35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

I'm just BUSTING at the seams here! :happydance: Beth and Jules. I cant WAIT to see the babies. All these wonderful babies!! :happydance:

Steph, I swear we're twins! :rofl: We think a lot alike! I think we'll either go with zumba or biggest loser then for our connect. Sounds like a plan and maybe we can be weightloss buddies since we're both going to try again come winter!

As for the c-section. I was DEAD set against one as many of the girls will tell you. I am TERRIFIED of surgeries. I was up and walking around a few hours after my surgery to go to the bathroom and I was off the painkillers the next day and only on ibuprofin. I was quite proud of myself and couldn't believe what I was being such a baby over. Let me tell you, I was a complete fool about having the section and it wasn't as bad. In fact, with some of the stories I'm getting lately about vaginal deliveries, I'm GLAD I had her c-section. So put your mind at ease!

It's early morning and I'm being nudged. Along with Amelia Doug wants ME on a sleep schedule. Haha
I wonder how Pablo/Anna is getting on... I was thinking about her today as DH and I discussed planning a little camping trip for the spring.... If you eer get to read this, we miss you Pablo! :hugs:

HA I wondered that too, and messaged her maybe a month or so ago to let her know we were missing her. No reply yet but I'm hoping she will get back on BnB when she can.
Bek, the sleep will get better, I promise! That was the single hardest factor for me and I'm still getting my body back into permanent "sleeping thru the night" mode to be honest, but we are getting there. You will too! :hugs:
I've been wondering about Anna too. Also the other Chris. I miss them both along with Charmaine and Viv but they're on when they can too.
I've been wondering about Anna too. Also the other Chris. I miss them both along with Charmaine and Viv but they're on when they can too.

Yes! Girls we all are missing you!!!! xo Anna, Chris, Charmaine, Viv!!!

AFM just in Victoria visiting the family. Sophie has been absolutely perfect!! I couldn't have asked for a better case scenario really. She did have me up last night at 1am. I suspect she is teething. Time will tell! I'm flying home Tuesday and will try to do a proper update then. In the meantime I am keeping up with this thread and am so excited for all these new babies!!! Can't wait to see pics of Lily and Liam. xo
I've been wondering about Anna too. Also the other Chris. I miss them both along with Charmaine and Viv but they're on when they can too.

Yes! Girls we all are missing you!!!! xo Anna, Chris, Charmaine, Viv!!!

AFM just in Victoria visiting the family. Sophie has been absolutely perfect!! I couldn't have asked for a better case scenario really. She did have me up last night at 1am. I suspect she is teething. Time will tell! I'm flying home Tuesday and will try to do a proper update then. In the meantime I am keeping up with this thread and am so excited for all these new babies!!! Can't wait to see pics of Lily and Liam. xo

Can't wait for an update but so glad Sophie is doing so well. Looking forward to hearing from you when your back. :hugs:
Quick update on Laura and the twins, Lily came home Wednesday! :happydance:

Skye, Shirin is just beautiful! And please update us on how you are feeling as you get a chance!

Carole, honey I'm so glad you had a safe visit home but so sorry your inlays ar stressing you out! I would tell you to just stand your ground on the visiting at their place - your plan that they come to your parents while you are visiting is perfectly reasonable and they should NOT expect you to come to their place unless you are absolutely comfortable there, and it sounds like you aren't (and I don't blame you!). What I have learned after having Ethan is that traveling just isn't as simple as it used to be (that much is obvious) and you will find that you will be much mor comfortable just saying that once you have the baby. I had to explain to my own mom on one occasion that is is much easier for her to grab her pocketbook and drive to visit us than for me to load up baby, dog and myself plus everything the three of us need and come visit her...she wasn't happy, but she did understand eventually, so do NOT feel bad. You just make the decisions you feel best with and let the family and inlaw cards fall where they may. They may get their noses bent out of shape but that is not for you to worry about. It's enough you'll be traveling internationally with a one month old! :hugs:

Okay girls, more updates to come! Love!

