we decided to get her baptized the weekend of August 4th - which is our wedding anniversary weekend!:happydance:

So ladies, I think I may have mentioned that another large fibroid was found at my last sonogram, so I have two large fibroids and my little cherub in there fighting for space! Considering I now have two fibroids by the birth canal, my Dr. now has told me I need a c section again. So no natural birth for me.

Those of you who had a c section - may I ask what recovery was like for you? That's the part I worry about the most. How long did it take you to feel back to normal?

I have a routine pre-natal Dr. appointment today. Keep your fingers crossed my blood pressure is back to normal!! LOL :hugs:

Love to you all!! xo
Hi Jules - For my c-section, I was actually walking around within 2 days. I didn't have a whole lot of pain. I did take it easy though and didn't walk too much, but getting up and going to the bathroom. I live in a tri-level town home so I had to walk stairs at least twice a day (Katelyn was still in the NICU and we went to see her everyday), but my DH brought stuff to me. He also drove me around for 8 weeks. I think I took the pain medication (Norco and motrin) for about 1 week and then I didn't really need anything stronger than 600 mg motrin.

By the way, I got the Christening Gown at JCPenney. I went on line and they have some beautiful dresses and then I went to the store and picked it up (along with socks, shoes and bib). THe bonnet came with the dress. I think I am goijng to put the dress back on her though and take a few more photos because I don't have any of her in just the dress without the bib and the top of the dress was really pretty.

Rebekah there was something I was going to tell you and now I can't remember! Sheesh! I too can't find the add friend button. Angela - do you know how to do it? As for the exercising, and you and Doug may need to take turns. We bought a Kinect for Christmas and I got the Biggest Loser. I need to find time to actually DO it so I can lose more weight. I would like to lose 30 lbs by June so that we can start TTC #2 in the by next winter. I think my weight played a part in my pre-eclampsia.

Other than that I don't have any thing new...I am going to start thinking about Katelyn's 1 year birthday party soon. Angela - have you started planning Ethan's yet?

Hi Happy Auntie!!!!
Hi Steph! That makes me feel SO much better (your c section recovery). I can handle that :winkwink: Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

Speaking of C Section - I went to my Dr today and she has it scheduled for Monday, February 13th at 4:30pm!! I will be a mommy the day before Valentine's Day! :cloud9: I will be just shy of 39 weeks. We are so, so, so excited!!! :cloud9:

I love Katelyn's Christening gown. I didn't think to check out JC Penney and will be doing that. Katelyn looks beautiful in hers, like a little cherub!

Ladies - I am also on Facebook and would love to connect with you guys there. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to add me as a friend!! :hugs:
I also had a fairly uneventful C-section recovery :flower:
I was doing my work-outs about 7 weeks later (cautiously of course!). Needed only tylenol and advil for pain management, for about 10 days. I had no issues!

It IS exciting to have the date, exactly 3 months from today we'll meet our little guy! :dance:

OMG those pics of Katelyn :cloud9:
Hi Happy Auntie!!!!

I'm busted lurking! :haha: Little K just looked so precious in her christening gown that I had to hit thanks, because BnB doesn't have a "like" button! :cloud9: I can't believe she's 9 mos already - time sure flies.

We have a family heirloom christening gown that I'm looking forward to using one day... it's made of Belgian lace, and the names of each baby that's been baptized/dedicated in it is hand-embroidered on the hem. That's seriously been one of my heartbreaks over our infertility, the thought that I might never have a baby's name added to the hem....

But that's enough downer comments from me - this is neither the time nor the place for that! :thumbup:

Back into lurkdom.... :ninja:
I am loving these c section stories and how easy your recoveries have been! Keep 'em coming ladies! :thumbup:
Thanks Happy Auntie and I LOVE your family tradition. That is so wonderful and your baby's name will be on that hem some day!!!! I love the ninja icon btw ha ha ha.

Jules - I sent you a PM with my FB info...add me :)
Rebekah I just remembered what I was going write to you!!!!! I too am on Sparkpeople. My user name is Myerslady08.
Hi Ladies!

just back from our weekly OB appt this morning.....all is still going well......

I'm on a second round of antibiotics as this pneumonia is still hanging on, and now it has migrated up to a sinus infection too! ugh :nope:

We have our date for our c-section - it's Friday, Feb 17th at 9am! Looks like I'll be the last of our little group to go!

Jules - you are going to be a mommy on the 13th!!!! :happydance: So happy for you! We have a collection of c-sections here and hearing the recovery stories puts me at ease that, while it will be a challenge, it should be good. :) Not to worry, we are delivering the same week and we will be just fine with happy and healthy babies!

