35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Morning all!!

Carol and animal, I too worried until she was born. And carol I think you're right a lot of anxiety stems from so much work to get to where you are. I wonder if moms who conceive easily with no losses experience the same nervousness? Animal, just remember that as you get closer to your due date there is less room for your peanut to move around so some degree of decreased movement is normal. I too worried up to he end of my pregnancy, mostly due to a friend that while well meaning told me some horror stories!! Do not fear all will be fine. Animal, enjoy your blessings, I am so happy for you that all is right in your world!!

Angela, so sorry little Ethan was so sick. Jo has yet to get anything other than mild cold and I feel ill prepared for anything more serious. We have baby Tylenol on hand but anything else I should put in the medicine cabinet ??

Hope everyone else is doing well. Nothing new to report here. Jo has discovered her toes.
Have a good day! Anna
P.s. can I just say how jealous I am. I miss being pregnant. I know at the end it get tough but enjoy the intimacy between you and baby. I remember when CJ said something similar months ago and I thought she was crazy as I was 8months pregnant in July, but it's true.
LOLLLLL Anna!!!! :wave: nice to see you again!!! :hugs:

Knowing this is my last pregnancy makes me nostalgic already. I LOVE feeling baby movement, and will really miss it :cry:

Angela, hope Ethan is better soon!

Sorry, not much time to come on here. Dealing with major pain issues this pregnancy, I have SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction) and can't walk, sit or lay down without being in pain :-( Still have 11 weeks of full-time work to go, not sure how I'm going to make it...

I did start a journal, for those of you interested, stalkers welcome :hugs: Link is in my siggy.

Thinking of all of you, and am reading everyone, just can't answer most days due to how hectic things are!
Morning ladies!

Boy I'm beat! No sleep to speak of lately and this pneumonia has now settled into a nasty sinus infection!

We had the OB appt yesterday with a visiting OB as mine in on vacation, with the group B strep test which didn't hurt, and then she checked if I was dilated and effaced yet....and that was painful!!! :cry: I was lightly spotting all night, like she said I would. She said I was starting to thin out and was fingertip dilated :happydance: Then she said she felt Poppy's head.....and Charlie says "oh Poppy must have turned!", so she checked the notes and saw we were breech and said, oh let me check again! YIKES! Ends up she thinks we still are breech after that! I squeezed for charlie's hand so hard as it really hurt! All worth it, I know, but yikes!

So I'm taking it easy - we are meeting our new pediatrician this afternoon!

Anna - love that Jo found her toes, how adorable! So glad to hear from you!!!

Jules - we are closing in so fast, this is scary exciting!!!! And I feel the exact same way, but rather than thinking something will happen with Poppy, I'm scared it will happen to me. :( When we got engaged, I was so over the moon happy I was convinced I couldn't stay this happy without something bad happening. then the lovely wedding came and a few short months later we got pregnant.... I wake up in cold sweats thinking I will die or Charlie will die and my life's happiness will be over (besides having poppy, of course). Sometimes I just convince myself that nobody can be this happy and something bad will happen and it's so upsetting. I force myself to think Poppy will be Ok, but I get scared that s/he will have downs or a major heart issue and I'm up the rest of the night, so I make myself think of other things....which usually leads to me or charlie dying. :cry::cry::cry: I can't say it's 100% hormones as I felt this way when I was engaged and not pregnant! I'm just a worry wart!

Angela - glad little Ethan is getting better slowly!

Carole - Zara is such a cutie! LOVE the pics!!!!! So glad you are doing OK!

Anyone heard from Lava? I hope she is recovering well and I can't wait to see those twins!

I know I am missing some people, but I have to go eat some food as this little chunk in me is moving around so much, probably out of hunger!!!!

love to you all, I can't believe I'm 23 days away from being a mommy! thank you all for the support over these months!

Quick update ladies. I am sitting in the backseat of our car, DH at the wheel, Liam so tiny in his carseat next to me. He was discharged this evening after 12 days in the ICN. Lily is at home waiting on us with a friend from church who has twins and an older son who spent over a month in NICU. So tonight our little family will all be together again.