Thanks Angela I really appreciate the support as sometimes they just seem to make me feel like I am being unreasonable but I can't help feeling the way I do. We do come from very different walks of life and have different values, my DH has changed a great deal since leaving home and I guess that is why we work but I do find it very challenging being around them. I am going to stick to my guns but not mention anything else until just before I travel to the UK as I honestly could do without all the pressure right now. When the time comes I will tell them that they can visit me at my Mum's and if they get annoyed explain that I am making a huge effort to travel thousands of miles by plane to visit and that they can drive the few hundred to meet Zara and I. I am leaving DH to deal with them right now as don't want the direct questions and pushy behaviour. I have to be thankful that I live in the Middle East and not the UK otherwise I am sure they would expect us to visit every weekend :haha:

Beth and Jules I am so excited for you both that your babies will be here so soon. I wish you all the best with the c-sections and I am sure everything will be just fine. Looking forward to seeing the pics of your gorgeous babies :hugs:

AFM I had a scan last Thursday at 23 weeks 3 days to check on things and it was so funny. Zara has decided she is a gymnast already and was literally jumping from one side of my tummy to the other like she was having a game of hide and seek with the doctor. I told them that she has been kicking very strongly in the past couple of weeks and they got to see what I mean. Got some really lovely pics, she is still very skinny but can see her features and pulling faces etc. Hoping I have manged to upload them. So excited to meet her now and can't wait for May to come around.

Take care ladies and will catch up later as severely overloaded at work today :growlmad:


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Gorgeous pics Carole! Isn't it so much fun to see them at this stage? :cloud9:

Hope all are well! Poor Ethan is ill again :cry: just a cold I think, but he's been running a pretty high fever and I'm keeping a close eye on him.he seems to be eating well and is playing well so I think he is okay, but am on standby to go to dr. Poor little one seems to pick up something every time we go to daycare now (he goes to the church daycare Wednesday's as I have a group meeting that morning.) we had a hiatus over the holidays and thus no illness but bam, right again after our first time back. Poor little thing!

On the plus side, he is able. to stand alone for maybe 5-10 seconds at a time! :happydance:
Girls please keep heart tree (Amanda) in your prayers today, she has her NT scan this afternoon (not till about 5:30 eastern us time) and I am sure it will be fine but I know each scan really stresses her and she has a rough day on scan days. I'll report back as soon as I hear any news or she may post here herself if she gets a chance!

Heart Tree if you are lurking at all then I want you to know that I am sending you positive thoughts and love right now. I was always nervous before every scan until after the NT scan when I relaxed a little more. Praying that it all goes smoothly for you and you sail through the rest of your pregnancy:hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss:
Hi Ladies,

This will be short, because I too am hectic at work as well.

Carole - your photos are PRECIOUS!!!!!

Angela - Poor Ethan! I am sorry that he is sick again. But at least his immune system is getting a boost that is a postive in all this. How awesome that he is standing! GO Ethan! He will be walking soon. Is he crawling yet or scooting? Katelyn is army man's it and kind of crawls on her belly and then gets tired and rolls to where she wants to go LOL.

Amanda - you and your bean will be in my prayers today my friend.

Anna, Chris 2, Viv (we all really want to friend you on FB, but can't find the ADD Friend button!), Charmaine, Lucy, Terri! We miss you. Please post when you can!

I know there are a few mommies to be that haven't posted in a while either. We miss you too! Come back and let us know how your pregnancies are going...

Hi Jules, Rebekah, Beth, Chris 1, Laura, Never, CJ, Skye (if I forgot anyone I do apologize!)

Hey ladies just a quick update on Hearty - all is great and she posted some beautiful pics of her sweet little one! Im not the best at posting links on bnb so you may have to scroll back a page or forward one when you follow this link, but hopefully you'll see her post with the pics pop right up.

Angela you beat me to it! I was just about to share the link. Good work, you did it properly! That was a link to the photos. Here is a link to my update. https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...ent-losses-come-join-us-409.html#post15176898 Thanks to all who sent me messages. I was a complete wreck leading up to this. I really didn't want to do CVS after so many losses. I feel confident now that I don't need to.

Sorry I haven't kept up on this thread. Still finding my home to be in the PAL after Recurrent losses thread. But wanted to let you know as you've all been so supportive of me. xoxo
My ears were burning and my cup runeth over!!!

First things first ... Lava and Skye!!! I am so happy for you both! So happy all are healthy!!!

Heartree, words can not describe how happy I am for you! If my old ass were capable of a back flip I would be doing one now!! I am so glad your scan went well. Much love to you and pop in when you can. I am sure you are such a comfort to the ladies on the other thread.