Katelyn is so precious in that lovely gown!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

HA - we have something similar, but my mom makes the heirloom gowns for each girl for that family to have and pass down. I had to ask her to make mine as she wasn't going to (my sister had a boy and her husband didn't want to put the boy in a "gown", so she was a little miffed at that - but when I told her she promised it to me years ago, she agreed to make it :haha: I figured out how to guilt her!). We are thinking of having the christening in mid to late April, and have people to see the house as well....although Charlie is wondering where we will fit everyone as our house isn't very big (but I love it). We'll figure it out, but I'm already looking at recipes for finger foods!

Skye - I hope you are doing well, Shirin is so beautiful!

I'm dying to hear from Lava and see some pics of the twins!!!!!

Poppy is feeling pretty heavy in me these days...more stretch marks and ever growing belly is going to make this last month loooong! Not to mention all the coughing! ugh. But I'd rather have the pneumonia stuff NOW rather than after the section.

Charlie gave me a gift certificate for a spa pedicure at a local salon, looking to go next week and be pampered before delivery!

This past Monday was our 1 year wedding anniversary! :happydance: what a fast year this was! I made us a lovely steak dinner and we defrosted our wedding cake topper (which was still very good, actually!) and watched a video of the wedding my brother-in-law made of the highlights. We had non-alcoholic champagne (which tasted like apple juice so I mixed in some cranberry juice and it was much better!) and had a lovely romantic evening....although at a week shy of 9 months pregnant, it took some...ummm...flexibility :haha: to have fun later on! But it was a great anniversary!

ok, coughing again, so I'm going to veg out. Hope everyone is doing well!!!!!

Okay girls I am DETERMINED to catch up! I seem to get only pockets of time to write anything and then if i have some time it is not often at my desktop, and usually, I'm so afraid I will lose a big post if I compose it on the iPad that I end up not writing at all! :blush: I am so sorry as there are so many things I want to respond to! I hope yu guys will forgive me if I catch up a few posts at a time over the next few days.

Steph, Katelyn is just gorgeous in her gown, and I loved all the photos! She is getting so big! And no, I am not sure how to add Viv on FB as I've tried several times but don't see the link there either on the new page. I'm so sorry Viv!

Okay, that was short as my little guy is calling and awake from his nap, but more catchup shortly, I promise!

Love and hugs to all!
Quick update on Laura and the twins, Lily came home Wednesday! :happydance:

Skye, Shirin is just beautiful! And please update us on how you are feeling as you get a chance!

Carole, honey I'm so glad you had a safe visit home but so sorry your inlays ar stressing you out! I would tell you to just stand your ground on the visiting at their place - your plan that they come to your parents while you are visiting is perfectly reasonable and they should NOT expect you to come to their place unless you are absolutely comfortable there, and it sounds like you aren't (and I don't blame you!). What I have learned after having Ethan is that traveling just isn't as simple as it used to be (that much is obvious) and you will find that you will be much mor comfortable just saying that once you have the baby. I had to explain to my own mom on one occasion that is is much easier for her to grab her pocketbook and drive to visit us than for me to load up baby, dog and myself plus everything the three of us need and come visit her...she wasn't happy, but she did understand eventually, so do NOT feel bad. You just make the decisions you feel best with and let the family and inlaw cards fall where they may. They may get their noses bent out of shape but that is not for you to worry about. It's enough you'll be traveling internationally with a one month old! :hugs:

Okay girls, more updates to come! Love!
Beth!! We are both going to be mommies in the same week!! :dance::friends::wohoo:

That makes me so happy! I can't wait to hear all about Poppy's arrival and share c section recovery stories! LOL. I can't believe it's nearly here - but at the same time, I can't believe my belly is going to get even bigger! LOL. With the two fibroids and our cherub, there's no room left!

I am so sorry you are still sick and hope you feel better very soon:flower:

So tonight my boss (who I have worked for, for 14 years) is throwing a little baby shower for me at his house which is ever so nice. This is my 2nd baby shower and I was surprised to hear he and his wife were doing this for me. It is such a nice gesture. Tony is coming with me and it's going to be small and intimate, about 10 people.

So this week I have been more or less pain free which has been WONDERFUL! The fibroids are behaving (I hope I haven't jinxed myself lol). I've had a bit of backache, but I'll take that over fibroid pain ANY day!

How is everyone else doing? :flower:
Jules I am so glad the fibroids are behaving, and yay on the shower! :happydance:

Beth, you get better soon! I am so sorry about the pneumonia. Bleh! So glad you and Charlie had a nice anniversary!

CJ, cant believe you are so far along already! Wahooooo! :happydance:

I'm still catching up girls! Lol sorry it is taking me so long! :blush:
I wonder how Pablo/Anna is getting on... I was thinking about her today as DH and I discussed planning a little camping trip for the spring.... If you ever get to read this, we miss you Pablo! :hugs:

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