You definitely deserve to be happy. No more waiting for the other shoe to drop. Soak up the blessings coming your way!

I will catch up soon & post more this weekend. ;) L
Oh YAY! What lovely updates ladies! :happydance:

Anna, SOOooo glad to see you. I'm excited that all the ladies that haven't been on for awhile have popped on once or twice to say "hello".

Hearty, glad that everything went well and can't WAIT to see that picture of the day you finally hold your wee little one.

Hi to everyone else. I haven't slept well today. It's 5am and I'm still up. :wacko: I'm working on the sleep issue for me. I was doing well up until tonight. I'm noticing that I am a chronic worrier. If there's something little, I'm worrying about it. :wacko: I'm about to tackle some things this year that deal with mind, body and spirit.

1. a POSITIVE attitude. I need one. :lol: Since the loss of Jackson I've found that I fear EVERYTHING. even making simple choices. I'm a debbie downer and it's driving me INSANE!!

2. Physical, call me crazy but I'm about to spend $$$ on a big loser program at a local Gym. Luckily I have a medical necessity sheet which will allow me to use flex spending but it's STILL money coming out of our pockets. I was in tears (as usual lately) because I look at my daughter and I want to be around to see her get married. At this rate I have type II diabetes, hypothyroid and am obese. As much as I'd like to get pregnant again, I can't fathom doing it without losing weight. Whether it happens with a pregnancy or by adoption next time I have to have a positive attitude and a healthier vessel. This program is going to kick my bum so to sey. If I can get through the program, I'm hoping to get back into hiking, biking and camping with my husband and daughter. I miss it and it's time to incorporate good health in Amelia while she's still young. I am to set the example.

3. Spirit- more prayerful, devotional time and a closer walk with Christ.

NONE of this will happen without Him. I am prayerfully seeking this opportunity as I would NOT spend this kind of money on myself like this. I feel selfish, however I think if I don't get serious, I may not be around to care for my husband and child. If I am, THEY may be taking care of me and I don't want that. Soo...I'll keep you all posted on the specs later. Isn't it crazy that my mindset is I don't want to "fail". Already I've set myself up for failure with that mindset. Gee whiz I have to work on that "attitude" aspect.

Love and :hug: to you all!
hey ladies! So glad to see our mommies returning to check in when you can! :happydance:

Anna, just based on Ethan's recent illness I would say go ahead and pick up some Children's or infants Motrin (ibuprofen). I did not know about this regimen, but my ped said when his fever gets really high, to alternate between Tylenol and Motrin every 3 hours till it comes down to a more reasonable level. I actually took him to dr. Because his temp soared back to 103 two hours AFTER I'd given him some Tylenol and I was starting to freak out, but once he had some Motrin it came down a lot better than on the Tylenol. So I have Lerner a new trick lol and I'd say definitely make sure you have both on hand, then check with your ped for instructions when/if you need them.

Beth, so sorry about the ouchy cervix checks. They do hurt and I'm not going to lie, they will do that several more times before you get to meet poppy, :dohh: but it is all worth it! :hugs: just try to breathe through it. I hope the sinus and pneumonia clear completely and QUICKLY for you! Poor thing, that is a lot to deal with right now.

Laura, YAYYYYYYYY, so happy Liam is home and you guys are all together! Please let me know if I can do anything for you. :hugs:

CJ, I'm so sorry about the SPD. I struggled with that toward the end of my pgcy and it is.NOT fun. :hugs: it actually took me most of this past year for my ligaments to return to normal and I've just recently been able to resume some jogging.

Bek, I think you are making very positive changes and I think you should feel great about doing what is best for your health, so you will be able to live a long healthy life! :hugs: it is not selfish to take care of yourself. I finally learned that myself and have felt so much better since I started working out again in earnest. It's taking me a while to lose these last baby pounds, but I'm trying to stay in it for the long haul and focus less on weight lost and more on fitness and wellness. It's definitely a process (both mental and physical) but you will do GREAT and you CAN do it! go mommy!