So to catch up ...
CJ- only 3 months left!! Feels like you just got pregnant! Hope u feel better soon!!
Austin- so good to hear from you!!! When I am at Whits end I think of you and puts everything in perspective.
Animal cracker- you look amazing!!!
NMG- I am so sorry you are so sick!! But sounds like that didn't stop you from having a great anniversairy!!
Steph, the christening sounds beautiful!!
Carol, to hell with the in-laws. Ok sorry easier said than done I know. But this is your baby and if there's ever a time to stand your ground now is it. So glad all is well with the pregnancy, wow 23 weeks!! Awesome!!!
Vivienne, so sorry little guy is sick!!
Never, fingers crossed for you and your sticky bean.
Rottpaw, so sorry Ethan is sick. So good to hear from you!
Svet, teething already?? Think Jo is too she drools all the time and chews on everything!!
Happy auntie, I am sending you the biggest hug!!please keep faith your day will come. I feel it in my bones it will happen for you.
Ma, dear friend I saved you for last. I am so happy Amelia seems so well. Feel your pain on the weight loss front. Had a lean cuisine for dinner but I'm starved and think I will have a snack when I get home from work. I am close to pre pregnancy weight, but want to be pre TTC weight. I kept telling myself why loose the weight now when I will be pregnant soon. To loose the weight would mean YI had given up on getting pregnant. Anyway now that that's all over I am trying to get back to a size I like. Hard though.

Sooooooo. AFM ....
So sorry I have been MIA. Josephine is awesome and so beautiful and healthy. I count my blessings daily. However she still suffers from colic and is still on some pretty good medication forte reflux. We've tried to ween her but she is not ready and it always results in a horrid episode. The gas is better. I am back at work and have been since the week of thanks giving. Comming back to work at a new store with a promotion was a lot of pressure to perform. I think everyone was waiting to see how I would do. Happy to say we had some record sale days and I have recovered from the holidays. I also came back to a store that had been neglected by the previous managers. So I dropped out of sight for a while but y'all are always in my thoughts.

Motherhood is awesome!! I am trying to get my body back but it's difficult as I have gym guilt. Working 40+ hrs a week I feel aweful not spending Amy of my free time with Jo. However I now feel as if I owe her a healthy mom so I can play with her just like a mom in her 20s. I'm sure there has been chatter about those thinking of #2. Truth be told I would try for # 2 but financially it is not in the cards. Plus my parents currently take Jo a day and a half, but they are in their 70s and could not handle two kids!!!

So that's all in a nut shell. I only paged back a few pages so I know I've missed some folks. Also I think there are some new folks I don't know. So sorry to anyone I forgot and welcome to any new folks , looking foreward to getting to know you.

Xoxo Anna ( aka Pablo)
Angela you beat me to it! I was just about to share the link. Good work, you did it properly! That was a link to the photos. Here is a link to my update. https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...ent-losses-come-join-us-409.html#post15176898 Thanks to all who sent me messages. I was a complete wreck leading up to this. I really didn't want to do CVS after so many losses. I feel confident now that I don't need to.

Sorry I haven't kept up on this thread. Still finding my home to be in the PAL after Recurrent losses thread. But wanted to let you know as you've all been so supportive of me. xoxo

Amanda I am bursting with joy for you right now, this little bubba is a fighter and is holding on tight to make sure he/she meets you and DH. Hoping that you feel a little easier after the scan as I know how worrying that one is but all is fine and your scan pics are so amazing. I didn't get a 4D until last week at just over 23wks but that must have made it all the more special for you both.

Willing the remainder of your pregnancy to go smoothly and quickly for you. I am sure it will mine has flown by in a blurr and you will make me the happiest person ever when your bubba arrives:hugs:
Angela you beat me to it! I was just about to share the link. Good work, you did it properly! That was a link to the photos. Here is a link to my update. https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...ent-losses-come-join-us-409.html#post15176898 Thanks to all who sent me messages. I was a complete wreck leading up to this. I really didn't want to do CVS after so many losses. I feel confident now that I don't need to.