Thanks Jules and Carole and yes, Ethan is finally feeling much better. whew! :happydance::happydance:

Sveta, so glad to see you back!!

Steph, how are you and Miss Katelyn today?

Okay girls, off to make some white chicken chili on this gray, foggy day. It's one of my favorite recipes for wintertime and so healthful! Yummy!

Hugs and love to all!
Good morning girls

Well yesterday turned out to be another drama filled day :wacko: I went in for a routine pre-natal appointment and again, my blood pressure was too high so I was sent to the hospital for evaluation.

My blood pressure came down, my blood levels were fine and they performed another ultrasound on baby. She is doing great - 6lbs 3oz.

When I got home, we had something to eat and I could feel my blood pressure starting to spike again. I was having heart palpitations and felt 'off.' I went to bed and slept from 8pm to 7:30am this morning.

I just put a call into my Dr. to tell her what happened last night so she is aware - I am waiting for her to call me back. I don't feel comfortable waiting until Feb. 13th to deliver. This fluctuating high blood pressure is starting to scare me. :nope:

Keep your fingers crossed girls - maybe she'll book me in earlier. (I'm hoping!)
Praying Jules. :hugs: I'd imagine that is hard. I'd ask if they were using the right cuff for you (sometimes when they use the big oversize cuffs your numbers come out higher than normal) but if your actually feeling the highs then it's most definitely not the cuff. Please let us know how things go when you can. Your in my thoughts and prayers as you move forward. :hugs:
Jules honey prayers coming for you! I know that is scary as I experienced PE myself at the end of my pgcy. Please let us know what dr says! :hugs:
Jules - many hugs and prayers for you! You are absolutely right to call the dr and I hope all works out in the best way for you both. You know how you feel, so do what you need to do!

Keep us posted on what the dr says. :hugs:
Anna your ticker says your 8 weeks pregnant :shock: :rofl:

Just a quickie here.... back from vacation. Will fill in later flying/traveling with a baby. Right now we are dealing with time zone issues............. *bangs head. Wish us luck!!!
Oh chris I'm so sorry about the jet lag issues. We had a hell of a time just with the one hour change back in the fall. I can't imagine traveling with an infant thru time changes. Hugs!
I am loving these c section stories and how easy your recoveries have been! Keep 'em coming ladies! :thumbup:

Hey AC.
I was up after one day and only had pain relief for 2 days. I was cleared to drive in 2 weeks and could bend and lift well after 1 week. I think these days there is less cutting, smaller incisions and generally better practices. Then again we all could be just super healthy women! I never had proper stitches just glue a few stitches and sticky sterile strips and my scar is tiny. :happydance:
Fingers crossed Jules :hugs: You are so close

ANNA ANNA ANNA ANNA :hugs::hugs::hugs: I missed you!!!

So glad to hear everybody is having a good news time. :happydance:

Yay Hearty for good scans.

NMG, oooo so close

MA routines seem to be helping us with Cal's eating and sleeping and therefore helping us with OUR eating and sleeping.
I totally hear you about the weight. I weigh more now than when I was pregnant as I am always hungry with the breastfeeding. I want to exercise but I feel so uncomfortable and my breasts are so big now that even brisk walking is painful :dohh:

I must stop being so MIA but Cal just wears me out. If I'm not feeding him, or trying to get him to sleep, then I'm buzzing round town trying to get things done :dohh: Now he is on two solid meals a day there's even less time!!! He likes to blow bubbles and spit when he eats so I have a large drop cloth under the highchair and plenty of old cloth nappies to cover us both with, sigh,
He's rolling now and eating his feet and is extremely loud, squealing, singing. He's also into grabbing my eyelids and lips when feeding and pulling hard :cry: ooowwwiieeeee.
We have had some full nights sleep 7-7 but mostly there is still one wake up a night, and he wants a feed then. Have to take him to Dr's next week for a weight check again as he is slipping down the chart and is quite a skinny minny for a boy although he has a massive head!!:wacko:

Love to all

Oh and everyone PM me your full names and locations and I will send you friend requests. I am a brilliant stalker!!!!!!
Hey girls. This is the same update I wrote in my journal... not to be lazy but practical I am pasting it here just to let you know what I've been up to. I have been keeping on top of you all and it would be a little impossible for me to acknowledge everyone at this time, but I hope to be on more now that we are settled back home. Big hugs to everyone. xo

I went home to BC for 11 days to visit the family. It was really nice to see everyone and I think a good experience for Sophie as it broke her away from her routine and forced her to adapt in different environments. She did amazingly well. I was very nervous about the plane. It is a 5hr plane ride to Vancouver and then another 20 min plane ride to Victoria. Leaving Montreal we boarded the plan on schedule and then proceeded to sit on the tarmac for 2hrs waiting to be de-iced!!! Sophie was really good but I was freaking out because we still had five hrs of airtime to endure! Surprisingly there were no problems at all. She actually didn't sleep all that much. What saved me was that I brought my nursing pillow with me. A bit bulky but worth it. Gave her somewhere soft to play. The seat was empty beside me so we had room to stretch and the passengers around us were really lovely. She fussed a bit on descent but I nursed her. The little plane to Victoria she hated! It's a small prop plane and really loud with major vibrations. She wouldn't nurse and only screamed but it only lasted five min. (an eternity for a mom!) and then was mesmerized by the propellers. The flights home were similar, although without the two hour delay! Unfortunately no spare seat beside us this time but she slept alot more on the way home. She is such a good little baby. I am so lucky! I never ever thought a few months ago she'd be capable of this. lol For anyone interested, the time difference was three hours. She adapted quite well. We managed to keep her awake in BC to her regular time (7-8pm). Two nights in a row she woke at 3:45am (her regular 7:45am EST). Then on the third night she woke around 6am. Each time she went back down within an hour and slept for a further 1.5-2hrs. By the fourth day she was totally on her normal schedule. Unfortunately she caught my cold and was noticeably suffering from teething on and off so had me up at random times a couple nights in a row. Coming home she seems to be on track now too. The first night she went down at 10:30pm and up at 7:30am. The second night she went down at her regular time (8pm) but woke an hour later and wouldn't settle until 11pm. Her body clock was totally screwed up. Then she slept until 9am. Last night she went down at 8pm and woke at 1am for a feeding and went back down until 6:15am. So tonight I am hoping we are back on schedule. Babies are so resilient.

Thankfully she stopped hating people shortly before we left which was a good thing because everyone and their dogs practically held her, lol. Flight attendants, strangers on the plane, my family and friends. It was really a good growing experience for her I think.

I hear her stirring.

I really recommend travel with a five month old. I don't see her having done as well at a younger age and I can only see how difficult it will become as she gets older and more mobile. We plan to go back in May or June when she'll be 9/10 months old. This time I'll have the help of my husband. Traveling alone with a baby is very stressful and a lot of work. The airline staff are surprisingly unhelpful (until you are actually on board). Pre-boarding is a joke as anyone with an extra buck can buy this luxury and mows you down in the process. I was very upset in Vancouver on the way home at the lack of assistance. I had the baby, a stroller and two bags and had to carry and do everything myself! Even collapse the stroller at the gate because there was no one there to help. Some words were said. All in all though it was a good experience.

Sad and good to be home all at the same time. My mom was in tears when we left. It's hard living so far away and now with Sophie the guilt is really thick. I was happy to be home and have Sophie in her own room. We shared a room for 11 days and I really got to know her! But I am so happy to have her in a separate room now.

I am starting to feel a lot of anxiety about going back to work. The crazy part is I am not due to go back for six more months! I seriously feel I need to talk to a professional. Not because I think I am crazy but I need someone to help me to work through my anxiety. I don't want to spend the next six months worrying about something that has even happened yet. Any words of wisdom from those of you who have already returned to work? I just can't imagine how my life will be. I'll see Sophie for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Just seems like such a poor excuse for a mom, but we cannot afford for me to stay home...
Hello ladies :flower:

Thank you all for your good wishes. I did speak with my Dr. yesterday and told her what happened and how I was feeling Wednesday night. I gave her every symptom I had. I have another appointment with her next Friday, so she wants to see what my blood pressure looks like then. If it's high, she may push up my delivery date - I'm going to really push for that, because the waiting and wondering game is so incredibly scary.