Sorry I haven't kept up on this thread. Still finding my home to be in the PAL after Recurrent losses thread. But wanted to let you know as you've all been so supportive of me. xoxo

Amanda I am so happy for you! I know how terrifying the NT scan is. I am thrilled to hear all is well!!
As for the c-section. I was DEAD set against one as many of the girls will tell you. I am TERRIFIED of surgeries. I was up and walking around a few hours after my surgery to go to the bathroom and I was off the painkillers the next day and only on ibuprofin. I was quite proud of myself and couldn't believe what I was being such a baby over. Let me tell you, I was a complete fool about having the section and it wasn't as bad. In fact, with some of the stories I'm getting lately about vaginal deliveries, I'm GLAD I had her c-section. So put your mind at ease!

Wow, thank you so much for this Rebekah! It makes me feel so much better - I hope I am as fortunate as you are (I hate surgeries and pills!) and that I am up and walking a few hours after my C Section. :thumbup:

Carole, you have some fantastic images of Zara - she is SO cute!!!:happydance:

Angela - how is Mr. Dimples feeling today? Poor Ethan, it must be hard as a mom to have your baby sick. I hope he feels better soon :hugs:

As for me - I can't believe there's only 2 weeks and 6 days left until our cherub arrives! :dance: Time went by so slowly, but at the same time rather quickly if that makes sense!

Of course, these past few weeks as I near my full-term date, I have been as nervous as ever wondering if she's ok in there. No reason to believe she isn't, but I count her kicks and listen to her heartbeat quite often these days. I am terrified of something going wrong and losing her. I know how morbid that sounds:nope:. However sometimes life feels too good to be true. I have a husband who adores me who I love so much, and we have a precious baby daughter on the way. I've never been happier and I'm scared it's going to be taken away from me. I'm sure it's just my hormones working overtime to make me nuts LOL :wacko: Did you guys worry near the end about bubs being okay? I guess the worry never ends until they are in your arms.

So my fibroids haven't caused me any pain in quite a while! I'm so happy about that. I'm left with heartburn and backache and I'll take it!!

How is everyone else doing? Beth, Steph, Svet, Never, Austin, CJ and everyone I missed. Much love to you all!! :hug:
Lol Jules that is perfectly normal and I STILL feel that way - scared it is all too good to be true and waiting for the other shoe to drop. I hate feeling that way, but once you have ever struggled with ttc and been told it wont happen for you, I think it is always in the back of our minds. I hate to break it to you, but the worry doesn't end when they are born, either. :winkwink: it just shifts to other things! :dohh::dohh: :rofl: these days I worry about a whole new slew of things that changes daily. But, it's never boring and they are SO worth it!

You will be FINE and so will that precious baby! She will be here before you know it and I'm so excited for you and Beth! We will have a couple more new mamas and babies in here shortly! :happydance::happydance:

ANNA, SO happy to see you back and glad all is well! :hugs:

hugs to all! :hugs:

Thanks to all who asked about Ethan. His fever spiked in a very scary fashion yesterday that sent me flying to the dr. with him even though theyweere literally triple booked with sick cases. He was turrning lobster pink right in my arms and boiling hot, and i told the receptionist i didnt care if we had to wait till dinner time, we were coming! He was so hot they gave him motrin before we even saw the dr. :cry: even the dr. Referred to him as a fireball :dohh: butnshe said even though it is scary, the fever is a good sign his system is working properly. She thinks it is a virus called "hand, foot and mouth" which is apparently very common in littles. his fever is a little better today and so I'm hoping he has turned the corner, but it is SO scary anytime they are sick. And drat but they are sick a LOT once they start to interact with other kids and go to daycare some, etc. poor munchkin!

Anyway, we're taking a quiet day here and I will be keeping a close eye on him and cooking a few things. Hope all are well!

Hey Angela so happy that Ethan has turned the corner with his fever, I have recently come across this hand foot and mouth disease as it has broke out at the school that my CEO's little girls attend. Not nice at all for even the 3 yrs upwards so can just imagine how horrid it is for Ethan. Hoping that he starts feeling better each day and is back to his normal cheery self very soon.

Jules I think your feelings are spot on, I still worry at times and although Zara is keeping me awake at night with her kicking I love it as it lets me know she is ok. To be honest now I only come on this thread and the 35 and over TTC #1 as some of the others on the 2nd and 3rd Tri scare me as people start threads discussing the horrible things that happen and I just can't deal with that. I do not think I will be completely worry free until I hold Zara and know that everything is just fine. I think it stems from us having to deal with so much let down and issues that we are just nervous about things finally going right for us. Hold in there you are so close to holding your bubba and I am sure everything will be just perfect for you and DH

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