If i feel 'off' before my appointment on Friday, I'm going to bump up the appointment and see her sooner. I do want my little cherub inside me as long as possible as I know it is for the best, but I'm just anxious all the time these days.:nope: Also my poor husband..he doesn't know whether he is coming or going LOL. He is worried on my behalf all the time.

Speaking of missing being pregnant - Anna & Junebug, I totally relate! Granted, the 3rd trimester has given me some challenges, but I'm going to miss my belly and my little girl moving inside me so much!! I honestly don't think there is a feeling that comes close to bliss for me, as feeling my baby move inside me. I love that closeness.

Beth - I completely sympathize with you as far as your fears of something happening to you either you or hubby. If I'm not worrying about baby, I am worrying that we won't be around long enough to see baby grow up. I know, so morbid, right?!

Rebekah - I think you are doing a wonderful thing for yourself. It's not selfish at all - this is something you need to do for you and your family and it will make you feel great! I miss working out truth be told. I haven't worked out since July of last year. I can hardly waddle to the bathroom without getting out of breath these days! LOL. I'm now up to a 50lbs weight gain with baby :wacko: (Yikes!). It's going to HURT when I get back into it! Let us know how it goes with working out and the gym. It is very hard to make it a habit, but you can do it!! :thumbup:

Vivienne, your C Section experience sounded great! :thumbup: Thanks for sharing!

Chris - your travel with Sophie sounds so positive! I am dreading getting on a plane with my little one. I have to visit my mother in London at some point and the thought of a 7 hour plane ride freaks me out! LOL

How is everyone else doing? Hugs and love to all!!! :hug:
Hey Everyone!

I have been super busy at work this week and thus this will be short:

ANNA - YAY Missed you! Glad that you and Jo are doing well. I too miss being pregnant and just found out that my DH's 23 year old neice is pregnant and I was completely jealous!

Amanda - I am sooo happy for you. I will continue to keep you in my prayers throughout the remainder of your pregnancy

Carole - Yes, I still get paranoid about EVERYTHING. I did the same when I was pregnant. It just continues as Angela said LOL.

Jules - Having had PE and having Katelyn 10 weeks early, I can tell you that the fact you are so far along and the baby is weighing 6 lbs is GREAT (katelyn was born at 2.38 lbs). Just keep listening to your body (and your baby). If you feel icky don't call just GO to the hospital it will save you time and worry...TRUST ME! You and LO will be ok :).

Thanks Viv for friend requesting me - those of you I am friends with you can also go to my friend list and add her as a friend that way too!

Hi to everyone else. Sorry that this is so short,, back to the grind stone...and maybe lunch!

I am gutted today as I think Cal is starting to wean himself off me and although I said I would only feed for 6 months, now that 6 months has passed I don't want to give it up. It still hurts to feed as my nipples are so flat that he has to suck really hard to get them out.

Lately he latches on for about 1 min then stops and looks around, grabs my face or just turns away. He then latches, pulls off, latches, pulls off etc until I can't stand it anymore. Sometimes I feel he really does want more but something is stopping him. Maybe solids are just more attractive :cry: Also I'm not sure he will take a bottle now as he hasn't had one for months and he really doesn't like water. Now I'm fretting about dehydration as it's the height of summer here.

Also he is sliding down the weight chart and the Dr has said they want to see him this week for a weigh and discuss his feeding :cry:

I truly feel this is the end of my BF journey. :nope:

Sorry for the downer post
Oh Viv honey please don't beat yourself up if you need to switch him onto a formula. He will be fine, I promise! It is hard to stop bfing for whatever reason, and emotional but you will get through and we are all here for you! Hugs and love and let us know what your ped says.

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